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15 hrs ago
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18 hrs ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.
19 hrs ago
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1 day ago
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2 days ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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<Snipped quote by Odin>

So you're noticing the pattern.

If Dynamo posts < 3 then quality = up.
>Complains that no one in the thread talks politics
>Political talk in the same thread for 3 pages straight

Might be because you only posted twice (thrice if you count your new post) and they were one (1) loosely related meme and one (1) loosely related video.
Suicide is like abortion. If you don't let me legally do it, whether the process is short and fast or long and arduous, I'm going to DIY it. Whether you are for or against legislation, you have to acknowledge that banning it all together will only create more problems. Doctors have an oath but they are human - I think there are cases where doctors helped patients commit suicide one way or another even before legislation was created here in the Netherlands that legalized euthanasia. And although widely critiqued by American idiot politicians, our programs here work overall. They are efficient enough in their goal (lessening the suffering of those that can prove they have a long route of suffering ahead of them with no chance at recovery).

But that is besides the point - the point is, doctors will still help suffering patients, even if it is 'just' leaving a container of pills on the nightstand and subtly hinting that they are leaving for a long enough time for them to overdose. Suicide is something we cannot control because it is the action of another. Yes, it burdens their family and other surrounding actors, but continuing to live burdens the person themselves. And I know who I'd pick if the question were raised if I wanna help myself or others first.

Assisted suicide should be limited to those who truly need it but is not a bad thing in and of itself, euthanasia in the Netherlands has shown that much and it offers a much more respectful 'goodbye' than letting these people suffer endlessly until their deaths - and is certainly more respectful than forcing the person to take their own life in a more gruesome way.

Claiming all suicide is bad is just willfully ignorant.
@minervamagicka hey waddup man

In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
Relatively sure this thread doesn't autolock.

It did before :)

<Snipped quote by Odin>

It will take more than eight days to lock itself.

Yes but it also wouldn't hurt to have some activity in this thread. Most notably from Mahz himself, perhaps.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
figure i should post here to prevent the thread from locking itself again since this is the place where i go for semi reliable updates
I change my avatar whenever I make a new one that I like. Which is... decently often.

You are correct and false - and this is the perfect chance to remind people that we don't have all the details about the Norse faith. This is an issue of contentment but the standard is that he did indeed lick it from a block of ice - but some more obscure translations from older books insist it's a salt block (like those that we give to horses). I'm not sure myself but I always liked the salt block more. The essence of the story doesn't really change either which is the danger of oral tradition because things change over time.
@mdk so the body responsible for maintaining these laws is the same body that can remove these laws? That's what I mean. Yeah it's sacred - so is water if a priest waves his hand over it. It only has the meaning and weight you attach to it. I don't really attach meaning and weight to rights because they can be taken or plunged into a non-right at any given moment.
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