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If there was one feeling the Trisean prized over any other, it was the feeling of flowing through the air, propelling himself with his whips on rooftops and lamp posts. It carried a certain freedom from gravity, as though you could just leap off into the sky and never touch the ground. While gliding through the air in his own, unique matter, Trisean always carried an incredible smirk of amusement, and he certainly had one on his face right now. The only damper on his mood was the state of Hollow Bastion as he swung across its cityscape. Once upon a time, he had believed this squalor to be necessary part of the empire. But that had been a different man altogether. The man flying through the city now had every intention of freeing the citizens from their poor condition.

Despite Trisean's status in the empire as a traitor, he had absolutely no fear of being spotted and reported by the populace or some stray patrol. If there was only one lesson that Trisean had taken from the empire, it was that discretion could make or break a mission. As such, he made sure to swing through the alleys and over rooftops in a silent and concealed manner. He wasn't perfect, but it would suffice for his purposes.

Eventually, he stopped on a rooftop overlooking a storehouse of the empire. Trisean alighted upon the edge, and his whips coiled back onto his forearms, taking the appearance of the lower half of his jacket's sleeves. It was a convenience that occasionally allowed him to escape notice of a curious guard on the street levels. Trisean pulled out a pair of binoculars, and got a look at the gate. The objective of the day was to raid the storehouse of both food and weapons before reinforcements arrived. A textbook operation that Trisean had a unique degree of specialty in. His knowledge of certain empire facilities proved invaluable in such operations. Though Trisean had only been stationed here for a cursory examination once, it had been enough to inform him of an exploitable vent in the roof. He was easily able to pass off gaining this information by claiming to have "cornered some idiot guard who had been taking a piss in an alley", and "put the screws to him".

Trisean checked his watch, then checked his binoculars again. The time to strike was nearly upon them. He quietly muttered to himself, "Any second....." Just at that moment, the gates were consumed in a ball of fire. "Bingo!" he declared. His whips uncoiling, he latched onto the roof of the storehouse, and pulled himself up in the confusion. Finding the vent with ease, he forcefully pulled the cover off. Intel suggested that there would be another force inside the storehouse. Trisean clenched his eyes, and focused. His body crackled with electricity, and when his eyes opened, the whites of his eyes had turned to a bright yellow, contrasting his red irises. Whips uncoiled, and also crackling with lightning, Trisean slid through the vent. He popped out through the ceiling of the storehouse, and landed on an elevated catwalk. About three guards patrolled inside, one on the catwalk and two on the ground.

By sheer luck, one of the guards was positioned near his entry point. Before anyone could react, Trisean already had a whip flying towards his neck. It wrapped around, and both strangled him and electrocuted him at the same time. At this point, the guards on the floor realized their predicament, and began to open fire. Trisean removed his whip from the guards neck with a simple wrist flick, and leaped of the catwalk in a flip with an almost inhuman speed. In midair, he fired a bolt of lighting from his hand, frying the second guard like an egg. Upon landing, he coiled a whip around the last guard's ankle, and pulled him towards him and to the ground. Trisean lunged, and pressed his hand against the guard's chest, shocking it until the poor fool's heart stopped.

Just as he finished the last guard off, his friends and allies, Shizuka and Ace, came running into the storehouse. Trisean grinned, and flourished with a facetious bow. "Ladies and gentlemen, your order of one slightly used Empire storehouse is served." he intoned. He quickly stood up again, and took on a slightly more serious demeanor. "Just as planned, I hope? Limited resistance so far. What's our next move?"
Hey, to anyone with an empire character, would they have potentially known Trisean? He did serve as an agent for them for some time before joining the unbound hearts. Also, no one in the unbound hearts knows that.
I'm still here. Just waiting for imagination and sphess marins
I assume that we are all just waiting on the Sphess Marins now, yes?
Name: Trisean
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Personality: Trisean seems to bring a youthful energy to everything he does. Whenever he does something, he does it with the full-most enthusiasm and gusto. His enthusiasm has a tendency to be infectious, and has been known to energize people working on the most boring of tasks. Most would see Trisean as childish in his demeanor, but he also possesses a wisdom one can only gain from having a very bad day. Trisean tries to be an optimist about everything, and tries to see and bring out the best in people. However, this energetic demeanor can be broken in two ways. If Trisean's friends were ever hurt by anything or anyone, he goes into a rage, and will attempt to exact revenge on the party responsible, if possible. Also, if anyone brings up his past before joining the unbound hearts, he withdraws into himself, become quiet and serious, often a shock to those who know him. Trisean prides freedom above all else, and will strive to his utmost limits defend the freedom of himself, and those he cares about.

