Avatar of Dmessenger
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  • Posts: 1163 (0.30 / day)
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    1. Dmessenger 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Hey long time no see RPG, I've been having a busy life and new stuff has happened, how is everyone
9 yrs ago
i'm finally getting a rp off the ground


I have had experience role playing at a old site known as Whookos forum (I was known as Death's messenger and Zeek on there). I've always had a interest in sci fi, movies, video games. For consoles I own a 3DS, 3DS xl, New 3DS xl, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox one, Gamecube, N64, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket. I have a lot of games, from the Zelda, Mario, Smash, Mario kart, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon, and Monster Hunter.

Pm me if you want to add me on xbox live, PSN, 3DS, and Wii U.

Most Recent Posts

In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@ladyanglaise and your character could meet him after he moves to the metalheart town.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Fubsy Character accepted, also it would be interesting if your character's family knew my characters family, that would make it interesting.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I want to wait till the other people post their characters
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
one more thing, with this being steampunk guns are not as effective in this world
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Also your character is accepted
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Those pretty much are the jobs.

Also this story starts before graduation everyone will be living in the same town which is where the school is, the reason why I said it was like a academy is more for it's education style and less it's size. The smaller town that is two days away is where the metal hearts and the other low income people will live after graduation when you get your job. The idea was that after graduation the student move out of their homes and live in apartments/inns while they are trained at their new chosen job. So the idea is that those looking for the ones who are forced to leave the town have to travel two days to get their, but because of the way things are it will take a while for those who live in the upper class to find a opportunity to travel, because of how strict this society is.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
(posting my CS just before I start it)

Name: Maxwell Taylor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Job: Metalheart
Bio: Max has spent most of his life hiding the fact that he was a metalheart from his family. The only people who know the truth are his really close friends. He had been dreading graduation.
Other: (optional)(anything extra you would like to add)
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
There is a world that is similar to ours except it is still in the steam punk era and the Americas have not been discovered yet. Europe has come together to create a United Education system so that all the countries can work together to prosper. The Education system works really well at finding people the perfect job for them through a machine that was created that could read your mind and figure out your skills and find you a job. But this machine has created a rift in the people, now those who are chosen to work on all the steam machines are being called metalhearts and are looked down upon by all other classes. So the metalhearts live separately from all the other classes in all the countries. Most of the time children would end up doing the same job as their parents so their was a lot less discrimination because the metalhearts kept to themselves when they were young at school. Until one day when a high class Lawyer named Luke Taylor who had married a school teacher who was name Lilith Taylor took his first born to the graduation ceremony. The boy's name was Maxwell, and he got in line with the other graduating students to get their jobs. Luke was excited and said to his two younger kids "watch your older brother get my job as a lawyer." His wife smiled at him as they saw Max walk up to the machine and put the helmet on. Suddenly the machine began making weird noises and was taking longer than usual to work. The crowd got quiet as the machine suddenly stopped. The screen was black for a bit before it then showed the word Metalheart. The entire crowd gasped in shock, Max looked at his family and could see disappointment in his father's and mother's eyes. Max then hung his head as the teachers come to escort him back to his house where he would have to pack up and leave town.

(basic story outline)
all the characters are going to get different jobs so that they all are separated but then come back together later in the rp, If another rper wish it I was going to make a small romance between my character and a female character in the rp who would come looking for him after they were separated for some time.

no god modding, no magic (this is cyberpunk), there is a limit of two people per job in this rp so only one other person can be a metal heart.


Age: (the oldest they can be is 18 which is the age of graduation, if you want a character younger you can)
Job: (given at graduation)
Other: (optional)(anything extra you would like to add)
yes there is room for one more
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