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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Collab between Pezz and HokumPocus


Notes on the Abyssal Creatures

Elara cast a skeptical and somewhat disapproving glance in Quincy's direction, her silence a clear indication of her lack of interest in entertaining his whimsical suggestion. Her gaze shifted to the approaching Abyssal horde with a resolute nod, her unwavering determination mirrored by the steadfast defenders who had begun their clash with the Abyssal creatures.

The Abyssal creatures, eerie manifestations of the Abyssal Convergence, loomed menacingly on the horizon, a harrowing sight as their shadowy forms undulated, casting a palpable darkness over the land. Their shapes were amorphous and elusive, making them difficult to pinpoint, and they seemed to blend seamlessly with the inky shadows, a shapeshifting terror with the ability to mimic their surroundings.

Amidst this otherworldly menace, the Celestial Defenders, led by skilled elementalists, moved in a disciplined formation, their auras aglow with elemental power. They wielded their abilities with precision, creating barriers and unleashing controlled torrents of fire, water, earth, and air in a stunning display of elemental mastery.

As the first clashes occurred, elementalists attempted to fend off the Shadowy Manifestations, their elusive foes striking from the darkness. The Shadowy Manifestations danced in and out of view, evading spells, and disorienting the defenders. The Elemental Corruptors interfered with the delicate balance of elemental magic, causing ripples in the fabric of reality. Their actions disrupted the powers of elementalists, leading to chaotic surges of energy.

The Elemental Marauders, intrinsically connected to the Elemental Enclave, were a formidable force within these elemental realms. With fractured, elemental-like features, they controlled elemental magic with malevolent intent, amplifying elemental imbalances and directly wielding elemental forces as weapons. Their attacks aimed to disrupt and destroy the Elemental Enclave.

With the initial clashes of the Celestial Defenders and the Abyssal creatures underway, Elara turned her attention back to Ennui, her expression earnest and a note of urgency in her voice. "Whether or not you choose to assist, ensure that you do not impede our efforts. These creatures carry the taint of the Abyssal Convergence, and any contact with them, direct or indirect, can lead to Abyssal corruption. It's a danger you must be aware of." Her gaze fell upon Quincy with a pointed look as she stressed the importance of not hindering the defenders.

And with that, Elara turned away, striding toward the ongoing battle, where the elementalists were locked in fierce combat with the Abyssal creatures, their powers clashing in a tumultuous display of magic and might.

Interaction with @Ponn @Qia

Quincy's expression shifted to a frown as he attempted to decipher the intention behind Orion's words. Leaning closer to Ennui, he whispered with a curious tone, "Do you think that was a reference to the Eternal Carnival?"

Ennui wore a sympathetic frown on her face as she listened to Orion's comment and replied, her voice tinged with regret, "It seems more likely that we've left another unfavorable impression."

"Oh..." Quincy's smile dimmed as he responded.

Ennui placed a reassuring hand on Quincy's shoulder as she watched the situation unfold, her hesitation evident in her expression. She looked toward the town’s defenses namely the Celestial Defenders scouring the skies. The city did seem well defended, was it wise to get involved

”Marshal Elara, if I may inquire, is this the first time that Abyssal creatures have attacked Nexustead? Do you believe that your defenders here can handle the situation?”

Elara acknowledged Ennui's cautious query with a solemn nod, appreciating the prudence of her question.

"It is not the first time we've faced Abyssal creatures," she began, her gaze fixed on the approaching threat. "Nexustead has encountered them in the past, but each encounter is unique, and the strength of the Abyssal horde can vary. We have defended our home successfully in the past, but the situation remains unpredictable."

With a firm tone that conveyed her unwavering determination, she added, "The Celestial Defenders are indeed powerful, but there is strength in numbers and unity. Every additional ally counts. We will stand together and protect Nexustead, no matter the odds."

Quincy leaned forward, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "If I may, I have an un-circus-like suggestion." he mused, "Perhaps, we could make them go away by offering them a warm and friendly hug." His words were enunciated with theatrical flair, fully convinced of its brilliance.

Ennui sighed. His comment was clearly more circus-like than unlike.

Interacts with @Ponn

Elara turned her attention to Lunella, her gaze steady and contemplative as she considered the moonflower conjurer's proposal. The looming presence of the Abyssal creatures and the growing unease of the townsfolk weighed heavily on her shoulders.

