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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Question. Can I be a once teacher, turned janitor because of some accident or incident scrambled his mind? I'm thinking a goofball who all the staff just reluctantly accepts is there. His presence, a nonscience, but his past history, prior to insanity, makes him begrudgingly respected.

EDIT: Better yet, can he be a pointless janitor? My thinking here would be that the magical school cleans itself.
Collab between Pezz, Skycera and Jamesyco


”I…I’m not sure.” The Nashep-Natjier admitted with a frown. ”I’m not entirely sure what the Hekkru-Natjier is planning. His goals once aligned with my own… and perhaps in a way they still may… but now...”

The Nashep-Natjier shook her head. ”To hand such a powerful Stray Thought to a man like Xyrlos… To me, that indicates that the Cutlerware is not key to his overarching plans. But to steal it…”

She frowned, trailing off. Turning to look at the others, eyes narrowing. ”The Being didn’t send you here all here for the Cutlerware, did he?” Her eyes began to widen in worried understanding. ”You all didn’t even know, did you?”

The Nashep-Natjier cursed under her breath. ”We spent our time talking about the wrong things.” She turned to look ahead. ”The Cutlerware is one of a family of Stray Thoughts called the Omnicrafts. They have the ability to shape and understand reality itself. Of the five, the Cutlerware is perhaps among the most dangerous of them.”

She looked at Jen warily. ”So while relinquishing them of the Cutlerware would be wise. Doing so is not only dangerous, assuming you wish to continue existing as you are, but thus far, it has proven anything but easy… I’ve never known a moment where that man wasn’t holding the damn thing… Fidgeting with it as if it were some toy.”

"Hey, is that you Chres? And who are these people with you and what happened?”

Chres jumped at hearing his name. Twirling, he whipped out his hatchet, swung and-

Princess Lys caught Chres’s arm. A quick reflex that had surprised him.

”A little jumpy there, aren’t ‘cha Chres?” She said with a bemused smile.

Chres frowned, looking at her hand on his arm. He was beginning to think this woman was more capable than he initially thought. Particularly for a princess.

Letting go of Chres’s arm, she waved and smiled at the others. ”Hey Jen, Nice to see you all alive too! Sorry to say, but negotiations went poorly with old Ru’Tev. But we did run into a few monsters while picking up some new friends along the way.”

She thumbbed over to Nia and Pyter. ”Allow me to introduce, Nia and Pyter. Nia, is particularly interesting. Says these bracelets here are blocking our abilities. Says the keys should be in here in the Foyer. Oh, and how does she know that again?”

She turned to look to Chres bemused.

”She worked here for a time. Found her in one of those cages in the basement.” Chres lied.

”Worked here and a friend of the family. Very interesting.” Lys said with a smile.

Chres shot her a look. ”You’re starting to become more annoying than her.” He said, pointing to Sil who had spent the last several minutes doing laps around his head.

”Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Sil said, as she did another lap around his head.

Chres sighed as he eyed the Nashep-Natjier with a frown. ”Your skin tone and hair… We once met another person like you not long ago. Went by the name Kharu-Natjier. You know him?” The grip on his hatchet tighten.

The Nashep-Natjier raised her eyebrow before answering. ”I do, unfortunately.” She said. ”But he is no ally of mine. Hasn’t been for many a year.”

Chres’s grip did not loosen, for at that moment a strange screech broke off from down the hall. Strange shapes stepped into the foyer.

A man with a tangle of spider-like limbs with elongated hands that had long sinewy fingers. Threads of sticky silk spilled from a deformed and spider fanged mouth.

A whimpering woman, with splinters of stone, metal, wood fused along her arms and legs. With each step she took, her feet fused to the floor. Ripping away pieces of tile that flowed upwards with the other splinters up the course of her legs.

And then a jumble of… many? A knot of tangled people and limps crawling along the ceiling and walls.

Chres took a step back. The usual conflicting intruding thoughts flowing into his mind. THIS. IS. NORMAL.

Chres brushed the thoughts aside, accepting them.

The Nashep-Natjier grabbed one of the supports of the banister guarding the ramp downwards from the second floor. She kicked at it, snapping it free and breathed out. The wooden support transformed into a spear.

”It seems some of Xyrlos’s monstrosities have caught up with us.” She looked to the others. ”This is why the Cutlerware is dangerous. It heavy handedly changed the nature of what is and what should be, and then shoves it down your throat. Do not fight the thoughts flowing through your mind. Accept them.”

She then stared warily at the weeping woman with the splinters of things jutting out from her skin.

”That one seems exceptionally dangerous. Whatever you do, do not let her touch you!”

Chres frowned as he faced off the creatures. ”Nia, I think you best get to work and find those keys.”

