Avatar of Dirty Dan
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    1. Dirty Dan 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
My English Finals was to perfectly recite the theme song of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I've never felt so much accomplishment.
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8 yrs ago
Both J. Cole and Gambino dropped new music. Loving my life at the moment.
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8 yrs ago
But I'm not a rapper.
9 yrs ago
I just wanna chill with squad and play shitty PS4 games. Why does school fuck life uppp


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@Rin Negi Springfield?

Believe it or not, that was my thought process when I asked the question. :P more like 12 or 13, though.
So, yeah...hopefully leaving behind whatever argument that was...

Mr. GM, around what age are you looking for, as far as mentors go?
Oh Lord there's seven pages.

NAME:: Eden 'Daelon' Verde - Named after the peaceful, soft green Garden of Eden.
AGE:: 17


SEMBLANCE:: Speed/Agility. To be more specific, Eden's semblance is him being able to adapt and process things much, much faster, along with being able to react more instinctively, with highly sharp reflexes - which all stems from one thing - speed. When activated, his speed leaves him as a black and emerald-green blur to others' eyes, while things often moves in slow motion to him in particular. This amazing speed makes him incredibly lethal in combat, and can be used to chain together fast attacks with his blades. Due to a side-effect, he often leaves behind fading, emerald-green streaks, from his eyes constantly adjusting to his speed. It's an odd side-effect, and doesn't help, nor detriment his ability. Due to his speed, Eden often needs to eat high-energy foods and drinks, which is why he often drinks Monster Energy Sodas.

WEAPON:: Exodus Zinnia is a dual-type of weapon, personally crafted by Eden himself. Thusly, it is still prone to upgrades and changes, whenever he has time for such things. Exodus Zinnia's appearance is that of two long, razor-sharp, sleek black katanas, with a dark steel and mechanical hilt, and with the razor-sharp edges of the blades being a deep emerald green - for aesthetic purposes. Deep steel, cylinder barrels are built into the bottom of the edge of the blades, connected to the hilts. The hilts are pressurized - meaning that a certain pressure on the hilt's grips will shoot high-caliber rounds from the barrel - with Eden using the recoil as an enhancement to his acrobatic combat style.

This usually means that, to aim, he simply has to point the blades at the opponent, and squeeze the hilts. However, when Exodus Zinnia is in it's blades form, he doesn't aim all that much. He is in melee range, the sharp blade cleaving through enemy after enemy, with Eden mainly shooting as an after-thought;; a commonly used tactic is the blades are pierced hilt deep into an enemy, and he squeezes the hilts, the massive recoil blasting him backwards. The monster suffers from twin deep stab wounds, and the destruction of two high-calibered, explosive sniper rounds tearing into it's body. Highly efficient at mid-to-close range. Can insert dust crystals into the hilts, to consume the blade in the crystals' respective element.

When he slams the blades together, hilt-first, a sensor takes over, instantly transforming Exodus Zinnia into it's sniper rifle form;; a large, long, and surprisingly light-weight, high-calibered sniper rifle, combined with an enhanced-zoom scope on the top. He usually uses this for when he needs complete accuracy, and when he needs to keep his distance. He can insert Dust cartridges into the gun as well, for a variety of different effects. The gun is primarily black, like the blades form, with emerald accents. Highly efficient at long range, with some potential at close-range, depending on the user's skill level.

COLOUR:: Emerald/Verde Green.

APPEARANCE :: Eden is a lean young man, standing at around 5'11 or so, with a slim, yet defined and athletic physique that, while isn't bulky, allows him exponential speed and agility, whilst his strength itself isn't low. His skin is a tad pale, but nothing too extreme;; regardless, it goes well with his long, naturally silky black hair, which is generally tied into a ponytail at the back. His eyes themselves are a bright green, seeming almost yellow in different lightings. His general clothing consists of a black shirt, and a pair of vaguely militarized black pants, with dark boots and fingerless gloves.

