So they bought some beer and decided to party at the Pictaraika.
So tell me Griffin, what is next?
"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
<A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now.>
"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
< A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now. >
(Too wide. Looks worse on Chrome)
"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
< A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now. >}
Well hello my name is Loca
And I’m a special pug
I live in Belfast Ireland
And me favorite things a hug
I love to eat roast chicken
And my friends say I’m good fun
But the one things that I cannot do is I can’t feckin run
I’m bouncing flouncing
falling all around the show
Rolling bowling
I just can’t get it right
Skipping hopping
tripping up and floppying
I just can’t get the hang of it
though trying as I might
(VLeast word count wasted on code)
I’ve got a brother Alfie
A little pug like me
Me mum says he’s a lap dog
As he’s never off her knee
He runs just like a bullet
That’s been fired from a gun
And he’s tried his best to teach me
But I still can’t feckin run
(^Least word count wasted on code)
There’s a moral to this story
For happy still am I
Just because I cannot run
No reason for to cry
I love me life
I love me house
And I love me family
And the thing that makes it all ok
My family luvs me