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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Savi said
Faeya looked toward the voice saying her name and she said "yes, it is. Can you help me with this? I'm having some difficulty." She reached for the blind fold to see who she was talking too.

"Of course." Lucas walked over to Faeya and started untying the blindfold. "I had heard that the transportation system was a bit odd. They do take the idea of a blind date too literally, don't they?" Having removed the piece of fabric, he smiled at the face revealed beneath and gestured to the door. "Would you like to come in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

DixeyRay said
" you seemed interesting and a lot better for the choice of personality, I've learned to tell peoples personally by the way they dress as I pick out most of the clothing peoples wear to party's around here." He took a appetizer and looked at her. The dress fit well not to tight not to baggy probably older nothing like that he could find around d here. Five miles from the closest city you had to make your own stuff. " why did you accept to come." Andy said looking around secretly at her.

"Oh, thank you," she paused for a moment to shake away her blush and soon continued, "I think I accepted for the fun of it. Even the blindfold was kind of exciting, I mean, so far I have enjoyed your company." With a small and meaningful smile she tried to tread lightly in the situation. "Not that..I um..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" it's ok I don't want to make you uncomfortable on any situation it's called a date not perfect match.com" he smiled while pushing back a.sowing needle under the sofa he was sitting on, yes be sowed when he was bored but she didn't need to do that." I've enjoyed yours too" another grin of a smile was stuck on his face this was going perfectly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
"Of course." Lucas walked over to Faeya and started untying the blindfold. "I had heard that the transportation system was a bit odd. They do take the idea of a blind date too literally, don't they?" Having removed the piece of fabric, he smiled at the face revealed beneath and gestured to the door. "Would you like to come in?"

She smiled softly. "Yes, if you don't mind. I find it rather odd that we're in the middle of nowhere, but it is beautiful." She grinned at him. "And your name would be Lucas, correct?" She asked as she stepped inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucas followed in after her. "Yes, that would be me," he laughed a bit awkwardly. "And yes, I doubt this is the place most people would imagine for a first date, but the natural scenery is quite nice. I just like the quiet, mostly." He led her to the sitting area, with a small couch and a couple armchairs around a cute coffee table. A vase of apple blossoms and daisies sat innocently on top of said table, a very soft fragrance emanating from them. He turned back to his guest. "Would you like something to drink?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

DixeyRay said
" it's ok I don't want to make you uncomfortable on any situation it's called a date not perfect match.com" he smiled while pushing back a.sowing needle under the sofa he was sitting on, yes be sowed when he was bored but she didn't need to do that." I've enjoyed yours too" another grin of a smile was stuck on his face this was going perfectly.

"Your sweet." Lana's face turned pink once more as she got up and sat down on the couch next to him, a safe distance away. Just enough to say they were close but far enough to not touch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He watched her move next to him and moved her wine for her " isn't the view nice" he said looking out a window near the car side of the room facing a little garden which was his." So why did you sign up for the site?" He asked in a unsuspecting friendly manner which made him sound like a better person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

"Yes, it is very pretty. Do you ten-...oh yes. I joined to meet someone new I guess, it was more of a dare actually." Lana laughed as she reminisced of the day, her friends had forced her to make a profile on that silly dating site.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" all the others here where making one to meet a girl or boy it depends which floor of this place your on, so I made one to. And yes I do tend that garden I hate the five mile drive just to get to town so I grow my own stuff." Andy said moving a brown hair back. " have you ever had a garden?" He was still exempting to get her trust enough or just get her to drowsy to leave with the wine was not the stuff you would find in the liquor store more or less he had brought it off one of the older tenets before he had passed away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

"No, not really." Lana said with a small harmless smile as she let out a weird yawn that sounded quite like a whistle, "I think I should be heading home soon, this was wonderful."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" I wouldn't go out this time of day I have a spare room if you would want to wait till.morning I wouldn't think the taxi would be to happy to come and get anyone he doesn't like getting up past 9:00" he looked at the clock 10:30. Andy fake yawned too and picked up the wine glasses carefully with the plate and started to the kitchen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

"Are you sure? I guess I could...do you mind if I wear one of your shirts? I only have this dress." Lana was kind of scared. She wasn't sure if this was the brightest idea. But who knew? Maybe it would be alright?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

CallaLily180 said
"Are you sure? I guess I could...do you mind if I wear one of your shirts? I only have this dress." Lana was kind of scared. She wasn't sure if this was the brightest idea. But who knew? Maybe it would be alright?

" Sure ill get you one for the night." He said turning a corner and coming back with a large over shirt." Here the spare rooms on the left of the kitchen mines on the right" he smiled lightly then laid the shirt down on the couch and turned back and went into his room shutting the door lightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

DixeyRay said
" Sure ill get you one for the night." He said turning a corner and coming back with a large over shirt." Here the spare rooms on the left of the kitchen mines on the right" he smiled lightly then laid the shirt down on the couch and turned back and went into his room shutting the door lightly.

Lana took the shirt and silently went to her room where she took off her dress and slipped on the shirt before hopping into the bed and getting comfortable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 days ago

Flint strolled off then, realising what he had done, came back and undid the blindfold.
"C'mon" He said with a smile as he trailed off once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lydia blinked, the sudden lift of the darkness startling her but she was glad she could see again. She glanced over at Flint and scurried after him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 days ago

Flint soon was in his room. He moved over to the kitchen, the décor of the room looked quote ordinary, nothing to special.
"Could I get you a drink?" Flint asked smiling as he grabbed two glasses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
Lucas followed in after her. "Yes, that would be me," he laughed a bit awkwardly. "And yes, I doubt this is the place most people would imagine for a first date, but the natural scenery is quite nice. I just like the quiet, mostly." He led her to the sitting area, with a small couch and a couple armchairs around a cute coffee table. A vase of apple blossoms and daisies sat innocently on top of said table, a very soft fragrance emanating from them. He turned back to his guest. "Would you like something to drink?"

Faeya smiled softly at Lucas. "A water would be excellent, thank you." She took a seat in one of the arm chairs and looked around. "This is also very well furnished." She leaned in and smelled the flowers, a small smile crossing her lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lydia trailed behind him and entered the room, looking around with curious eyes. Not at all sure what to do, Lydia followed behind him. "W-Water please." She said with a timid smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
Avatar of YamiCuoreLaroux

YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Savi said
Faeya smiled softly at Lucas. "A water would be excellent, thank you." She took a seat in one of the arm chairs and looked around. "This is also very well furnished." She leaned in and smelled the flowers, a small smile crossing her lips.

Lucas nodded and walked into the kitchen, fetching two glasses of water.
So far, so good. It seems like we're getting along for now.
He walked back with the cold beverages and saw Faeya smell the flowers. How cute.
"I hope you like them. I thought they looked nice, but I suppose I should have asked in case you had an allergy or something, now that I think of it. I always seem to forget these things." He offered her one of the glasses and sat down in the other armchair.
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