Mayet Ibn Raif Kadir ☥ 22 ☥ Female
1,57m (5'2") ☥ 50kgs (112lbs) ☥ Hazel eyes ☥ Black hair ☥ Almond skin ☥ Heterosexual
- Hair Length/Texture: Neck length, braided (often adorned with golden beads and jewelry. The golden headpiece not only is Mayet's favorite, but due to the fact that she is rarely seen without it, it quickly became almost a symbol representing her).
- Facial Details: Her skin is often said to be impossibly smooth and spotless, mainly due to the daily milk-and-honey baths she takes.
- Distinguishing features: Many people often compare her to the sacred cats of their religion, be it due to the ornate headpiece she always uses or her hazel, almost golden eyes, but those who see her sparring or fighting on battles quickly understand that she is closer to a tigress than a cat.
- Clothing preferences: Mayet often wears simple dresses, often short and focused more on being practical than to be beautiful, despising loose dresses, frills and anything that might hinder her movements. Such dresses, more often than not are tighter than the usual clothes wore by the nobility, which only further accentuate her figure and her body. The contrast between her almond skin, the golden jewelry and the black, simple and practical dresses she use give her quite an unique charm.
That said, she still cares a lot about her appearance, which is made obvious by the golden jewelry she is rarely seen without.
- Battling/Sparring... Conquering.
- Jewelry/Luxurious lifestyle
- Freedom to do whatever she wants
- Dangerous animals (Big cats in particular). Especially her pet, Nala, a huge tiger that is often seen near Mayet or in her room. The golden choker it wears is a clear warning that it is a royal's pet.
- Being respected/feared/adored/loved/worshiped
- Layla's company. Mayet is closer to her than any other of her siblings.
- Weapons. Especially the exotic ones. As long as they're still effective, that is.
- Responsibilities
- Being stuck inside a castle like the rest of the nobles or caged like a bird.
- Not being able to get what she wants
- Boredom
- Losing. She is very competitive.
- Being underestimated. Both in battle, court or anywhere else.
- Being ignored/not being acknowledged. Both regarding her position and talent.
- Being ordered and following orders.
- Those who have the audacity to think they're better or more important than she is.
- Training and moving her body. Fighting, sparring, running, training gymnastics & etc.
- Taking care of Nala and taking her to hunt... Sometimes not just animals.
- Taking care of herself (skin, beauty and her own body).
Life goals/Dreams
- A luxurious lifestyle. Power without responsibilities or strings attached.
- Know more about the world and the other kingdoms... And make them know and respect both her name and the kingdom of Alidasht.
Personality summary
Mayet was born and raised as royalty, knowing she is better than the rest and always having everything she wanted. Due to that, Mayet is not someone who is used to waiting for things to happen and will instead, act to make them happen the way she wants them to happen, not being afraid to use her beauty, her honeyed words, her authority or even force if necessary.
Whimsical and impossible to tame, Mayet is known as someone who will always, simply do whatever she wants no matter what other people tell her, despising following orders and those who would dare to order her to do something. Deeply curious, she will stop at nothing from sating her curiosity if something or someone draws her attention. Regarding romantic advances, Mayet isn't the type of woman who lets herself be conquered. She will either approach them first or she won't let them approach her at all.
Rebelling herself against the pointless rituals and rules of 'nobility' and throwing away the image of a 'prim and proper lady' others wanted her to have, Mayet made her own image for herself. An image that even though might be considered shameful for a princess, became a symbol of her free-spirited nature and her unique 'charm'.
While her personality is often compared to a cat, curious and independent but pleasant to be around with, she shows those who incur her wrath or don't give her the respect she demands that she can also be a wild and vicious tigress with sharp fangs.
Despite her incredibly proud and somewhat self-centered behavior, to those who are lucky to be considered as 'equals' to her, friends and those she consider to be her allies will realize that Mayet is someone that can be a surprisingly kind, caring and loyal.
- Current occupation: Shehzadi
- Relatives: The rest of the shahzade/shehzadi of Alidash
- Skills: Hunting, proficiency in 'exotic' bladed weapons (specializes in the ring-blade), superb control of her own body and flexibility, stamina.
History Summary
As one of the youngest children of the Sultan Raif Kadir, Mayet wasn't something new to the court. Due to his rather... 'active' love life, Mayet was merely one of the countless princes and princesses on the court. That also meant that she was graced with much more freedom than the rest though.
Having inherited her father's fierce temper along with a whimsical personality made Mayet someone very difficult to control. Which, coupled with the fact that she simply hated following orders made her a terrible student and made the royal tutors have quite a hard time with instructing her at first. With time though, they learned to use Mayet's deeply curious and inquisitive nature to make her interested on subjects they were trying to teach her. Unfortunately, those same traits meant that if Mayet got something on her head, she would find a way to have it. Thanks to that and her boundless energy, she quickly became bored of the life a shezadi was supposed to have, as a lady inside the palace, and instead, turned her eyes to the activities the men usually did. Such as training with weapons, hunting and even exercising her body.
