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Current Been a bit away from the forum due to some issues at work but I'm still alive, don't worry lol.
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Wait... We have spellcaster bots now? Sweet! Lol


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and ascend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Ilshar's reply confirmed Alice's concerns. An entire pack of ether-spawns had already noticed the etheric disturbance, however faint it was, and likely already knew of their presence. In the best case, they would only investigate... But Alice had learned to always assume the worst possible scenario whenever those types of creatures were involved.

"We need to move. Assuming the worst case... If these ether-spawns come for us... It won't end with a single shot." Alice said in reply to Ilshar, definitely worried.

"A lure might be possible... But we'll have to be very careful to disguise our etheric traces so they don't trace the lure back to us. These kind of tactics are not uncommon among the creatures that call the Abyssic Plane and the Oneiric Chasm their home." Alice said, confirming King's suggestion.

The very second Alice finished saying that though, the door began opening with the noise of the old machinery flooding the mostly silent room, together with a teal-colored luminescent fog, seemingly emanating from whatever it was on the other side.

Unlike the other worm-like creatures, which didn't appear to be hostile, being mostly scavenger creatures from what she could recall from her expeditions and research, Alice had no idea of what the other one one was capable of, not she could sense it well enough to identify it. Judging by how the worm-like scavengers were reacting... There was a good possibility it was a predator.

"Understood. Focus on the Lure, Salvator. I'll keep the shroud up and assist in any way I can in disguising the traces to your lure." Alice said, focusing as she helped maintain the shroud that Salvator had created.

In order to better disguise themselves for ether-sensing creatures, instead of making the shroud more powerful, Alice instead focused on making it more... porous. More like camouflage than 'invisibility'. A perfect and powerful shroud, in many cases would have an almost completely opposite effect from the one it was intended. For predators or even most opportunistic ether creatures, a field where their senses felt only a complete emptiness was as strange and worthy of closer investigation than if they had detected etheric fluctuations characteristic of other creatures. Hopefully, when coupled with the lure Salvator had just put on the corpse, it would divert the attention from whatever it was on the other side of the door to the worms instead of them.

"Move slowly, be careful. I will try make the shroud match the background ether profile. It should also help with disguising your lure, Salvator. Be mindful of any ether fluctuations any of you might cause from now on." Alice whispered.

"The other creature outside the door doesn't seem to have noticed our presence, at least not visually. It seems to be reacting to something, most likely to the worms. The bad news is that there is a good possibility that it is a predator. The good news is that if it is one, it is likely hunting the worms. As long as we don't make ourselves look like a more appealing prey, it is unlikely it will notice us. Whatever you do, whatever it happens, do not open fire yet. Just stay calm and wait for an opportunity for us to leave." Alice whispered, still concentrating on the shroud and assisting Salvator with his lure, while being very vigilant to any movement from the other creature outside the door.

Hey, that sounds fun!
Count me in, if you'll have me!

Amaris simply kept silent as Carmen replied to Carnatia's words. While she was, in a certain way correct that there was an overwhelmingly possibility that Paladin Thomas had indeed passed away, it was still a bit of a touchy subject, considering there were two people on the group that were particularly close to the paladin.

"Even though the chances Paladin Thomas is still alive are... honestly low, we can't be certain until we actually see his body. Otherwise, as Carmen said, we would be abandoning an ally. Besides, it might be a bit helpful to those who were particularly close to him. To at least allow them to give him a proper burial, I mean." Amaris said, clearly being careful with her words as she replied to Carnatia after hearing Carmen's words. Discreetly suggesting that if not to follow 'proper procedures' that required to actually see the body before confirming someone dead, it might be something Carmen and perhaps Linceleste might need, emotionally speaking.

"With that said, as soon as we have confirmat-" Amaris started speaking, before she immediately stopped herself, correcting her own words.

"Sorry, after confirming the status of Paladin Thomas, it would be sensible to return with the information we gathered and await orders... Before acting. Should the higher-ups decide in a retaliatory campaign, we will undoubtedly receive reinforcements, or at least see a bigger military force deployed in the region." Amaris continued, still being careful with her words as she spoke, especially considering the tense atmosphere after Carmen's last, inflamed reply.

Feeling she had spoke more than enough, Amaris simply looked to the group, nodding as Osric and Carmen agreed on resting for that night before deciding to go to a city. As the silence set in, Amaris discreetly approached Carnatia.

"Carmen might make himself sound tough, but it is clear to see he is suffering after learning the fate of most of Paladin Thomas' group. The high possibility that his dear friend suffered an equally terrible fate is a hard thing to accept. Let's give him some time." Amaris said in a low tone to Carnatia.

Even though it wasn't long since they were deployed to that region, they had already seem some very disturbing things. The mood was already not great all around. The last thing the group needed was infighting or any conflict among themselves.

