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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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I saw ive been reading
fire nymths never see them coming
Name: May Howles
Age: 19 human years
Occupations: works as waiter in a restaurant
Race: Fire Nympth
Bio: (Can be TBR) TBR
Personality: Charming, hardworking, likes playing tricks on people
Ability/weapons: Can use fire and summan fire to her advantage.
Sexuality: Straight
Other: Loves to play with fire
yay making CS now'
is this still open
if so ill make cs if not then boo
Who's going to make it.
" fluffy be nice no biting " she shook her head the bear looked at her then him then back at her and ran of. " well looks like I will have to find him later when he runs to far and unanimates." She smiled and though of something "here watch this " she took a pencil from the side of her notebook and it started to float over her head the the note book opened, dropped on the floor and the pencil started to draw the boy labeling his name under the rough sketch of the boys feet.
" yep come here fluffy " she called and the bear ran right to her and fell at her feet in which she was standing up picking up the bear she saw a smelt it and smiled. " he smells like dead fish were you playing in the garbage can again. " She scolded the now seemed to be lifeless bear and walked over to him. " I'm Alice and you've already met fluffy" she waved her hand over the bear and it made a gurgling noise in her arms and jumped out of her arms.
Alice looked at the boy walking the other direction and decided she wanted a play mate. Whispering to her bear she sent it running down the hall. IT stopped at the boys feet growling and gurgling and running in circles around him it was going to get his attention.
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