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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

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[Accent Select: Slavic]
[Accent Strength: 125%]

The moment Slanislaw opened his eyes, he realized he'd fucked up. As it stood, it was hard to even move, taking a ridiculous amount of effort to even take a few steps. So...he'd probably minmaxed way too hard for character creation, and this was how the game system punished it. If nothing else, he had to give the devs props for sheer creativity. This was one way to deal with minmaxers. Still, considering the amount of stat points he would get as he leveled, and the fact that a stat of ten was a human average, he'd probably only need a few levels to pump his dumped stats back to an average rating before going straight back into his build.

A thud next to him told Stanislaw that he hadn't been the only one who'd goofed. Just not as hard as that one. Glancing over with concern, he examined the collapsed player among the group he'd spawned with, relaxing slightly once someone else had helped him. Upon hearing the password they'd """agreed""" on (more like forced on), he realized that they'd at least all spawned with each other. Impressive, considering the timezone difference among the rather international group.

Still, one glance at...Calace told him that they at least shared the same problem.

"I am having similar problem to Calace," Amulak groaned, his thick Slavic accent coming through. "Perhaps having big dump stat was shit idea. Will probably need help leveling to deal with this."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The city state's revelries made for an interesting opening. It reminded her of another story. Probably an MMO that she played a long time ago, not that it mattered. But it wasn't quite the time to celebrate. They had gameplay to go through. The discord community she entered with would soon come, and with sharing of a password (or really just asking who was who), they'd party up and start up something to do.

And she was immediately beset by hilarity. As they all logged on at about the same time, the entire place went to shit instantly. Two of them were already exhausted, while two more were on the ground crippled. Instantly, Mags started to chuckle. Just as fast as it came, that chuckle turned into a chortle, then her practically falling to the ground laughing. Those two goofs managed to put zero in all of their human being stats.

Even more hilarious was one of them trying to help. Like clockwork, they went for chest compressions, dealing damage to the man as his glass bones crumbled with every pulse of the life saving maneuver.

With her wiping off a virtual tear from her face, she calmed down a bit. With the secret code being spoken, Mags went to go see the rest of the discord group.

"Sup nerds," the first words came out of her mouth. She looked over the memes of characters. Most of them seemed to have their heads in order and put in average stats, which was good. With Calace and the Slav asking for serious help, Mags offered a devilish solution. "Worst comes to worse, we can use the gimps as big clubs, yea?"

"It's Mags." Her introduction was quick and dirty. After all, she was the source of all of the shitpost images. Most of them. The "good" ones, at least. She didn't think too hard about the wish fulfillment characters of the others. After all, she was (at least somewhat) apart of that camp too. After all, who wouldn't want to be an ikemen or bishoujo in the virtual world. She did, however, judge the neko. Quite heavily, in fact.

"We should probably see if it's possible to get a class and some gear first thing." She didn't actually know the process of getting a basic class. She preferred to go into things blind. Prog on raids, new MMOs, everything. The less information, the better for her. "I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to go in without any gear and die. She actually wanted to go in fists blazing, but she didn't know if any of the others could hold their own. So that means it's time to, bat-data-daa, ask around for information. Unless one of you read a guide."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Before Lew could investigate the Keystone, an approaching screech followed by his own name being called out quickly drew his attention away. Appearing in front of him appeared to be another player, one taking the shape of a catgirl. Lew was unaware if there happened to be more than one race to choose during character creation, or if this was the result of the game's interesting image upload feature. However, what Lew was sure about was this person had fine tastes. Catgirls are a classic staple, no matter how basic they may seem, and their company is always appreciated. What really caught Lew by surprise was when the catgirl had introduced herself with a name Lew happened to be familiar with. Seeing that it truly was one of his compatriots, the only reply Lew could muster was a stoic thumbs up with pride welling in his eyes.

Soon, everyone else from the group slowly began to gather, some more crippled than others. As a few of them began to make their plight known to the rest, Lew had only just pondered on the mechanics behind this game's statistics. If having a low number in certain parameters would result in gaffs such as these to happen, and if "10" happened to be the equivalent of an average human, Lew could only begin to ponder the implications of having a high statistic in any stat would be.

"Wait a minute. Would this mean I'm the only one here who decided to boost their END to a high amount?" Lew asked himself aloud, deep in thought. "I didn't even think 30 would be that big of a difference... I suppose that would make me the 'tank', then. Unfortunate, but bearable"

The mentioning of classes and items quickly brought Lew out of his trance, instinctively continuing his march towards the Keystone. Lew had placed his hand on it, and...