While their attempt to discourage the soldiers to keep fighting them was successful, in large part probably due to the chaos and destruction they had caused to the entire fort, the threat of them being followed was still looming over their heads and that, coupled with some of their own being wounded and having no means to treat them made it clear their situation wasn't exactly a good one.

In particular, Linceleste's situation was especially worrying, having encased herself in ice after the grave wounds she received.

Carmen request to gather and discuss about their situation and the possible paths they could take from now on came in good time as the morale of the group seemed to be much lower after their little 'encounter' with the red stripes.

"Normally I would say to draw as little attention as possible but... Linceleste's condition worries me. Her wounds were grave. Fortunately, it seems either herself or her own powers reacted to her body's condition in order to preserve her life but we have no idea of how much time she was able to buy herself with her powers... do we?" Amaris said with an exhausted sigh.

Osric also had a very good point. Especially after what happened with the red stripes, it was quite likely they wouldn't bother them for some time... At least until they recovered themselves. At least regarding the red stripes, they could afford being a bit less careful.

Carnatia also brought up a very good point, one Amaris herself not only agreed but would have probably suggested herself if Carnatia hadn't brought it up first. In almost every situation of conflict, hearing both sides was very important to have a full and complete view of the entire scene. It was quite obvious that they weren't exactly on 'friendly' terms with the red stripes after what happened. While that would undoubtedly bring them some problems, it could also possibly open them some doors as well, such as negotiating and talking to those the red stripes considered their enemies.

"Like Osric said, the red stripes are likely still recovering themselves. For now, I think we can afford being a bit careless, at least regarding them. Our main priority should be treating our wounded. Particularly Linceleste. While we might not be exactly on friendly terms with the red stripes... We are not completely sure their enemies will receive us with open arms... It might be better for us to recover ourselves first before considering negotiating with the so called 'witch' and the 'traitors' mentioned by the red stripes." Amaris finished as she looked to Carmen and the group, waiting to hear their thoughts about the matter.

While King seemed to be more worried about the pirates and whatever other non-etheric threat that they would certainly find inside, Alice was a bit more worried about the possible ethereal creatures lurking around. Having Echo covering them was certainly comforting though. The moment she felt Ilshar starting to investigate the ether trail, she gently put her hands on his shoulder with a concerned expression before she spoke to the group.

"I agree with King. Not only regarding scans, but particularly regarding the ether signals. Most etheric creatures, particularly predatory ones, tend to be very sensitive to things observing them. Just having a general idea of where they are and if they are getting close would be enough, lest we risk whatever is in the other end of these ether signals to get as 'curious' about us as we are about them." Alice said, glancing towards Salvator.

"Any attempt to investigate should be done very delicately and with great care." She said, nodding towards Ilshar.

"The shroud will definitely be of great help. Should we get too close, I can use my own ether together with Salvator to strengthen his shroud." she completed, closing her eyes for a moment as she began extended her etheric senses beyond visual range in a field around them.

Just as she finished extending her etheric senses, a strange, groaning sound interrupted her, making Alice open her eyes, alert. It was different from the metallic groans that seemed to be common in the Sargasso station due to it's chaotic, old and decaying structure. Alice's trained eyes immediately focused on the other side of the room. Beyond the door and the fleshy tendrils that covered it, a teal light could be seen, it's intensity fluctuating.

With her aim fixed on the door, Alice stood her ground, waiting for whatever it was behind to peek at them, ready to fire at it, should it show necessary.

"Heads up guys, there's something on the next room." Alice whispered, drawing the team's attention towards the door.

Amaris' expression of glee was visible in her face as the two chains spun around audibly cutting the air as she did so. If the ominous sound of the chains in the air weren't enough, just the thought of what could happen if someone was struck by them was probably enough to keep the soldiers at bay, seeing as not even a single one of them wanted to approach Amaris. That, when coupled with the ferocity Mirielle showed as she charged towards the enemies near the gate made it very clear that the enemy morale was suffering greatly.

Due to that, when Carnatia came to her, asking for her to summon another obelisk near the gate, Amaris couldn't help but let out a sinister smile.

"With pleasure~" Amaris replied to Carnatia with an amused expression, raising her arm up, making the chains stop spinning and coiling around her arm.

"When the third obelisk rises, then they will know what I am truly capable of." She said with an excited expression, much to the terror of whoever soldier happened to hear her.

Before she could do anything though, she heard Carmen's voice echoing through the burning garrison, ordering for her to stop.

Just as he did so, his voice roared again in an intimidating, commanding tone as he addressed the enemy soldiers, giving them a chance to leave instead of continuing such bloodbath.

