Avatar of Dion


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18 hrs ago
Current remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
2 days ago
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3 days ago
ah alts
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3 days ago
what does mules mean in this context
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4 days ago
Epic win!


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

maybe no memes, maybe discuss what @deadbeatwalking said

highcas makes u a coward, y/n/maybe and if y/n/maybe, why?
Maybe instead of memeing and causing this thread to go downhill, perhaps use that energy to get the thread back on track?

<Snipped quote by Mara>

Much like Allen's parents.

:thonked thinking:
Maybe instead of memeing and causing this thread to go downhill, perhaps use that energy to get the thread back on track?

thread was off track since the start

@Poohead189 bring in the big boy lock


a man codes a half-functioning delete for PM's, a man deserves a 2 month vacation, ok?
@Mara i had no idea someone could make ascii look bad but then i saw cataclysm dda /s

dwarf fortress is better
Odin was the only one who got it right.

I'm used to it by now.
dwarf fortress

best game ever made
@Fi Nice avatar.
@Lady Amalthea thanks for reminding me I should rework that thread a bit so it makes more sense. :/
yeh but the section descriptions are not rules, they're guidelines to help (new) players find the right place for them

the fact that these are so outdated they carry more dust than weight at this point is just telling of how much those guidelines are worth atm

i'll reiterate - best solution is to abolish the sections and use the tag system (better yet, make tags say "2 PARAGRAPH MINIMUM" instead of "CASUAL" to set clearer standards).

the question deadbeat asked was does playing in high casual make you a coward?

yes it does because you're afraid of some imaginary bar you set for yourself before you're allowed to enter the paradise that is advanced writing (and i'll level with y'all, advanced writing really isn't all that good half the time).

EDIT: unless you are taking the sections as meaning 'dedication requirements' instead of 'quality requirements' in which case you're still a headass for using a ''high casual'' dedication requirement, making you more retarded and less of a coward. but you're still a headass
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