Yonemura Yoshirou
A g e : 27
G e n d e r : Male
B r i e f B i o : An invincible warrior strong enough to be named
Hashira, The Fortune Pillar Yonemura Yoshirou was once a small-time Yakuza enforcer prized for his immense strength. Looking to come clean and retire from his criminal roots with his fiancee, Yoshirou's life was almost that of a crime romance comedy... until he found his wife-to-be ripped to shreds and being eaten alive by a man he once called his brother. After hours of beating his former partner's face in looking for answers only to be met by fangs and claws, Yoshirou's screams of rage and anguish were soon addressed by a portly hermit and his massive hammer, who crushed his cannibal compatriot's head with that same oversized weapon.
Introducing himself as Kaishi, the hammer-wielding man explained the existence of demons and even offered to train Yoshirou in a way that could allow him to not only fight demons, but kill them, stating that Yoshirou's body was miraculously compatible with his own fighting style. Wishing to find the man responsible for the deaths of his wife and best friend, Yoshirou agreed, and soon joined Kaishi in hermitage on his path to joining the Demon Slayer Corps. It didn't take Yoshirou long to climb the ranks once he completed his training, soon becoming a Pillar himself after a prolonged battle with one of the Twelve Demon Moons. Eventually, the final battle against Muzan ended in victory with the progenitor of the demons finally being slain. With his goal completed and his thirst for revenge sated, Yoshirou could not help but feel lost. During these tumultuous times, all Yoshirou wished to do now was retire once again. However...
P e r s o n a l i t y[+]Brave
[-]Audacious____________________________________________________________________________________________B r e a t h i n g S t y l e
B r e a t h o f F o r t u n e : A style derived from the Breath of Stone that utilizes the hefty weight of its wielder along with a similarly massive weapon, the Breath of Fortune focuses more on its parent style's heavy smashing attacks. Based on the concept of a "mallet that grants wishes", wealth and longevity are brought to the wielder and those they wish to protect while evil spirits and misfortune are repelled with each of its heavy attacks. While this breath style was originally cultivated for overweight users in mind, Yoshirou's unique circulation control allows him to match their weight with his own beastly strength. Each form is based off one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, and as such its variety in attacks are large.
¥ First Form - Boneless Fisherman: Yoshirou slams his tetsubo horizontally into his opponent, combining his and his weapon's weights together. It has enough force to break multiple bones with a single strike, and can crush or even launch the heads off of most demons with ease. Yoshirou likens this form to "playing baseball," and it serves as his main method of separating a demon's head from its body.
¥ Second Form - Great Blackness: Yoshirou swings his tetsubo in a manner that would overwhelm the senses of his target. With a swing aimed to the face, their vision is obscured by the length of the tetsubo while their sense of smell- and even taste if their tongue happened to be out during the attack- is flooded by the weapon's strong Wisteria scent. The coins tied to the bottom end of the bat also ring loudly, swung in such a way to hinder their ears. A debilitating attack through the use of a forced sensory overload, only the target's sense of touch wouldn't be affected. However, Yoshirou believes that sole limitation doesn't matter since his opponent would be stunned purely out of shock from the pain of being smacked in the face by such a gigantic weapon if they aren't already dead.
¥ Third Form - War God's Punishment: Slamming the tip of his tetsubo forward and into the ground, Yoshirou launches himself forward with a mighty leap, spinning like a wheel before bringing down his weapon onto his opponent's skull. The force of this earth-shaking attack could be compared to that of an entire building crumbling down on its target. While it is a perfectly suitable offensive technique, its true intention is to intercept an oncoming attack with the "judgement of the heavens."
¥ Fourth Form - Foreseen Flow of Sound: Limiting the movement of their body momentarily, the wielder heightens their senses towards the earth. In Yoshirou's case, his hearing is enhanced further. By tapping the metallic portions of his tetsubo on the ground in a controlled matter, Yoshirou is able to create a mental map of his location similar to that of a radar of about a couple hundred meters. By squatting down while utilizing this form, Yoshirou is able to increase the radius by over half a kilometer.
¥ Fifth Form - Elder Pole Star: Shifting his weight into one arm, Yoshirou lunges his tetsubo forward with that sole arm in order to increase his natural range. The most precise attack of this style, it has the force to tear off a lesser demon's head from its body, or otherwise launch his opponent away. While Boneless Fisherman is compared to the sport of baseball, Yoshirou equates this form to "one-armed eight ball."
¥ Sixth Form - Abundant Auspicious Assault: Shortened as "AAA", Yoshirou delivers a flurry of diagonal slams with his tetsubo, increasing in intensity the more times he attacks. While the original cultivator developed this form as a means of delivering a single powerful mallet attack, Yoshirou modified it to be used with a lighter weapon along with his immense stamina to increase the form's overall attack power.
¥ Seventh Form - Endless Cycle of Longevity: Yoshirou spins his tetsubou around his body in an intricate circular pattern, deflecting attacks and increasing his own focus through the form's usage of repetitive motion. The wielder's arms move in a complete figure-eight motion while performing this technique, "increasing one's providence."
____________________________________________________________________________________________N i c h i r i n B l a d e
B l a d e D e s c r i p t i o n : Rather than a blade, Yoshirou wields a menacingly large tetsubo. It is a mighty war club made of red oak wood that was once wrapped in Wisteria vines and reinforced with the same sort of sun-soaked metal that make up the unique blades of the Demon Slayers. The Nichirin ore that makes up the various spikes of the weapon are gold in color, representing wealth and prosperity as apparent by Yoshirou's mastery over the Breath of Fortune, but also points towards his unbending courage and vigor. Tied to the bottom of the tetsubo's handle is a charm consisting of seven gold coins which ring loudly when the weapon is swung. Such a charm was given to Yoshirou by his master after the completion of his training.
____________________________________________________________________________________________O t h e r U n i q u e T r a i t s : Yoshirou has a few notable traits about himself that make him stand out from even other Demon Slayers. For one, his hearing is keen enough to where he's able to hear and distinguish one's general movements from just a few meters away, and can even listen in on certain conversations so long as he focuses on one; a talent that aided Yoshirou both in debt collecting and rooting out demons, although he can only distinguish certain things- such as a person's specific footsteps or the breathing patterns of certain styles- within a moderately shorter distance. However, Yoshirou's true talent comes from the particular nature of his body in conjunction with his unyielding will.
Likened to that of an ogre, Yoshirou's strength and endurance is far above that of a normal human as he is capable of beating down most demons until the sun would rise with his bare hands and even besting a Demon Moon in a nightlong battle of attrition. Because of his naturally "perfected" breathing along with his monstrous lungs, Yoshirou was already capable of increasing and controlling the oxygen circulating through his body long before being taught proper breath techniques. Yoshirou's master believes that he was blessed with the providence of a divine vessel or even the lungs of a dragon, but Yoshirou prefers to attribute this more to his "indomitable fighting spirit." This is further supplemented by Yoshirou's use of repetitive action, where he thinks of the names of those who owe him money as well as the amount they owe.
It could also be said that Yoshirou's accounting skills are "top-notch" due to his time spent handling money in the Yakuza, going so far as to manage the finances of his more extravagant allies.