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ah alts
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what does mules mean in this context
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Epic win!
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she ocky my wocky
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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why u laughing fool, im dead serious >:^(
@River Goblin I'm game, let me in.
@Dread mind if i uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

suck ya toes
D. "Odin": 22, white, Safety and Security Management Studies (bachelor), student, average physical health (no physical problems -- but not 'in shape' as much either), Tang Soo Do 1st dan ('karate 1st dan/black belt' equivalent), single.

Something like this? I think if we limit it to be 'the same type of information' as the listed options in the above listed 'NPC's' then we'd have a pretty general, non-personal overview of 'accomplishments' without being overly 'I've got a gun collection at home, zombie hordes here I come,' so to speak.
I noticed you'd added that but honestly have no idea where to begin. Perhaps it'd be better if we posted a (reasonable) outline of ourselves and had others comment on it? Otherwise anything we might post comes across as arrogant lmao.
hey im odin

tall (7'0) blonde blue-eyed aryan man from the netherlands. i do not wear glasses for my health is perfect, just like me

welcome to rpg
YES, please! (5/7) list:

  • Father Mark
    Religion is known to bind people together and is one of the pillars of society (in any given location) so having someone well versed in it is going to be good. His farming background is a bigger bonus, and his good health probably means he can put in his fair share of work in getting the farms started out and then some.
  • Mr. Clark
    His engineering and construction background is immensely useful, as well as his outdoorsman nature and his handyman expertise. Simply being able to fix things, build things, and survive outside (to a degree) is extremely useful and gives him a leg up over everyone. The only minus that I see is his militantism against blacks, but I'll explain why that doesn't matter to me in the discussion.
  • Mrs. Anthony
    Doesn't really add much that mr. Clark probably also couldn't add, but it's nice to have someone else to work on some engineering-like things, especially when it involves electricity. Might be useful -- and if not, well, she's got two hands, so she can just put in labor. Doesn't really have any minuses, but no extremely appealing factors either.
  • Mr. White
    He's got two hands, and can put in labor. Ideally, spends his time learning from dr. ms. Rita while she is still alive so that he can take over the medical stuff when she inevitably kicks the bucket. Shorter term, he can lift spirits, and is only likely to clash with mr. Clark.
  • Dr. Ms. Rita
    If anyone gets seriously hurt, you'll need someone that knows something about medicine. Her health liability is offset heavily by her skill with health, which is a luxury I personally would at least like to have someone for in my group. Otherwise, nothing sets her apart and she probably isn't gonna be doing much labor or shooting at her age.

MAYBE, if I have to... (2/0):

  • Ms. Perez
    While not extremely unappealing or appealing, she has two hands and could provide labor. Her kid is a massive liability and a resource drain however, so I'd probably tell her no unless I knew I could spare the resources. She adds nothing specifically interesting to the group beyond being able to do basic labor stuff.
  • Micheal Perez
    Too young to add anything for AT LEAST the next 12 years, and the next 16 years if we are extremely uptight about when kids can help the effort. That's too much of a long-term investment for a group that forms just after the apocalypse, so I'd probably say no to him (and his mother because of that). Unless I own a literal castle set up by a nutty prepper with supplies for days, in which case, sure.

NO, thanks (2/0).

  • Dr. Mr. Scott
    Nice to have, but comes with a lot of baggage. Individually he is worth it but the baggage that I'd need to take on just to have him outweighs it in my eyes when his skillset is already filled by other people (and perhaps even more efficiently).
  • Mrs. Scott
    Adds nothing worthwhile to the group in the shortterm and her health and lack of direct input makes her a liability in my eyes. Longterm a psychologist would be extremely useful, but for the short term I'd probably have to pass. (Also, she sounds like she'd be super fucking annoying, not gonna lie.)
  • Billy-boy Scott
    Liability. Whether he is simply stupid, or has some problems going on, it probably doesn't matter. All he'll be good for is manual labor and we already have people that can do that. Although he isn't as much of a liability as his mom, he's probably still more of a drain than a provider.


So basically all of the people in the pool are technically 'somewhat' good picks. Assuming that this group is made right after the apocalypse occurs however, I discarded the minus from mr. Clark (damn racist). After the apocalypse happened, he'd probably be too busy, yknow, surviving, to give a fuck about the fact that two people in his group are black. He'd probably not like it -- but I expect him to put up with it. The fact that he is otherwise ideologically outnumbered means he probably won't do anything extreme and he'll probably just fuck off if things become too much for him.

Ms. Perez and her child don't really add anything directly and if it weren't for her kid I'd probably take her in without hesitation (assuming she puts in her share of work). I don't really care about her past (yeah, she's willing to have a kid, but does that really matter for the short term?) and all I care about is the fact that she'd put in work. Taking in just her probably won't go over so well, cause you can't exactly go ''yeah just dump your kid in the garbage bin and come in!'' Even if you could, that'd have it's fair share of damage done to her mind and she'd probably not be productive regardless.

The Scott family is interesting but ultimately I'd have to take in 2 people that I perceive to be more of a liability than not, just to get a dude that 'possibly maybe has something interesting to add.' Similar to ms. Perez it seems unlikely that we'd be able to take him in without bringing his family -- and if we could, it'd probably hurt his psyche.

The reason I don't pay particular attention to the idea of 'having kids' or politics is simply put that this is the apocalypse -- people are gonna be more busy with survival for the next 2-5 years. And in those years, it's likely that we'll meet new people that are better picks than the one we have now. Having a baby is an investment that takes at least 10-12 years to pay off, and is a huge resource drain during that time. Why not just replenish the group with whatever comes our way?
I will be dropping my own ideas shortly. This reminds me of a forum game I saw once, that I might introduce as a result of this. Good thread, @The Harbinger of Ferocity.
<Snipped quote by HachiRoku>

shit, that's been my problem this whole time?

if that was the problem then it's not your problem, since you're not the one making yourself look like an idiot (not now, anyway).
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