Curiously, Lew scrolled through the various options given to him. However, it seemed that based on the group's needs, it would be in Lew's best interest to choose the one class that would actually allow him to help his allies overcome their challenges. And so, Warrior was selected. Being much hardier with an increase to both HP and END was one thing, but more importantly, Lew's STR was right on the marker. With a whopping 10 STR, now he'll have the weight of a perfectly normal man behind his swings. Before he made his selection, he turned back to the group, crossing his arms.

Of course, despite learning all this vital information from just touching a fancy rock, Lew had decided to withhold the fruits of his labor from his allies. Not out of any malice, but because he was also interested if anyone had read a guide. There was a minute fear that Lew's choice of statistics may haunt him in future endeavors, after all, and a guide would at least help him choose the correct class. And so, Lew waited for anyone to speak up, unknowingly leaving the window open for further hi-jinks to ensue...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

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Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"OH!" Her tail was twitching erratically with excitement."Does that mean everyone's here? Uh... Even with the strange thingies you guys got going on there. I'm Theresa, but call me Ari. Full name Ari Reina Caladis."

Looks like the stats do affect a whole lot of your character. Not that Theresa paid much mind to it; she just wanted to have fun after all.

"Ah right, maybe there's a tutorial place here somewhere." She responded when Mag mentioned items and classes. "Hold on, I'll go ask around."

She haven't read a guide, nor has she seen a handbook with her purchase, other than the one detailing installation procedures and troubleshooting. Obviously the best step then was to ask around. Flagging down a passing player, she contained her excitement long enough to make her voice sound polite.

"Excuse me, do you know where we should go for a tutorial, or getting starting stuff?" Ari gestured broadly towards the group. "We've just gotten started you see, and we're a little lost as to what to do."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Raiman and ... hm... Oh, then you're that -" kind of good looking older guy, Amelia's brain supplied, "- dude with the brother," her mouth said. Yikes. She inwardly cringed, but her avatar forced a smile onto his face. As Calace approached and Raime offered her a hand, Amelia considered her own stats. They were also pretty evenly spread out. If she'd neglected some of them, would she have ended up the same way? What the hell, isn't that a little too realistic?

Theresa spoke up and she looked over at the cat-girl. Gosh she was super cute, Amelia kind of wished she went that route with her own character.

"I think that's everyone! Calace, Mags, Ray, Kriz, Lew..." she counted each user off, pointing to them in turn. She hesitated at Amulak, but from his accent she figured he was that ex-pro gamer, "...Stanis, you, and me! Or... no, there a few missing...? Oh well, this many is pretty great for the first time logging in." The red head's smile morphed into a much larger grin. "Ari it is! It's probably cooler to go by in-game names anyway... so I guess everyone can call me Ames! ...oh wait, duh, I'm Amelia by the way! As for my avatar... uh, well, it is what it is!"

Amelia - or, Ames - laughed at her own fumbled words. It was strange, her first foray into the game with this loose group of friends was going less than swimmingly, but she was still having fun. With the introduction out of the way, she offered her own game insights. "I thought it would be more fun to dive in head first, so I didn't read up on anything... if I knew it might hurt my character I definitely would of. My stats are pretty much the same as Raime's and I feel fine." To demonstrate she did a few jumping jacks in place before shrugging. Once Ari grabbed a random person to question, Ames turned back to the less fortunate players.

"Don't worry, we won't leave you guys behind or use you as clubs."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

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Kriz took Raime's hand as he was helped up. Though he was still pretty strung out from the whole incident it was obvious that his condition had stabilized, on the outside that's what he seemed like. But truth be told even after being given medical attention from his online friend Kriz still felt a troubling tightness in his chest, breathing felt difficult and his muscles tensed and cramped with each breath.

Distractions would soon arise thankfully. Kriz made his way closer to the group with slow haggard steps, each placement of his foot carefully balanced and patient to accustom himself to the weight of his body. The conversation about looking up guides or reading instructions arose, which he honestly couldn't contribute to. He was in the same boat as many, having played many similar games in the past rooted confidence in his mind and so he ignored any information about the game other than some item drop stats that people had posted online. It was his loss for taking that route, and others as well.

“I'll definitely be needing some help leveling as well, living beatstick or otherwise.”

The rock that Lew had discretely walked on over to and touched looked like a good resting point. Kriz really wanted to sit down and lean against something to support his back, standing was getting real exhausting real fast, so he did. Slow and steadily he made baby steps towards the keystone walking past the others and breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. When he finally reached the stone, he turned and dropped to his tuchus with a rustled thump into the grass. And he'd slide himself to press his back to the smooth mineral surface of the object that really did stand out to Kriz.

