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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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Cool but the rooms are human sized so there is a small wood surrounding the place tell your friends about this please.
VKAllen said

" and what does that mean to u" umm creepy psychologist time?????
Dmessenger said
i'm interested, what kind of magical creatures can we be in this

Any you like just no over powered one swipe kill kinda thing we are going" has been kinda " fitting in with human shifting into true form is acceptable just tell me what your going to be.
VKAllen said
What does that name mean to you?

Stop being a psychologist I don't need one online.

And I'm interested just hoping to have powers even slight ones would a seamstress work as a job???
You look around as you read a letter mystriuosly placed We're you would see it. The letter says you are to be taken to the House Of Magic in three hours. Pack only what you can carry and no more than two bags.
This house is a safe some for magical creatures who are hiding and loosely surviving. The House has many rooms all down hall ways you discover meals will be served at the set times, 9:00 breakfast, 12:00 lunch, 7:00 dinner. Your room number you can choose though once one is taken its no longer up to others. Each room already has a bed fully made and a wooden dresser. The bathrooms are in the middle of each hall.
Last thing to note once you come you never go back as the real world has meet non of your needs. Take yourself key since and start packing we will do every thing else.
You read the letter and sigh you have been lucky you were choose you quickly start packing what you have as you have no other choice.

Ok let's see if I get any interest here.
Alice looked at the two down the hall and sat were she was. Taking the bear into her lap she started to draw on it the bear gurgling every now and then echoing down the hall a bit.
Jay Got of the bus and looked at the place, she was keeping to herself in the middle when the events happened and had gotten a pencil of someone. She gently tossed it in her duffle bag and looked around other people here probably bring stuff from there old lives and who they where. She herself had a few changes of camp clothes and a dress she didn't even know if it fit or not. Personal belongings was some wooden sticks she carved into animals and a wooden carving knife she had sharpened and made. The last thing was a wrist watch it ticked and clicked at the bottomed her bag, faintly but there. She made her way to a grass patch of a area and sat down her hair coming loose from a rough ponytail.
WizardGirl said
btw CSes are closed now

How to start.
Hey guys posted CS if still open.
[hider=Jay ]Apearance: straight brown hair in a pony tail. Lightly tanned skin tone with freckles and brown mud/ smudge marks on cheeks. We're Camo every thing and boots. 6 feet tall.
Name: Sarah Jayvern, goes by Jay doesn't like being called Sarah.
Age: 17
Personality: highly athletic mood up for a challenge will face anyone who comes at her usually hyperactive and doesn't respond well to teasing. Not the average crazy person she only almost killed a dude.
History: Sarah was stealing things like toys from a brother or a friend but would give them back but that stayed with her. One day a boy teased her about being a tomboy and why she looked so weird your such a little wimp you have nothing worth to your life. Well to her that was a invitation to fight and she took it her mind making up what he was saying. By the time the teachers had got her of him he had three broken ribs and well the rest I'm not obliged to say... Wiping blood of her knuckles she smiled at them when said she would leave and glady came with them. Her house was a hell hole and she wanted nothing to do with them all she made was enemy's and she didn't want friends. Her house hold was a beating then cleaning then more beating she was pretty but soon she had rubbed so much mud on her cheek you couldn't see the bruises anymore or her face for that much.
Disorders: Kleptomania, words being replaced by other, small psychotic symptoms.
Family/friends: none that know her well.
Other: Wil sometimes ''barrow '' stuff from others for no purpose at all part of her disorder.[ /hider ]
Is this still open? If so I want to apply oh you haven't had a psychotic break down till you have been in the same room as a girl who is literally throwing chairs and throwing pencils at the wall. I've been in the same room as a psychopath I know how to RP as ones but that's not me right now. Ahh vast intellect of disorders activate.
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