Whether the soldiers were honestly considering Carmen's proposal, if they were too stunned by Carmen's tone or still shocked by the sheer massacre that a group of a few people were capable of was unknown, but the silence that fell over the garrison after Carmen spoke meant that they would certainly at least consider their words.

"Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, that man is the one that holds my 'leash'. One word from him and I will gladly continue. One of the three obelisks is already up and I was just about to invoke the second one~" Amaris said, speaking out as she looked to the soldiers around them, the tone of her voice, her words and her expressions leaving a grim and ominous atmosphere in the air.

"Works perfectly for me." Alice said, nodding in agreement as she replied to Rho-Hux when he suggested a silent signal should they spot enemies.

"Despite my choice of weapon making me a bit ill suited to spearhead the formation, should we encounter heavy ethereal interference or presence, I have no problems in scouting ahead, should it prove to be necessary." Alice said looking to the entire team and nodding reassuringly to them before they prepared to go enter the Sargasso.

The moment they entered the Sargasso station, they were greeted by the flesh growths covering the walls and corridors of the station, releasing unknown, possibly harmful chemicals in the air, contaminating the little oxygen that was still left in it. Mostly due to her experience in expeditions to the Oneiric Chasm, Alice found herself unbothered by the low gravity or even the considerable buildup of qillatu that was ever so familiar to places that constantly fell in and out of the Oneiric Chasm.

Unlike the clear, rampant infection that seemed to plague Sargasso and the apparent state of disrepair, the first thing Alice noticed was that many of the electronic devices not only were still working, but there were signals of them being used quite recently as well. Unsurprising, considering the briefing they had received about the station, but by putting that fact together with the strange, liquid-like sensation she could feel like a trail leading to different rooms made it quite clear that they should expect to meet something rather sooner than later. Other than those clear signals, there were many sounds Alice could hear. From the beeping and buzzing noises of old electronic devices to the sounds of the pulsating flesh growths and veins, there were also other sounds that were... difficult to pinpoint the source. A distant, but strangely clear sound coming from above the room they encountered themselves in, raising and lowering in intensity, indicating whatever it was the source, it was definitely moving.

Even though there seemed to be no immediate danger in that room, something that Alice was making sure of, both sweeping their surroundings and being ready to react at a moment's notice, she still gave Salvator a concerned glance. She wasn't sure the others would have felt the same as she did, but she knew most certainly that Salvator, being a voidhanger like her, would have felt that weird liquid sensation as well as she had. Even though she didn't want to break the silence, fearing to announce her presence to whoever, or whatever might be listening, her expression was enough to send a clear message...

That mission wouldn't be an easy one. Trouble seemed to dwell closer to them than what Alice thought it would at the briefing. A single wrong movement could warn other things of their presence and by the small hints Alice had caught by looking around, there was a rather considerable chance that it could be something worse than just pirates.

Truth be told, even amidst the hell the garrison was turning into, it was very, very hard to ignore Amaris. Not only due to the carnage she was responsible for as she threw herself in the middle of the enemy forces but especially after she invoked the obelisk, it didn't take long until the screams of 'Witch' started echoing through the battlefield.

"Crone? It is awfully rude to call a beautiful, young woman a crone, isn't it?" Amaris replied as she heard the soldiers' shouts, grinning as she pulled the chain from the soldier's chest, splattering his blood on the ground staining it for a moment before it gathered and formed into a second chain.

A single glance was all it took for Amaris to realize not everything was well with her companions. Not only the fire was spreading in an alarming rate, but the amount of enemy soldiers was slowly but surely starting to overwhelm them. In particular, Linceleste was in a particularly dangerous place after one soldier was able to stop her charge by striking her horse with a spear, making her fall to the ground. Dazed by the fall, Linceleste was an easy target and before long, soldiers started surrounding her, one of which, was able to pierce her shoulder with his spear, unfazed by Linceleste's attempt to deflect his blow. Fortunately, her mechanical spider was quick to tackle the soldier away from it's master.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they won't be able to approach her! Whoever is nearby, I would recommend to watch your heads~" Amaris replied, giggling as she heard Carmen's words asking her to swing her chains and prevent the soldiers from approaching Linceleste.

Most of the times since Amaris started fighting, both her and her chains were rarely standing still, unlike now. Instead of attacking, Amaris retreated a bit to the northeast, taking a few steps away from the soldiers as she moved away from her obelisk, halfway towards the other group of soldiers, where Linceleste was. As she did so, Amaris called both her chains back to herself, with them slowly coiling around her, almost as if there was a resistance to that movement.

"GET DOWN, NOW!" Amaris shouted towards any ally that might be within 15m of herself as she spun around. The moment she did so, her chains fully extended, spiraling outwards at the height of the soldiers' necks. As they cut through the air with a frightening speed, the whistle they produced was loud enough to be audible even with all the chaos around them.
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