"Your offer is appreciated, Lunella," Elara began, her voice carrying the weight of responsibility. "I have no doubt that your unique abilities could prove valuable in our defense. However, the situation is dire, and we need every advantage we can get. I would welcome your assistance, but I must ask that you remain vigilant and ready to act when the time comes. If you are willing to lend your power to Nexustead's defense, then we shall face these Abyssal creatures together."

Late into the night, Chres found himself sitting alone staring into the fire of the guest wing’s foyer. There he waited. Princess Lys had not returned yet. The thought made him want to drink, but he stayed his hand, trying to to keep his promise.

Silence loomed about Chres, interrupted by the occasional servant tending to the fire. He’d asked them a few times about the princess. They looked at him as if he were an oddity. And indeed he was. Afterall the night was growing late.

”She hasn’t returned?” One of them had replied. “I’ll be sure to inquire the master, assuming he is still awake. If I had to guess though, he probably offered her the VIP suite.

Chres nodded. That should be that then. Was there really any need for him to stay out here any longer? Would it not be better to resign himself to sleep?

Another hour passed with the occasional servant wandering in and out. They all seemed to eye Chres as an annoyance. As if his presence was somehow interfering with their current work. Eventually it became too much to bear.

Chres stood up from his current resting spot. But instead of heading to his room, Chres found himself exiting the guest wing entirely.

As he left, he nodded farewell to the current servant in the foyer. The servant nodded back silently. Watching Chres leave with a sort of hunger.

Unfortunately, Chres found that he wasn’t able to get the tranquility he had hoped for in the halls of the darkened mansion. Servants brustled in and out of the mansion’s corridors even there, despite the late hour. Chres couldn’t help but frown, wondering to himself if they ever slept.

Eventually, he decided to ignore the looks they gave him. Tuning them out and focusing on his internal thoughts. Namely a question from Tayla which she had asked him earlier that day.

Why was he here?

The Being had stolen Chres’s life from him. Nothing would be left of him after he died. The world would not remember him. Except… except for…

"-your fellow pactmakers-” Those had been the words spoken by the being.

And now, after everything, where was this being now? For weeks they had heard nothing from him! Forgotten and pushed aside despite everything the Being had put them through!

"Aside from your fellow pactmakers, the world will not remember you... Any of you... Unspoken... forever more..."

Unspoken. Forgotten. Aside from his fellow pactmakers. There would never be anyone else in Chres’s life anymore. Only the pactmakers. So if anyone would remember him after he died, it would be them.

Chres found his hands trembling in the form of a fist. His knuckles white as bone. With effort, he unclenched his hands and calmed himself.

It was too soon for such thoughts. He still didn’t know what his dead wife meant when she told him he didn’t understand. The only problem, just where did he start?

Exhaling, Chres turned around the way he came only to find himself face to face with a servant who he had not realized was there.

Chres blinked in surprise, but then bowed his head in apology. ”Excuse me.” He muttered.

He made to move around the servant, but the same servant cut him off.

“You have wandered quite far from the guest wing at so late an hour.” The servant said.

Frowning, Chres met the servant’s gaze. ”Sorry.” He muttered. ”I was on my way back right now.”

Again he made to maneuver around the servant. Again, the servant cut him off.

“Actually, I think we prefer things this way.”

Immediately, Chres found himself on high alert, as he heard the rustling of two more servants behind him.

The servant in front of Chres smiled, “We tried to keep you away, but you Norms persisted.” He reached into his clothes and pulled out a dagger. “On the upside though, you did give us a princess.”

Chres reached for his magical reserves. Found them. Attempt to shape them into a blade, and… Nothing happened… His reserves stayed where they were. Stored away in his clothing.

Panic filled Chres. His magic wasn’t working! He could still feel things but his magic wasn’t working!

The servant lunged forward. Chres reacted on instinct, dashing to the side, catching the man’s wrist and then pushing the man forward to throw him off balance.

With a shout, the man cried out, as Chres pulled the man’s arm backwards and twisted the wrist, disarming the man.

Catching the dagger in his free hand, Chres then kicked the man into the other servants that had previously been behind him.

