Avatar of Pezzle


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I studied Bio in high school once.

Most Recent Posts

Collab between Pezz and Jamesyco
Princess Lys
Peytr Ruhnoveltz


Interactions with @HokumPocus @13Org

Tayla braced herself as her attacker closed in. She reached for a nearby vase, and-

Octavio and Lynx sprang to life and disposed of her attacker. Tayla exhaled audibly. For once this crummy town had actually provided the good fortune she needed.

The vase to her right suddenly fell over and landed atop Tayla’s bare foot.


Tayla fell to the ground cradling her foot as more servants flowed in.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Gritting her teeth, Tayla moved into action and grabbed her discarded blade off the floor. However, before she could move. Lynx and Octavio had already disposed of them all. And… Senses take her name.

”The hell? How come your magic is working?” She complained while making her way to the bedside to recover her other blade which the first attacker had used to skewer the bed with.

”Thanks for the save, by the way.” She said to Octavio begrudgingly. She didn't like that she had required another's help to survive this encounter.

With a sigh, she stared down at her sleepwear and then eyed the attire she wore from the previous day. ”I'm not about to leave the room like this. This clothing isn't practical for fighting. Do me a favor and turn your back, would you? I'll make this quick.”

She hurriedly swapped attire when Karina suddenly popped in while Tayla was halfway through.

”For the love of-!” Tayla shouted while ducking below the bed. Honestly, this woman! Could she not knock?!

Tayla quickly threw on her top.

”Chres is gone.” She spat out in annoyance. ”Sil says he went for a walk before getting attacked. His magic isn't working, and neither is my own. This guy however...” She pointed in Octavio's direction and rolled her eyes.

”Sil has gone off to look for him, but not before mentioning something about the princess getting captured. So bottom line, we're sitting pretty in a ripe stink of a pile of dung. Funny how that always seems to happen to you lot.”
Collab between Pezz and Jamesyco
Princess Lys
Peytr Ruhnoveltz


Mentioned @HokumPocus

Collab between Pezz and Skycera

Ennui's brow furrowed as she observed the defenders retreating toward the square.

”This… can’t be good.”she remarked with a tinge of concern, casting a worried glance at Quincy. ”Perhaps… now would be a good time to leave Quincy.”

Quincy responded with a thoughtful hum, uncertainty lingering in the air. "But… if we leave now… my new friends… Orion… Lunella…"

”You can’t help them Quincy.” Ennui said firmly.

"No!" Quincy insisted, a spark of determination in his eyes. "I can help them. If I give them a dream of singing raindrops, it might bolster morale and-"

”Quincy. You can’t help anyone.” Ennui stated, cutting him off. ”You aren’t equipped to-”

"I can help!" Quincy interjected. "I-I must help! I can be more than a never-ending circus!"

Ennui fell into a prolonged silence, Quincy's words tugging at her heartstrings. ”Quincy.” she said in a hesitant, quiet voice, ”The last time you were ever helpful to anyone, was the time you saved a little girl’s life from the nightmarish fiend in the marshes… A life already shattered and broken… The event that led to the creation of me.”

Quincy frowned, blurred images flickering through his mind, elusive memories slipping away like sand. His hand went to his forehead, a pained expression on his face.

Ennui placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with sorrow. ”Please.” She whispered. ”Remember.”

Her visage seemed to blur, her hand merging into Quincy as if trying to converge with him.

”No...” Quincy protested as he collapsed to his knees. ”I can’t… I won’t!”

Ennui’s image returned to its clear and distinct form. She cast upon him a look laden with both sorrow and comprehension.

Head buried in his knees, Quincy’s voice came out as a whimpering muffle. ”I’m sorry Elina… I’m… so, so sorry.”

After a minute, Quincy regained his composure. By then the defender had begun to regroup and create a defensive posture around the central square of Nexustead.

Despite Ennui’s continued prodding, his refusal to leave persisted. Running up to a nearby defender, he grabbed their arm. ”Did my idea work? Did hugging the Abyssal Creatures help at all?”

By now, it was clear that Quincy’s momentary lucidity had worn away and he was back to his usual self.

The defender gave him an odd look before shaking him off. “They are of the Abyss, you fool. Hugging them is a sure way to get corrupted.”

