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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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" what in the world why am I on a beach those girls where going to get it." She was yelling at who ever did that then noticed Kathryn. "What did you do that was my dream you had no right those girls needed to get punished." Her anger was like lava boiling up from her Jane clenched her fist in real life and in the dream." Had to have changed my dream I've done that so many times the girls run of screaming and I leave same old same old I finally dream about it and it gets ruined what my luck."
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
YamiCuoreLaroux said
Ah, I see. Still, same basic idea. It was pretty bad.

Yep lagged the site for a hour.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
He watched her move next to him and moved her wine for her " isn't the view nice" he said looking out a window near the car side of the room facing a little garden which was his." So why did you sign up for the site?" He asked in a unsuspecting friendly manner which made him sound like a better person.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
YamiCuoreLaroux said
Yeah. I don't really remember right now, but didn't the site shut down for a few days because of that?

Different site mine happened on big server network crash then back up in two.mins people did it for fun and better reloading.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Oh I hated those like you posted eighteen times and you only hit the button once then had to go around deleting.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" it's ok I don't want to make you uncomfortable on any situation it's called a date not perfect match.com" he smiled while pushing back a.sowing needle under the sofa he was sitting on, yes be sowed when he was bored but she didn't need to do that." I've enjoyed yours too" another grin of a smile was stuck on his face this was going perfectly.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Double.posting aha
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
YamiCuoreLaroux said
Sorry. Understood.

Lol just lol I was kidding more bump posting and waiting for Jane's murder to show up so now I'm just to Andrew ah Andrew my first crush... wait why do I type and leave it in, idk.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
CallaLily180 said
Lana politely took the appetizer and nibbled on it, she made proper, steady conversation afterwards. "So tell me, why did you choose me?:

" you seemed interesting and a lot better for the choice of personality, I've learned to tell peoples personally by the way they dress as I pick out most of the clothing peoples wear to party's around here." He took a appetizer and looked at her. The dress fit well not to tight not to baggy probably older nothing like that he could find around d here. Five miles from the closest city you had to make your own stuff. " why did you accept to come." Andy said looking around secretly at her.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
No bumping needed people have lives and I get that just try to respond no need for bumps(( lol bump with a few more words)
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