Kriz's eyes lit up like the 4th of July, especially when he saw the Ranger class. It was exactly what he was looking for, he played archery classes in most roleplaying games and didn't really want to deviate from that. He without a second thought reached out and selected the class, maybe the endurance modifier would even fix his broken body or something?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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The player that Ari flagged down looked friendly enough, even if their appearance appeared to have no theme at all going for them. Rotund and seven foot tall, the weathered man had a body shape akin to a yam, bulging in the middle but thinning out on top. Wearing a large, patchwork cloak from which talismans were pinned to with nails, he stopped, turned, and regarded the group of newcomers.

“Yikes,” was the first thing that came out of his mouth, much more high-pitched and boyish than his frame suggested. “Really small-brained it, huh? Lol. Fucking noobs.”

He continued to make vague, laugh-like sounds, the chainmail underneath clinking. After a moment though, the yam-man paused, thoughtfully, looking the part of a worldly priest.

Of course, that ended the moment he opened his mouth again, and the voice of an insufferable 13 year old sounded. “Slap that boulder there. You’ll get 20 silver. Go straight up the road next. You’ll see a shrivelled old fuck squatting by a teahouse. He has a mouth full of rotten teeth. He sells charms. 20 silver per. +5 in all stats. That’ll help with your fuck ups over there. After that, head off to the west gate. You’ll see a river. Go down that river til you see these frogmen. They’re easy money; you can beat them up with your fists, ‘specially with the charms. Farm those, sell them, and once you’ve got some kills, you can start looking for proper work with merchants. Caravans heading southeast are always looking. There’s no tutorial, by the by. Good luck. Lol.”

The massive man nodded, sniggering.

“Now I’mma yeet, so see ya nerds literally never.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HP:100/100 | MP: 105/105 | SP: 110/110

Raime shakes his head side to side and snigger slightly at Mags' comments and jokes. "Using them as weapons would be hilarious but likely too hard to even consider, so that's a 'no' from me." Raime then looks to Ames who had similarly balanced her avatar's stats as he did. "The one and only." He flashed her his award-winning smirk and a finger gun before getting distracted when Lew stated that he over boosted his endurance to a ridiculous degree. He turned to look at the dark-haired man, a puzzled look on his face while doing so. "30 points in Endurance? Lew...buddy. Don't tell me you planned on being a meat shield?" Raime says before laughing nervously at his friend. Could Lew have been a weeb AND a BDSM fetishist secretly and used CaCo to achieve new highs without harming his IRL body? No. Impossible.

But then again it was Lew in question...Dios Mio.

"Best not to dwell on that." Raime muttered to himself as he chose to distract himself with what Lew and Kriz were touching. "Oh yeah. The stone." Raime then walked to it and did as Frankie explained to him what to do when you first spawn in. He would have done it sooner, but the whole collapsed person just as he spawned in kinda jumbled up his priorities. Upon laying his hand on the cold stone, a screen popped up.

"Can't go wrong with the classic speedster." Raime says before tapping Scout as his starting class.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The stranger's explanation made sense. The big ol' rock that they spawned near was important, after all. With Ari's innocent question and the stranger's less than innocent answer, Mags couldn't help but to break into laughter. This time, it was at the expense of pretty much every party that wasn't herself. The absolute decimation that Ari faced. The toxic squeeker that verbally smashed that puss. Though, he was actually nice enough to give the nerds some advice. A little convenient, she thought for a moment. Then again, good games often protected fools from themselves. Whether or not those frogs were actually a death trap was yet to be see.

After a while, her laughter stopped with a virtual tear being wiped from her eye. Man, these goofs were getting to her. Plus, the dude was coated head to toe in talismans. If those were stat bonuses, the man was a walking stat-check. 18 talismans meant that you had the strength of ten ordinary men. That's what the ancient Hercules cartoon taught her, anyways. Plus, that would mean he'd have thunder in his thighs. Well, there wasn't much sense of dilly-dallying when there was gameplay to get to.

She went over and lightly slapped the rock in a playful gesture. "Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles."

Unlike the others, Mags didn't instantly choose her class. Yea, she would have probably chosen warrior, but that was... bland and passe.

"Oh magic rock, "she said in a joking tone, "where is the unarmed martial arts class?"