”But did it work?”

“... No?”

No? The answer was no? How could that have not worked? Sometimes the only thing Quincy ever wanted was a hug!

Quincy collapsed to his knees, utterly dejected. What could he do to help his new friends if giving the enemy hugs didn't solve the problem?

”Quincy,” Ennui began hesitantly, ”If you insist on staying, then perhaps it would be wise to regroup with the others. Perhaps we can strategize from there.”

With a solemn nod, Quincy abandoned the soldier and made his way to the center of the square.

Princess Lys

This was probably one of the more… undignified predicaments that Princess Lys found herself in. Locked in a cage suited for a modest sized animal; Trapped in the old Lord’s basement waiting for him to do who knows what to her. Her mom always did say that men weren’t to be trusted. Given the chance they would take advantage of her, use her even. Perhaps even in ways that were… best not thought about.

Odd warning to come from one’s own mother. Particularly the last bit. As a child, she never thought much of it. But as an adult… Those were the types of comments that made one cringe and tell their parents off, just like any proper adult should. Aaaaaaaaaaaand Lys was an adult… if only just barely.

Lys sighed as she reclined on her side from within the cage, head resting atop her hand. It was an uncomfortable position to say the least, particularly with the cold metal surface she rested atop of, but hoped the relaxed posture would add a sense of unease to her captors.

As of right now she had two guards watching over her. The first guard, who she named Doofus, had a bloodied lip and a swelling eye, curtsy of her left and right hook. The man almost seemed to snarl at her every time he paid her a glance. Each time, she made sure to return his disdain with a smug smile which further pissed him off. Once it even earned her a kick at her cage and a bit of spit, which of course she mimicked as one does. It would be fair to say the gesture did not improve relations.

The other guard made her more uneasy. That one had yet to spare her a single glance. Instead, the man seemed to stare blankly at the wall in front of him. In his hand, he fidgeted with a strange silvery utensil. As he flicked it, it would almost seem to undulate and shift. One moment it would look almost like an oversized two-pronged fork, then a spoon with a long stem and a generous bowl, and the next moment an elongated table knife with jagged teeth. The tool’s sheen wasn't much better. One second it would shine against the light, another it would reflect the light. Other times it would glow, and there were even times where it would just turn dull.

The constant changing made her head spin and her stomach turn. Something wasn’t right about that thing. Was it a fork, a spoon, or a knife? At one time she had tried to fixate on the idea of it being all three, but oddly her brain refused to accept the notion. The idea seemed almost foreign. It had to be one thing or the other!

Fidget. That was the name she had coined for him.

Lys sighed, contemplating her situation. Princess El’lysael, the should-be heir to the throne of the Nation of Sight -assuming one ignored her little brother and the likes of male inheritance- was now nothing more than a prisoner. Wings clipped and magic nullified. It was a thought that irritated her to no end.

This whole time, how could she have been so foolish?! She had spent her life preparing to be a diplomat! She should have seen the signs! And her training? Her ‘dancing lessons’ as her mom liked to put it. All of that had amounted to nothing. -Doofus cursed as he place a new pack of ice on his eye.- Weeeeeeeeeeeell… almost nothing.

“So,-” Lys started, “-What’s the plan here?”

Doofus stared daggers at Lys, while Fidget continued with his… well… fidgeting. Typically

“Hey! You! Fidget!” Lys yelled with a whistle. “I’m talking to you!”

Doofus frowned. “Fidget?” He repeated.

Fidget stopped his fidgeting, and finally he spared her a glance.

“Finally.” Lys said. “You know, Doofus, I’ld thought he’d never stop.”

“Doofus? DOOFUS?!” The man repeated, standing up. His face turning red.

Fidget held up his hand. His face void of emotions. Reluctantly Doofus relaxed. With a flick of Fidget’s wrist, the tool settled into its knife form.


Fidget rose from his seat, knife at his side. It was a knife right? It had to be a knife!

“So high and mighty. All you Normies are the same.” Fidget said in a voice barely above a whisper.

Lys felt her breath catch at the word ‘Normies’. This man, he wasn’t just a man. He was a Crazed. And... if he was Crazed... then the prison...