His clothing has an occasional emerald highlight, with forest-green bandages wrapped around his left thigh - pinning a holster there, and along his boots. His black and forest-green, compact bacpack is generally on his back, wherever he goes, holding light-weight items only he knows about. It's fabric can apparently be turned from a steel-like hardness, into a pillow-like softness, as he uses the backpack for both resting his head on, and in emergency combat situations. Exodus Zinnia is usually in it's travel-safe form - two dark black, emerald-accented rings, on the index fingers of his left and right hand.

PERSONALITY:: Eden is seen, by others, as a cool-headed, apathetic, reserved, and rather laidback sort of character, preferring solitude and keeping to himself, rather than large groups or things such as that nature, which can even make him seem rather lazy at times. He's generally in high control of himself and his actions, his semblance having a side-effect of him being able to process and adapt to things faster than the average. While he prefers peace and quiet, he also has a razor-sharp wit, which is only enhanced by his occasional smirks or smiles. His distant coldness, however, tends to make him unapproachable at times.

His humor is a tad dry and sarcastic, but in a humorous way - he doesn't really talk all that much, but he when he feels the need to, he can crack a joke. Thing is, he just leaves that stuff up to his teammates or friends, feeling a bit more comfortable in the shadows, out of the way, watching out for other things the others may be too distracted to notice. In battle, he shows why he should be feared by the Grimm. He's not afraid of a challenge ;; rather, he loves challenges, due to his prodigal prowess in combat, and wouldn't shy away from a fight or dare.

His cool demeanor can annoy a few of the more hotheaded students, but that's just how the cookie crumbles. He's quite the studious and scholastic student, and whenever he doesn't feel like coming up with a reply to someone else, he usually just quotes a stanza or verse from a poem or speech, even if that specific verse has nothing to do with the situation at hand. That could usually make the person get angry and walk away, which was usually Eden's plan in the first place.

He is a very inquisitive person, and if something interest hims, he usually doesn't give up on sating his curiosity. This goes hand-in-hand with his bravery and persistence, which can come off as stubborn at times.

HISTORY:: Eden is a man of a very...well, not lonely past, but a solitary and risky past. Born within an orphanage in the more...shadier streets of Vale, he had always been a determined and street-savvy young boy. Stealing food from his patrons whenever they decided to hold out on the kids, and sharing it amongst the other young boys and girls, he was seen as an older-brother figure to the kids, and as he began to grow older, he began to rationalize his thieving as helping - even as he moved on from stealing from patrons, and stealing from the rich, themselves. Of course, his stint as an agile and sneaky thief caused him to get into quite a few fights on the street, which is where the rough-draft of Exodus Zinnia was created from - a pair of shabby stone sheets. When he managed to get all of the kids in the orphanage enough food to last a long time, Eden moved on, running away from the orphanage that he no longer needed, and getting into more trouble.

It was around this time, at the age of 14, when he was found by a teacher from Sanctum Combat Academy, an Academy on Mistral similar to Vale's Signal Academy. The woman having been on vacation, he had tried to pickpocket her when she walked into an alleyway, and when she turned around with a giant blade swinging towards him, instincts took over and Eden blurred behind her, sweeping her legs out from underneath her. She flipped in mid air and pulled a revolver out of the freaking alley wall, and aimed a shot at his torso. He saw the bullet moving slowly, as his eyes glowed, and Eden streaked behind her again, slamming a fist into her solar plexus. This is how he met his mentor, Viola.

Viola, after the scuffle, had sensed something in the street-rat, and grabbed him before he could run. After a conversation, in which he agreed to go to Sanctum Combat Academy, Viola continued with her shopping, and met up with Eden later that day, at their designated meeting spot - The Vale Fountain. That was the start of the second part of his life... Sanctum Combat Academy. There, he got into quite a few fights, but began to find a niche he enjoyed - hunting. He excelled in combat, with his street-smart instincts, natural fighting ability, and his semblance. Exodus Zinnia, originally a failed project, came into fruition, with the help of a couple of other teachers. Before he knew it, he was going to Haven.

OTHER:: Ready.

