Avatar of Dixie Fiend


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Current @Yam I Am sounds like somebody needs a squishmallow
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theater kids make scenes, don't cloud your crown dark 😎
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thoughts on furries having pets?
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I Want My 25 Minutes of Fame
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Where are the bodies Big G?


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lets go
@Plasma, Thanks! Now, do all characters have to be Cryogenically-frozen Vault folk, or is it okay to play someone who lives in Mint?

And do you have a Discord?

No, actually, I'm not even sure if I could pull off such a character pricked from the Pre-War era myself. But, it's really compelling to me and I think there could be some that would make such characters extremely interesting. To transition from 'pristine red-blooded American society' to be dropped into a literal seventh hell. Players may take their origins from a place before the war, within the lifetime of one of the vaults, out in the greater Wastelands, the town of Mint, or ... otherwise. There is not a lock on who or where I plan to encourage characters find their home, however I'll be attempting to bring a story that is centric to this area that breathes reason to participate and congregate. If I can.

I have Discord, but I don't have a Discord for any of this. If enough people would like to use that for bouncing ideas and questions, it would certainly help to have a server or group chat made.

I've given a small update to the OP with an unfinished character sample. Off to work now!
How many paragraphs should one post be? Does three paragraphs of five lines each count as 'High Casual'?

I'll actually pull that tag out because I don't feel it's completely necessary. I think everybody's got a decent amount of creative effort to put out, and I'm not planning to be picky with any posting-length minimum's; as long as some effort is indicated, and the turn order is being respected and continually cycled. A post of three or four rounded paragraphs would generally be ideal!

And, I'm still figuring how to best sync this with my schedule. I'd rather not get it turned over and rolling only for it to slip out of my hands. Here to gauge some early interest while I try to get a couple ideas together that I'll be able to efficiently manage for the thread when it's fully begun.

Also, 69th post.
Alright, well, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, so.
It's been a LONG time since I've written in any capacity. I have a lot of unfinished concepts.

More importantly, have never made a GM.


▸ SETTING: Gulf & Southeastern Commonwealths ...
▸ TIMELINE: 2289-2290 – a few years after the events of Fallout 4 ...
▸ TYPE OF RP: Casual, Post-Apocalyptic, Survival, Fandom, Slice-of-Life, Sci-Fi, Military, Horror, Character Emphasis ...
▸ GOAL OF RP: ... Survive?

Those that are unfortunate enough to find themselves venturing through what's left of the southeast will quickly learn that down here the Wasteland is king. The gulf is swarming with aggressive creatures and dangers, some that are more familiar and others foreign. Luckily for a few – there is safety from the perils of the outside world within the state-of-the-art vaults engineered by Vault-Tec.

With powerful faction-backed interests turning to the ruined urban metros of Atlanta, a city transformed by war and civil strife, and unsettling terrors lurking everywhere from the coastal glades to the Appalachian holler; it's only a matter of time before more chaos lands right on the doorstep of this charming historic southern hellscape.

Perhaps you'll find yourself in the protection of a vault. In the case of Vault 104, you may find yourself waking up from a long nap... A chilling rumor has spread among those who still dream, people 'put on the ice' deep within the halls of this vault and its affiliated regional shelters. After several months of radio silence from its sister Vault 115, the heart of the planned Project Icebox, the fate of Vault-Tec's extensive cryonics research is becoming uncertain.

The stakes are higher after the mysterious disappearance of the Roboseer – an elusive artificial administrator who has closely maintained the functioning of Vault 104 and its shelter group supposedly since its early construction – and consequently, the residents as well as all known Vault-Tec personnel have remained locked in stasis indefinitely.

Could this be you?

How long you may have been asleep and for what purpose is unknown. You will surely be tested. It will be disorienting finding yourself in a strange place, suffering from the side effects of long-term cryonic suspension, but there will be others like you. Although, there's no guarantee that they're on your side, or that they are who they claim to be.


... Welcome!

"War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner."
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

Way Down in Dixie is a Roleplay based upon the popular game titles known as Fallout™! Our story takes place somewhere in the southeastern states, regions that have been largely ignored by the series.

As for what one may expect while reading or participating, with the scope of Fallout being so vast, I intend to encourage much of the Roleplay into a sandbox-oriented adventure. Supporting our main cast will be a gradual introduction of world-building, political development, and some focuses around small faction oriented conflicts which will be woven in as a guiding undercurrent. With that timeless sandbox nature in mind, it should be anticipated that we'll be borrowing pieces from different parts of the games in order to mesh together something that is both new and exciting; as well as building upon something that is familiar.

