I'm a weirdo and like to write in the chat box... Pending.

A g e : 18
G e n d e r : Female
B r i e f B i o : Sadako is the only child of Saigō and Murasaki. Her father, Saigo, served in various government roles, primarily in diplomatic functions. The familial wealth had persisted through shrewd investments and marriages over the Shirasu family's various lines which gave them a not insignificant amount of influence. By virtue of her family's wealth and influence, Sadako grew up needing nothing and wanting little. However, her mother had not grown up with such benefits and her father remembered the tales of hard work that had persisted through three generations and made sure that nothing was taken for granted. It was expected, as ones so blessed, to be charitable.
Much of Sadako's childhood rotated around formal functions out of a requirement of her father's position, tutors (with a specific interest in art), and time at the temples around Kyoto. Sadako's favorite times were at the temples. In particular, the ones that had taken on the care of orphaned children. Lacking siblings and interactions with children outside formalized scenarios for her father's work, she spent as much as she could there. One specific temple she had bonded closely with many of the orphans, as well as a few of the monks. Sadako would often help the other children around the temple with various chores or participate in their exercise with the monks which helped her in discovering she was actually athletically inclined. Benkei, a jovial monk who primarily cared for the orphans, often 'made up' fantastical stories of fighting off demons with his bare hands. Sadako was enamored with those stories and her and the other children's favorite game was Demon Slayer, which was a variant of hide and seek, just with more punching. Sadako was very good at it, by virtue of her ability both to hide and by being able to sneak up on the others with her quiet footsteps. The only other child that she felt challenged her was Esai, who often helped the monks in the infirmary.
P e r s o n a l i t y
S t y l e D e s c r i p t i o n : Explain the teachings & mechanics of the breathing style you use. If it is a branch or derivative breathing style, list what style it roots from and how that style is incorporated into it.
❀ Form ___ :
❀ Form ___ :
❀ Form ___ :
B l a d e D e s c r i p t i o n : Explain the color, what the color represents, and any other identifiable or noteworthy factors of the sword in which your potato will slay the demons with.
O t h e r U n i q u e T r a i t s : List other things that might be important about your potato. Plot relevant stuff not listed in your bio, heightened shounen-protag senses, the power of friendship, anything that you haven't listed above that needs to be put on paper-- put her down.
Shirasu, Sadako
A g e : 18
G e n d e r : Female
B r i e f B i o : Sadako is the only child of Saigō and Murasaki. Her father, Saigo, served in various government roles, primarily in diplomatic functions. The familial wealth had persisted through shrewd investments and marriages over the Shirasu family's various lines which gave them a not insignificant amount of influence. By virtue of her family's wealth and influence, Sadako grew up needing nothing and wanting little. However, her mother had not grown up with such benefits and her father remembered the tales of hard work that had persisted through three generations and made sure that nothing was taken for granted. It was expected, as ones so blessed, to be charitable.
Much of Sadako's childhood rotated around formal functions out of a requirement of her father's position, tutors (with a specific interest in art), and time at the temples around Kyoto. Sadako's favorite times were at the temples. In particular, the ones that had taken on the care of orphaned children. Lacking siblings and interactions with children outside formalized scenarios for her father's work, she spent as much as she could there. One specific temple she had bonded closely with many of the orphans, as well as a few of the monks. Sadako would often help the other children around the temple with various chores or participate in their exercise with the monks which helped her in discovering she was actually athletically inclined. Benkei, a jovial monk who primarily cared for the orphans, often 'made up' fantastical stories of fighting off demons with his bare hands. Sadako was enamored with those stories and her and the other children's favorite game was Demon Slayer, which was a variant of hide and seek, just with more punching. Sadako was very good at it, by virtue of her ability both to hide and by being able to sneak up on the others with her quiet footsteps. The only other child that she felt challenged her was Esai, who often helped the monks in the infirmary.
P e r s o n a l i t y
B r e a t h i n g S t y l e
S t y l e D e s c r i p t i o n : Explain the teachings & mechanics of the breathing style you use. If it is a branch or derivative breathing style, list what style it roots from and how that style is incorporated into it.
❀ Form ___ :
❀ Form ___ :
❀ Form ___ :
N i c h i r i n B l a d e
B l a d e D e s c r i p t i o n : Explain the color, what the color represents, and any other identifiable or noteworthy factors of the sword in which your potato will slay the demons with.
O t h e r U n i q u e T r a i t s : List other things that might be important about your potato. Plot relevant stuff not listed in your bio, heightened shounen-protag senses, the power of friendship, anything that you haven't listed above that needs to be put on paper-- put her down.