Having lived through the second shinobi war as members of the orphan village of Amegakure, our three heroes find themselves at what many would consider the crossroads of history for the village hidden in the rain. Unbeknownst to them, their decisions are what will shape the future of the village, and will decide the fate of themselves, their clans, and everyone else that stands behind them.
Amegakure has historically simply found itself in the middle of three giants, all of which were ready to come down hard on the village simply for the fact that they were alive. A betting man would say that the odds for Amegakure were not great, but through careful manipulation of the great shinobi nations, Amegakure has continued to survive, expanding its industry with every day, only to have it taken away whenever the next war rolled around.
The leadership of Amegakure started out as petty bandits, thieves, mercenaries looking for their next get up. Slowly, the position of the leader of the hidden rain evolved, and with every new iteration of leadership came a renewed, expanded sense of care for the village. Amegakure grew from a small village, constantly raided by Konoha, Iwa and Suna shinobi during their wars for supplies, to a village that can stand its own, albeit very shortly so.
And that was enough to foster the emergence of great shinobi. After all, when the army is small, the expertise must be big.
At the forefront of the newest generation of shinobi, hardened by the second war and at the forefront of the third war, our heroes must now prove themselves, and show the world how great they truly are.
In recent years Amegakure has been characterized by a growing industrial capability and, following that, a more organized and rigorous military that is capable of filling mission slots with greater numbers and with a much higher efficiency, thus increasing the number of missions Amegakure is capable of performing. Both of these factors have lead to a higher standard of living within Amegakure, primarily because the profession of being a shinobi has become more attractive since the industries present in Amegakure can function at the same, or higher level, without the same need for manpower they had twenty years ago.
Despite this they are still largely a impoverished and unstable country. Despite recent efforts, Amegakure suffers from approximately one hundred years of suffering due to the unstable political situation and a lack of care from the Five Great Shinobi Nations. Amegakure is commonly regarded as a lapdog of whichever nation is seeking its support, and otherwise regarded as a simple piece of territory with no real qualifiers. Often times, the existence of Amegakure is forgotten until the Border Guard arrests trespassers and causes a diplomatic riot.
General problems in Amegakure are, thus, a result of a hundred years of chaos within the lands. Luckily for the leaders of Amegakure, citizens are happy with any positive change, and a drastic change is not directly required, allowing them to systematically repair the damage done to Amegakure's already fragile economy system.
Current problems are related mostly to the looming threat of foreign entities starting another war that Amegakure will be paying the price of.
Iwagakure no Sato (岩隠れの里) remains a constant threat to Amegakure and as a result of this, Amegakure regards its neighbor with a suspicious eye. Currently, traffic from or to Iwagakure has to pass a secondary inspection just to be allowed passage, even if they are simply passing through the territory. This makes Amegakure an unpopular stop for Iwagakure citizens and merchants.
Kirigakure no Sato (霧隠れの里) is largely indifferent and neutral towards Amegakure, holding no ill will towards them. This favor is returned, as Kirigakure passer by's are rare in Amegakure given the distance between the two nations. Diplomatic ties are cooled at best, and not much interaction takes place between the two.
Konohagakure no Sato (木ノ葉隠れの里) is largely interested in maintaining the status quo, wherein they are the second strongest military power directly behind Kumogakure. This means that it prefers not to throw stones into the pond that is global politics, and as such, they will do their best to curb aggression from other nations while simultaneously keeping their fingers in the pot at all times. Amegakure regards Konohagakure as a hostile force, however, particularly due to their involvement in the previous raiding and looting of Amegakure.
Kumogakure no Sato (雲隠れの里) is the closest thing to a 'friend' that Amegakure has, as their position as military powerhouse provides Amegakure with ample reason to keep them around as a friend. Similarly, Kumogakure takes a special interest in Amegakure due to their position amidst the three great nations of Iwa, Konoha, and Suna, and their ability to open a second front, no matter how small.
The only disagreement between the nations comes primarily due to the choice of tactics -- where Kumogakure prefers direct confrontation, Amegakure prefers to play the long game, and uses subterfuge, manipulation and assassination before they opt for more direct methods of exerting their control.
Unknowingly to Kumogakure, the Arekuruu has infiltrated the ranks of the daimyo that controls Kumogakure as a second alternative to securing their support in any war.
