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Actually, Ilunabar is the goddess of Stories, Colors, Aesthetic, Flowers, Glass and Jewelry.

<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

And thus an unlikely friendship started.

Vowzah? I dunno no Vowzah. I swear. I don't. Wh-why you comin so- *ruuuuuun*

But jokes aside, my favorite sports narrator/journalist died in that terrible, terrible accident in Colombia. It's always surreal to wake up to news like these.
Could 2016 please freaking end already?

I'm going to sue Vowzra's dead ass if it doesn't end now.
<Snipped quote by Slime>

Jvan's done that before (on Notte, specifically), she can do it again if you need.

Kinda but not exactly.

Notte dived herself, Jvan casted off the illusion.

Though I bet Jvan can do exactly the same thing if she wished to do so.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

How dare you even think of taking my mother's domain! This means I must purge all heresy! Death to the Capybaras!

You can try, gecko.

*unsheaths katana*
Eh... Domains though... Nobody is getting any new one anytime soon. I did my math and it will take at least a year before I can even dream about getting another domain, at the current pace of turns, of course. Level 14 is just very, very far away for most of us.

Nature though... Look, it would make sense for Ilunabar to pick it, but she doesn't need to necessarily pick it up as most of the NATURE stuff she does is already under Beauty. If Niciel is going for that one, I could instead go for Mind, another Domain which Ilunabar works a lot with.
Weellllllll.... guess someone has to take control of nature now....

If only there was a certain Goddess who wanted to do so.....


Indeed! With Flowers, and soon enough other nature based ports, it will be a smooth transition for Ilunabar. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have a creative challenge of my own for the group:

Vulamera visited the minds of two gods. Vestec's mind was a tortured landscape housing the four deities he is composed of. Vakarlon's mind was a shifting labyrinth of suffering imprisoning Serandor.

So my question is this: What would the inside of your character's mind look like?

Again, with how much her designs are based on dreamscapes, it isn't hard to imagine how Ilunabar's mind would look like, but in general, it would be a mix of the "workshop" layers of the Pictaraika, I guess.

Speaking of Pictaraika, I always visualized Notte's illusory city of glass as something like this,

With, of course, none of the buildings being functional (or replicable) at all. And a bit less modern and more early 20th century-ish.

So I just found this wonderful thing... and it made me think.

We're still so very much in the Dawn Age of the world. What we do will become Legend and Story... what is our legacy as Gods going to be?

Creative Challenge for the group: in lieu of Majora's mask, the Daedric Artifacts, the ring of Suaron, that sort of jazz, what sort object would your God pour their power into, either as blessing or curse, and what powers would it bestow?

I mean, Ilunabar took Jewelry port so it's clear what her artifacts are. Powers vary, but are mostly related to illusion and becoming savvy-fashionable.
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