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Isn't it great the dutch paid others to do their atrocities for them. Made their resume' nice and clean. Or if they could afford to, they'd sailed across the world to commit the rest of their moral crimes.



regardless, just because my country did wrong does not excuse yours under the guise of 'hehe but u did it too'. we've attoned for all of the previously mentioned wrongs we've made (and then some)

our actions were not a result of 'whether we could afford to' or not since at that point in time we basically owned the entirety of South-East Asia minus the Phillipines and China since we had the monopoly on trade with Japan and because of that the monopoly on trade with all the island nations

it made our country what it is and we profitted off of it greatly, and that's what i call the benefit of being a conqueror, and it is only natural.

telling me 'hehe we just made the foreigners work for their integration' would've earned far more respect than saying 'b-b-b-but you shot down your colonial subjects!' my country was built on the backs of hard working protestant whities and our far away rice-colonies. but make no mistake - it's not surprising that most of our former territories chose to remain with us rather than claim independence, Indonesia being an exception (and they paid for it dearly, looking at their country at the moment).

the only thing I'd say we did that was morally ambiguous was buying black slaves from black tribes and handing them weapons, then taking them to america. but, in historical context, i'd say that that was a decision we made that we capitalized on heavily and is what ultimately gave us our status as big-boy in that historical era

edit: wow that was an uncohesive mess (it's what happens when i can't detect what your argument even is) but the point is our slates aren't clean, we've committed plenty 'atrocities' and we've made good on all of them. that said our atrocities make sense (and in the case of Dutchbat, is only an atrocity because the whe-whe crybabies in the balkans say it is, because the choices made there are totally valid and sensical in a military sense)
Regardless of what Kitty has said, my views on the topic of a national language align with Theodore Roosevelt:

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

spoken like a true american

country build on the backs of poor foreigners that speak barely any english

Location: Uragiri Clan Compound [Koi Breeding Pond] | Time: 9AM [9:12] | Theme: Boruto: the Movie OST - Spin and Burst | Interaction: Team 7 [Sakamoto Isami -- @Shizuochan, Shinjo Tsubasa -- @McHaggis, Kajiya Tatsuya -- @Raijinslayer

The incoming attack was aptly disarmed by Sakana, whose knives shimmered as they reflected the dull sun bursting momentarily through the rainy clouds. With the flash came the clang as his knife stopped the blade, but there was still the lurking danger of an incoming shinobi who had been preparing some jutsu. For a moment Sakana felt the rush of adrenaline surge before it made way for the realization that an almost whistling sound was now audible, coming from the hill behind. The Kusagakure shinobi that had been preparing the jutsu was now forced back, noticing the arrow coming in before Tatsuya even made his appearance. Obviously, the team of genin had underestimated the awareness of the two jonin - even something like a shuriken made a noise and could be dodged by a jonin. Then Tatsuya burst up, but his attack would be easily deflected, as the jonin simply jumped back even further.

Then came the secondary attack -- this time with real explosive tags. Paired with Tsubasa's shuriken thrown in his general direction, this would be a sure hit. Wouldn't it?

As the explosive tags went off, it was clear the shinobi had been caught in the blast -- in fact, he was basically standing right on the tags. Despite this, the shuriken that flew into the large cloud of debris and dust would be deflected, though it was unclear how. They simply flew back out of the cloud.

Rather than be worried about his companion, the jonin that was in a clinch with Sakana simply grinned at the young jonin, whose face was stern and serious. Then, the jonin jumped back, leaving Sakana standing near the cart with his team a short distance away from him.

The jonin caught in the cloud of dust slid backwards then, joining up with his companion. He definitely got hit by the explosive tags - but he had made no attempt to dodge them. The watchful eye would've noticed that he even stepped closer to them despite clearly seeing them. Smoke rose from his body, and a heavy burn mark was visible on his right eye that had not been there before. He had been hit and even took damage from it, but if the genin thought that a simple thing like an explosive tag would be enough to clear the job, they would be sorely mistaken.

The lead jonin, the one that had been fighting Sakana, dropped his fighting stance and gently pushed his katana into the soil, before crossing his arms. “I see. It was a ruse. You're not border-guards at all. You're just a sensei with a team of three useless genin. And you planned to take out my friend here in one go... then you could take me out. It's a good plan.. in theory.” The analysis was more or less a hundred percent correct, but the rather rag-tag execution of this plan made it all fall apart. It made sense -- they'd done no practice, no training, no synergized battle organization. They went into the fight, academy-style, and just did their best while trying to support each other. It's a shame that the real world didn't work like that.

Sakana glanced over at his three genin, who would no doubt be standing together. Now that the enemy had seen through the plan, there was no way they were winning this. His eyes trailed back to the two jonin in front of them, and as he looked at them, he realized they were severely outmatched. Fighting them on his own would be a hard fight, but not impossible, but if he had to watch these three genin at the same time, his attention would have to be too divided to properly do it.

The best bet here was to fall back, but the trader was still trying to get his carriage turned around, egging on an uncooperative donkey to keep moving. Leaving now meant the man would surely die. Though Sakana felt no real duty to help the man, he had to admit that leaving now would make this all useless. Besides.. he'd felt compelled to move earlier, so clearly the Sage had intended for him to. This was his fate. Perhaps his fate was to die here?