Sunagakure no Sato (砂隠れの里) is the nation that has expressed the most aggression towards Amegakure, because Amegakure is a potential new site for Sunagakure where they can expand beyond their desert and actually cultivate fertile crops. Because of this, Sunagakure views Amegakure as the natural next step for expansion, and has made as much known. Travel from and into Sunagakure is at a full stop, and not allowed at all.
Samurai (侍)
The samurai have been isolated for many years now, and have grown distant and uncommunicative to shinobi. It is said that many of the samurai have died during a particularly cold winter, and that the remaining samurai have gone mentally insane. They no longer speak when shinobi approach the land of iron, and instead attack straight away, not offering rhyme or reason as to why they are being attacked.
The Arashi no Shugo-sha (嵐の守護者), the Stormguardians, were created by Hoshiyo. THeir existence is something of an urban legend and only the leader of Amegakure knows of their existence. They are modeled after ROOT -- in fact, the Amegakure orphanage is a known source of recruits for the Arashi no-Shugo. The Arashi no Shugo-sha is known for kidnapping promising orphans in foreign lands as well, and allegations have been made towards Amegakure no Sato that they are abducting children who, whether they are orphans or not, are not property of Amegakure. Of course, no admission of this can be given out by Amegakure no Sato, because the existence of the Arashi no Shugo-sha is a concept that even the citizens of Amegakure themselves are not sure about.
To get things straight -- the Arashi no Shugo-sha, or Arekuruu, do certainly exist. But not many people know of them and, beyond some alleged sightings of Arekuruu agents within the borders of Amegakure, nothing can be proven. Thus the urban legend was formed.
With a country that is as isolated as Amegakure, it is not strange that they take extreme measures to defend their borders. Due to the nature of Amegakure's position in the middle of three larger villages, they are forced to vehemently protect their borders at all costs. These units will go out and confront trespassers, ordering them to turn back and take the long way around Amegakure, and if they fail to do so, will engage and theoretically destroy the opponent. The border guards are typically lead by a borderguard-specific jonin, and then three regular shinobi, but can also consist of four borderguard shinobi.
Perhaps the most infamous of the Amegakure institutions, the orphanage employment service or otherwise known simply as 'the orphanage' is a service that deals with children abandoned by their parents or who lost their parents due to war. They come from all over - but mostly from Amegakure. This is due to the frequent usage of Amegakure lands to do battle in by other countries which causes displaced children to end up either in Amegakure or wandering into Amegakure - though, at times, the orphanage has been known to employ the Arekuruu to exfiltrate orphans from other areas outside of its' borders.
The orphanage spends most of it's time raising the children to become shinobi -- offering them a chance at a life where they can earn a living wage rather than having to beg on the streets if they're not adopted (which rarely happens in Amegakure -- there are enough mouths to feed as is). Those who are said to have special talents are siphoned off into the Arekuruu training trajects, where they are effectively brainwashed -- though Amegakure prefers to say they are 'made loyal.' Much has been learned from ROOT in that regard, and though they do not practice the brutal experience of having to kill a brother or sister, there are certainly ethical questions that can be asked here -- it is only a good thing that nobody knows about this, and that means nobody can ask these questions.
@6slyboy6 well this has unfortunately been coming for a while but I guess to give this some official closure on my end, I'm dropping out. Has nothing to do with you, or the RP, but everything to do with my waning interest in the roleplay and, frankly, roleplaying in general. I guess if it's any consolation you have the boon of being the GM of one of the last RPs the legendary Odin partook in.
That said I think my waning interest primarily has to do with the fact that this played out more like a forum game than a roleplay, primarily because there wasn't any interaction within the first few posts between players. I think the premise of the RP is awesome, and if it were game-ified into a forum game I'd definitely play again, primarily because at that point it wouldn't take me an hour or so to write a post that, in essence, will be repeated word by word by other players simply because the founding of society all over the world has been rather one dimensional -- we all found shelter, and we all found food. The nuance is in what we made our shelter out of or what we ate, but when it comes down to it, we're all writing the same thing. Exceptions being there (the fae were really unique in this case), I think that's primarily what ended my interest. :^(
Unfortunate, since I had a lot planned for this RP that never came to fruition, but that seems to be the reality of most roleplays on RPG and other sites alike, I think? Either way, thank you very much for your efforts and I'm always available to play a game of Squad again.
