Hidden 2 mos ago 3 days ago Post by LustForDecay
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LustForDecay Biomechanical Terror Perversion

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

As if annoyed by their hesitation, the door begin to widen with a whirring whine of complaining machinery. The vines of flesh loosened and a flare of teal flashed across the room and the countless shadows across the floor. The corpse on the ground was illuminated in those same cold colours as the light did not merely shine but flood within. The fixtures in the now open room pulsed their light as a glare across the room, consuming the dark and illuminating the creeping roots and festering corpse in visceral detail. A luminescent fog slowly crept in but the rays of light penetrated with not the slightest sign of dimming.

Echo immediately would notice an unusual signal emitting from the labcoated corpse; more specifically, the device. The buzz itself had not changed much beyond becoming a consistent if still faint tone. The main area of importance was that it was analysing the scope, breadth, and intensity of an encroaching wave of ether spreading outwards of the open door. If the untztadlige connected to the device, they would notice that it was connected to a series of cranially-inserted implants somehow still running within the long-rotted body.

Alice, Ilshar, and Salvator would notice this first. It was a harmless rise in the ambient ether; those untouched by the chasm would not even notice it as the balance of the unearthly began to balance out between both rooms. The worm-like visitors who loitered outside of the entrance would as well. Two of the five circled above the hole invisible to un-augmented sight save for the faint fragments of dust that whirled with them. The opening of the door and the sudden change in supernatural concentrations had rendered them cautious but not dissuaded.

With her eyes already on the gap through the door, Alice would be able to perceive another presence hidden within the fog. There were shapes, pillars perhaps but too gnarled and slouching to be of artificial origin around which fog bent and through which void-borne senses could not see. Something was pushing ether out of the room and it was moving their way. It did not pulse with a subtle rhythm of life but a steady throb, a slosh of nearly fluid sensation, its shape felt to both voidhangers as something tangible and solid yet squishy and malleable.

It had mass but it itself was not of strict and defined structure. Alice would be able to make out something silhouetted eight or so feet above the ground, partially obscured by one of the slouching pillars. With her immaterial senses she could feel its pseudo-spherical presence almost causing the ambient ether to coast around itself as if currents moving through a river. It was not a massive shape, maybe five and a half feet in diameter and like the worm-creatures, nothing about its behavior suggested it had visually perceived them.

In fact, it might not have been the Envenomed it was necessarily reacting to.

Ilshar felt it emanate from the celaderakan corpse. The wormy masses whispered not with vibrations in the air but pulses in the underflesh of spacetime; echoes like codes, pseudo-engrammatic signals of knowledge digested and excreted in purity. A waste product synthesis of knowledge digested and uncoded - patterns of occult signifiers that the celaderakan had collected in its lifetime and likely stored in some sort of sigil-organ, prime real-estated for the detritivores of the spirit.

Salvator would detect something else entirely; machinery, faint but living and activated by the slow approach of the sphere. The corpse was still but what lay inside of it was rapidly awakening. A cybernetics array triggered by the ethereoatmospheric conditions were causing a pulse of electrical and ethereal power to course through as the colony upon the corpse began to squirm, squelch, writhe and bend. Primitive wills forced to follow a new directive of synthetic, programmed origin as the squad's Heads-Up Displays detected a close-range scan.

One coming from the shuddering pile of rot that once had been a scientist.

Another one of the worms swept in and turned its head. While invisible still to the naked eye, it had turned its head towards the gun. The one next to it slowly began to turn its head towards the gealtirocht. His speirfhaire or "third eye" would be able to perceive them not so much visually as much as in an almost tactile way. Them slowly drifting into the room had been under the assumption the Envenomed would not notice them but the digitigrade alien very much did. Whatever they were feeling, they froze in place and a slight chill crept through the room - even Kleo would feel it in a way atmospheric correctional capabilities could not counteract.

King's extensive knowledge would be recalled; these were a sort of scavengers, primarily feeders on qillatu if at times opportunistic omnivores. Akin to free-swimming polychaete worms, they were colloquially referred to by most starfarers as "duct-cleaner worms" due to their resemblance to a type of automated cleaning drone. While not outwardly hostile, some species were known to be predators of smaller void-forms and they were not an uncommon sight around wreckage or realspace tears. Most were by default of moderate intelligence but voidhangers and especially praolznevatz were known to keep them as pets, hunting animals, or even in some cases military units.

Their ethereal capabilities were primarily used to shroud themselves from easy detection as well as wiping away any traces they had been in an area. Predatory ones could bind or even temporarily stun threat and food alike while other species were known to be able to disrupt ethereal enchantments or even electronics.

