W A T E R ◼ M A R C H 8 T H ( 17 ) ◼ M A L E

" Don't you know? This school is basically another bind that I'll get out of! "
A P P E A R A N C E:
Standing at about 5'7", Kaiser has lighter skin with some tattoos scattered around his arms; mostly silly ones like animals, objects, and symbols he finds cool. His hair reaches down midway towards his chest but usually keeps it tied using different hairstyles. (bun, pigtails, twin-buns, think about it.) His fashion style usually ranges between grunge to techwear, with accessories usually being the main way towards expressing it. If there's any uniforms involved, trust in him to make it pop a little more with said accessories.
B I O G R A P H Y:
When the current generation of the Hermann family, Amelia and Dirk Hermann, decided to have a child; they were hoping for someone gentle and wise, a real pacifist, to join their family as those who have came and gone within their generations. Someone who would share their interests in creativity with the arts as most grew up to become sculptors or architects. When they finally held the newly-born Kaiser Hermann in their hands, both parents were confident within those eyes that he would be that person.
Much to their dismay, however, Kaiser Hermann was nothing of the sort. Although Amelia would teach him of the kindness they must express to the world and everyone within it and Dirk would try to show him the wise ways of their artistry, he seemed to hold a general disinterest in all of it. It would become more apparent within his age once he began taking off in the night to see life outside for itself. Watching people express themselves with art using their body or the walls as a canvas or the sounds of pure music coming from either boomboxes or instruments themselves, Kaiser was convinced that he wanted that to be his future.
Enrolled within a private school, the family was hoping that it would try to change him for the better; but the life of a delinquent seemed much more compelling to the boy, as he easily obtained the class clown title amongst his peers and the delinquent amongst his teachers. While being a troublemaker was very much in his cards, he still made sure to carry passing scores just so he could avoid expulsion and not to disappoint his already concerned parents further. While they believed he was an amazing student at home, he would be having fun on his own terms during his own time. Obviously, this would garner a reputation for him... and with that, a little friend group of rascals alongside it.
"A group of four, striving to conquer their world as they know it!", in his own terms. Using pocket cash and allowances, they would buy the usual for clique delinquents and roam across the streets. Simple vandalism in the form of graffiti, but to Kaiser, it was the art that his parents so desired him to see. With every empty wall turned into some silly mural, it made him happier and happier. This would equally be the time where they all would get tattoos in parlors that would not give a damn what age you were, Kaiser seemingly finding out he had a decently high pain tolerance for the act. All while his dreams would be filled with rivers of flowing water, him and his buddies blazing through it almost as if they were surfing on it without even holding a surfboard.
Moving from primary to secondary school, his little group would continue to earn their reputations with pranks across the school and escaping the teachers from their repercussions. All the while he remained to be the only one who wasn't seen with them at all, making sure that the ringleader was a "pitch-perfect" student to keep the act up. It was perfect, in his mind. "Don't get caught while your buddies cause all the trouble, then get them off without a hitch with my own plans!"
On that fateful day though, a simple little colorbomb prank turned into slight disaster once the principal managed to catch one of the children in the act, gripping their arm and slamming them on the ground with extreme ruthlessness. He was in the classroom then, but the rapid buzzing of his phone managed to catch his attention fast enough to realize the situation. The teachers called out to him once he had bolted out of the door, but his mind was straight on his bud and his bud alone. It flared up something within that once he finally got there, a scream wasn't the only thing that came out.
The water fountains burst towards the walls as water surged forward and wrapped around the principals body and throat, hardening their hold on him without nary a thought. The last thing Kaiser even remembers from that moment was screaming to the top of his lungs before immediately collapsing to the ground, the water loosening it's hold before and allowing the principal to breathe.
Within the next moment, he woke up to see his parents, the police, and a person of formal clothing surrounding him. He truly had done it this time. No amount of lies or sidetracking could save him now, he believed. So, in an instant act, he raised his wrists out and was awaiting the shackles to bind him. However, the cop simply put his wrists down and just asked him to listen to the person beside him, with his parents nodding. His primalist powers had manifested, much to his parent's dismay yet again, and this was going to be the only way they could protect him without other consequences.
Of course, what would a child who was living a life of his own volition going to think when he heard he was forced to go to a school of "people of his kind"? It sounded outrageous. Outright bloody shitty, but once he saw the face in his parents eyes, he had deduced something and bit his tongue in anger.
The handcuffs would've probably been better than this.
Much to their dismay, however, Kaiser Hermann was nothing of the sort. Although Amelia would teach him of the kindness they must express to the world and everyone within it and Dirk would try to show him the wise ways of their artistry, he seemed to hold a general disinterest in all of it. It would become more apparent within his age once he began taking off in the night to see life outside for itself. Watching people express themselves with art using their body or the walls as a canvas or the sounds of pure music coming from either boomboxes or instruments themselves, Kaiser was convinced that he wanted that to be his future.
