Avatar of Dioxide
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Dioxide
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2392 (0.63 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Dioxide 10 yrs ago
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- A Linguistics major at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, specializing in multilingual acquisition and education

- A simultaneous, functional trilingual of Cantonese, English, and Tagalog - now learning Mandarin and Hong Kong Sign Language

- A bookworm, preferring science fiction and science-fantasy. Brandon Sanderson is a god

- A dancer, dabbling in Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, and Ballroom Dancing

- A pathetic excuse of a polymath, with interests in engineering, physics, chemistry, environmental science, politics, history, anthropology, law, and Art

- A dabbler in learning the guzheng and basketball

- A music enthusiast who will literally listen to anything

I'm too busy for my own good. LOL

Most Recent Posts

Hey! I'm sorry that I couldn't get a reply this month

I recently found a new full-time job and I've started job-training! This doesn't mean, however, that I have secured the job - I have to impress them by the mid evaluation in my 4-week programme. So I've been stressed out, and quite emotional in fact.

So I'll try my best to get a post in by today!
:) hahaha

Exciting stuff here :) Really sorry I took a month to reply
Dara was shocked. How? How did the light being hold out for so long? Nothing had been able to withstand her mental blast for so long. Even if the light being's power made him recover fast enough to keep up with the strenuous damage being put to his brain, there was still the pain that's put on the mind - this element is intangible and only someone with the greatest of will and fortitude can hold out against what felt like a nuclear bomb in their mind.

Meanwhile, Thy fought the monstrosity, giant against giant. Each blow sending a megaton of hurt, shock-waves that would send billowing plumes of dust across the horizon. Each giant would have pieces of themselves - rock or carapace and flesh - flying off as they got hit, but their recovery was almost instantaneous, the fight seemingly negligible. A sucker punch landed on Gershwin's face, and her world was spun around. The pain was extreme and blinding, flashes of red and green obscuring her hexagonal vision, but her sight recovered almost immediately. Her sight came to the very bright sphere of lava surrounding by bars of light.


All efforts were now turned to killing her, the easier target. Thy knew this and grabbed whatever limb he could to hold her back. Gershwin sprouted more limbs to try and reach for Dara, but Terra Soldiers grew from the Terra Giant and crawled out to cut them off, like ants on a predator much greater than them. Soon Thy would spread his arms over and around him, like a vice that will absolutely not break if there was no leg room for Gershwin to move.

It was now or never. Gershwin pulled even harder and ripping sounds could be heard. Gershwin flew free from Thy's vice, now nothing but a torso. As she fell forward, Thy felling backwards, she readied herself. Tendrils, spikes, thorns, the sorts, all aimed to pierce the ever-living shit out of Dara.

Though her pain was not felt, everyone heard Thy's. An almost musical tone of pure misery, pain, and sadness. Crumbling and breaking, Thy's giant sunk back to the earth and the poor little Cambodian boy was there in the middle of a flat dirt field, crying his lungs out. All at once, it seemed as if the war was over.

What once was Dara was killed and the molten lava sphere crushed in on her and incinerated what remained of her. Dara felt a new essence of power so strong entering him. It's as if... all his family's powers were now all in one naughty, naive, innocent little kid. Despite all that, all he could feel now was sadness.
It's my performance today. That's why I haven't been responding - what with all the rehearsals and stuff

I'll get back to this soon!
I'm either going to make Cody force his hand, or have it so Dara accidentally kill herself through Cody's cage

Or... a third option. I'll see ;)

We're nearing the conclusion for this chapter!
Okay, just needed some rest :)

The warning to fasten up for the drive came, but Quayhoggr was already seated tightly, bracing his leg against the side of his metal table as the Absolute Magnitude lifted off. Gravity stabilizers helped to keep his stacks of books and items in place, and his hands raised and held the rest in place, a set of acts second nature in his tenure in the team of bounty hunters. Instead, like the mess of documents that shifted along the floor to the side of the bed as the ship travelled forward, his mind was devastatingly headed towards the direction of self criticism… yet again. Thought after thought, his inner self fought with his inner self, logic fighting emotion, reason struggling with instinct, sheer brilliance being trumped by a self-fulfilling, cycling stain of depression.

