Avatar of Versa
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 151 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Versa 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current someone recommend me a switch game that isn't animal crossing
5 yrs ago
@Obscene, I’m honestly not so sure of that myself
5 yrs ago
@Poohead, I’m young and my liver is Irish.
5 yrs ago
I’ve been daydrinking so much since quarantine started. I don’t know how to to back
5 yrs ago
We have a PW on the guild?


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Will not be able to post this weekend. If you’d like to just assume my character my character hands off the money and rests on the rock because of the difficulties, that could work, but Monday or Tuesday will be the soonest I can tack in.
How does trade work in this game

Kriz took Raime's hand as he was helped up. Though he was still pretty strung out from the whole incident it was obvious that his condition had stabilized, on the outside that's what he seemed like. But truth be told even after being given medical attention from his online friend Kriz still felt a troubling tightness in his chest, breathing felt difficult and his muscles tensed and cramped with each breath.

Distractions would soon arise thankfully. Kriz made his way closer to the group with slow haggard steps, each placement of his foot carefully balanced and patient to accustom himself to the weight of his body. The conversation about looking up guides or reading instructions arose, which he honestly couldn't contribute to. He was in the same boat as many, having played many similar games in the past rooted confidence in his mind and so he ignored any information about the game other than some item drop stats that people had posted online. It was his loss for taking that route, and others as well.

“I'll definitely be needing some help leveling as well, living beatstick or otherwise.”

The rock that Lew had discretely walked on over to and touched looked like a good resting point. Kriz really wanted to sit down and lean against something to support his back, standing was getting real exhausting real fast, so he did. Slow and steadily he made baby steps towards the keystone walking past the others and breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. When he finally reached the stone, he turned and dropped to his tuchus with a rustled thump into the grass. And he'd slide himself to press his back to the smooth mineral surface of the object that really did stand out to Kriz.

Kriz's eyes lit up like the 4th of July, especially when he saw the Ranger class. It was exactly what he was looking for, he played archery classes in most roleplaying games and didn't really want to deviate from that. He without a second thought reached out and selected the class, maybe the endurance modifier would even fix his broken body or something?

Spawning his avatar into the starting zone he had selected was quite literally like being born again. The sun was blinding, his body felt like it was too heavy to move, and his lungs felt like they were being used for the first time. Maybe he should have listened to the owl about stats, those 0 selections are probably going to be the end of him, it was taking effect right now after all.

As Kriz laid there in the grass with his throat feeing dry and hoarse, he couldn’t even produce words or signals to the others around him. Just slight gasps, deep breaths, trying to remain calm through the rather traumatizing experience. I’m going to talk about this on reddit. Frustration began to sink in, especially when a fellow player came to help him and began to give him very serious medical attention. Kriz’s glossy eyes took a long look at the rescuer, but submitted to his actions, he just wanted to play the game. So if this would speed up that up he would take what he could get.

As his chest began to be compressed and the person transitioned from one maneuver to another, he could slowly feel the adjustment to breathing taking place. Whether that was this man’s hard work, a failsafe to assist new players with poor stat selection, or something else entirely, Kriz did not care in the slightest. He turned to the player with the clean cut hair and stubbly beard to graciously nod his head. His body remained planted firmly to the grass, no plans on moving anything as of yet but speech now seemed possible.

“Thank you. I actually thought I was going to die before I could even play the game. That would’ve sucked.”

He laughed, winded chuckles only escaping his lungs a couple of times before his baby lungs felt exhausted once again. Anger began to set in the back of his mind. If he didn’t have the energy to speak, how was he going to stand up and walk around and enjoy the game? The gracious expression was gone, replaced with a deadpan expression, and as he pressed himself into a sitting position it would be clear as day to those around him that this act alone was quite a challenge. His arms shook, his breathing was weak, palms might have been been sweaty, mom’s spaghetti. Kriz was nervous that he had ruined his own experience, but maybe it could be fixed?

“Anybody read about stat resets?”

The look on his face as he now sat up was a concerning one. The sight of a player who had nearly already given up, a mixture of many negative emotions along with the brief positive exposure that was experienced beforehand. It was psychological whiplash, on day one hour 00:00.
Very interested.
Discord for MMO Communities?
Goblin mob intensifies.

Weeks upon weeks of waiting would finally pay off for the dirty college kid holed up in his dorm.

Cacophony Concord

Placing the headset upon his scalp and over his eyes Jok would come to find the inspirational cutscene with breathtaking environment tours and giant boss mob previews. If all of the reviews were correct, this would be the greatest game that graced this generation. The disheveled hair atop his head stuck to his brow as his body temperature climbed and his weak heart pumped hot blood straight into his head. Screw Uni, he was going to play this game until he fell unconscious from the lack of food and sleep.

Soon he'd find himself standing upon the floor of some pocket dimension in the company of a giant black owl. It introduced itself as an administrator for the game created for the purpose of guiding the player through the beginning experience, and then began firing out a number of statements and questions that would indeed guide him toward the character creation process.

The character creation window was lunacy. Sliders that were both complicated to use, but also so diverse that you could literally make yourself look however you wanted. Jok took a long time perfecting his virtual self, adjusting his facial structure, changing his hair color to white, turning himself into a very stereotypical pretty boy. When it got into the gameplay customization Jok's eyebrows raised nearly to the top of his forehead. There were some that made total sense and others that just, why? He reluctantly made his selections before finally reaching the naming option, which was always some variation of the same he used in every game he played.

"Are there any tips and tricks you could offer, Mr. Owl?"

"Do as you please, just be aware of consequence."

"Ah, so player agency is a thing."

"Spread your status points, the difficult content in the early game will call for versatility."

"Too late for that."

"Farming basic enemies is more efficient for experience. While bosses are preferred for loot."

"That's very useful. Thank you, Mr. Owl"

With his questions answered he finalized the creation of Krizantemë and pressed the button completing this step of the initial player experience.

If there’s any tips or tricks he could tell me as an admin? How common cosmetic changes are in the game if at all? I guess those are the only questions I’ll have at the start.
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