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Current i'm trynna see some TOES
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how u post
8 hrs ago
"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
1 day ago
1 day ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Please, point out flaws with these paragraphs


@Odin If it helps, I was going to point out people bitching about others personal grievances, is some of the most petty goddamn shit I've ever seen. Then I was going to post a gag clip, (spiderman 3 how it should of ended, with the line "You don't understand, I'm sick, that makes it okay to break the law.") to point out the semi-irony of calling out someone else's calling out. While playfully defending being sick for my moodiness. But deleted it figuring, if someone really wanted to, they would be bound to bitch at me and prove my banner meme will never die...

Very interesting, little relevance. Very nice, I have nothing with Spiderman so I have honestly no idea what the hell you are talking about here and your entire point is lost on me because you prefer to make a very niche reference to something I might not understand. This would be fine except ... well I'll come back to it.

So I mean, I've never said someone can't point out spelling errors in my (actual roleplaying posts) or give me advice/critique. But some people are too piss drunkenly stupid to not know the difference with text speech and writing.

Correct, you probably never said that. I wasn't saying you said that so we're all good. However, your demarkation of what can be critiqued and what cannot namely, '(actual roleplaying posts)' seems rather arbitrary to me. Yes it is text speech - okay, boohoo, I'm telling you you look like an idiot when you say 'spell check your work' and then proceed to, yknow, not do that just because 'muh text speak.' You look stupid.

No one -needs- to read my bitching about writing.

Somewhat correct. But I have to read your posts to be able to figure out whether I wanted to read it or not - that is, until a block function is implemented.

No one cares about text speech in casual chats or conversation.

I care.

You want to point out my writing flaws that badly? Go through my own goddamn writing on my roleplays and tell me what I could do better.

That'd probably cost me a lot more time than it'd give me personal satisfaction for proving you wrong, so I'm not going to do that - maybe when I have more time available I'll take you up on this.
And if you find an actual problem. I WILL fix it and even thank you for it. Even if the things are outright dead, just to prove a goddamn point.

Ah but see, now we're entering another problem I already saw in your previous post - let me find it for clarity and completeness.

So many people can't even do that, and I have a feeling at least one person in these 177 pages has been critical about someone's writing ability yet, put absolutely no added effort in their own posts. Spellcheck your work. Cut out repeated words and sentences that add nothing to the post. You're suppose to be making your writing actually interesting to read...have something, anything dramatic happen in your post. (An argument, a fight scene. Whatever actually builds plot or character.) Don't just explain how a character feels, or purple prose about a landscape and exposition dump. Make your post engaging or build up to something interesting. Making long wordy posts that are slog to read doesn't make it any better than someone merely posting a few concise paragraphs.

Right, who decides all these things? Who decides what an 'actual problem' is. You? You just said you need to write so your post is interesting. Interesting to who? Interesting to the reader, naturally. If I am the reader and see what I consider an error in your writing whether it is spelling, grammar, or just prose, am I not entirely right to say it is an error because I, as the reader, find it disturbing or uninteresting? I am the reader - therefore I am right. You are telling me you will edit your post to my whims and desires just because I find it to be an error? Very interesting.

Secondarily, I disagree with about 99% of what you propose is 'good interesting writing' or something of that sort. To quote from above post; "You're suppose to be making your writing actually interesting to read...have something, anything dramatic happen in your post..." and "Don't just explain how a character feels..."

What kind of nonsense advise is this? Life isn't an anime - 'dramatic' things don't happen around the clock. 90% of life is boring dull moments. Yes, you don't need to describe these things, I agree that that is not interesting to read. But, shit, do we have to have every post contain a fight, argument or a murder case? Is that truly what is considered interesting writing on RPG? I fear the day I post a roleplaying post that simply describes what my character is doing without including at least a swear word or fight.

Besides drama, 'explaining how a character' feels is very important. Do you want to play with a puppet that does what you want without rhyme or reason or do you want to play an actual (human) being with feelings, emotions and all of that? Your post makes it seem like you don't - after all we can't describe how a character feels. I'm sorry - I find husks very uninteresting, and I guess if this is how you RP, you will lose my interest very fast.

And here's the kicker - all of this wouldn't need to have been said if you just constructed your post a bit better and made sure not to make yourself look like the authority on what is good writing.

If you don't know the difference, learn it fast or stop bitching like you're being personally attacked for my statement.

I don't really feel that way.

Edit: How is it hypocritical to say, everyone is flawed and plead for people to take constructive criticism and fix their roleplaying posts to make the experience better for the readers that need to read to know what's going on? Please, point out flaws with these paragraphs that I wouldn't even need to make if I wasn't responding to your own ludicrous personal whining against my general statement...