“You’re lucky, you know?” Fidget continued. “We’re supposed to keep you alive for now… however…”

Fidget stabbed the wall with the knife and cut through it like butter… Or… had he cut through it???

Lys's head spun. Had he sliced through the wall, or had that crevice always lurked unnoticed?

Fidget cocked his head and gave her a faint smile. “An ear, a finger, a tongue, perhaps even an entire hand. People don’t need those to live, do they Sid?”

Sid -Doofus- smirked. “No.” He said. “I don’t think they do.”

Lys held her tongue. She didn’t think this was an idle threat.

Seemingly satisfied, Fidget returned to his seat. The fidgeting continued. As did the staring at the wall.


The darkness loomed, undulating like a living entity as the Abyssal leader, a being of alien grace, observed the unfolding chaos from the concealed vantage point. The creatures under its command swirled in a nightmarish dance, a twisted response to the defenders' resistance. This Elder of the Abyss watched with eyes unseen, orbs of unfathomable abyssal energy that surveyed Nexustead and its would-be saviors.

In the distance, Orion's flames clashed with the Shadowy Manifestations, a futile attempt to pierce the elusive entities. A smirk, if such a gesture could be attributed to the grotesque visage of the Abyssal Leader, etched across its formless countenance. Elemental Marauders, brutes with an intrinsic connection to the Elemental Enclave, advanced with shattered, elemental features, their purpose clear: to disrupt and dismantle the Elemental Enclave.

But then, Lunella stepped forward, her Crescent Blade aglow with the silvery light of the moons. Her celestial dance synchronized with Orion's fiery onslaught, creating an unexpected synergy. The elder Abyssal creature's interest was piqued, its unseen eyes narrowing as it registered the harmonious interplay between fire and moonlight. A sense of recognition, a begrudging acknowledgment of the defenders' ingenuity, echoed through the alien entity's thoughts.

The Abyssal Leader pondered the situation. The defenders were proving to be more resilient than anticipated. A momentary pause in its strategic contemplation occurred as a deceptive scout, a Shapeshifting Terror, sought to infiltrate the defenses. Its grotesque form shifted, mimicking the surroundings in an attempt to bypass the vigilant eyes of the defenders. Clever, but the defenders' unity posed a significant challenge.

In the midst of the chaos, a weakness in the defenders' line was identified. A strategic maneuver by the Elemental Corruptors disrupted the carefully maintained elemental balance, causing a rift in the defensive formation. Brutes seized the opportunity, crashing through the weakened area with a terrifying force. The defenders, momentarily caught off guard, attempted to regroup.

A Celestial Defender, ensnared by the relentless grip of an Elemental Marauder, faced a grim fate. The corrupted touch of the abyssal entity spread swiftly, darkening the defender's skin and emanating tendrils of abyssal corruption into the surrounding area. Panic set in among the defenders as the corrupted elemental magic wreaked havoc.

The Abyssal Leader, a silent orchestrator amidst the tumult, assessed the situation. Its form pulsed with malevolence, amplifying the eerie aura that surrounded the Abyssal Creatures. A resonant voice echoed in the minds of the defenders, a manifestation of the Elder's will.

"Futile, Celestial Defenders. Your feeble attempts only quicken the inexorable descent into darkness. Your precious Nexustead will crumble, consumed by the Abyssal Convergence."

The battle raged on, an unfolding symphony of chaos orchestrated by the Abyssal Leader, its unseen eyes ever-watchful, its influence spreading like a stain on the tapestry of reality.
Our Discord:
(includes a 'wiki' of information about the world)


Hello Friends! me and my fellow role-players are looking for new recruits to join our fantasy RP which we have been contributing to for a little over 6 and a half years now.

We started our second story arc earlier this year. So the current arc is still young. Recaps and detailed info about our world can be found on our discord.

Note: We typically post every one or two weeks. I make a point of treating this as the hobby it is rather than as a job :)

The Five Senses - Arc 2

The Basic Premise

What's currently being worked on

As of November 2023 we are fending off an ambush of Crazed Magic users inside of a lord's manor. Worst part is, our characters' magic is currently not working. Our powers have been nullified!! - Gasp!
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