Sadako's most striking feature are probably her babyblue-green eyes that seem to change color depending on how the sun shines on it. It's almost as if two gemstones have been inserted in place of her eyes. Another noticeable feature is the permanent placement of a bandaid on her nose. Because fashion.
She has a slender slightly-hourglass shaped body with a very fit, trained upper body. Her shoulders are very well defined, and she definitely looks like she can lift stuff that is twice her size. Dope.
stylish • black, beige, blue, red, white...
Her shinobi outfit consists of a black athletic crop-top, some totally cool and fashionable gloves over some wrappings, and a beige set of wide pants that taper off near her knee. Her high sandals cover some additional wrappings.
Her civilian wear is often times expensive, fashionable and consists of the finest brands/custom made high quality wear. She never wears the same outfit once when it comes to her casual outfits. Part and parcel for being a noble girl.
Her sleepwear follows the same trend, although she does wear the same PJ's twice. It mostly consists of various colored satin pajamas, although silk is not out of the question.
Sadako is an open and friendly girl that would like nothing more than to make friends with everyone. She doesn't think in terms of caste systems and has been chastised many times for associating with lower castes. She is met with paranoia by the lower castes and is met with contempt from the other nobles for her associations, even if she is genuine in her attempts at making friends. She doesn't really seem to understand why people respond to her this way and why she is consistently chastised for trying to form a bond of camaraderie with her fellow shinobi.
Friendly • Insecure • Perfectionist
Her friendly nature is very genuine. Aside from that she is very insecure due to constant denials to her approaches to potential friends, not realizing that she is denied due to the caste system rather than who she is. This has only furthered the sense of perfectionism instilled in her by her father, the leader of the Sakamachi clan, who wishes to form her into a potent secondary heir in case her older brother is to die. Feelings of not being good enough equated to feelings of having to be perfect to be able to make friends.
Never let down your friends.
It's simple. You don't let down your friends.
Sadako wishes to do what is good for her and her family, and what is expected of her by them. She is in a rather precarious situation (see history) that put a large burden on her, despite not even being the heir. As such, she simply seeks to do whatever is demanded of her by her clan.
Sadako was born an hour after her twin brother, and as such was not in a particularly good place to earn the leadership of the clan. It was probably for the best, considering how Sadako turned out. In Kirigakure, the nail that stuck out got hammered down, and having someone as ill-advised about the caste system in charge as Sadako would be a quick way to demote the clans rather large political endeavors.
She had the (mis)fortune of being born with a rare kekkei genkai that occured in the Sakamachi clan bloodline every so often -- it occurred roughly once per 200 years. It was a fortune because, well, the kekkei genkai is not one to be trifled with. It was a misfortune because it should have been her brother that received the bloodline limit.
She grew up under rigorous training because of it, and was never left without supervision. She and her brother were made to spar until they could no longer stand, which put an additional strain on her brother who now had to work twice as hard; once to convince the clan he was worthy of leading the clan, and once to prove to the clan that his sister was not a better leader.
To say that the two grew to resent eachother would be an understatement. They do not get along because of it, although Sadako can't tell why. As far as she knows, her brother is family, and she tries to treat him like a friend, but the strain put on their relationship by her kekkei genkai seems to be what pushed her brother away and ultimately lead to him abandoning her attempts at friendship and instead treat her as a rival.
Once she entered the academy she performed well, being a studious student and a goody two shoes. She tried to make friends where she could, which ended up with her becoming 'popular' in the sense that people knew of her, not that people liked her. Again, her caste got in the way as the lower castes treated her as an outsider looking to exploit them, and the other noble caste members treated her as a pariah for trying to associate with the peasantry.
Not that that turns this into a sob story. There are always people willing to break social norms and become friends with others. She had plenty of friends otherwise, which only added fuel to the fire.
She finished in the top 10th percentile of the class, meaning she was a good student and a capable shinobi, even if she doubted herself.
Gudōton (Truth Seeking Release) or Kuroibōton (Black Rod Release)
Although the chakra receptors previously used by Pain to transmit chakra, as well as make for impromptu weapons, are primarily linked to the Rinnegan, Sadako seems to possess an innate ability to copy the creation of these black rods or black weapons without having the Rinnegan.