Appearance: Standing at about 6 feet tall with a pale complexion, Trisean exudes an aura of confidence. He has brown hair that reaches his shoulders, and is neatly parted to the left. Trisean has an average but well toned build from years of training, sporting a fair degree of muscle. He has strange, piercing red eyes that look like they've seen more then he'll ever tell, contrasted by the youthful glow of his face. He wears a leather jacket with sleeves that only go down to his elbows, though his weapons, when not in use, wrap around the rest of his arms disguised as the rest of his sleeves. He also wears a pair of jeans.

Faction: Unbound Hearts

Weapon: "Bound Magical Conduit Whips"

Trisean possesses two magically augmented black whips that have been bound to his arms. They are connected to his body in such a way that he has total control over them. He is able to swing them in a dexterous fashion with full awareness of where they are in relation to him at all times. They also have minuscule fibers along them that allow them to grab objects. The whips themselves are strong enough that Trisean can use them to grapple. However, the true strength of the whips is that they are attuned to Trisean's magic, allowing him to infuse the whips themselves with some of his power. Trisean can use this to charge the whips with elemental power, or use magic out of the whips themselves.

Powers/Abilities: Magic infusion-
Trisean is able to infuse his body with the elements of traditional magic. Such a technique requires little to no energy from him, and he is able to change his attunement at will, with only a modicum of concentration. Bonding with a particular element gives him both physical and magical improvements. For example, thunder will allow Trisean to move faster, while letting him shoot the spell from his body as opposed to the sky. Blizzard improves his physical resilience, and allows him to manipulate ice around him. Fire improves his strength, and allows him to set himself ablaze without being burned himself. Such forms of attunement exist for every form of traditional elemental magic, though he prefers to use these three.

Dark Infusion-
Trisean is also able to attune himself with the darkness in his heart. Such an attunement is far more powerful then any of is other infusion, but comes at the cost of opening his heart to his darkness temporarily. Trisean has been trained to resist turning into a heartless from this power, but is still susceptible to a degree of corruption from using it. Being attuned to darkness improves all of his physical attributes greatly, and also allows him to use dark magic. Because of its naturally corrupting force, Trisean does not use this power unless he absolutely must, but will not hesitate if he needs to. He goes to great lengths to conceal this power from his friends.

Bio: Trisean was born to a family of magicians. His entire family line consisted of wizards and magic users of great power, and he was no exception. When his magical specialty of self infusion became evident, his father magically crafted whips designed to channel his power, and bound them to his arms. Trisean studied magic intensively under his parents, and clearly had a talent for wielding magical forces. But all that changed when the empire came. Trisean had been exploring ancient magical ruins of his world when he was kidnapped by the empire's forces. They were a full invasion force, and were aware of both him and his family. Because of his high magical potential, Trisean was given a choice. He could either serve as an agent of the empire, or him and his entire family would be hunted down and killed. Trisean chose to serve.

Trisean was taught by the empire's magicians how to combine his heart's darkness with his powers. Over time, the corruptible forces of darkness combined with Trisean's idealism convinced him that the empire was needed to maintain order. After his training and corruption, he willing served as an agent, hunting resistance wherever it was found. Oddly, he was never sent to fight the unbound hearts, only smaller scale resistances. Eventually, Trisean was sent to quell an uprising on his home world. Since he knew the people there, Trisean thought he could convince them to stand down with words. He was wrong. Trisean was forced to put down the resistance of his own people with violence. As if adding insult to injury, after destroying the resistance, Trisean found that in his absence his family had been slaughtered by the empire for being a "potential threat".

The combined guilt of all of this snapped Trisean out of the delusions of his corruption, and he swore to exact revenge on the empire. Using his contacts one last time, he tracked down a force of the unbound hearts, and offered to join. Ever since, Trisean has been working to bring down the empire he once served, and exact revenge for his family.
Bang. First post is done.
O'Shi'ur filtered through the reports coming in over the command channel. The reports were anything but encouraging. The Necrons, who had seemingly arrived from nowhere, were still continuing to approach his headquarters. With all of his forces pulled back, there was not much else he could do. He occasionally sent out harassment squads to try and slow the advance, but they always ended in his own forces retreating before they could suffer serious losses. Running out of spaces to commit to the Tau tactic of Mont'ka (the killing blow), and too close to use Kauyon (patient hunter), O'Shi'ur had decided that retreat and redeployment to a different zone was crucial to the survival of the operation. Recon drones had identified two new possible landing areas; a desert zone with canyons, and a forest zone with dense foliage. But this wasn't O'Shi'ur's only dilemma. About one hundred pathfinders remained unaccounted for in the field. Pathfinders were one of the most crucial units in the Tau army, providing both intelligence and fire support in the form of marker lights. It was a force O'Shi'ur could not afford to lose.