Surprised, the servants threw up their hands and caught their comrade. Chres took advantage of the chaos and made a mad run back the way he came. To the guest wing. Behind him, the guards yell after him.

Sil! He thought through his mental link to his familiar. We’ve been had. My magic’s not working and the servants just tried to kill me!

Oh, that’s nice! Sil thought back happily. But if you don’t mind, I’m kinda busy right now watching Tayla sleep. Did you know she puddles from her mouth?!

Sil! Now is not the time! They have Lys! Warn the others before-

Another servant appeared before Chres. Thinking quickly, Chres pulled out a throwing knife. Aimed and…

Chres’s foot landed on a bit of rug that inexplicably tore away from the rest of the rug. He slipped on the bit of loose rug. Loosing his footing, he fell to the ground with a thud.

The man smiled. “Not easy fighting in the Divergent, is it?” He said, while spitting on the floor and raising his hand. The spit began to warp and change, transforming into a blazing beast.

“Fortunately for us.” The man continued. “Our magic works.”
Collab between Pezz, HokumPocus and 13Org

Sometime after dinner, Sil found herself zipping throughout the corridors of the mansion.

“Oh dear! Oh dear! This is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!”

Sil was in a panic zipping in and out of rooms and corridors through the Manor.

“Where is he?! Where is he?!” She worried aloud, “It's an emergency!”

The emergency had happened over dinner. When Týfurkh and Tayla shared a glance. Karina and Tayla though, they didn’t lock eyes even once!

As amazing as a fighter that Karina was, the woman unfortunately appeared to know nothing about the battleground of love. Fortunately for her, however, Sil was here to save the day! … then again, she would be just as soon as she found-

“Lyyyyyyyyyyyynx! Where are you?!?!”

Sil zoomed under a nearby cupboard in the room she was currently searching, but alas, there was no Lynx to be found.

“Damn it Lynx! Now’s not the time to be playing hide-n-seek! It’s Karina, Lynx! We have to help her before it’s too-” -Sil turned a corner and flew smack into Lynx- “-Ooof!” -Ah there he is.

He took the blow and rolled with it, one misstep away from not recovering appropriately. The life of what he considered to be a vagabond led to having to avoid every sort of hit, but Sil was different. The air of general idiocy that surrounded her was a fog of war for the mentally stable. She at least fit the environment. The entire manor was full of chaotic oddities.

”You have astonished me. I sense any and all scolding on my end would not be very effective. It is good to have met another person however. I was actually seeking to hone my conversational skills to better suit contemporary contexts.” His short tail flickered.

“Ahem. Does the curtain match the drapes?”

A nearby cleaning woman’s back stiffened at Lynx’s words. Her drapes were most certainly dyed.

Sil, however, cocked her head as if to say- ‘what?’. She then turned around to examine the nearby drapes. Noooo… they didn’t match the- Ooooh!

Sil’s eyes lit up as she suddenly recognized the code that Tayla had recently taught Lynx. What was she supposed to do again? Oh, right!

Approaching Lynx, she gave the familiar a smile and friendly pat on the cheek. “No, Lynx, they do not match, but thanks for asking.”

The cleaning woman gave the two an odd look, before realizing that she was staring and promptly returned to her task.

Lynx caught a glimpse of the woman staring and his shoulders rose. This was the forefront of socialization, the turning of a new page for him. He nonchalantly continued the flow of conversation between him and his non-standard companion.

“Excellent. What help does Karina need?” A pause. “Did she ask for us specifically?”

Karina seemed a better conversational partner to sharpen his skills with. Her serious demeanor was adjacent to his, but she proved to be a person capable of having her softer moments. She definitely wouldn’t mind drape-related colloquialisms or the help of two familiars instead of one.

Sil blinked. “Icy-rina, ask for help?” Sil sighed, waving away Lynx’s blindness. “Lynx, you and I both know Icy-rina is too proud to ask for help.”

Silly Lynx, sometimes he was truly ignorant.

“And that’s her problem, Lynx! She’s too proud to admit when she’s vulnerable and inexperienced. Especially, when it comes to the art of love.”

Surprise… help. The momentum of his thoughts began to slow. “The art of love,” he repeated. He knew Sil was the mischievous sort, but this was a completely unknown field to him. She really could have some insight that would benefit the sterner members of the group.