The jonin with his katana in the earth would suddenly for handseals, before leaning back and then moving his head forwards, exhaling a large fireball just like Sakana had done earlier. But, rather than aimed at him, the fireball was rushing towards his students. Relying on them to take care of the danger themselves was simply put not done, and so Sakana had no choice other than body-flicker to right in front of them, being forced to expend even more chakra simply to help his students. As he appeared, he rapidly formed handseals, before planting his two outstretched hands into the earth. “Doton! Earth Shelter!” he proclaimed, and within a few seconds two slabs of earth came out of the ground, forming a round, half-shelter around them, leaving the back open.

As the fireball impacted on the earthen shelter, the fire extended all the way behind them, simply arching over the earthen shelter. The lick of the heat would be all they could feel, luckily, as the actual flames came nowhere near them. But there was not much time to ponder that fact. “Jump back, now!” Sakana ordered, and where as his previous orders had been somewhat lacking in authoritative intonation, sounding more like a man that didn't really care, this time he was stern, and it would take some serious balls to stand up to him this time.

If it wasn't clear why they were moving back, the incoming footsteps paired with a screeching sound made it overly clear. Someone was using a raiton technique, and if his ears were correct, then the technique was the famous raikiri. Without a sharingan, that was a big risk, but if it hit it's target, it was one of the most devastating techniques possible, capable of ripping out entire pieces of a body.

The fireball had been merely a cover to set up the technique, no doubt used by the other man. With such a strong technique coming in, the genin would most likely expect their sensei to step back and evade the attack, but rather than doing that, Sakana simply stepped up from his crouched position, and stepped towards the incoming attack, which would no doubt come through the earthen shelter. Raiton was strong versus doton, after all. When the footsteps came awfully close, and the screeching of the raikiri burst through the earthen shelter, Sakana proclaimed his next technique. “Ura Shishō Fūin!”

Despite the relative obscurity of this sealing technique, the man performing the raikiri seemed to realize what it was, and his hand charged with electricity stopped mere inches from Sakana's chest. Had his hand reached any further, the seal would've activated with Sakana's death, likely killing him in the process. With the smoke from the previous fireball jutsu clearing up a little, Sakana could clearly see the face of the man in front of him, whose expression no longer had the arrogant and confident features from before, and instead, simply seemed unenthused by Sakana's sealing technique. Sakana, on the other hand, looked serious as ever.

With a fast movement, Sakana reached out and grabbed the man's arm, who's hand was still charged with raikiri, though it was fading at that point. Holding him in place, his team could hopefully capitalize. “Team 7! Go!” he yelled at his students, and if they had recognized the opportunity, could capitalize to deal with this threat -- hopefully for good.
Can I also add that it shouldn't matter what language they speak, their purchases pay for your wages... so if you're doing anything you're just shooting yourself in the foot for not offering customer service.

I mean technically you're right but, I doubt that this one customer will make the difference between having food and having no food that month.
Well, I suppose in Kitties defense, she has every right to ignore them for this and look like a jackass in response. I suppose I can understand the frustration living in a country where Turkish, Morrocan and Arab as well as Afro-American slang has taken over as the 'voertaal' in a way.

I just think responding like that makes you look like a massive cunt. But there's no laws against being a cunt. I don't think Kitty will change my mind (I am sure of that) but I don't think I'll change hers either.
<Snipped quote by Odin>Have you not been reading?

Let me put it as simply as I can
No effort=no help

If you can’t understand that then go back to preschool.

But she was trying. She tried to ask you a question -- and you blatantly ignored the rest of what I said, so I'll repeat it -- in a language that is very very common in the U.S.A.
@POOHEAD189 yeah I'm sure discussing pseudo-intellectual figures from some obscure youtube community is fun, but I think discussing real issues like language in large continent-spanning countries with a diverse set of people with even more diverse languages is far more interesting. If discussing dumb youtube podcasts is all this thread for you might as well rename the thread, to be honest. As far as I've seen the worst insult I've seen is two people calling each other stupid, and frankly I'm not insulted and I'd have a hard time believing Burning Kitty was insulted that I called her stupid.

I don't think we need moderators to be police officers who moderate things unless it's reported -- that's how it goes in the discord as well, so unless anyone involved reported either side, I don't really see a need to stop discussing this. Especially since the alternative seems to be talking about (moronic) internet persona's and taking those same persona's seriously.

<Snipped quote by Odin>

You are stupid for assuming I don’t know another language.

They are stupid because they refused to use the tools available to them to even badly translate what they wanted to say. They intentionally put the phone away. They should’ve left it out and spoke or typed into a translation app. I would have helped them if they did that. They put forth no effort so I put forth no effort.

Find someone that understands their language or tell them that person is not available and you don't understand -- far more courteous and respectable than going 'lol no' and literally walking away leaving this person there wondering what the fuck just happened. Maybe she assumed you speak the language, because it may very well be a common language (assuming it was Spanish (you said no habla, right?) I don't even have to assume it's a common language, because it is, even in the USA) and after you said no habla, she'd try to explain herself in another language.

You wouldn't know, because you refused to properly do your job, and instead walked away on some misguided principle of 'muh language.' Wanting her to speak English is completely understandable but being rude about it is just beyond words, especially if your entire job literally revolves around helping people.

Do you walk away from tourists as well?
They were stupid to expect I am going to help them in any language but English

You're stupid for knowing only one language then, and even more stupid for calling other's name for being unable to speak a foreign language.
>gets paid to put forth effort in helping people
>puts forth no effort

lol k
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