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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" No one " she walked up to the group who were talking and snickered tapping her finger on her pant leg " So what we talking about... murder terms?"
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" Thanks Guardy" she joked than walked out of her cell and outside the gaurds watching her closely till she got outside. Black shadows crawled up her leg reaching out in small curls than dissipating. Looking around outside she smirked and shook her knotted hair. " So anyone here know who the Slasher is?" Jaclyn called out looking around.
anoucement time" ANYONE IS ALOWED OUTSIDE JUST NO ONE PAST THE FENCE PLEASE OR THE HEAD MAID WILL HAVE HER WAY WITH YOU" the anoucment screeched through the speakers which no one could see.
(( may is on //fallow mode for now))
" have a nice time being free honey its not going to last this is prison not a playhouse." May chuckled and a shadow tapped along her bars with her finger. " Life isn't ment to be stuck in a cage nomader what you were acused of who knows if I even committed any of those crimes you havn;t found any evidence yet have you?"
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
(( Can Jaclyn be let out for the last few minutes now if not me be bored and start talking to my self making plans maybe seeing who else was left behind))
Jaclyn stood up and looked around her cell small cot, toilet, sink, normal prison stuff. Her black boots sitting by the bed as she had taken them off letting her blood red socks show. " hay Gaurds can I go out now at least, I need a tan my skins getting whiter than the vampires." she joked on the last part putting on her shoes and sitting on the cot.
Night anyway I'm tired tonight.
And I'm still stuck send for me when you guys get back or am i allowed.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
It's not units me I'm a little crazy to much Motrin I think.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
And I just realized both of my prison characters are now stuck in there cells, why am I so murderous even online.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
akje said
I have no idea what you said.

I was talking to myself and someone else nothing to do with u
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