The black weapons are made of an extremely resilient material and require extremely strong tools to even scrape off some small dust of the material. As such, it cannot be broken by conventional tools or weaponry such as katana, kunai, or the likes, and in fact, the material is more than likely strong enough to break those items.
Beyond this, the material is conductive to chakra and has the capability to disrupt chakra of those that get stabbed by the weapon, disrupting their ability to flow chakra to the area in question and, if used in several body parts, supressing chakra to such a degree that no chakra flow away from the reserves are possible at all.
Contrary to that, the user is capable of sending chakra to these rods remotely, allowing them to perform numerous jutsu this way.
Although not susceptible to standard elemental means (katon, doton, etc) the material is sensitive to raw chakra and, using a style such as the gentle fist, it is possible to snap or break the material. Furthermore, the black rods that are lodged inside of an enemy are not sealed into it, meaning they can be removed by pulling them out -- though the pain of techniques used on them might be too much for the victim themselves to do it -- by the victim themselves or an ally.
These techniques contain the general techniques used in the Truth Seeking Release style, which is what she has been educated in primarily since her childhood. Her mastery of the kekkei genkai is o-kay for her age, but provides her such a significant edge in battle that it is easily her primary skillset.
Because of her kekkei genkai, Sadako was educated in the fine arts of taijutsu to allow her to master the close-ranged fighting style required to go with the kekkei genkai. She is very skilled for her age, but all her other styles suffered for it.
Chakra techniques
The lack of any real training in elemental jutsu meant that Sadako has never discovered her primary chakra nature, let alone any further investigation into her chakra natures. The Sakamachi clan is known to be proficient in Futon jutsu, but this aspect is thus far lacking in her and she has no signs of interest in elemental jutsu. As such, her tertiary skillset is primarily in the use of non-elemental jutsu.
Although it is not a weapon, it feels prudent to mention here that a primary utilization of the Gudōton/Kuroibōton kekkei genkai is the creation of weapons. These weapons follow the same rules of the black rods used by other creators.
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
Kuchiyose no Jutsu allows the user to transport a target to their location. This technique summons Boji, a messenger salamander native to the archipelago of Kirigakure, capable of walking on water due to it's low body weight.
Chakura Hensō - - - - Gudōton: Kuroi bō no Tengoku no Keimusho (Heavenly Prison of Black Rods)
Chakura Hensō. The user must first prepare the technique, after that the user will be able to change one's chakra signature, make it seem larger, smaller or even non-existent, due to a complex anachronism that the user creates in one's chakra changing their perspective to others. - Kuroi bō no Tengoku no Keimusho: The user forms a tiger seal, before stretching their hands into the ground and pushing their palm against it. The user then sends their black rods into the ground where they begin to expand outwards towards the victim, having several offshoots before emerging from the ground, sealing the victim in the prison. A fast escape is possible, of course, but once the prison is complete, it is nigh-impossible to escape without breaking the prison. Once the technique is complete, the user breaks the rod at their hands and can stand up again.
The prison lacks any real offensive use at the moment, as jutsu and people can't go out of the prison but neither can jutsu or people go into the prison. So, it is more used for capturing people for interrogation or temporarily halting their advance.
The prison can be broken open with raw chakra attacks, such as the gentle fist -- though flowing chakra into the rods wouldn't do much as the rods suppress chakra.
After the victim has been impaled by at least one, and preferably more chakra receivers, the user will form the snake seal followed by the horse seal, and hold it there. This will send chakra into the black rods, which will then heat up slightly (not enough to cause pain) as the chakra is sent through the receivers, before they cause a painful sensation in the area around the receiver. This is best used on areas like the arms or legs, but can also be used elsewhere -- the pain is strong enough to debilitate an opponent, and from 2 chakra receivers onwards, it is unlikely that the target will be able to stand up.
The way this jutsu works makes it extremely susceptible to chakra disruption one way or another. While the chakra stream itself will be hard to stop (it transfers near instantly for as long as the seal is maintained), preventing the user from holding the seal will stop the jutsu. Removal of the chakra receiver one way or another would also work -- for example breaking them or removing them. - After the victim has been impaled by at least one, and preferably more chakra receivers, the user will form the snake seal and then extend their hands forwards towards the target -- as if they are pushing an object away. As their chakra flows into the rods, and transfers to the victim, they will be cast under a genjutsu that disorients the target greatly, and reverses all intake of senses -- things that are on the left move slightly to the right, smells don't smell the same anymore, hearing is warped or completely changed.