He read aloud a transcript of an alien language on the wall, practising and expanding his phonetic capabilities with the full intention of distracting himself from a cosmic whirlwind of dejection.

”They don’t need you.”

”Yes, they do. I have skills none of them have. They have themselves a powerful genius.”

”But one they don’t need.

He stood up, marking notes to the script on its semantics, logic entailment, and pronunciation with a piece of chalk only for it to snap. He sighed heavily, turning to his bed and slamming himself onto it, trench coat and all still on him. His hands covered his face. He didn’t need to cry, but his breaths felt impossibly loaded and weighty and his spirits tranquilized and in comatose. He heard the footsteps outside in the hallway. Poole had left for the A.L.C. - the event deduced by the reasoning of efficiency, after hearing the announcements, of course. Many footsteps followed the muscle man’s pounding stride. Not one looked to Deevee’s room.

”Of course, they wouldn’t, freak.”

Deevee has watched his teammates eat before. Of course, this set of observations earned him several arguments and looks, but it is one of his many techniques to learn how a person could be, especially when they are at one of their most relaxed moments.

Poole, eating hefty and plentifully, tries to speak with other people and even to his teammates. Considering his backstory, and his tendencies and habits, he is repentant for his origins, shameful and attempting to be humble for his mistakes and progress.

”He could destroy you without a care in the universe.”

Jeremiah eats all he can and even takes some away. He keeps to himself unless engaged with, and showers people with charming talk of conversation when he is really into it. But assuming his practice of alcohol and possibly drugs - keeping in mind his perpetual state of high and intoxication - he is very unconfident, maybe even ‘attention-seeking’ would be a proper adjective. A manic man with rusty skills despite all the training he’s had.

”You’re not good enough for him.”

Xaara is someone with no obvious eating idiosyncrasies. However, this is emblematic of someone really reclusive and detached - a personality trait that he shares with her based on the fact that both stay away from each other. Jaded, though not a great word, is still a word and is not too inappropriate.

”You’re unimportant.”

Eimi eats with a world of her own, keeping to herself as much as she could unless pulled out from her safe haven. Anxiety? Unsure of herself? Those are some descriptions one could make for her. She could be faking everything she has ever displayed outwardly in her persona. She is so much like him.

”No, you are more like her. Do not ever think you are comparable to anyone.

Lynette sticks to only one serving every meal, maintaining a semblance of her regal history through her actions though her current state of affairs seems contrary to everything her upbringing seems to make her out. This is only on the guess that she is regal, or at least of a very high-class environment. Nostalgic? Guilt-ridden seems to read off her face everytime she makes her mark as the moral compass of the group.

”She is so much better than you in every way.”

His recollection of his analyses was part of his specialized profession - one that was in high demand, with technical skills and operable talents recognized by way of opening new worlds and allowing immersion to be successful and easy. In this way, that is how he kept himself alive, knowing that the team needed him, in so many ways.

He was ready to pick himself off his bed, mood better to continue his practice, a flash of bright light spontaneously combusted within his vision, but he knew well in fact that nothing could have caused that in his room. His head only confirmed this when it was introduced with a most terrible ache. He collapsed back to his bed, and he began to see something.


Quayhoggr was in a room, watching himself talk to a man who was by no means in danger from physical harm, but his tremors and sweat showed that he was mortally closing in on his fate’s end. He listened to what his other self had to say:

“You see, Mr. Fja”XXa, I’m already being nice. And please, relax. I’m merely reminding you that I have connections within the police department, spoken with the security guards in this building to take it a little easy on surveillance - good friends, actually, Moooadap has twins - and I digged up significant intel from my ex-girlfriend in the Ganymedian IRS that shows me that you haven’t been taxing in a lot of your stuff - she’s hot; three sets of tits is really a handful.