O'Shi'ur's battleship, the dagger of O'Shi'ur, was already primed for redeployment as soon as they were ready. But they couldn't leave without the pathfinders. Such a crucial niche in his forces needed to be extracted as soon as possible. Having come to a decision for how to respond to this crisis, O'Shi'ur reported to the command bridge. As he made a quick dash down the hallways, he ran into his second in command, and leader of his crisis suit squad; Shas'el Ko Suam'anuk. El'Ko noticed him, and gave a quick salute, declaring "Shas'O. Tau'va." O'Shi'ur gave her a nod and kept walking. In any other circumstance, they would have had a far more congenial, as they had served together for many years and were good friends. But in these circumstances, everyone needed to focus on the tasks at hand.

El'Ko followed behind O'Shi'ur, and they both arrived at the command bridge. As they entered, the entire bridge staff stood from their vast array of consoles, and saluted, declaring "Tau'va!" O'Shi'ur motioned for them to return to their duties. Everyone needed to be doing their assigned tasks. O'Shi'ur passed by the host of bridge staff, primarily served by the slender figures of the air caste. Arriving at his command console, O'Shi'ur set up a communication array, and addressed the entire force. "All units. This is Shas'O Vior'la O'Shi'ur. We are re-positioning our headquarters to a more favorable zone. Follow standard headquarters evacuating procedure. Fire warrior and pathfinder guards; return to the ship in waves as called by squad. If attacked, continue to retreat to the ship unless otherwise ordered. All ground vehicles on defensive duty; report back to the ship to your designated hangars when called. Recon drones; re-task to monitoring the Necron advance, and scout out to find our missing pathfinders as assigned. Finding the pathfinders is your priority. Orcas; prepare to take off to retrieve the pathfinders as discovered. Also considered a priority order. Remain alert, and do your duty. Tau'va."

Closing the channel, O'Shi'ur opened a private channel with team Duskfall, his stealth suit team. "Duskfall team. Meet me in the Orca hanger. We are going to moniter the Necron advance up close, and see if we have a better shot at finding the pathfinders." After receiving a response, O'Shi'ur turned to El'Ko, and said "Get Sunfire team ready to go. I want you on an Orca monitoring the situation, and ready to deploy if we need a diversion." El'Ko responded with a quick salute, and bolted down the hallway to find her team. Lastly, O'Shi'ur addressed his bridge staff, and ordered them to plot a course to the forest zone. O'Shi'ur's forces were heavily leaning towards stealth and recon, and it would allow them to continue to keep tabs on the Necrons' activities. With that, O'Shi'ur made his way to the battlesuit hangar.

The many members of the stoic earth caste who maintained the battlesuits immediately saluted O'Shi'ur's arrival with a booming "Tau'va". Looking at where the XV8 suits were kept, O'Shi'ur was pleased to see team Sunfire members Shas'ui Kauyon and Shas'ui Ol'kak, twin brothers, already readying their suits. The two brothers were always eager to serve the greater good through combat. Both were newer members to the team, and were always eager to prove themselves with their "agile" fitted crisis suits. O'Shi'ur made his way to his way to his personal suit, an XV22 command stealth suit. It wasn't as big as the crisis suits, measuring only slightly bigger then standard XV25 stealth suits. However, it packed just as much firepower, and was more maneuverable then a crisis suit, which suited his combat style just fine.

O'Shi'ur stepped into his suit, positioning his body into the setting. He took a deep breath as the suit closed in over him, and his MIU interface connected with the suit. The earth caste members ran standard diagnostics on the connection, and were satisfied that no anomalies were detected. O'Shi'ur always appreciated how the suit meshed with his body, allowing him to feel himself fight, as opposed to the cramped cockpits of crisis suits and riptides. As he headed towards the Orca hangar, O'Shi'ur interfaced with his command drone, setting it to give him a constant stream of information from his forces. This would allow him to continue to give effective orders while in the field.

Waiting for him at the nearby Orca was team Duskfall, who saluted him curtly and promptly boarded. O'Shi'ur followed behind, entering the open space that was the passenger bay. After a prompt from O'Shi'ur, the Orca took off, heading off away from the ship, while he continued to sift through the constant information being fed by drones.
Alright, I've worked out my plan, mostly. It mostly was a choice between the two main tau war strategies, but the makeup of my forces decided it. Going to make my first post.
I kind of doubt anyone would be familiar with O'Shi'ur. Tau lifespan is relatively short, with old age starting at 40. He only has the XV22 because he has a flawless battle record and passed every trial by fire on his first attempt. I have his age at about 33, so unless one of your characters has been near the Damocles Gulf in the last 5 years or so, I doubt O'Shi'ur has met any of you.
Well, that outdid what I was planning for the warlord. I concede defeat to you, sir.
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