Based on their body language,they were still hungry but the increasingly busy room was beginning to make the two scouts nervous. The three who remained outside were still obscured but as pack-dwellers, there was a good chance they might act as a group if they encountered enough aggression.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

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Salvator Rasch

Multiple intruders. Two separate groups of potential hostiles: worms and whatever cybernetic horror was waking up. Compared to this, Salvator almost missed the days where all he was doing was planting dirty bombs and carrying out hits on Conglomerate civilian officials. At least the mundane's horrors were well-known. Sentient rationale was easier to comprehend and process than ethereal horrors from beyond the rift.

King's suggestion had Salvator nodding. Unbeknowst to the former, Salvator's thoughts had been going the exact same way from the moment he felt the corpse booting up. Quick haptic typing on his AR display relayed the approximate location of the worms and their movement paths across the squad's HUDs for the ethereal-blind in the room.

"Squad, go to ground. Corpse is giving off signals, going to try to lure the worms to it using the shroud. Do not engage unless any of us are targeted directly. If the three worms outside come in, stay out of their way and sneak past. Let's try not to go hot unless we absolutely have to."

The voidhanger concentrated, manipulating the etheric shroud he'd thrown up so that the space the corpse was occupying suddenly spiked with power. With the accumulated ether concentrated in one place, it would hopefully draw the attention of the worms while still keeping the squad concealed with the greater signature constantly pulsing to those nearby.
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Hidden 6 days ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

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Ilshar's reply confirmed Alice's concerns. An entire pack of ether-spawns had already noticed the etheric disturbance, however faint it was, and likely already knew of their presence. In the best case, they would only investigate... But Alice had learned to always assume the worst possible scenario whenever those types of creatures were involved.

"We need to move. Assuming the worst case... If these ether-spawns come for us... It won't end with a single shot." Alice said in reply to Ilshar, definitely worried.

"A lure might be possible... But we'll have to be very careful to disguise our etheric traces so they don't trace the lure back to us. These kind of tactics are not uncommon among the creatures that call the Abyssic Plane and the Oneiric Chasm their home." Alice said, confirming King's suggestion.

The very second Alice finished saying that though, the door began opening with the noise of the old machinery flooding the mostly silent room, together with a teal-colored luminescent fog, seemingly emanating from whatever it was on the other side.

Unlike the other worm-like creatures, which didn't appear to be hostile, being mostly scavenger creatures from what she could recall from her expeditions and research, Alice had no idea of what the other one one was capable of, not she could sense it well enough to identify it. Judging by how the worm-like scavengers were reacting... There was a good possibility it was a predator.

"Understood. Focus on the Lure, Salvator. I'll keep the shroud up and assist in any way I can in disguising the traces to your lure." Alice said, focusing as she helped maintain the shroud that Salvator had created.

In order to better disguise themselves for ether-sensing creatures, instead of making the shroud more powerful, Alice instead focused on making it more... porous. More like camouflage than 'invisibility'. A perfect and powerful shroud, in many cases would have an almost completely opposite effect from the one it was intended. For predators or even most opportunistic ether creatures, a field where their senses felt only a complete emptiness was as strange and worthy of closer investigation than if they had detected etheric fluctuations characteristic of other creatures. Hopefully, when coupled with the lure Salvator had just put on the corpse, it would divert the attention from whatever it was on the other side of the door to the worms instead of them.

"Move slowly, be careful. I will try make the shroud match the background ether profile. It should also help with disguising your lure, Salvator. Be mindful of any ether fluctuations any of you might cause from now on." Alice whispered.

"The other creature outside the door doesn't seem to have noticed our presence, at least not visually. It seems to be reacting to something, most likely to the worms. The bad news is that there is a good possibility that it is a predator. The good news is that if it is one, it is likely hunting the worms. As long as we don't make ourselves look like a more appealing prey, it is unlikely it will notice us. Whatever you do, whatever it happens, do not open fire yet. Just stay calm and wait for an opportunity for us to leave." Alice whispered, still concentrating on the shroud and assisting Salvator with his lure, while being very vigilant to any movement from the other creature outside the door.

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Hidden 11 hrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

The aliens are here dewd, the merc thought, ready to add them to the big alien graveyard in the sky, or void as it was called. As the commands came flying through her headphones, the woman was denied. Her dreams of killing aliens were dashed by an order from an alien; did anyone understand how ironic this was. The world was a twisted and the merc would never get what she wanted, but in this case, she'd have to abide by her squiddy squad commander's orders. It was kill or be killed and the pale-skinned trigger puller was not trying to join the rest of humanity in the big heaven in the sky. So thus she went to ground the best that she could, would they be able to weather the storm or was it about to get funky? Occult style - as Dr. Hunter Powell always said.
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