After much insistence on her part and after the royal court realized that if they didn't let her, she would find a way to do it anyways, Mayet was allowed finally be able to train with weapons. The first time she was allowed to hold and train with a wooden blade, she quickly surprised the instructors with a seemingly innate talent in handling weapons and how well she was able to control her own body. After only a few months of training, Mayet was not only showing an unbelievable progress but she also seemed to enjoy the physical training a lot, which further contributed to her growth and much to her instructors dismay, one more thing that would feed her ego.
Thanks to how successful and proficient she became with weapons, Mayet was allowed to accompany her older siblings to one of their hunts when she made 12 years and was considered to already be able to defend herself well enough. It was on her first hunt that she was able to deliver the finishing blow to a female tiger the group was hunting, which ended up leaving a small, newborn cub behind. As a reward for her courage (and after much insistence from her part) she was allowed to keep the cub, which she ended up calling Nala and would later become her inseparable companion.
Growing older, Mayet would not only become a beautiful woman, she would also come to develop quite a presence after proving herself to be a fierce and independent woman. Despite that, her future was still uncertain. Much to the dismay of some of the members of the court, Mayet never shown much interest on the throne, despite her imposing presence and her strong personality. But perhaps that is for the best, as Mayet's personality didn't make it impossible for her to follow her father's footsteps and resort to fratricide in order to claim the throne... should she really put her mind into it.
After all... She always found a way to get what she wanted and so far, she was always able to...
- Mayet means "The Cat" in ancient Egyptian. It is the name of an ancient Egyptian girl buried in the mortuary temple of king Mentuhotep II. Buried along with other five royal women (who were Mentuhotep II's wives), there was no title inscribed on her sarcophagus or her objects. It is assumed she was Mentuhotep II's daughter.
- Nala's name is a reference to the movie "The Lion King".
- Mayet's height is actually the average height for ancient egyptian women.
Optional(in POV of your character)
Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?: Definitely nurtured. While father didn't really have that much time for me after mother died, I was still raised receiving only the best of the best. From education to clothes.
When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?: Outdoors. Either hunting, running, sparring or training. Moving my body helps me to clear my head.
What were you like in your teenage years?: Defiant, proud, independent. There is no need to change that which is already perfect.
How close are you to your parents?: I was closer to mother. As close as one of the youngest could be. Before she died, that is. Father was closer to me before but he rarely has time for me now though.
Do you have any trauma that haunts you?: No.
What advice would you give your younger self?: Never settle to being what others want you to be. Do not care for what others think of you. Raise your head and teach them to respect you and your name.
Were you an obedient child or defiant?: I was never one to bow to others. I am not ordered, I order.
What is your biggest regret?: None. Both my failures and my successes made me the woman I am today and I am proud of who I am.
Have you ever been in love? : Not yet. It is hard to find someone interesting when they all treat you like if you are some precious glass doll. Afraid to approach or even touch you. Most importantly, it is hard to find a partner fitting for someone of my status and position.
What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.: It would only be fair for them to be as perfect as I am, wouldn't it? I wouldn't have it any other way. I won't settle for someone who is inferior to me.
How do you display affection? What is your love language?: Hm... Skinship, kisses, hugs... Maybe even a few bites... Even a lioness needs to know how to pamper her partner from time to time...
Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?: I wonder who will be the lucky guy. I certainly didn't meet anyone worthy yet. Besides... Whenever that happens, he'd better be ready for it. I'm not one to let go of my prey once I catch it...
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?: Difficult. Love at first sight is not love. It's simply attraction.
What does marriage mean to you?: Marriage is what happens when a woman finds a worthy partner, a man good enough to stand by her side and isn't willing to let go of her catch.
Are you currently crushing on anyone?: Who knows...
Do you ever consider having children in the future?: In the far future? Perhaps... Who knows. It is still too early to think about it.
Describe your ideal Sunday morning: One of my attendants bringing me my breakfast. On my bed of course. I don't want to get up and get myself ready just to go downstairs and eat something. Oh, and they shouldn't forget about Nala. She gets grumpy in the morning if she doesn't eat her breakfast.
What kind of person do you aspire to be?: Someone impossible to ignore. Someone whose name is spoken with either fear or admiration. Someone who bows to no one.
What bad habits do you have?: I have the bad habit of expecting my attendants to be able to follow my orders without giving them overly detailed instructions on how to do so... Sometimes I forget that not everyone can be as perfect as me...
If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?: Once again, I wouldn't change anything even if I could. I have no regrets. Every single choice I made, wrong or right, made me become what I am today.
What is your greatest fear?: Losing my freedom... Losing my position in the court would be a close second... I can't even imagine myself as a plebeian. Me? A plebeian? Hah...
What are your pet peeves?: Ignorant people. I can't stand them.
When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?: Mostly alone. Saving some very few exceptions such as Layla. And Nala, of course.
Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?: Hostility works if courtesy fails. Some people are incapable of learning with their mistakes. In those cases, pain will be the best teacher.