Of course, I can make this nightmare of yours go all away… if you would open your safe right now and let me have everything in it.”

Mr. Fja”XXa shot up and opened it immediately, offering to put all of his savings, jewelry, and large dossiers of what could be really delicate secrets.

”Much love, and remember: behave.”

The other Quayhoggr left the room and Mr. Fja”XXa slumped back to his chair, crying in his hands. Original Quayhoggr followed his other out of the room and caught him pressing the earbud communicator, talking back to someone. Strangely enough, original Quayhoggr could hear the speakers: it was the Absolute Magnitude cast:

”Good god, Deevee you’re scary.” Eimi spoke. “Excellent job,” from Poole. “His soul looked like it left him long ago after what you did in there.” Another praise, this time from Lynette.

This Quayhoggr was liked by his teammates so much more than he was. This one even walked with swagger and confidence, so much more articulate and more gentlemanly. He had no idea what was going on. Could this have been him from before? Maybe his stress is overworking his creativity. But… even so, he was jealous with this Deevee.

Then everything faded to black.


Deevee came to in tears, crying tremendously as he pondered on what happened, thinking about the convoluted possibilities of what could have been, what should be, what will be, what ought to be, what can- It was too much.

If only he had someone to talk to.

God my depression is killing me
Dara continued her assault, a mental force whose attack grated on the light being's mind like a fork on a plate, like the sharp claws of a predator on the flesh of its freshly caught prey. Though the light being's mind was very strong, it was only a matter of time before Dara found the crack in that armour and strike the finishing blow.

She read the light being's mind, and so did Thy - two minds into one who expected the light-empowered hit to the ground. It was powerful but with anticipation, it missed entirely. Dara persisted and increased her mental force, drilling into that pathetic being's mind.

However, Gershwin's mind, who no more than a few moments ago was struck with Dara's mental blast, found in her sights... Thy. Gershwin, now being more than 300 meters tall took off in flight with her powerful wings, razor-sharp limbs and uncompromising size launched towards the earth-bender.

In turn, Thy returned back all of the Terra Army into the earth, vibrations of them "moving", heading back, returning to the sorcerer. To combat a giant beast, you must have a giant beast of your own. A hand shot out from Thy's left side, punching and knocking Gershwin out of the air. A shell case formed around Thy and features of its exterior was starting to form facial features. As more earth moved out, it only confirmed what the human's imagination realized: a mega soldier, standing around the same height as Gershwin, with size just as menacing, with great power just as immense. So much soil has been shifted to create the being, the ground became uneven and unstable, lowered and weakened, as its stable foundations were uprooted. In the head of the mighty being sat Thy, controlling ultimately its servant as he stepped forward to take Gershwin out and kill her once and for all.

Gershwin had only just gotten back up from her insect form when another hit met her hinged jaws, her body smashing into the ground so hard, it felt like another earthquake was occurring, opening up pockets of exposed dirt and soil, drainage pipes, walls of tunnels, and electric wiring of a modern time that feels so long ago, contrasting so heavily with this chaos. From deep within the depths, from within the light brown dirt, there revealed to the surface a a spherical shell compromised entirely of hot, bright red, molten magma. Thy was too occupied, fighting the beast, leaving his sister all but exposed. Dara knew this and started attack the light being even more with a powerful mental blast, unrelenting in force.

A telepathic message was sent to Cody, a little girl's voice whose tongue was unpracticed in the intricacies of English, as if she had suddenly learnt a native speaker's worth of experience of the language in a day - or in this case, a few moments.

"You will die."
Still alive! Just been too tired and distracted - depressed too - from life. I can only post by this Saturday at the latest. I'll have something up. For now, I have to catch up on a lot of other posts from other RPs and basically rest my butt off.
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