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2 hrs ago
Current "cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
19 hrs ago
22 hrs ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.
23 hrs ago
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@CryBloodwing I'm just imagining that this character cannot be inserted into any RP other than one constructed specifically to suit her.
In OwO 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Haven't been on this site in quite some time, so I'm sort of dipping my toes to see what things are like around here. I should also preface this by saying that I'm not trying to be a really cool guy that everyone loves and gives gifts to because of how cool he is.


Let's get to the point; Something I've been dying to play out in terms of romance related roleplay is one with a harem plotline. You've probably seen some anime in which some... Admittedly dull, wimpy guy suddenly has a bunch of hot girls pining and fighting over him. There's lots of fanservice and the like, but typically, nothing gets resolved because apparently the protagonist can't be allowed to make their own decisions.

But enough ranting. The kind of harem rp I'd like to do is meant to be less about one guy getting a bunch of girls to fawn over him, but rather a singular person bringing people together. So, it'd probably be more accurate to call it a poly-amorous relationship. But, the problem is, especially if my character is male, it's basically a bunch of girls falling in love with one another and one guy, so it does come off as kinda self-centered.

With that said, what are your thoughts on harem plots in the case of rping?

I imagine this is like the perfect RP if you just want mindless 'uguuuuu' shit to happen 24/7 where all the girls make OwO and UwU faces all the time. For any serious depth, I think you'll find that this type of RP quickly devolves into nothing because A) these type of RP's dies even faster than regular RP's and B) the type of content in it is so samey that you'll be writing the same scene 3x over and over before you decide you're bored of your partner and drop it.

By all means that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it - I think it's an awful idea but I know for a fact that there are plenty of people on RPG who would go for it. But I think you'd be disappointed with how much you actually get out of it.

Sorry for the interruption. Continue your day, please.
@WTPR I claim hereby the role of butcher.

EDIT: On second thought, I might be better off taking reverend or mayor. Since we need those to start.
@Briza I'm unsure. It is the nature of advanced RP's to move slowly and deliberately, but it is also the nature of RPG for people to vanish and lose interest. I'd wait for Yuria, she gets her internet back tomorrow from what I heard.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

I disagree in some ways,
I think that personality is important, it may not need to be included in the CS but I believe that the player should have an idea of the personality to keep it constant.

C'est ca. Personality is the single most useless part of a CS, especially when we go into extreme depth. One paragraph or even just 5 traits or generalizations are enough. As opposed to 1+ paragraphs, because then it just becomes a struggle to find the right words for a character that hasn't had the chance to even enter the IC yet and establish just how he talks.
@SleepingSilence this isn't about me disliking you. If I did I wouldn't be here having the same conversation with you 3x now. It is getting boring. Instead of blaming my nonexistant dislike for you you should look to the inside. Of course me and others have told you that a few times now. But I will tell you again because I think if you can get past your victim complex you'd actually make a decent person.

I would, in the scenario described, most likely not PM a GM. It's not my job to control other players. I will raise a red flag if I interact with that persons character and it goes wrong. Otherwise, not my burden. The GM knows what they're doing.

There is no bias. I find the way you write really unpleasant. If you critique me I wouldn't take it. Your attempts at playful jokes or self-depriciation are ... annoying at best. I was saying for me personally, I wouldn't care what you think. That's how it is. I am transparent about that. But please don't accuse me of being biased - I wouldn't even know how I became biased because I have barely interacted with you and from what I have seen so far I think I prefer it stays that way.

I just gave you negative critique on what you'd written but instead of accepting my views (as my own - I am not neccesarily correct, but I am quite certain I am spot on in this case) you deflect and blame me for being biased where I am absolutely not. You are not speaking the truth when you say you'd accept someones critique.
@SleepingSilence I tend to find it highly annoying when my players do my job as a GM so I tend not to point out flaws in other CS's because it's not my job and I imagine the GM would agree - otherwise he'd ask my opinion.

And partially I find it really rude to bring up issues with other CS's unprompted.

I would like to add from my previous interactions with you I also don't feel like you are capable of bringing a message like you are proposing (finding a flaw) diplomatically enough as a player to be able to avoid conflict. That is my opinion. If you, personally, were to ever point out a flaw in my CS, I wouldn't take it. Because I know how you word your messages. If what you are doing here is justifying actions you undertook before or after these posts, reconsider. I am telling you now - I don't think it'll work because people don't often follow the same rationale as you - if at all.
@Odin *I wonder if I should bring up the fact that I spoke typed these on my phone while walking.* #blameautocorrect

So are you (or anyone, if they feel like responding) completely opposed to people who made a unsatisfactory character sheet from writing another one or getting a second chance? Because in order to do that you would likely have to point out what was wrong with it in the first place. Right?

No, I generally let people make however many character sheets they like. I do point out what was wrong with it. But I find that generally if they can't make something satisfactory the first time, it has to be really unsatisfactory (as in, someone is trying to play _way_ above their skill level) for me to deny them to begin with. As long as something somewhat fits the lore and they make a few spelling errors but nothing major, I can let them slide. If it's literally a burden to read I'll generally deny them.

But I've noticed that these type of problems follow a specific trend.

These are players who generally match a lot of the following criteria;

  • Playing above their skill level (which is fine, but the gap is too large for them to even be able to learn anything)
  • Poor spelling
  • Poor grammar
  • Poor prose
  • Overuse of cliches such as dead parents or 'he kiled the entir vilage himself xd'
  • Their biography is two sentences to four sentences long
  • They spend 3 hours selecting the coolest fighting moves and spend 2 minutes determining what depth the character has
  • They blatantly ignore the established lore in the OOC or only understand it partially

At that point, you have to ask yourself - is this going to get better if I help them fix their spelling and grammar? No. No it's not. They're free to try again, but I already know it'll end the same way.
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