A monk was so much cooler than warrior and scout. Beating the enemies with pure martial prowess was super nifty. She did have some martial arts experience before shutting herself away. Though, that was mostly just her overly active, storied father telling her to choose some athletic thing to do most days of the week. Martial arts was the easiest. She did do it for a long while, though. Not particularly great, but enough to know how to move her body.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Haha
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[Mentions] @Searat@OwO @TheBoulder

The hour has come- for the greatest healer this world has ever seen to make her rise to fame! Right? Please?...

"Thank you, Raime, once I've recovered from this condition- pocket heals for eternity." Calace groaned these words out as she leaned on his shoulder and slowly made her way to the mighty boulder o' legend with the rest of the group.

Calace beamed at everyone who got to select their class before her. It was only a matter of time before we had a designated damage sponge, some long-range dps, some mobility, all that was left was her role. You could see it on her face as she braced herself for that moment- her eyes closed and she slowly took light steps through the grass towards the mighty boulder. The small pale arm extended out with an open hand to press the "free shit stone" and she braced herself for the time of choice to be revealed to her.

"There isn't a healer class? There's two physical DPS classes but not a supportive role? There's a tank, and just a bunch of damage roles- I'm repeating myself but I seem to be at a lapse. This is unbelievable, absolute heresy, unfathomably irritating." Calace looked dumbfounded as she simply stared at the screen that revealed itself to her with an open maw, her expression contorting with confusion every couple of moments as she struggled to come to terms with this new reality.

And then a sigh of defeat was exhumed from her small mouth- and she shook her head as it hung down with defeat. Her hand raised up to brush some loose lavender strands from her face and tuck them behind her right ear, and then that same hand reached out and slowly pressed on the the tab that definitely said Mage. An enormous frown developed on her lips, perhaps an dramatized exaggeration, but in Calace's heart this was the deepest wound that could be inflicted. It had been ten- maybe fifteen years since she had played anything other than a healer or support in any video game. The girl intentionally pigeonholed herself because that was the playstyle that she found the most fulfillment in, and why play these games if you weren't going to attain that fulfillment? Calace's frown would finally develop into a full-fledged scowl as she slid her hand from the mighty boulder and back to her side, dusting the grodey-traitor boulder dust from her palm.

"Guess I'll take the MP% increase for future decisions from the Mage. Don't expect me to cast 'E x p l o s i o n' or anything. So- as soon as I see someone with clerical abilities, I'm going to suck up to them until they tell me where they got them. I don't even care what I have to do! Maybe the currency could be used to buy equipment suitable for a different role, and over time that could unlock them or-"

She turned to look over to Mags, her purple sights squinting and her shoulders raising. "Maybe if you start punching things, you'll get some fist-fighting skills?"

Calace knew she was reaching, but she desperately wanted to maintain that 'fantasy' that she wished to have.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

It was obvious the rough talk curbed her enthusiasm for the game heavily. Even if she tried to keep a stoic front, the drooping of her tail and ears spoke volumes. Ari had no idea why such hostility would be directed towards them, and with such a large volume of people supposedly playing this game...

"Right." She exhaled slightly. "Right..."

She could barely pay attention to what the others said, even as she touched the rock. Starting equipment, plus a selection of classes. Everything seemed blurred together; she couldn't really make sense of what it meant. Nothing really appealed to her either. The Warrior sounds like an unwashed brute, the scout sounded like it did.... what, scouting? The ranger was some elfy thing, and she didn't really wanna be an elf, and magic sounded complicated.

"Let's just see the talisman shop, or get some gears first?" She cast her gaze towards where the talisman shop was before casting it back downwards. "W... we can probably do those frogs after that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Weew. That information came fast. The pioneers really did some great things with their rocks. With some amount of excitement, she read the possible options on the screen that appeared before her. She quickly weighed the options of her supposed low rank classes. Certainly there were more, but they were hidden. They all had certain prerequisites, some easier than others. Three options seemed easy. Monk, with its damage type requirement (already fulfilled, based zero combat experience), just required you to go to the monastary.

Brawler seemed a lot more fun. She had the strength for it. Improvised weapons seemed cool. She already had a few on hand. Starting a public fight seemed easily cheesed. She had friends and they were currently in a public space. Seemed easy enough to cheese.

Strongman seemed easy too, but incredibly strange. The 30% statboost to strength would be amazing as a second class though. She didn't know where the Gin Ren Gym was, though. 20 reps with some sort of monster was also a nightmare, since she was a fresh spawn.