“I had always assumed familiars were unable to feel true love. All our physical limitations psychosomatically tint our feelings and ultimately limit them. Where were you taught this information?”

“Where? Silly Lynx.” Sil fluttered close to Lynx. “When we first met… Love at first sight.” Sil said, batting her eyes.

She zipped away and twirled in the air. “When Chres and I first met? Love at first sight!”

She flew over to a nearby decorative suit of armor. “When Little Pecker and I first met-” Sil stopped short, suddenly disgusted with herself. “No, Sil, No! Not Little Pecker!” What was she thinking?! Little Pecker was the enemy here!

Sil shook her head. “But that’s how love works, Lynx. You meet someone and whoosh- PUDDLE!” She slammed her fist into her open palm to emphasize the word ‘puddle’, “-and just like that you fall in love.”

Sil sighed, swooning at the thought of it all.

He was not unaware of the romance genre and its prevalence in libraries, but those sorts of books were his least favorite. Strange descriptions of human beings continuing their species, crude comparisons between common objects and body parts-


“It would be best for us to stay away from any more of those curtain phrases for now however.” He held off the urge to scold. There was knowledge at stake.

Sil, waved at Lynx dismissively, “Oh silly, silly Lynx. We’ve already done the meet and greet. -but in any case, Lynx, but there’s a love triangle going on between Icy-rina, Tay-Tay-la and Little Pecks.” Sil mimicked the hand gesture Tayla had made when she mentioned the name ‘Little Pecks’.

“Karina, you see she’s a Dominationerix and demands submission from those she wants to have intimate-sions with. Karina, and Tayla have had eyes for each other from the start… but then… Little Pecker full of jealousy jumped in. And if we don’t stop him soon, he’ll ruin everything!”

”We are not assassinating him are we?”

He tried to calm himself by imagining someone as cheery as her carrying out a murder. It actually made perfect sense, so it made his mood worsen. We must limit ourselves to dissolving this tension. Not only from your reasoning and explanations of… domination, his teeth bared oddly during the pause, but because unrequited romantic feelings could lead to graver problems if we are to all cooperate.

It was starting to feel like reconnaissance. The comfort of background observation seeped in his fur. He wasn’t oblivious, he knew of her checkered past when it came to pranking. He would take her ideas and refine them, he decided. This party’s momentum would march forward.

“Assassinate?!?! What???? No!” Sil exclaimed aghast.

“Don’t you know anything about love, Lynx? Assassination is a last resort only! Opposing suitors don’t usually go around assassinating each other, silly. No, No. The proper way to dispose of your competition is through a fight to the death! Don’t you know? A duel is the grandest of romantic gestures!”

Sil sighed as she stared off in the distance into la-la land. Where tiny winged Chres’s cooed softly in the night and an eight armed Octavapoo strummed his harp to a romantic tune. All the while, Little Pecks and Icy-rina traded blows and red puddles for Tayla’s hand in the moonlight.

Sil blinked and shook her head. Now was not the time for fantasizing!

“Here’s what we need to do.” Sil said as she crept in close and whispered secretly into Lynx’s ear.

It was getting late into the night. When the trap was set just outside the door to privy of Little Pecker’s room. The trap, a bucket of water, was full to the brim and was set to dump its contents on top of Little Pecker the moment he opened the door.

The plan was simple. The moment the trap was sprung they would call in Tayla to witness the humiliation. It was an act of sabotage! If they could just convince Tayla that Little Pecks was beneath her, then a duel to the death would be unnecessary. Otherwise, they would have to pin the blame on Icy-rina. At the very least, they instigate the two into a proper duel.

“Any minute now.” Sil whispered aloud from under the bed. “Aaaaaaaaaaaany minute now.”

After such an... 'eventful' dinner, Karina was honestly exhausted. While she didn't want to be overly rude or disrespectful, she did notice that unlike Lord Ru'Tev, the servants didn't offer them the same... hospitality, with quite a few of them even thinking of them as nuisances.

Regardless, she was ready to lay down and hopefully rest a bit.

"You saw that servant's face when we were getting out? She totally would kill us if she could!" Akai said with a smirk and a chuckle as she mentioned the expression of one of the servants as they passed by on their way to her room.

"I guess explaining that I had nothing to do with the antics of the rest of our group wouldn't work after all that, would it?" Karina asked, with a heavy sigh.

