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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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May walked with guards puffs is black mist rising from her feet she would get to mingle with other prisoners maybe just maybe start a fight. " Hay anyone in this place or am i the only one" may called out in a mocking tone.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Jaclyn Masari prefers nickname Slasher
Age: appears around 24
Gender: Female, full on tomboy
Crimes: 31 counts of murder in the second degree Five armed robbery seventeencounts of gang related killings.Bio: raised in a bad family, a drug abusive family she was into the gang since she was little learned the ways she could get away with stuff and has. By 15 she had killed a man in cold blood. Rest to be found out later.
Apearance: dark brown scruffy hair black eyes and a deep glare make this girl a hard sight to not look twice. Tall slender build with deep curves and black rose symbol on her back which she won't tell what it means.
" sure I don't mind you did your job it's nice to see you having a friend." She said then walked of and into her office.
(( yep she just brought boy inside and is a little prissy)
A older looking lady in a blue maids out fit walked up to the young boy playing some music outside." What are you doing did you not hear outside is of limits they are still spraying it and you have to stay Inside." Mumbling a bit more to her self she grabbed the boy by the arm and started to drag him in why can't these teen ever listen yt? O anything I say. When she g of in with the boy she magically locked up the house." Go to your room now" she said then left the boy walking. Down a twisting hallway to her office.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
CS will be up soon just got of of school.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
N o yours to interesting and I like messing g with your weird cleansing the world characters they act so real it's like I can get out the crazy and kinda be happy again do that when I have free time tomorrow right now I'm going to give myself a 8 hour sleep hypnosis.
May walked to her room, number two and got dressed for bed a red dress and her hair left down. Climbing into bed silently she let a candle burn on her desk and fell asleep.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
This I know I want to join no weird arguing and plot shifting so far making app now looking for ideas.
In Spliced 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Just half way understands the last two pages I don't think I want to join anymore this is starting to make my head hurt have fun.
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