In some respects, the set and setting should reasonably avoid conflict with existing canon. Admittedly, my knowledge of lore following Fallout 76 is lacking. Characters, events, and major narrative elements that have existed in the games and other media should be viewed as truth; in other words, non-canon aspects of the Roleplay should not compromise the established plot. Although, as some contradictions are inevitable, perhaps it is better to consider this as a separate timeline? We'll be taking plenty of creative liberties to bring ideas, content, and inspiration from the whole series whenever appropriate, published or otherwise.

Way Down in Dixie is a grim drama exploring the bleeding heart of the south. Or at least whatever is left of it. If the idea of a Fallout™ inspired Roleplay interests you and there's a void to fill until Fallout 5 is released... Maybe throw a post this way letting me know what you think, or if you have any questions.

While you're here, I would like to offer some appreciation and a special thanks to Sofaking Fancy for inspiring much of this post. As well as the Fallout Fanon Wiki that is doing the heavy lifting for Atlanta's post-war history here. And finally, if you are interested in a pair of promising and currently active Fallout Roleplays, consider
The Vegas Affair & The Long Afternoon of the Mojave!


▸ HISTORY . . .


▸ FACTIONS . . .

▸ BESTIARY . . .

▸ LORE . . .


For the most part, I really don't care. You're an adult, you can handle yourself. The only request I make personally is that you communicate effectively.

And remember, taxation is theft.


As it should be understood, this site has a skeleton of guidelines you'll be expected to follow while participating in this thread. It's simple, it's easy, it's breezy, so be cool my guy. We got this.

You can be as involved as much as you care to be both in the Roleplay and out of it. Use your words thoughtfully and we'll have some fun. If you are managing a busy schedule, it's okay, everybody needs breaks and time to formulate creative ideas for our story posts that we can be passionate about.

Generally, participants will be expected to post at least once every several days whenever their turn lands. During acts exploring the main plot, tasteful progress summaries and update posts will be made every two weeks or sooner.

This ain't Kansas, buddy.

The story of a true-to-form Fallout and its peripheral themes consists of relatively dark places. Good people are going to get hurt, they're going to be brutalized, they're going to be abused, they're going to inevitably die. The world as it once was no longer exists; in more places than not, law and order are a trivial matter of debate settled by gunfire and blunt instrument. Or worse. Survival is a question that weighs on the mind day by day.

That being said, wherever there is chaos, there remains the inextinguishable light that wills to create order against it. You can find friends in odd places as much as you can find the worst day of your life. Perhaps even more, the world is your oyster, it is the clay of life that you may seek to mold for the better. It is up to you to discover your unique path.

In this dated stretch of a nightmare apocalypse, the fruits of civilization come to bear. As long as you don't stray too far from the more common elements of this popularized story of struggle, you'll be set to thoroughly enjoy its virtues.

Since this is a pretty wild and wacky universe, there will be some pretty wild and wacky people, yeah? There is a limit to this as characters lacking in realistic strengths and weaknesses will not be as cool. You can play a whole host of serious or goofy characters, but you'll be encouraged to fill those shoes with an ample side of flaws to support their more fantastic qualities.

As for the concept of attempting a unique species or subrace; a mutant, android, or the like. I will be cautious of these applications. The more complex the archetype or diversity of power, the harder it'll be to convince. Ghouls as well as robots such as handies, protectrons, & eyebots are very much welcome!

This should go without saying, but the acceptable way to approach a post that heavily involves actions that significantly effect the world should be posed with an open ended form of an 'attempt'.

This rule can be regarded as lightweight in practice, as you may often create your own resolutions through scenes less technical or consequential. Low-level enemies for example may be dispatched at your own discretion. However, when it comes to encounters narratively driven by a GM, it will be considered inappropriate to skip through an impactful 'attempt' to the immediate successive result.

It should be anticipated that there will be a fair amount of basic rolls involved that will help progress through events where actions may be decided effective or ineffective. For the most part, though, you are allowed to moderate yourself within a reasonable, realistic frame of outcomes. If you have any questions, just ask!


Okay, interested in making a character? Simply click here and use the "Raw" link at the top right of the post to get the paste for the code.

Is there any interest for a Fallout RP? I've kind of been watching this site every other month for about a year now waiting for a solid one, as I'm not apt to DM myself. I watched the Far Harbor inspired one for a bit, but didn't find the immediate setting to be my cup of tea at the time.

It seems like Fallout RP's die off quickly here, a mixture of reasons for that I guess. But, it's something I really want to get into. There was this excellent thread some while back,
- roleplayerguild.com/topics/170727-f-a…
... And it was near perfect in my opinion. I was in the middle of writing up a character when it got called off.