The more chakra receivers are impaled in the enemy, the stronger the effects and, because of this, the more warped certain senses get (hearing goes from scrambled but audible hearing to straight up hearing different sentences, for example). If this effect is great enough, one may even induce vomiting from pure sensory overloard and confusion.
Although the jutsu functions the same as the Heavenly Debilitation technique, there are some key differences, as this involves a genjutsu. Because of this, stopping the chakra flow will only work if the genjutsu is maintained constantly (by the user continuing to have their hands outstretched towards the victim). But this will not take the person out of the genjutsu. Destroying the receivers, dealing pain to the victim (like a squeeze or punch) or killing the user of the technique would result in the end of the genjutsu, but if the receivers are not removed, the jutsu can simply be recast.
I'm a genin! - I'm a genin! - I'm a genin!
I'm a genin! - I'm a genin! - I'm a genin!
Here's my second submission, either for when we've furthered the RP a bit, or for when we need an extra character, maybe. Clan sheet on the way too.
DISTINCTION black sclera/eyes ∘ long, black hair ∘ indifferent blank expressions » indifferent, cold aura's predominate the Uragiri clan.«
PRESTIGE honest ∘ nihilistic, brave, self-sacrificial ∘ reckless » the Uragiri clansmen are all nihilistic in the sense that they are raised by their clan to provide a large amount of perfectly average soldiers to the village as part of the expectations placed upon this clan of pawns.«
GENETICS » large chakra reserves «
General ninjutsu.
The clan is built of pawns, and as such they fulfill the role of pawns. They are outcasts, disliked even among the pawns because of their strange appearances. But, there is an air of respect for them because while they are all painfully average, all of them are willing to lay down their lives for Kirigakure. It should be noted that (until Sakana) there have been no 'prime candidates' for clan outreach as there were never any above-average shinobi like him. Now, with the advent of Sakana rising to relative prominence for a genin, there is a chance they might become more.
The Uragiri clan is a calm clan above all else, and prefer spending their time honing their population of koi spread between ponds and rice fields. They produce the finest koi in all of the known Shinobi world, although their koi are generally not for sale, only given out as gifts. They value hard labor, and all non-shinobi of the family work in a manual labor of some sorts, whether it be the wood industry, smiths, or shopkeeps. The shinobi part of the clan, which is numerous but as mentioned before very average, value their own sense of nihilism and preparedness to die for the village. An Uragiri that hesitates when entering battle out of fear for their own life is not an Uragiri that will earn the respect of the clan.
They are all named after fish of some sorts -- Sakana's father and mother are named Same and Koi, for example. Furthermore, they maintain the koi ponds and koi in the ricefields with an almost ritual or religious sense of fervor.
On the 3rd of August they celebrate the Koi festival, in which all Uragiri clanmembers gather in the Uragiri clan grounds (which are too small for all of them at once, a side effect of their status as pawns) and celebrate together. Here they hold a prize contest in which the person that produced the best Koi is given a prize of a small lump sum of money (barely enough to buy new shoes).
They are too poor to own heirlooms.
The clan is built up like a traditional clan in that it has a clan head, although since large parts of the clan are civilians, the clan head is not necessarily a shinobi. Because of this, any matters dealing with shinobi business are deferred to the highest ranking shinobi of the clan, and in the case that there are multiple of the same rank, it is deferred to whichever has the most experience. Typically, this means senior shinobi are in control of the war-side of the clan. Because they are pawns, this control often shifts whenever the oldest most experienced shinobi dies.
