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Current i see you stalkers that hate me cus they aint me and i suck toes and you don't. baby blue toes in my mouth, sucking.
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fledermaus you're a freak, get a life and a job
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it's ocean wide puddle deep and its not a big ocean altogether. it's horribly broken and overpowered but when has a CK3 DLC not introduced horribly broken and overpowered mechanics?
22 hrs ago
using the new DLC to be a mongolian adventurer with a 10k stack of MAA with insane bonuses so I can stackwipe armies 10x my army size and never settling down because camps have elect. primogeniture


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Doesn’t that set a bad precedent for a collaborative story in the first place?

What are you asking me here? You think it sets a bad precedent for collaborative story, so then the only advice I can offer you is to avoid people who don't read all posts. As is evidence from this entire thread, there are people that disagree. So no, it's not gonna set a bad precedent for everyone. It puts you of, but that doesn't speak for everyone and therefore also doesn't set an entire precedent. And to clarify, yes I do think in most/99% of the roleplays, not reading posts is bad practice.

I think there is a time and place where you can safely not read or skim-read a post and not have it affect the end result of your own post.

But consider another argument: if I don't read your post but still manage to write a post that makes sense, is interesting to read, and incorporates key interactions (by skim-reading a post before it, or by just being aware of what is going on) and never tell you that I didn't read your post then isn't that factually the same outcome than if I did read it and produced the exact same post?

Or in other words; if I never tell you I didn't read your post, you'd never know, and thus there would be no problem to begin with?

And that is the entire point I was making -> if you can write a post that is virtually the same as when you did read the post, the outcome is the same, and the roleplay is good as.

A consideration there is that I'd never go around screaming HEHEHEHE I DIDN'T READ UR POST LOLOL or anything because that's kinda rude because yes, I do believe that it sets a bad precedent for collaborative writing if people ignore posts if they involve your character or it is reasonable to assume you might need the information/are interested in the characters. I never stated otherwise, I never stated I think not reading posts is a good thing or even excusable within reason.

I think there are times when not reading posts is excusable, but it is still preferable you read all posts regardless. But, and I will continue to use this example (and it should be noted that those that have agreed with me were either part of the same roleplay I was talking about when I mentioned 15+ people, or were in the same group of people that partook in such RP's) in an RP with 15+ people, where there are different teams of people (you're a Naruto roleplayer, Gowi, you should know that when you have 6 teams in different villages that there's no reasonable reason to read these posts if they're doing missions on the other side of the world for example) that the only reason to read posts is common courtesy towards other RPers.

And that brings me to @Lady Amalthea's point. People put work and time into their posts (alright, I know that's not always true, but for the sake of argument I will simply assume that we are always roleplaying with capable and willing partners) and so it's reasonable to expect at least some sort of return on that effort. It always irks me when people don't comment on a post, give feedback, or simply say they liked it. I expect people to read my posts, in roleplays where it seems fitting.

So yeah, I'm not of the opinion that all posts must be read in large scale roleplays. I think it's a good idea and definitely 'best practice' for roleplaying, but logistically it can just burn you out and besides that, in a large scale RP with 15+ people, you don't get to pick and choose everyone that partakes. It's too easy to say 'then just pick another RP lululul' because that's not how shit works. Atleast for me. If you're a big boy/girl you will suck it up and partake in an RP even if there's people or characters you don't like. I'm not gonna leave an RP simply because of one person, or two or three.

I think not reading posts is lazy and bad practice but I also think that it can be done in special occasions. As long as the person doing it understands that it's not really a good idea.
@SmileyJaws Yeah that's a good idea. I was planning on having Pavlov form a more permanent duo with someone, so that'll come in handy.
I'm different from these people then it seems.
@Ashevelendar I'll play devils advocate. I'll start by clarifying my stance on the matter: in an RP where you are roleplaying as a tight knit group, then yes, read everything. The group is so tight knit (and likely .. small) that you can realistically read everything and realistically expect to need that information, indirectly, at some point.

It also helps you come up with interesting things to say, without metagaming, i.e. if two characters talk about how much they hate being ignored, it could give you as a writer, OOC, a clue to ignore the characters to create friction. For example.

But in larger groups, which I have historically been part of, that number over 15 people in various different 'teams' of sorts, yeah, fuck that. There's gonna be characters that my characters will never interact with, there's gonna be characters I simply don't give a fuck about, so I'm not gonna read all posts. But those roleplays are rare. And it typically requires there to be an OOC understanding that most members of different teams won't meet and certainly won't be close enough for a singular conversation to make an impact regardless.

But that's a rare situation. Most roleplays are tight knit groups, most roleplays focus on friends or at least people that are together often. Ignoring posts because you don't feel like reading them is a bad idea. You can do it. I don't care - if you are in my RP, don't read the posts, but still come up with coherent posts that make sense, who am I to tell you how to RP? But the problem there is that when you don't read, things often don't make sense, and perhaps a single conversation two characters have seems unimportant, but what if it's about something more than that? Maybe they're talking about your character? IDK, I'd like to read that, because it involves me even indirectly and that's part of the fun for me about roleplaying.

But yeah, long and short of it is that as long as you can post, and have it be interesting and cohesive, while making sense, I don't care what you do.
@Tradechat well, that's a first time I've seen someone that adapted a character as their persona. Interesting. Not sure where you'd fit in but I'm sure you'll fit in somewhere.
@Gullinkambi yup. I'm full of great ideas.
@Gullinkambi Strobelights might've matched better if you made it neon for that real cyberpunk feel.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Not any harder than I did to make it. Thieving rascal.

If it was really that hard...

... practice harder making .gifs because jesus I feel bad for you. Sorry for stealing such a low effort, low brow gif....

@DeadDrop Consider it a preview of what is to come!
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