Thug was the criminal line, as thieves are to scouts. While being a level 1 thug that turned into a level 99 boss sounded amazing, the prerequisites were the most nightmarish out of all of them. Reduce someone weaker than you to 20% HP... wait, that one was incredibly easy. She could probably punch Kriz and his bones would turn to dust. Mugging 30 gold was... also a bit rude. Then discovering (the wording being different here), a certain zone?

Probably very hard to do without a class.

"So fellas," she challenged everyone else as she begun her heel turn, "want to go check out our virtual capabilities right here and right now? Two of you against me, since I'm a bit more capable than the rest of you when it comes to this kinda shit. A friendly little fist fight?"

Her goal wasn't exactly to win. It was to start a fight, throw whatever she can at the others, and then goof off with a newfound brawler class. Also not die in a friendly little brawl. That would be HILARIOUSLY bad.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

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Lew counted the number of players, then started to count how many he remembered were in the group all with his fingers. He had to do a few recounts because he was admiring how detailed his hands were, but once that mission was accomplished, he turned to the rest and nodded. A complete group was good, very good. Now all that was left was to see if they would segment themselves into parties or travel as one whole guild. Did they even have enough to make a guild?

Seeing as mostly everyone else had chosen their class by now, Lew figured it'd be best if he did as well. No one bothered to really look up a guide either seeing as they had to resort to asking an absurdly tall 12 year-old advice on where to go. Before he could turn back to touch the stone once more, his attention was quickly grabbed by... wait, what?

Was that an anime version of Raymond?

Lew was momentarily befuddled before remembering that he had the anime setting on. Knowing Raymond, he probably didn't even bother with character creation too hard. Once that was cleared up, Lew crossed his arms and shook his head with a stoic nonchalance he was known for when topics of interest weren't brought up.

"No, no. When I was selecting my stats, I read that END was a stat that governed both durability and SP regeneration. I had just thought it would be a good stat to invest in while I was still learning the mechanics of the game. Never really tried a full-dive of this scale before. That said, I should probably get ready to fill that role regardless. Maybe I should lower my pain settings from a '4' to a '0'?"

Shrugging at the notion, Lew had touched the keystone once more, solidifying his class selection as 'Warrior'. Feeling the minute amount of vitality fill his body, Lew had also decided to ask one question while he was here.

"What are the 'tank' classes of this region?"

Once that was complete, Lew turned away from the stone, resolving to investigate their immediate area for any shops. Unlike the others, Lew felt like he didn't need the talismans too much. Dealing damage may be an issue, but if Lew was the one tanking for the group, it wouldn't matter anyway. All he really needed was some sort of shield in case his END wasn't enough. Thinking on it more, perhaps it would be a better idea to test his limits in battle first before he made any unnecessary purchases...

... And where to test them better with than Mags' open invitation?

"Sure," Lew quipped at the tryhard's offer, stepping forward with his arms spread out and standing in the shape of a 'T', "hit me as hard as you can."

It wasn't until it was too late that Lew would regret his decision, both from the damage he was about to endure as well as the reinforced beliefs that he may be a masochist...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Amulak simply shrugged at both the wandering samaritan as well as the reactions of the rest of the group.

"What little cunt says make sense. May as well follow it." He said simply, walking up, winding up with as much effort as he could with his gimped STR, and slapping the rock.

Well. No minion class off the bat. That was disappointing. Screw it. He knew there was some kind of summoner or necromancer in this game, and it'd logically branch off from mage. Thus, he picked mage. With that done, Amulak took notice of Mags's query, deciding to sort out his future advancement first and foremost.

"Big magic rock, where is necromancer class? Or summoner?" He queryed, before turning to the rest of the group. "Anyways, yes, am Stanislaw. Just call me Amulak here. Very sorry I have not been active much in the group chat, by the way. Only recently graduated university. Now that I am active again, will save you from Mags's shit memes. My memes much better." Amulak practically cackled.

"Anyways, once everyone situated with class, may as well go acquire talisman. I believe only having 5 STR is source of my problem. Probably catgirl's too."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HP:100/100 | MP: 105/105 | SP: 110/110

The man nods his head sagely at his dark-haired friend. Lew had a point there. Perhaps Ray jumped to conclusions too quickly? Then there was a matter of Mags' sudden desire to initiate PvP; albeit in a more of a friendly spar than actually killing one another. Raime let out a sigh. It was likely the girl memeing again for laughs and such. "As fun as beating each other silly sounds, I don't think anyone wants to-." Lew then accepted the challenge without a hint of hesitation in his voice before stepping forward with his arms outstretched. Raime could only look on with a mix of confusion and horror. The conclusion that he had thought to have been hasty mere moments ago, was actually a possible fact...that Lew may be a Masochist!