FOUNDER Uragiri Sāmon ∘ passed away at age 78 ∘ sengoku jidai era » he was not particularly well known outside of the clan, but is mostly remembered for his fondness of salmon in his soup. An otherwise perfectly average shinobi. « list ∘ Uragiri Tsuna ∘ Uragiri Kingyo ∘ Uragiri Mongarakawahagi (ADOPTIVE)
CURRENT CLAN HEAD Uragiri Koi ∘ 41∘ current age » only recently having taken the position of senior shinobi, he is unknown by all outside of the clan « Uragiri Fugu ∘ Uragiri Unagi Uragiri Sakana
HEIR TO BE Uragiri Sakana ∘ 13∘ current age » because Sakana is potentially the heir of the clan if the political changes go through, he is well respected and regarded within the clan, doubly so because he is the first shinobi among the clan to produce above-average results, making him a genius among the clan even if comparatively he is not. Outside of the clan, he is a pawn, and thus a nobody, just another Uragiri. « Uragiri Same ∘ Uragiri Koi
The clan was formed on the secluded Catfish Island, which remains an important place of worship for the Uragiri clan. The creation was non-exceptional and the clan was simply formed out of a continued line of family that shared the same traits.
Catfish Island finds itself situated in the Kirigakure archipelago, and although the Uragiri clan resisted integration for a long time, they finally caved in and joined the clan over continued threats of violence. By then it was too late to become a founding family or a secondary ranking family, and so they found their place as pawns -- the perfect place for a clan of which the majority of civilians subsisted off of fishing anyway.
The clan is still in very much the same position as back when it first integrated (as their integration was rather recent, during the lifespan of Uragiri Sakana himself). They are regarded with an evil eye at best, and downright hostility at worst, even by other pawns. This doesn't dissuade the Uragiri clan, especially now that they have vested their hopes of moving up in the world on Uragiri Sakana.
There is a growing movement in the clan to get rid of the traditional leadership of the clan and instead thrust the livelihood of the clan entirely on shinobihood, which would disinherit any civilians from becoming political leaders in the clan. As such, the leadership of the clan will remain hereditary, nd would most likely pass to Uragiri Koi, which would make Uragiri Sakana the heir.
Uragiri Sakana is the ultimate example of what an Uragiri clansman is supposed to look like -- black eyes, long, well taken care of black hair, and a completely average look in all other measurements of appearance. He looks fit for a lean boy, but this is definitely not a feature that stands out about him, and if one were to glance over him, nothing but his eyes would stand out. This is perfectly fine. The Uragiri thrive in averageness, and appearances can be deceitful.
functional• midnight-black, flakvest-olive and bee-yellow.
His every day wear is, much like the Uragiri clan, completely average. Aside from the Uragiri clan symbol (two koi, one white, one black) mounted on the back of his shirt, there is nothing that sets him apart from other shinobi. He wears a set of long fingerless gloves that reach up to half of his upper arm. This is paired with a sleeveless black turtleneck, of which the hems are colored in olive, and the circle around the Uragiri clan symbol on his back is colored yellow. Besides this, he wears bog standard olive shinobi pants that reach up to his calves, tucked into his midnight-black shinobi boots, of which only the toes are exposed.
Everyday clothing consists of the same minus the gloves and shoes, because being a pawn means not being able to afford much of anything. He wears black-and-yellow slip ons instead, which allow his pants to come down to his ankles.
Sleepwear is a set of simple pajamas, colored black.
The keys to the shed next to the Uragiri koi pond.
Sakana does not care much for the opinions of others, finding them secondary to his own. If one's goals were to align with his own, then he might be willing to take them into account, but were they to directly conflict with his own insights, he would most definitely just throw the other persons opinions to the wind. Sakana lives for himself, not anyone else.
nihilist • judgemental • honest
Sakana's honne and tatamae are directly intertwined in that they are one and the same thing. He is not one to take a moment to filter his opinions, but rather just tells you them as they are. Because of this he stands ready to judge another at a moments notice. The pro to this is that he is also willing to adjust his stances if someone manages to change his mind -- through actions, never words.
Better dead than a coward
Sakana believes in fate, and believes that the Sage of the Six Paths has a plan in store for every person, acting much more like a benevolent god than the extraterrestial creator of ninjutsu. Because of this, Sakana believes there is no use attempting to escape death, since it comes for all. He would rather die than flee in all situations.
Respect, glory, fame
Sakana has little goals other than to become a great name in the Shinobi world, not just in Kirigakure. He wants everyone to know his name and to respect it, even if they don't like him. Being a mere pawn, this is quite a challenge, but this is the hand he was dealt and he is not one to sit down and cry about it.
