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KatherinWinter said
I am going to bed here soon. But yes either Jane or Alice could go I dont see any reason Vlad can't do more then one blood victim a day

Alice then Jane still needs her blood for now.
Jane was sitting on her bed panting then got up turning invisible. Taking out a small radio she put in some headphones she fell asleep again listening to rock music. Her dream was just concert, her arms waving she half way forgot about what had happened a few minutes ago.
Can Jane or Alice go I'm waiting for something like that to hAppen maybe alice more than Jane.
In The Asylum 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
-Blank -
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
CallaLily180 said
"Are you sure? I guess I could...do you mind if I wear one of your shirts? I only have this dress." Lana was kind of scared. She wasn't sure if this was the brightest idea. But who knew? Maybe it would be alright?

" Sure ill get you one for the night." He said turning a corner and coming back with a large over shirt." Here the spare rooms on the left of the kitchen mines on the right" he smiled lightly then laid the shirt down on the couch and turned back and went into his room shutting the door lightly.
Get for the night see y'all I won't be around to much tomorrow either. Baseball.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" I wouldn't go out this time of day I have a spare room if you would want to wait till.morning I wouldn't think the taxi would be to happy to come and get anyone he doesn't like getting up past 9:00" he looked at the clock 10:30. Andy fake yawned too and picked up the wine glasses carefully with the plate and started to the kitchen.
KatherinWinter said
"I told you I am a dream walker. I control dreams." Katherin explained. "Most people don't mind. Every once in awhile I met someone like you. I think you need an asylum more then you need an orphanage. I guess I should be glad you don't throw knives at me like Roxydid. Doyou wish to go back??"

" I dont need no stupid place for crazy people those to kids where me.and two of my friends before.... I was Bloody Mary and would appear behind them and they ask for tree wishes and I would fake grant them then Chas them thought the house the blood was not blood but red paint on a long painting smock we had fit" Jane went down to her knees and started crying she missed her old friends she missed her old life but what was she to do she didn't even remember the street name." Just leave me.be since its gone now and it'll never come back just leave it I will be sitting all night in blackness till I wake up thank you then if that's what you do then your doing a fantastic job at it." She barely managed to say that before waking up.
Why did you have to change it to a beach she hates beaches water just makes her more visible.
In House Of M 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" all the others here where making one to meet a girl or boy it depends which floor of this place your on, so I made one to. And yes I do tend that garden I hate the five mile drive just to get to town so I grow my own stuff." Andy said moving a brown hair back. " have you ever had a garden?" He was still exempting to get her trust enough or just get her to drowsy to leave with the wine was not the stuff you would find in the liquor store more or less he had brought it off one of the older tenets before he had passed away.
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