I guess if you wanted to make the experience for me, as a reader of your post, better, you would've chosen not to include some vague reference and monologue about... what was it, Spiderman 3? Or as you put it, I couldn't enjoy what you tried to
make ... better for the readers that need to read to know what's going on
. Seems very, very contradictory with what you said here.

Just like you say I didn't need to read your text-speech post, you didn't have to reply. But you did. Why?

Coulda just ignored it.
<Snipped quote by Grim>

Well, yeah. But, as long as no one finds out, I am good to go. A lot of soldiers take pictures while doing something and still upload it to the media for fun. 99% of them never get caught because no one really cares as long as it doesnt affect the private information we hold in the military.

I'm from Palestina.

See you soon.

Something like that can be very real.
You can find problems with just about anyone's writing ability. Even the rare ones that actually try to write something compelling to read and at least try to fix your mistakes before posting it. The most useful ability other players can have is taking constructive criticism AND actually doing something about their mistakes.

So many people can't even do that, and I have a feeling at least one person in these 177 pages has been critical about someone's writing ability yet, put absolutely no added effort in their own posts. Spellcheck your work. Cut out repeated words and sentences that add nothing to the post. You're suppose to be making your writing actually interesting to read...have something, anything dramatic happen in your post. (An argument, a fight scene. Whatever actually builds plot or character.) Don't just explain how a character feels, or purple prose about a landscape and exposition dump. Make your post engaging or build up to something interesting. Making long wordy posts that are slog to read doesn't make it any better than someone merely posting a few concise paragraphs.

And I could go on about GM'ing, but that's it's own separate issue...

You really gonna put forward this argument again and am I really gonna have to point out your hypocrisy again?
Microtransactions are here to stay. Financially there's no reason not to use them. It's better to wager that you won't get BF2 levels backlash and earn mad cash.

@Monacho I don't think I would consider DLC packages part of the trend of microtransaction. In my experience, microtransactions have been utilized for things as simple as items that help you increase your stats. DLC has always seemed like additional portions of the game. Sure, some DLC hasn't always been the greatest for certain games, but to some, it's been worth it.

For that argument you need to demarcate what kind of DLC we're even discussing. Taking Sims 2 or so, yeah, those things added a wealth of content, were created after release, and were generally fairly priced. But they don't stack up to modern 'on release' DLC, things that were created before release - I count under that the exclusive bonuses too (buy it at x store and get y).

But per definition it doesn't relate to the topic at hand. Microtransactions are small ingame purchases. A DLC are larger purchases (I mean, I guess horse armor DLC wouldn't exactly be a large purchase, but yknow) that are made off the game, and typically include new content, not unlocks of existing content.
@Odin It comes across with a coarse and derisive tone towards something that in no way warranted derision. That seems like textbook belittling to me. See @Superboy's comment.

It's almost as though speech and the recognition there of is entirely subjective in nature. If you perceived it that way, by all means. Words have the power you give them, etc, etc. Offense is taken not given, etc, etc.

We can keep going but I think @ArenaSnow sums it up perfectly.
Yes, sometimes things won't be the way I'd like. But I am fully aware that I can't do anything to change that - I came here to vent my dissatisfaction because I know this. Literally, this entire thread is a series of 'you problems' that some people just happen to have in common, and they come here to vent that out. But my complaint is that the majority of the 18+ games I've seen don't have content that could be considered such. Not that I don't like the games themselves.

Wait, are you talking about the RPG-function 'tag' that says 18+? Or are you talking about people labeling their thread name 18+? Because the tag barely gets used and could just be an alert that 18+ material could be in the thread.

For things like gore that's a discretion thing. It's more of a warning. That said the advice I gave you still stands. If you see a thread with a plot you like and it's labeled 18+ for some reason and you can't decipher why, then why not just PM them? If it's because there's possible smut involved then ask them if the plot is possible without.

@Odin And the appropriate response to that "best solution" is to be belittling?

I wouldn't really call it belittling but I suppose your threshold for calling something belittling is lower than mine. The long and short of it is that I see so many ways around the issue presented that can be undertaken by the poster themselves that I see little use in bitching about it.

@Odin I fail to see how this adds anything meaningful to the discussion, other than possible some mild (and unnecessary) derision.

The meaningful thing it adds is that sometimes, things aren't how you want them to be, and complaining about them won't do anything. That aside, nothing is stopping said person from actually sending out a PM and saying, hey, I'm 17, wanna do an RP without all that content because I liked your idea for x and y. But, yeah, I guess you are right, Sierra. Best solution is to come here and complain about something nobody can do anything about because of the way this website is set up.
@CollectorOfMyst Sounds like a you problem.
@DeadbeatWalking u think rush will win

well think twice because i'll seppuku before then cause i hate my life homie
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