The knot of limbs and people turned its many heads at Chres’s words and looked at Nia. With a loud screech, it leapt from the walls, launching itself at Nia’s face.
QnA Collab

Plot Post

Empty. The guest wing was empty.

Xrylos’s mouth twitched in minor annoyance. Not because he was annoyed that the Normies were no longer here. It was more so because it made him feel like he had wasted his time even bothering to check if the Normies were still here.

Beside him one of his experiments made a croak that sounded halfway between the call of a crane and the croak of a frog. It’s elongated tongue hung slack from a loose jaw, moving as if it had a mind of its own. Feeling the ground around it before rubbing up and wrapping around Xrylos’s leg.

With a quick flick of the wrist, the Cutlerware became a spoon. Then, without further thought, he jamed the bowl of the spoon into the thing beside him. The thing that had once been human froze up, as the spoon dug into it as if it were made of putty. Then, suddenly its eyes began to bulge and a cry of pain shot through the room.

Xrylos frowned, and took a step back, wondering what he had done. The creature’s body began to expand and bubble. Flesh streched, ripped, and then liquified. It was a gruesome sight, even to someone like Xrylos. Even still, he couldn’t help but watch in fascination.

There were secrets to be learned about the Cutlerware. Secrets that would help him understand its full potential. More testing was required here, but such testing would have to wait for now.

The Normies had likely made their way back to the foyer. If he didn’t cut them off quickly, then in all likelihood, they would escape. Fortunately he had already sent a few of his creations ahead. And only few of them would be more than enough to stall a few depowered Normies.

Xrylos let out a loud whistle and turned away from the guest wing. The other monstrosities beside him followed along.
Collab between Pezz, Skycera and Jamesyco
Princess Lys

Interactions with @jamesyco

Collab between Pezz and Skycera
Princess Lys

Interactions with @jamesyco


Interactions with @HokumPocus @13Org @fetzen @Jerkchicken

Tayla gave Karina a flat stare. Did the woman seriously expect Tayla to have paid attention where Sil had gone when she had been busy defending herself?

”That way.” She thumbed annoyedly towards the only hallway leading in and out of the guest wing.

”Honestly though, you aren’t actually planning to go after him are you? How much do you want to bet he had been drowning himself in ale prior to the attack despite what he promised. The fool man is probably dead.” She spat.

“Actually-” Started a new voice with a strange accent. “-it seems your friend is still alive surprisingly.” Tayla spun, blades raised, and found one of the servants warming her hands by the fireplace at the center of the guest room.

This servant… She knew this servant. She had been one of the two women who had greeted them when they entered the manor. The same servant that had been staring at them during dinner.

“Good thing too, might I add, considering that you all are pactmakers after all.” Rubbing her hands as if to warm them, before she turned and looked at the group with a friendly yet knowing smile.

Tayla took a step back, and nervously glanced at Karina.

She had not told the woman about her visit from the Being. About the pact she had deliberately made in part to spurn her.

She quickly glanced back at the newcomer. Time to deflect. ”What are you-”

The woman raised her hand, not letting Tayla finish. “Save it, please. I see you for what you are. And that left me with one of two options. Either I kill all of you before they do, while shattering the pact in the process.”

Tayla’s hand tightened around her blades. She looked to Karina to see if the woman would have her back.

“Or,-” The stranger continued, “-I throw my resources towards helping you leave this place alive. Blowing my cover to the Hekkru-Natjier in the process.”

That part caught Tayla off guard. She looked at the woman inquisitively.

“Fortunately, for you, I chose the latter.” The woman held out her hand and her appearance began to fuzz. Moisture seeped out from the palm of her hand coalesced into what appeared to be a strange crystal.

In that moment, her visage changes. Her skin hue became an orange-tan. Her hair, silvery.

“Come.” She said. “We must free you of the bracelets you wear. They are what is interfering with your magic. My followers have distracted the majority of the ambushers, but the one who holds the Cultware comes to finish what they started. And with him, so too will come the monsters. Best we run before they cut off our escape.”

She didn’t wait for questions that were sure to come. Instead, she left the guest wing, expecting to field the questions as the Pactmakers followed.
Plot Post

Mentioned: @Jamesyco


Chres cautiously stepped through the door to the basement, not really knowing what to expect. The door gave way to a corridor of ramps, not stairs, that spiraled downwards. Much like in the prison these ramps were equipped with a healthy amount of railings to catch oneself should they trip, and had multiple landings should the Divergent’s misfortune get the better of someone who found themselves tumbling down the slope.

Readying himself, Chres removed the hatchet from his belt. There would be no sneaking his way down to the basement. Each step he took echoed audibly downwards, announcing his presence.

As he proceeded further, he could make out strange noises from below. Chres furrowed his brow. What were those sounds? It sounded like the guttural growls, grunts, and cries of animals that were-


Chres stopped midstep, his back stiffening and eyes widening. He could make the sounds out better now. Those were not the growls and grunts of animals. Those sounds… they were human…

“V-viiiis-s-s-s-s-sitor!” The voice grew louder and more sure of itself. It came out… wrong… with almost a bubbly quality to it.