NAME:: Eden 'Daelon' Verde - Named after the peaceful, soft green Garden of Eden.
AGE:: 17


SEMBLANCE:: Speed/Agility. To be more specific, Eden's semblance is him being able to adapt and process things much, much faster, along with being able to react more instinctively, with highly sharp reflexes - which all stems from one thing - speed. When activated, his speed leaves him as a black and emerald-green blur to others' eyes, while things often moves in slow motion to him in particular. This amazing speed makes him incredibly lethal in combat, and can be used to chain together fast attacks with his blades. Due to a side-effect, he often leaves behind fading, emerald-green streaks, from his eyes constantly adjusting to his speed. It's an odd side-effect, and doesn't help, nor detriment his ability. Due to his speed, Eden often needs to eat high-energy foods and drinks, which is why he often drinks Monster Energy Sodas.

WEAPON:: Exodus Zinnia is a dual-type of weapon, personally crafted by Eden himself. Thusly, it is still prone to upgrades and changes, whenever he has time for such things. Exodus Zinnia's appearance is that of two long, razor-sharp, sleek black katanas, with a dark steel and mechanical hilt, and with the razor-sharp edges of the blades being a deep emerald green - for aesthetic purposes. Deep steel, cylinder barrels are built into the bottom of the edge of the blades, connected to the hilts. The hilts are pressurized - meaning that a certain pressure on the hilt's grips will shoot high-caliber rounds from the barrel - with Eden using the recoil as an enhancement to his acrobatic combat style.

This usually means that, to aim, he simply has to point the blades at the opponent, and squeeze the hilts. However, when Exodus Zinnia is in it's blades form, he doesn't aim all that much. He is in melee range, the sharp blade cleaving through enemy after enemy, with Eden mainly shooting as an after-thought;; a commonly used tactic is the blades are pierced hilt deep into an enemy, and he squeezes the hilts, the massive recoil blasting him backwards. The monster suffers from twin deep stab wounds, and the destruction of two high-calibered, explosive sniper rounds tearing into it's body. Highly efficient at mid-to-close range. Can insert dust crystals into the hilts, to consume the blade in the crystals' respective element.

When he slams the blades together, hilt-first, a sensor takes over, instantly transforming Exodus Zinnia into it's sniper rifle form;; a large, long, and surprisingly light-weight, high-calibered sniper rifle, combined with an enhanced-zoom scope on the top. He usually uses this for when he needs complete accuracy, and when he needs to keep his distance. He can insert Dust cartridges into the gun as well, for a variety of different effects. The gun is primarily black, like the blades form, with emerald accents. Highly efficient at long range, with some potential at close-range, depending on the user's skill level.

COLOUR:: Emerald/Verde Green.

APPEARANCE :: Eden is a lean young man, standing at around 5'11 or so, with a slim, yet defined and athletic physique that, while isn't bulky, allows him exponential speed and agility, whilst his strength itself isn't low. His skin is a tad pale, but nothing too extreme;; regardless, it goes well with his long, naturally silky black hair, which is generally tied into a ponytail at the back. His eyes themselves are a bright green, seeming almost yellow in different lightings. His general clothing consists of a black shirt, and a pair of vaguely militarized black pants, with dark boots and fingerless gloves.

His clothing has an occasional emerald highlight, with forest-green bandages wrapped around his left thigh - pinning a holster there, and along his boots. His black and forest-green, compact bacpack is generally on his back, wherever he goes, holding light-weight items only he knows about. It's fabric can apparently be turned from a steel-like hardness, into a pillow-like softness, as he uses the backpack for both resting his head on, and in emergency combat situations. Exodus Zinnia is usually in it's travel-safe form - two dark black, emerald-accented rings, on the index fingers of his left and right hand.