"Nope. Part of the group, part of the problem. She totally sees us, you included, as total nuisances!" Akai said, putting her hands on her hip, almost as if proud of that.

The very second Karina opened the door though, she was greeted by a very unpleasant surprise as a bucket filled with water fell on top of her head, hanging over almost like a helmet as she stood there, completely soaked.

Even Akai, who usually laughed at such things managed to hold her laughter, instead just giving a step back, almost as if getting away from a bomb that was about to explode.

"What... is this!?" Karina asked, throwing the bucket to the ground as she stood still, shocked and soaked to the bone. Strangely enough, instead of the icy-cold blizzard that would normally follow Karina losing her temper, the most that happened was a chill air at most, which fortunately for Karina herself, only made her feel colder instead of forming a layer of ice around her that would surely make her dangerously cold.

Luckily for Sil, neither Karina nor Akai seemed to notice her hiding under the bed, which probably saved her from a very stern and harsh scolding from Karina.

"Before you say anything, I want to assure you I'm innocent this time. There is a saying about things like this, you know? 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you.'" Akai said, straightening up her expression as best as she could to avoid Karina noticing she was laughing.

"When I figure out whoever did this..." Karina said, grumbling as she went straight to the bathroom in order to dry herself and find a way to warm herself up.

Sil’s mouth dropped horrified. Everything had gone horribly wrong! This was supposed to be Little Peck’s room… or had that been three rooms to the right?!?!

Sil, shook her head. Plan A had failed, which meant it was time to find a way to pin the blame on Little Pecks. So be it, a battle to the death it was!

She zipped out from under the bed ready to go straight to Karina… Probably not the best of ideas right now, all things considered. Fortunately for her, though, Chres plucked her from the air before she could cause any further trouble.

”Do I want to know why you were hiding under the bed and why there is a giant puddle in the middle of our room?”

“Uuuuuuummmm… Yes?”

Chres narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“No then?” Sil corrected herself.

Chres sighed. ”Let’s pretend this never happened. You might live another day if you do.” He said to Sil.

Interaction with @Ponn @Qia


The evening had transitioned into a night, marked by the Dreamer's Moon casting its silver glow over Nexustead. The festival square, once a place of joy and celebration, was now fraught with tension. In the horizon, the outlines of strange Abyssal creatures grew clearer, inexorably drawn closer by the amplified elemental power. This was not a common attack. Nexustead had faced the threat of the Abyssal Convergence before, but the timing and nature of this incursion were peculiar.

Nexustead, as a town in the Elemental Enclave, was no stranger to danger. They had their share of Abyssal incursions over the years, and their vigilance was unwavering. Tonight was different. As the Celestial Guardians, revered beings with a deep connection to celestial forces and cosmic energies, patrolled the skies, their radiant forms casting an aura of divine protection, the townsfolk knew that this was a moment of great significance.

The town's defenders had been called to arms, elementalists of all kinds, from earth-shapers to fire-wielders, gathering to bolster their barriers and fortify the town's magical defenses. They stood ready, knowing that their adversaries were not mere creatures but manifestations of the Abyssal Convergence itself. The ominous aura of the approaching creatures began to unsettle the townsfolk, inducing fear, unease, and disorientation. The eerie aura was not confined to the group of Abyssal creatures alone, for as they drew closer, it began to spread, inflicting a subtle mental disquiet on those within its influence.

Individuals who had ventured too close to the approaching Abyssal horde experienced the disquieting effects of the aura. Whispers of dread and ominous premonitions flitted through their minds. Some saw fleeting, shadowy shapes in the corners of their eyes, phantasmal echoes of the Abyssal creatures' approach.

As the festival square's atmosphere grew increasingly tense due to the ominous approach of the Abyssal creatures, Quincy, Ennui, Orion, and Lunella found themselves at the center of it all, sitting near the campfire Quincy had created. The campfire was a flickering island of warmth and light, a stark contrast to the creeping abyssal chill that seemed to envelop the square.

In the midst of this uncertainty, a figure emerged from the shadows and strode purposefully toward Quincy and his company. It was Marshal Elara, a woman known for her dedication to keeping Nexustead safe. Her approach was swift and resolute, her eyes scanning the surroundings and her features etched with stern determination.