"Woah Woah Woah. Time out for a second, guys." Raime said as he got in between the two before any damage could be done. "We just literally spawned into the game a few minutes ago. Don't you think we should get to play the game as a team for a bit first and save the PvP shenanigans later?" Amulak then suggested they go head out to find the talismans so they could fix some problems. Raime then gestured to Stanislaw's avatar with one hand. "Now that's a good idea. We really ought to go buy some gear or talismans to fix our stat problems."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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@Cu Chulainn

@Psyker Landshark
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With the Slav and Ray rebuking her, Mags had two choices. She could acknowledge that now wasn't the time for PVP and be an adult about the entire situation, or she could be a massive child about everything so she could get her multiple person fight going. It was probably better to be an adult about the entire thing. Her getting her class could wait. After all, they had people that needed to be juiced up to be normal human beings. The only reason to be a child was entirely based on impatience.

The answer of what Mags was going to do was obvious.

"Bock bock bock bock," she began to make the noises of a chicken. Her right hand was placed on her head, acting as though it were the comb of a chicken and her left arm was moving up and down mimicking a wing. "Baby, coward, chicken, bagawck!" The same mocking, bird-like tone continued. "Brother's shadow, brother's shadow, bagawk!"

The insults continued, though they were aimed less at Raymond and more at everyone else. As such, they became considerably less targeted. Wimp, worm, dodo, loser, and twit were all simple insults aimed at everyone else. She didn't really expect the minmaxers (that weren't Lugh) to fight, so she didn't call them out. Maybe if she went Thug, she would have. That would also require taking their money, which they really needed to fix up their bad stats. She may be in the middle of her heel arc, but she wasn't a bad person.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HP:100/100 | MP: 105/105 | SP: 110/110

Raime let his hands cover an embarrassed blush on his face that reached his ears.

He wasn't mad. Maybe a little offended that she'd called him an immature coward. But far from mad.

He was more embarrassed that Mags was making a scene in spawn. So much for salvaging a good first impression of the party with the player base and NPCs. On top of the stat fiasco and not reading the player manual, now that they'd seen Mags' childish nature and her terrible impression of a chicken, he was almost sure that their reputation would plummet. "Mags' stop making a scene, please? You're making a fool out of yourself." Raime pleaded to the terrible chicken impressionist. All the while, doing his best to hide his face and ignore the stares from the players and NPCs watching the scene unfold at spawn. "Ohmygodmakethisstopplease." he muttered under his breath.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


___________________ Class: Warrior Funds: 20s
Whew, that kid was quite something. At least he was actually helpful! As he waddled off, Ames made her way over to the Keystone like the rest of them. The big rock turned out to be very helpful too, beyond it's class granting abilities. I wonder how it searches? Is it basically like a computer? A big... boulder-like computer? Her thoughts didn't stop her from placing a hand on the stone's surface, and it's welcome message quickly appeared.

Without any hesitation she chose the very first class listed, Warrior. Pretty basic, but hey, she was still a newbie! Before moving away, Ames looked up towards the top of the Keystone and considered testing it with some questions. Could it do math? Was it only limited to searching things within CaCo? ...wait, of course it wouldn't only search stuff in game. It's supposed to be immersive or whatever. Hm.

The red haired avatar gently placed a hand over the rock again. "Keystone, can you search for items too? Or mark things on a map? ...wait I don't have a map. Can you tell us where to get stuff like that?" After a brief moment Ames quickly added, "Any half martial, half magic classes? I always thought that was cool."

Alright, that was enough for now. She didn't want to bombard the thing with questions. Finally Ames stepped away and turned back to the group only to find Mags in the middle of a chicken dance, Lugh straight up T-posing, and the rest of them in various states of embarrassment or dismay. Personally, she didn't take any offense to the insulting dance.

"What the hell," she laughed, "wouldn't a fight right now be super boring? We just started, some of us can barely even do anything. Speaking of!"

Ames went over to the poor guy still struggling to catch his breath. "Hey, if you give me the silver you got I'll run over to the shop and bring back a talisman for you, so you don't have to struggle over there." Her words were bright and honest, with a smile to match. "Same for you guys, Calace, Amulak. I don't mind. I'll take Ari with me." The cat-eared girl was clearly bummed about the rude response she got from the other player, even if he did actually give them information. Hopefully getting a move on would cheer her up.
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