@Innuehmm, I haven't really tried to quantify it in that way, but it surely couldn't hurt, so sure. Spells given are only examples of something he could potentially do, not necessarily absolute spells and such.
Evocation: Since this takes a backseat only to perhaps 'guard science', I'd imagine he'd be able to manifest some adequately powered spells, if were officially labeling this fight 'low-high tier'. The most 'powerful' thing he could probably do is drop an incredibly charged bolt on someone, in terms of raw damage, but he has coated his weapons in plasma fields in the past as well if that helps. In terms of 'difficulty',it would really depend on the scope and size. Creating that lightning bolt could be as simple as giving the runaway ions a place to go after summoning cumulonimbus clouds. I can make it more complex by adding more components to the spell, which would increase casting time as well. Hope this is somewhat helpful, since I'm finding it difficult to sum up evocation with just a single example given its wide breadth.
Abjuration: His strongest school of magic. His 'ultimate' defense is actually one of only two spells ever committed to his memory,one of which is the rail gun spell, called the Kinetic Barrier. It absorbs all light, heat, and motion from any physical components around or near him. The tradeoff is he can't move while using the barrier(Since infinite inertia works both ways), and usually is bypassed by purely magical forces, or can only dampen them, depending on how the magic is molded. He's capable of more, other powerful things of course in this class, but KB is a very good base example.
Note: KB will only last a single action or turn unless Corban actively keeps it up.
Enchantment: The most i'd say he can do with this is create mid-level enchantments(on his own) like an ethereal acid that cuts magic and others like it, or can apply moderately powerful runes to objects, since his skill here is just above general, and not 'gifted'.
Transmutation(Edit): Another area in which corban is exceedingly talented. He is capable of changing or swapping properties of matter at will from the wind to the earth and all those in-between. The scope of this school of magic is based heavily on real world knowledge and chemistry outside of some common spells like 'aqua lung' or 'alter appearance', and that is(to me) the only limiter on it outside of common sense. As an example of one of the more 'powerful' transmutations Corban's done, is transmute a high energy plasma beam(particularly the spell Giga Flare) into transuranium dust.
Hopefully this sheds some light on it.
Evocation: Since this takes a backseat only to perhaps 'guard science', I'd imagine he'd be able to manifest some adequately powered spells, if were officially labeling this fight 'low-high tier'. The most 'powerful' thing he could probably do is drop an incredibly charged bolt on someone, in terms of raw damage, but he has coated his weapons in plasma fields in the past as well if that helps. In terms of 'difficulty',it would really depend on the scope and size. Creating that lightning bolt could be as simple as giving the runaway ions a place to go after summoning cumulonimbus clouds. I can make it more complex by adding more components to the spell, which would increase casting time as well. Hope this is somewhat helpful, since I'm finding it difficult to sum up evocation with just a single example given its wide breadth.
Abjuration: His strongest school of magic. His 'ultimate' defense is actually one of only two spells ever committed to his memory,one of which is the rail gun spell, called the Kinetic Barrier. It absorbs all light, heat, and motion from any physical components around or near him. The tradeoff is he can't move while using the barrier(Since infinite inertia works both ways), and usually is bypassed by purely magical forces, or can only dampen them, depending on how the magic is molded. He's capable of more, other powerful things of course in this class, but KB is a very good base example.
Note: KB will only last a single action or turn unless Corban actively keeps it up.
Enchantment: The most i'd say he can do with this is create mid-level enchantments(on his own) like an ethereal acid that cuts magic and others like it, or can apply moderately powerful runes to objects, since his skill here is just above general, and not 'gifted'.
Transmutation(Edit): Another area in which corban is exceedingly talented. He is capable of changing or swapping properties of matter at will from the wind to the earth and all those in-between. The scope of this school of magic is based heavily on real world knowledge and chemistry outside of some common spells like 'aqua lung' or 'alter appearance', and that is(to me) the only limiter on it outside of common sense. As an example of one of the more 'powerful' transmutations Corban's done, is transmute a high energy plasma beam(particularly the spell Giga Flare) into transuranium dust.
Hopefully this sheds some light on it.