At first, her focus was entirely on the unfolding crisis, which required her immediate attention. But as she got closer and took in the sight of Quincy's attire and the chaos that had unfolded, her expression shifted from urgency to recognition. She muttered some element-related curse words under her breath as she examined Quincy, her gaze sharp and unyielding.

"It's you, isn't it? The Quincy Safehaven," she said with a mixture of frustration and exasperation.

As Elara's gaze shifted from Quincy to encompass the entire scene, she couldn't help but notice Orion and Lunella sitting with him. Her eyes briefly narrowed in suspicion, then relaxed as she turned her attention back to Quincy.

"I would be careful with this one if I were you," she added with a cautious glance in their direction. "He is not to be trusted."

"There are stories about him," she continued, her voice tinged with the weight of history. “The dreamweaver who single-handedly drove King Arion mad, thus throwing the Harmonious Archipelago into chaos. A hundred years out, and they still haven't fully recovered."

Elara's stern gaze shifted back to Quincy as she continued, "Tonight already has been far from calm. Your antics led to a tent getting burned down, a person hanging from a pole by their underwear, and someone drenched in a bucket of water. And as if that wasn't enough, you decided to create a campfire in the middle of the festival square! And now, these Abyssal creatures are closing in." She pointed toward the approaching Abyssal horde. "Not the night I had in mind for your particular brand of entertainment. So, Quincy Safehaven, explain yourself. It had better be good, and it had better be quick."

Marshal Elara's tone was firm and left no room for evading responsibility. She clearly expected Quincy to account for his actions and provide an adequate explanation for the chaos he had unleashed in Nexustead, especially considering the impending Abyssal threat. And while her primary focus remained on the larger situation, she couldn't help but notice Lunella's efforts in calming the crowd, acknowledging it with a curt nod.

Interactions with @Qia@Ponn

Quincy's head bobbed with an almost comical enthusiasm, his bright eyes fixed intently on his new friends. It was as if he was savoring every word, committing it to memory. He even chimed in, parroting their last statements in a tone that suggested profound agreement.

“Moon flowers! Moon flowers! Fire spirits! Laaaaaaaaaava!”

Not the best parroting, in the history of The World with No Name, mind you, but this exchange was nothing short of a triumph in Quincy's book! Conversations like these were rare gems, glimmers of coherence and connection amid the vast sea of bewildered stares and awkward encounters that typically defined his social interactions.

Most of his previous meetings seemed to end with a bewildered 'Who the hell are you?' or 'How did you get in my house?' or even the occasional ‘I’m sorry, what was that about a bath in our drinking water???’ These conversations would often culminate with a swift ejection from whatever residence Quincy happened to stumble into, usually before the affronted homeowner discovered the Flittergnat infestation Quincy left behind.

Compared to those moments, this exchange was going fantastically well. It was like stumbling upon an oasis in the middle of a desert. For a man whose social graces often bordered on outright absurdity, this conversation felt like a masterclass in social etiquette.

”Butterflies!!!!” Quincy exclaimed!

Alright, fine. It was a rather... lackluster attempt at parroting.

Ennui groaned, her hands buried in her face. In fairness, it had been her own suggestion for Quincy to mirror the others' words, a tactic meant to foster engagement and rapport. But this? It seemed they'd taken an unexpected detour from the intended course.

”Have you ever tried eating a butterfl-?”

Ennui swiftly interjected, seeking to better guide the conversation, "Quincy and I came here in search of a new place to call home, a sanctuary untouched by the Abyssal Convergence… Our home-" Her voice trembled briefly. The memory of losing their cherished shed, flashing through her mind. "We lost our old home to it..." She continued, her tone marked by a quiet sorrow. "The house Quincy conjured earlier..."

Quincy's smile dimmed just a fraction, a fleeting shadow of melancholy dancing across his features. It lingered in his eyes, but there was a sense that he wasn't entirely cognizant of it. It was as if the depth of his feelings, like so many things, remained partially veiled from his own awareness.

"We've been on the move since then. It's been over a year now. We had hoped that we could find solace in this town and make it our new haven... but..." She trailed off momentarily, finally turning her gaze towards Orion. "You mentioned an impending elemental threat earlier. Is the Elemental Enclave no longer a safe haven?"
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