Avatar of YamiCuoreLaroux
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7385 (1.81 / day)
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    1. YamiCuoreLaroux 11 yrs ago


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Hello! Nice to see you, eh?

I'm Yami, a college student and sometimes decent artist heavily influenced by anime/manga styles. Um...I'm not that interesting, really. I do some cosplay stuff and can get really into anything that interests me enough, but that's about it.

I might be in a bit of a slump right now, actually. I'm looking for something really fascinating to pique my interest once again, help me get back into the swing of things. I'm into crazy fantasy situations, especially.

Most Recent Posts

"Eheheh...please don't be mad." The young king raised his hands defensively to the rebuttal, a nervous smile replacing the calmer one he had before. "I really am sorry, I had a much nicer meeting planned out in my head. Well, mostly. But I never meant to worry you."

"In any case, I trust you both. Lorne's the most trustworthy person I know, after all. And Wrenna's a hero, so she won't fight people who aren't doing anything wrong, right? I'm sure we can try this again without any trouble this time." Positioning himself as close to an equal distance between the two as he could, he held out his hands toward the backs of their heads and mumbled a few words. "Okay, I think that should do it. Your vision should start fading back in shortly."

"So once more, Lorne, this is Wrenna. Wrenna, this is Lorne. I know it's not the best situation, but I hope you can get along; we kinda need his help." Looking back behind him toward the servant still trying not to stare too much at the human girl while picking up the last misplaced items. "And for that matter, since you're here, we'll probably need your help as well. I'm sorry, but it's important that you stay for a bit."

Just in case it's needed. roleplayerguild.com/topics/93832-chapt..
"...So that's more or less the situation at the moment. To summarize, I'm still alive, she's stuck here, I'm probably not in danger, I need to not bring attention to this right now, and uh...did I forget anything? I think that's everything that's not in the guard reports, anyway; I probably don't need to say anything about our not-so-friendly guest." The young demon, now sitting on the bed of the sleeping chamber with the book in hand, tapped the page he had been looking for and mumbled something under his breath. "Of course, it's a simple one I forgot again..." Placing the book down on the bedspread, he stood up and looked between the two warriors he had directed to opposite corners of the room and now facing the intersections of the walls. "Now, who among you can I trust more to restrain their bloodlust the moment they can see again?"
Incoming apology/explanation when I have tech access again.
<Snipped quote by YamiCuoreLaroux>

He's too stup-I mean dense to be affected by mind control as well

Pfft! You underestimate me, good majesty! There's no need to be so direct!

Also: Incoming apology/explanation when I have tech access again.
<Snipped quote by The Irish Tree>

Like I said, Cody doesn't care
He's a hero after all, nothing can harm him ;) Except guns

Harm? Oh no no no no no no no no, we can't just harm potential slav-- assistants~

X3 Chiari's just salty as heck. It's both great and awful.

Chiari nodded a bit reluctantly. "Nah, I'd probably be the same if I wasn't found to be useful early on. Don't...sound like that."

It was as close to an apology as seemed possible at the moment for the pale youth. After all, that had sounded quite rude of the boy...but at the same time, perhaps Chiari's own state wasn't the best at the moment. A low seething still clouded their ability to make decisions. "I'll give you ten minutes more to forget."

With that, the ghostlike teen vanished from sight once more and left for the dining hall once again, the original goal not yet forgotten.

Unfortunately, upon entering and finding some sort of snack to snag for the morning, who should arrive but the girl from earlier? Vale-- no, not worth remembering now. And her new boyfriend, apparently. That didn't take long, did it? Did you even try?

Feeling the irritated feeling welling up again, the invisible teen barely registered throwing the yellow apple at the boy Valencia was with until they were already halfway out of the hall again. So stupid! So stupid!

"You think I'm feral or something? I know they'll keep serving food, I just don't do breakfast!" The pale teen whispered a bit indignantly, though they continued to follow nonetheless. Was he trying to be patronizing or was this a genuine attempt to relate? It wasn't that correct a guess; they had known that they could grab food when it was served at any time here. But why bother to stick around with the others?

Still, this one sounded more like that other one from the other day with his constant reassurances. What exactly did he want? "And everyone keeps saying things like that, don't they? Don't lump me in with you."

"Whoops! That's no good, is it? That could have been an accident right there~."
Behind the frustrated student, the yellow-robed figure stopped a few books in midair and called them back to his hand, one of them having been their preoccupying entertainment from the wait between students. "I must apologize for my poor timing, Young Sir. I admit that I was perhaps a bit preoccupied~. I hope that I did not startle you with that small bump."

At a standing height now, he was perhaps just under six feet himself and the robes hung off in several folds, almost as if they had only just enough of a surface to cling to. Though his face remained mostly obscured as it had previously that morning, the small grin on his face would be quite visible from below. Of course, the cheerful tone of his voice could relay practically the same information even without any visibility.

The figure stopped for a moment as he stared at the boy, almost as if examining him a bit closer somehow despite the obstruction of the robes.
"Hmm? Something seems rather... like I had something to say? I'm certain it was for another student, but perhaps you should hear as well. I'm sure there's a reason for it."
Reaching into the brightly-colored folds in the robe, the man pulled out a small bottle of a swirling, almost gaseous fluid. Though the ever-changing earthy colors coupled with the odd form probably didn't match it at all, the label read 'smelling salts'.
"There's someone who needs this. I can't imagine how it ended up in my office, but perhaps it was meant for you to return. Surely you know where something like this goes? It's for emergencies, as you can see. I'll be glad to vouch for your absence if you return it."
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