Growing up Sakana enjoyed a bog standard childhood, never experiencing the trauma of parents dying despite being a part of the pawn caste. His parents were average shinobi that managed to stay alive through skill and expertise, and through this were capable of raising Sakana with the help of the clan.
Being a pawn, however, made things more different. Sakana did not have access to the same facilities others did and thus life was a struggle. Instead of being enrolled with a pre-academy shinobi teacher, he was simply taught by his parents. This made training more fun, but a lot less formalized. It did not prepare him for the academy very well, although it taught him valuable skills.
Because of this he struggled in the academy at first when he had to adapt to the formal method of schooling. The theoretical courses never quite interested him as much as the practical. Genjutsu was lost on him, as was chakra control. Instead he was forced to rely on his experience with (simple) ninjutsu and large chakra reserves.
He wasn't a particularly interesting student, and he finished in the top 30 percentile of the class. However, for the Uragiri clan who are all painfully average, this made him a genius (even if by all other clans' standards he was barely average). Thrust into the front of the clan at the ripe age of 13, he now stands on the forefront of the clan as its symbol.
Being a pawn, Sakana faced and faces around the clock disdain from those in other castes despite being one of the people on the frontlines defending their nation. This has hardened him, and increased his disdain for the opinions of others, especially those in the higher echelons of society. He doesn't hate them, but he dislikes the people in them 9 out of 10 times.
Sakana is a ninjutsu specialist, and at a young age managed to utilize three (!) natures despite only being a genin. This alone could make a him a genius, but this is deceiving, since he was just lucky with his ability to understand chakra natures. He utilizes this skill to combine ninjutsu effectively and, combined with his relatively high chakra reserves, is capable of using them to great effect.
This is perhaps not so much his specialty as much as the specialty of the person he pays to place seals on him. However, his unique and simple method of using these seals is used to great effect in battle and can cause an unsuspecting opponent to be caught off guard. Consider it a niché rather than a specialty.
Not yet unlocked or even aware of this skillset, but Sakana has an aptitude towards (intelligent) animals and stands ready to form a contract with them if the chance were to present itself. Ofcourse, what kind of animal would be willing to subject itself to the constant torment of being summoned by a mere genin?
A simple dao that does not have any strengths or weaknesses beyond that of a regular katana or knife.
Doton: Earth Shelter - Katon: Karyūdan
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Doton: Earth Shelter summons a spherical shelter made of earth. It is weak to lightning. - Katon: Karyudan is a technique where the user exhales a flame breath from their mouth. It is weak to being blocked by defensive techniques, especially those of water.
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right? Use S, A, B, or C-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo. - This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning! Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside. Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is.. - The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped. For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Fūinjutsu: Atsui! atsui! atsui!
The user seals or gets sealed 3 seals on their tongue, namely the characters for 'atsui' (熱い) meaning 'hot'. These seals contain fire jutsu up to the B rank Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku (can contain smaller ones like the regular Gōkakyū no Jutsu). Due to the small size of the seals, the jutsu are not quite as large as your average great fire annihilation, but the flames burn just as hot.
The technique is easily hidden and it'd require some real good eyesight to see these seals. Similarly, because the jutsu uses a standard jutsu, it is not quite apparent that they're using sealing to be used, and it's easy to mistake these for a jutsu being used without handseals. As such, finding out that seals are used in this technique will be extremely hard for anyone that doesn't have specifically good eyesight. The seals are activated by flowing jutsu to them to 'unfurl' them, and then allows the user to spew out the technique.
The three seals are aligned from front to back saying, hot! hot! hot!
Adequately dodging the technique is easier the further away from you Sakana is -- the technique is still a simple Great Fireball Technique, so there are no additional things to account for except for the very sudden ability to summon the fireball. This technique will likely catch the opponent off guard -- which is what the difficulty is. Adequate response is still possible. Water also works well.
N/A - N/A - N/A
I'm just a genin! - I'm just a genin! - I'm just a genin!
N/A - N/A - N/A
I'm just a genin! - I'm just a genin! - I'm just a genin!
[center][color=gray][b]Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen[/b][/color][/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FrPe6BA.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ugdwUng.jpeg[/img][/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><font color="gray"><span class="bb-b">Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen</span></font></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/FrPe6BA.jpeg" /> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/ugdwUng.jpeg" /></div></div>