“See it see it see it see it see it.” Said another in quick succession. It’s voice was raspy and whispery. “Chres Chres Chres Chres Chres.”

“C-c-c-chreeeeeeesssssssssssssss! C-C-CHRRRREEEEEEEEES-S-S-S-S-S-S-S!” Said the other.

Chres’s heart stopped. A chill crawling up his back. He hadn’t entered the room, hadn’t even spoken a word yet, and these… people?… spoke his name. Was it Lys, had she mentioned him? Or… no… something about this felt terribly wrong

With a deep breath, Chres continued downwards. His grip on the hatchet, though, tightenned. As he dove further downwards, more voices came clearing. Some were weeping. Others screaming intermittently. Bangs and clangs of cage metal could be heard. As if something was slamming itself into the metal wire over and over again.

At last Chres descended the rest of the way and entered a room, it contents unlike anything he had seen before.

Cages upon cages of human… things. Human monstrosities.

“C-chreees-s…” Came the bubbly voice from a large cage to his right.

Chres took a step back. His breath caught in his throat. From within the cage a… thing. A mishmash of living bodies fused together in the most haphazard of ways. Flaps of skin, dangled and stretched, fusing together into what has once been heads, hands, legs, arms, feet, chests…

The skin seemed to bubble and almost drip. Eyes elongated and fused with other eyes of another color. Gapping mouths with missing teeth opening from places there should be no mouth. Hair dangling from upside down faces. Other hairs disappearing and resurfacing from beneath the bubbling skin…

The thing, it reached out from the bars of its cage. An elongated arm with three elbows and a hand that had seemed to have once been two.

“Chreees-s-s-s…” It said again. “C-c-come. T-t-t-touch. B-b-b-be whole…”

“Don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t” Came the whispery voice from behind Chres.

Chres whirled, turning to face another cage with something that appeared far more human… except, that is, for its eyes. Senses, the eyes! The whites were where its pupils should have been, and its pupils somehow made up the whites of its eyes.

Heart racing, eyes still wide, Chres forced himself forward. These things.. Whatever they were… They weren’t attacking him. Best to ignore them, and stay far away from their reach.

He took another step.


To his left, a woman ran over and over again into the cage wire. She had no arms, or… were those severed arms in her cage once hers? No, they couldn’t have been… could they?

Another step.

Crying from the left. Two people, gender no longer recognizable. Fused together in an eternal hug.

Another step.

“Help…” Came a wheeze from a stretched out woman who was somehow part of the stone wall “Please…”

Another step

Another in a cage. Continuously bleeding from their eyes, ears and nose. They cut themselves with a shard of glass over and over. Somehow, the blood flowed toward the open wound and seeped into it.

Another step.

A person, with tiny blades for teeth, bit at his arm tearing flesh from bone. There wasn’t much left of him.

Another step

A body that never had a head -Chres stopped and cocked his head- Never had a head? Why never?

Keep going! He told himself. Don’t think about it!

Another step. Another monster. Another step. Another monster. Another step. Another monster.

Chres put his hand to his head. His mind felt as if it were throbbing. Something was horribly wrong with this place, and yet somehow it all seemed normal.

Another step. Chres felt his legs weaken. His thoughts clashed. His sense of how the world is supposed to be seemed withered and frayed.

Cries rose all around him. Normal? How could this be normal! This was all wrong! Terribly wrong!

Another step. His muscles began to spasm. So close to the room’s end. So close to the exit.

Why?! Why was this normal?! An ever present thought force upon him. Thinking became painful. His mind felt as if it were unraveling.

Another laborious step. Chres collapsed to his knees. Normalcy. The more he fought the idea, the more it threatened to overwhelm him. He found it impossible to stop thinking about! Impossible focus.

He began to realize this battle of reason would break him if it continued, and that was something he could not allow it to do. And so, Chres welcomed the idea and reluctantly accepted it.
The world seemed to somewhat steady, though his head still pounded and his body still shook.

Chres opened his eyes. He had curled up on the floor next to the exit. The conflicting ideas were still there, but swatted away like flies.

With effort, Chres reached up, opened the door, crawled out of the room and shut the door behind him. His mind righted immediately. The invasive idea only present in the distant recesses of his mind.

Senses! What had that all been?

Chres breathed out and took in his surroundings. In the center of the room seemed to be some sort of operating table with straps meant to hold its patient down. All manner of tools and torturous devices splayed about the shelving with old blood crusting the floor and table.

Chres hadn’t the stomach to fully make sense of the room. So instead he focused on the two other doors in the room. He only hoped that Lys lay beyond one of them.

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