PERSONALITY:: Eden is seen, by others, as a cool-headed, apathetic, reserved, and rather laidback sort of character, preferring solitude and keeping to himself, rather than large groups or things such as that nature, which can even make him seem rather lazy at times. He's generally in high control of himself and his actions, his semblance having a side-effect of him being able to process and adapt to things faster than the average. While he prefers peace and quiet, he also has a razor-sharp wit, which is only enhanced by his occasional smirks or smiles. His distant coldness, however, tends to make him unapproachable at times.

His humor is a tad dry and sarcastic, but in a humorous way - he doesn't really talk all that much, but he when he feels the need to, he can crack a joke. Thing is, he just leaves that stuff up to his teammates or friends, feeling a bit more comfortable in the shadows, out of the way, watching out for other things the others may be too distracted to notice. In battle, he shows why he should be feared by the Grimm. He's not afraid of a challenge ;; rather, he loves challenges, due to his prodigal prowess in combat, and wouldn't shy away from a fight or dare.

His cool demeanor can annoy a few of the more hotheaded students, but that's just how the cookie crumbles. He's quite the studious and scholastic student, and whenever he doesn't feel like coming up with a reply to someone else, he usually just quotes a stanza or verse from a poem or speech, even if that specific verse has nothing to do with the situation at hand. That could usually make the person get angry and walk away, which was usually Eden's plan in the first place.

He is a very inquisitive person, and if something interest hims, he usually doesn't give up on sating his curiosity. This goes hand-in-hand with his bravery and persistence, which can come off as stubborn at times.

HISTORY:: Eden is a man of a very...well, not lonely past, but a solitary and risky past. Born within an orphanage in the more...shadier streets of Vale, he had always been a determined and street-savvy young boy. Stealing food from his patrons whenever they decided to hold out on the kids, and sharing it amongst the other young boys and girls, he was seen as an older-brother figure to the kids, and as he began to grow older, he began to rationalize his thieving as helping - even as he moved on from stealing from patrons, and stealing from the rich, themselves. Of course, his stint as an agile and sneaky thief caused him to get into quite a few fights on the street, which is where the rough-draft of Exodus Zinnia was created from - a pair of shabby stone sheets. When he managed to get all of the kids in the orphanage enough food to last a long time, Eden moved on, running away from the orphanage that he no longer needed, and getting into more trouble.

It was around this time, at the age of 14, when he was found by a teacher from Sanctum Combat Academy, an Academy on Mistral similar to Vale's Signal Academy. The woman having been on vacation, he had tried to pickpocket her when she walked into an alleyway, and when she turned around with a giant blade swinging towards him, instincts took over and Eden blurred behind her, sweeping her legs out from underneath her. She flipped in mid air and pulled a revolver out of the freaking alley wall, and aimed a shot at his torso. He saw the bullet moving slowly, as his eyes glowed, and Eden streaked behind her again, slamming a fist into her solar plexus. This is how he met his mentor, Viola.

Viola, after the scuffle, had sensed something in the street-rat, and grabbed him before he could run. After a conversation, in which he agreed to go to Sanctum Combat Academy, Viola continued with her shopping, and met up with Eden later that day, at their designated meeting spot - The Vale Fountain. That was the start of the second part of his life... Sanctum Combat Academy. There, he got into quite a few fights, but began to find a niche he enjoyed - hunting. He excelled in combat, with his street-smart instincts, natural fighting ability, and his semblance. Exodus Zinnia, originally a failed project, came into fruition, with the help of a couple of other teachers. Before he knew it, he was going to Haven.

OTHER:: Ready.
Sure, I'm up for it.
That would be pretty cool, to be honest.
I'd like to reserve Kinetic Energy Manipulation.
@Dirty Dan Hillan wasn't saying Mokuton is bad (in fact I think he likes it) but more so that Mokuton isn't a KG related to the Senju - there is no evidence of that. In fact evidence points out that only Hashirama had mokuton and it was "his" and not the Senju's release.

In short: we are allowing it but keep in mind that simply being a Senju doesn't give you mokuton automatically.

Ah, I wasn't implying that he thought it was 'bad'. I was simply asking, going off of his post's tone.

Not sure if I will be joining just yet. I'll wait to see the characters, first.
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