Any chance there's enough people here willing to start something similar?
I am sorry. We just started the RP and are full. Keep an eye out, though. If we lose anyone I'll be sure to hit up those that interested.

Interested for when a spot opens.
Sorry, I've had a really busy week. I'll write post this morning or afternoon and catch up. If anything else comes up after that, I'll let everyone know.
Posted, hoping it's acceptable. I would have been able to finish it last night, but I literally fell asleep/passed out with my head on my desk. Surprisingly, I slept like a rock and am only mildly sore.

Dexter Sterling

● Interacting With: The fray of people in Newnan.
● Location: Newnan.
● Time: Afternoon.

Dexter shuffled uncomfortably as James exited the Hordebuster, addressing Dex calmly. His knuckles were white around the grip of his hammer as he listened, which were relieved somewhat after receiving the instructions. " We meeting up with them, and pushing to that building over there. Stay close behind an' keep breathing. C'mon. " Dexter took a deep breath, giving an affirmative nod to James before looking out towards where he had pointed to.

Dexter managed to settle his nerves then. He couldn't act confused and afraid anymore, he had directly been given orders and was expected to follow them. Dexter had a job to do and he knew the who, the where, and the how to help them; or at least that's what he had gathered from Black James', the directions were rather mundane and not nearly as complicated as Dexter made the situation out to be earlier – but having a clear outline of what exactly he needed to do was necessary for Dexter to not-fuck-everything-up sometimes. When Dexter was a Junior ROTC cadet he had a tendency to embarrass himself whenever vaguely given a simple task at which he somehow did not get right. But nevertheless he was a dedicated and determined cadet, and always did the very best he could.

This was no time to be reminiscing about some high school elective though. " Move your fucking ass and get the fuck to the courthouse! Get your head in the fucking game, asshole! " Dexter's shoulder was shoved and he stumbled into the side of the Hordebuster momentarily, turning he expected a Walker had lunged at him but instead it was one of the strangers he assumed was from Newnan – a woman wielding what seemed to be a katana, who had just sliced open a walker like this was fruit ninja or something that had pinned Victor.

By then James had already departed to begin a new folk legend of kicking zombie ass and bad assery, axing walkers as he made his way to Jefe and Ash nearby. Dexter looked to Lorna who urged him forward, Victor beginning to already make his way forward at Lorna's command. Dexter was torn, hesitating briefly as he shot a worried glare at where Richard wrestled with one of those walking corpses – he contemplated helping the bastard, but remembering the wincing sound of a shotgun blast from the Buster's interior and imagining Jaime's face being ripped away by the expended shell changed his mind. Dick may have saved Jaime from the worst, but he probably enjoyed doing it which... Never mind, who was Dexter to judge people in this world?

Dexter chewed his lip nervously, but made no mistake – he was not so nervous anymore. He gave the katana-machete wielding woman an apologetic look, " I was given instructions to follow James, I intend to do so. We'll probably meet y-you and your folk soon, " He said, speaking genuinely for once and with relative conviction. Dexter gave Lorna one final nod before pulling off from her and Victor as they made their way down the street and towards the Courthouse of Newnan, " Stay safe. "

Truth was he probably would have been more of a help and less of a liability if he had chosen to follow Lorna, however – even in the composed, decisive state that he was now – Dexter wasn't a fan of making his own decisions, maybe that would change someday. But for now he was dead-set on following orders to the letter, and James was currently the man he expected to follow. Even though Black James, Jefe, and the Captain displayed extreme experience when dealing with the approaching walkers, and could easily hold their own without Dexter's help.

Dexter broke into a cautious jog, closing the distance between himself and the trio of ridiculously good combatants. He was stopped for a second or two when a corpse lurched up from the asphalt where it lay beside him, lunging for Dexter's ankles as it growled. It looked to be just another dead one, until it wasn't. Dexter reacted both from sheer surprise and from a focused mind, darting to the side with a yelp as it near grabbed him; and then rearing his hand-held hammer down through the top of its skull. The move was quick and clean, about as easy as it could get when dealing with a walker. Dexter was fortunate not to have encountered a more mobile, and therefore deadlier one. Like Black James, he'd much rather be shooting.

He reached group and followed earnestly, staying close to Ash' and James' flank earnestly while remaining out of range of their weapons. It wouldn't be the happiest day of his life if Dexter found safety in these people only to be accidentally blinded by a stray swing of an axe or blade. His hammer was raised, positioned with his elbow at a ninety-degree angle at his side, ready as he shuffled after the three – his boots stepping one after the other with purposeful steps as they made their way towards the Courthouse, hopefully clearing any dangers that got too close to the building or the folk.
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