The mousy production assistant turned watching the bikes as they sped off. While the rest of the crew started to relax Dorian tensed. In the distance the horizon shimmered, and Dorian swore. The clipboard hit the ground and her hands rose; She quickly made a tearing motion. Her eyes followed the arc of Rondo’s flight and placed one end of the warp where he would hit the ground.
The second ragged edged square was placed near the ambulance she was striding towards. She stopped next to where the actor rolled to. “Idiot.” She said loudly before stepping over the man and through the warp into the salt flats. Her mousy brown eyes watching the streak away from the site. “Dammit all to hell.” She muttered, turning her options over in her head.
Among the staff working the shoot was a mousy brunette, holding a clipboard to her chest. She attempted to look patient and attentive. Inside she roiled with anger and frustration; The target and primary cause of these feelings was the focus of her attention. Rondo delivered his lines to a group of children.
She could have done better. She knew it, her superiors knew it, hell even Rondo knew it. And yet he had to protect his ego, and her supervisors just couldn't say no to the biggest vid star around. To make matters worse Mr. Steel was acting uncharacteristically macho; The idiot refused to let anyone else do anything to his bike. Of course the little production assistant knew the root cause for this behavior, and her eyes moved to the blonde on the bike.
Why did she have to be on this set at this time. Without Miss Weathers presence Rondo would have been huddled in the safe house, and Dorian would be center stage and winning the actor an award. Instead the son of a bitch claimed his audience needed him, and the show must go on; No matter how many attempts there have been.
Rather then give Dorian the permission to incapacitate the actor and replace him. They gave different orders. So Mr. Steel’s production assistant got an indefinite paid vacation, and Dorian took her place. Her orders were to stay close enough to Warp the idiot to the safety, if possible. Dorian made it clear to her supervisors that she would do her best however she wouldn't be responsible if the actor didn't survive.
The mousy lil brunette sighed and drummed her fingers on the clipboard. Her thoughts were buried with how asinine this entire situation was.
Dorian’s basic shape shifting sounds as if a they are popping multiple joints at once. With a concentrated effort Dorian can mute the sound.
Dorian’s eyes go black, and the shadow of the form it currently holds begins to split. Each shadows duplicate rips it’s way free of the surface it rests upon; Becoming a cloud of thick black fog that hinders sight. Shroud has a 35 meter area of effect and a range of 105 meters, and lasts as long as Dorian concentrates on it.
Dorian uses this ability to bypass electronic/biometric locks. He uses this ability through touch.
Dorian makes a ripping motion and a ragged square no bigger than 3 meters a side appears where Dorian desires. If opened where someone is standing the person is pulled through the tear. Range in combat is 500 meter limit line of sight or memorized positions in that range, and out of combat round the world to memorized sites or sites you can see (including video.)