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    1. Divinity 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current A warm fire place, milk tea, and reading old RP'S at five AM. Good Morning, RPG.~


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If they were impaled, then their kinetic energy was stunted, and they are no longer in flight. Secondly, context clues and reading comprehension go long ways in RP. Especially combat. Corvana has already displayed an ability to control sand, and when the intercept was finished, its even stated that the lances 'reverted back into silica'. It is not my obligation to ensure you are aware of what is happening. If you wanted clarification, you simply could have asked instead of outright nullifying my actions under the pretense that 'that's how I did it where I'm from.'

Given I feel I have more than enough of an argument to contest your claims, which again could have been avoided with simple communication, I'll have to call in a judge to decide on this.

Edit: Upon reading your post through to completion, there are several other hickups you experienced in your idea of what had transpired in my post. My lances were not airborne, but jutting from the ground. That makes your riposte a non-factor. Since they would have slid down the length of the lances instead of pressing on toward Corban.

Another is your explanation of how my barrier works, which is incorrect if you look at my post, which outright states no rigidity was traded for their flexibility. I am not arguing you can't get out. But you can't get out with the method given, for the reasons they are given. This is ultimately up to a judges discretion, so I'll just leave this here.
Now that's just bananas xD.
Unusual language? Not entirely sure what is so unusual about it. I know I'm an oddball, but I try to be coherent.

In any case, you are right save for a single detail; Corban's wielding the screw-lance, not launching it.

Edit!: Corrections are as follows - they will address each of your points accordingly.

1.He is raising a crystalline barrier about meteor, yes. However, it is simultaneous with his self-railgunning.

2. The impact did not cause the explosion, the pyrolysis effect happening via the interaction with Corban's blade, the crystal as a heat insulator, and meteors barrier (which was imploded) caused it.
I don't feel like an outsider. O_o

Hello all!
This rehash of Destiny isle may have been void of its signature paopu fruit, but it was teeming with coconuts, apparently! A shame. Corvana could have used that milk to make delicious ice cream! Instead, it was dumped like a guyser into crystal blue waters, swirling milky patches of color floating within as they were impaled on quartz lances. Hefty defenses weren't required when you had precise ones.

Like many others, this one would attempt to circle-strafe the Guardian, perfectly content poking at him with the logic that she could not be surprised by something she could see coming. She was watching him. But Corban was watching, too.

~She's staying outside of my range and using a barrier as a safeguard in the likelihood I also attack from range. She plays by the book.~

<That also means she's predictable. Subvert her.>

~Guess I'll have to go off the script, again.~

<Be ready to fan.>

Lances and coconuts fell to the water together as the javelins, their juices spent, were reverted to granular silica when Corvana had a wonderful idea! Coconuts were some of the best carbon water filters, now that she thought about it. Isolating the carbon and extracting it, she could burn it as a short-lived, but powerful propulsion system. Co-opt the burning fuel with a barrier-railgun chain, and you had a supersonic magical girl death-lance! The she-man's experience with such shy opponents caused him-her to err on the side of caution, and with so much raw material around, caging the psionic bird, barrier included, would be of no issue. Meteor wasnt the only one with an island full of weapons.

Weather sand or water, the process would be the same. The sudden rising of several layers of polymorphous crystallizing(or icing if water) matter converging at the point above her head. Flexing her barrier outward could stress, but not shatter the sphere. Such were dynamic barriers formed of multiple layers instead of a static surface, which made it more diffusive like sand while retaining its rigidity.

Guided by her railgunned drill-blade, it would literally drill with a twist of the wrist through ice, barrier, and the space between her breasts alike as a channeled abjurative disjunction. In terms of abjuration, his core amplitudes could be extended with ingenuity, and instead of simply short-circuiting the barrier, would do quite the opposite. Like an electrical overload, the principle applied two-fold here. In true banker-buster fashion the barrier was fused with the abjurative disjunction, causing high current flow. Most high energy flows in electrical wiring can simply be dissipated in open air and space, but within an enclosed, insulated area --like a crystal--, even these wires can easily overload. The result would be a localized, but powerful explosion via pyrolysis, using her barrier as the fuel!

Crystal shrapnel arced around her as the barrier exploded and the kinetic back-kick launched her backward thirty feet, boots creating irrigation canals in the sand. Her milky crimson eyes scanned settling dust and spires of newborn crystals created from the rapid rise in heat and pressure. Her non-screwblade wielding hand compressed the three jewels into them, an invisible spark of lightning hidden within the fist compressing them together.

It's up. Sorry for the wait! Between work and loathing having to rewrite, it took longer than I had hoped.
Beyond the fact that Corvana wielded no visible weapon anywhere on her body, it wasn't every day that you saw a 'sheathed blade' with hair like platinum in ways besides color. Much less an accompanying head, limbs, and torso! Yet there she was, violet eyes peering over the waters. However, she was only half-wrong. Ishtalle took on many forms in the past, swords among the more numerous. Though today, as she floated there listlessly she appeared more tinker bell than Excalibur, yet sharper still. As if to complete the cosplay, her blade-wings even gave off an effervescent glowing dust as they beat the wind behind her.

There was a splash as Corvana and familiar leapt from their high-rise and into the shallows of the shore. Her shiny wizard eyes could ascertain several things about the newcomer. First, she was using barrier magic or a close derivative. She could work with that. Secondly, she either had powerful divination magic or psionic ability, the latter more probable, given scrying and divination spells were all but useless against the doctor-mage. With an idea of her opponents disposition, she resolved herself to her decision.

"We are here to do whatever it takes to leave this place. Exits only present themselves when a single warrior remains standing. So..."

She didn't feel like using Ishtalle, but she wouldn't need to. With some creativity the very earth and air became a weapon in the hands of a genius. Her hand swirled and popping cyan was spat into the environment as an aerogel mold twice her size conglomerated before her, stabbed unceremoniously into the shallow waterbed. It was absolutely huge! So huge, in fact, there would be no way her dainty hands could possibly grasp it, yet she was determined regardless. As her hand reached for what would eventually be a sashed hilt, excess material and imperfections were melted away and scattered into a mist of nitrates and salts. What was left behind from the metamorphosis was a steaming, glorious lovechild between a javelin, screw, and blade encircled by the remains of a diamond shell. Its six-foot rainbow lance bore winding rivets, the base expanding outward around the hilt to protect hands.

As she grasped it the diamond circlet collapsed onto the sea floor, and she snapped her elbow forward as she rested it on her shoulder.

"I'm ready."
I apologize for holding things up. I actually had the post written yesterday, and as soon as I finished copying it from word to paste here, I accidentally hit delete T.T.

I will try to have it up today.
@Dynamo Frokane
I would be up for that.
So have you decided which of us to fight? Or will you take us both on separately?

@Dynamo Frokane
Very well. Shall you do the honors or I?
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