Enrolled within a private school, the family was hoping that it would try to change him for the better; but the life of a delinquent seemed much more compelling to the boy, as he easily obtained the class clown title amongst his peers and the delinquent amongst his teachers. While being a troublemaker was very much in his cards, he still made sure to carry passing scores just so he could avoid expulsion and not to disappoint his already concerned parents further. While they believed he was an amazing student at home, he would be having fun on his own terms during his own time. Obviously, this would garner a reputation for him... and with that, a little friend group of rascals alongside it.
"A group of four, striving to conquer their world as they know it!", in his own terms. Using pocket cash and allowances, they would buy the usual for clique delinquents and roam across the streets. Simple vandalism in the form of graffiti, but to Kaiser, it was the art that his parents so desired him to see. With every empty wall turned into some silly mural, it made him happier and happier. This would equally be the time where they all would get tattoos in parlors that would not give a damn what age you were, Kaiser seemingly finding out he had a decently high pain tolerance for the act. All while his dreams would be filled with rivers of flowing water, him and his buddies blazing through it almost as if they were surfing on it without even holding a surfboard.
Moving from primary to secondary school, his little group would continue to earn their reputations with pranks across the school and escaping the teachers from their repercussions. All the while he remained to be the only one who wasn't seen with them at all, making sure that the ringleader was a "pitch-perfect" student to keep the act up. It was perfect, in his mind. "Don't get caught while your buddies cause all the trouble, then get them off without a hitch with my own plans!"
On that fateful day though, a simple little colorbomb prank turned into slight disaster once the principal managed to catch one of the children in the act, gripping their arm and slamming them on the ground with extreme ruthlessness. He was in the classroom then, but the rapid buzzing of his phone managed to catch his attention fast enough to realize the situation. The teachers called out to him once he had bolted out of the door, but his mind was straight on his bud and his bud alone. It flared up something within that once he finally got there, a scream wasn't the only thing that came out.
The water fountains burst towards the walls as water surged forward and wrapped around the principals body and throat, hardening their hold on him without nary a thought. The last thing Kaiser even remembers from that moment was screaming to the top of his lungs before immediately collapsing to the ground, the water loosening it's hold before and allowing the principal to breathe.
Within the next moment, he woke up to see his parents, the police, and a person of formal clothing surrounding him. He truly had done it this time. No amount of lies or sidetracking could save him now, he believed. So, in an instant act, he raised his wrists out and was awaiting the shackles to bind him. However, the cop simply put his wrists down and just asked him to listen to the person beside him, with his parents nodding. His primalist powers had manifested, much to his parent's dismay yet again, and this was going to be the only way they could protect him without other consequences.
Of course, what would a child who was living a life of his own volition going to think when he heard he was forced to go to a school of "people of his kind"? It sounded outrageous. Outright bloody shitty, but once he saw the face in his parents eyes, he had deduced something and bit his tongue in anger.
The handcuffs would've probably been better than this.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Kaiser is a boy described to basically be a burst of a fireball. Outright, boisterous, and passionate. He lives his life by a code of power and liberty, letting nothing hold him back or at least, attempting to do so in the process. In between those values, though, comes a bright flame of loyalty. Those he cares about hold second to none as he would give himself up for them, even when it looks like they're being used.
Equally akin to a fireball comes the idea of that flame in a spark, as Kaiser's boisterousness can convert into pure recklessness and stupidity by the ends of his thought process. He can get anyone in danger just as good as he can get them out of it, not thinking about the consequences at the end of them. He believes that his ideas are absolute and will most absolutely work to the prime, following them within every step of the way. Even if he'll eventually agree that the idea itself was stupid, he won't back down from it.
Equally akin to a fireball comes the idea of that flame in a spark, as Kaiser's boisterousness can convert into pure recklessness and stupidity by the ends of his thought process. He can get anyone in danger just as good as he can get them out of it, not thinking about the consequences at the end of them. He believes that his ideas are absolute and will most absolutely work to the prime, following them within every step of the way. Even if he'll eventually agree that the idea itself was stupid, he won't back down from it.
A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:
- The growing powers of water, allowing Kaiser to control the state of liquid water. The idea of it being like waterbending without the ice parts of it is exactly the idea to convey for him.
- For a teenager like him, he has natural flow and flexibility when running, able to make sharp turns and twists without taking too much of a breath. Basic parkour is also involved.
- He has good artistic skills with his life being involved with graffiti.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
While I'm definitely looking for relationships, I'm not looking for much of anything involving romance (yet). It's been a while since I've made a sheet so do tell if there's anything to fix here!