@Oraculum Really reminds me of Julkofyr, but takes a whole new view on the concept of "void".
Probably won't like that Ilunabar destroyed the place of "void" in the planet, and in turn, he encompasses a lot of what Ilunabar hated in Julkofyr, Logos and others. A conversation between the two would be neat.
I'm eventually going to start a humanity page on the wiki and this is my sketch of the immigration of Humans in Galbar. Red is First Generation Wandering. Blue is Refugees from the Flooding. Purple is both, with no clear differences between refugee surge humans and the established pops. Green are post-cataclysm migrations and special cases.
Well, yes, but technically the archipelago is cut from the rest of the world as sail is a rarity at the moment, so I am unsure if Yorum had an effect on it.
But whatever, the history of the region is unclear as heck. I am of the opinion that humans flooded all corners of the sea, most being killed or enslaved by established Hain, but that is just a proposal, we could just assume it was a third or more Hain or something. Having some Hain lore about the flooding would be neat though. Wink. (Though maybe they had higher mortality rate so Hain refugee were rarer)
I think it should be mostly human? It is said most of human populations live in the shore of the metatic (exceptions being Firewind and Horse People because Hain hate sand and our gms are chauvinistic humanists)
That area was overall where mankind first arrived, and when the ocean rose even more humans flooded the region. All this while human and hair populations were said to be aggressive to each other.
With all that mind I believe Hain pops would have been exterminated centuries past. But your island, your rules.
Ilunabar spends one Might to make Ventus' Mirror-Globe.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There was a bit of text cut from this that will be added in a post later. The fountain nymph and how Ilunabar made the mirror are plots that will be touched soon.
THE STORY: -Ilunbar is nostalgic about Zephyrion :( -She feels like she should not just leave the Citadel behind and decides to visit again to make ammends. -She meets the sound elemental Murmur. (Have you ever noticed how cute that name sounds if you forget the meaning of the word?) -She is allowed in, she visits her old quarters and is surprised by a water nymph pretending to be STRONK! She isn't, but Ilunabar decides to show her the world (Later™) -Ilunabar goes up and meets Vizier Ventus, conversations goes nicely and she gives him back stuff and offers to craft something nice for him. -Ventus decides to request a "World Mirror" from Ilunabar. -Ilunabar makes that. It is a very delicate thing that kinda mirrors all the surface. Not as OP as it sounds. (1 might spent) -Ventus spies on Aihtiraq then on some rando village. And that is it.
From time to time, Ilunabar liked to watch the fake horizons of the Arcadia layer of the Pictaraika. There was something peaceful about their movements, but today, not even those could bring her peace.
The thought of Zephyrion kept echoing in her head. The god had been one of the first to be truly welcoming to her, but due to both deities' brooding behavior, the relationship turned cold.
Yet after his banishment, and Ilunabar's departure from the citadel, she felt like something was wrong. Of course, she was in no way able to help the god himself, but perhaps there were more ways to show she had not just forgotten him and that she still appreciated his hospitality. She thought about how terrible it would be for him to return, which she hoped he would, just to find the citadel forgotten by most.
Almost instinctively, she started to move towards the Celestial Citadel. The visage of the old fortress in the distant horizon brought her a sense of melancholy, even if it had not been too long since she left it, the realization of how things kept moving on after one has left was always emotional for mortals and gods alike.
She slowed down when she neared it, she knew the current owner, and also knew very well how he would not like a sudden arrival.
After a short delay a greeter came out to meet the visiting goddess, but even as the presence of his Flicker became apparent there was nothing to be seen. There was only a great reverberation through the air. The sky itself seemed to shiver as if afflicted by an icy wind, and from its trembling and vibrations there came a thousand songs.
From amidst the chorus there emerged a voice, and though Murmur's pitch and volume shifted with every breath, his words were those of power. "The Vizier welcomes you to his home, Ilunabar," greeted the Djinni Lord of Sound. Farther away upon the many terraces and from just inside the countless windows, the other djinn of the Zephyrean Skywatch--guardians of the Celestial Citadel--watched on in rapt attention.
That display of power mesmerized the goddess, who listened to each sound in that echo, from the explosive to the whisper. Her fingers moved spontaneously as if she was calling the Dreamweaver, but there was no harp to summon anymore.
"A djinn of sound..." she whispered, staring intently at the very center of the being with her glimmering purple eyes, then she returned to her composed self, and answered properly. "Thank you, it is a pleasure to visit again such a magnificent place."
"He will await your arrival in the middle tier. Find him at your leisure," Murmur answered. Then the cacophany of sound grew quiter and then slowly vanished as Murmur left to attend to attend other business. Slowly, the assembled Skywatch similarly began to return to their posts and favorite places.
The goddess surely wanted to immediately go to her destination and not leave the host waiting, but her curiosity about the lower levels where she once resided ended up winning against her objectivity.
Down there, the view was not as nice as it once had been, from the dusted storage of statues that once belonged to Allure, to the overgrown plants that were slowly turning the corridors into groves, things had changed.
Eventually, she reached her old quarters. Long ago, the goddess had taken the decision of keeping it sealed after she left, just for the sake of it, as there was no need to make such place so public to the destructive djinn.
The rooms were dusted, the starlit drawing of the sky in the ceiling of the main room had worn out, looking like an old universe slowly fading down by entropy. Some artwork remained, sketches Ilunabar judged not worth of being transported.
A sudden bubbling grabbed the goddess's attention, gently, she turned to find a water elemental slowly rising from the old fountain.
"STRANGER," it said in a strong voice, but not with the same thunder of the typical elemental, it sounded more like a mortal imitating said sound. "WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU DO HERE?"
The goddess raised an eyebrow. "The owner? I made this place... well... decorated it."
"Could it be..." the elemental pondered aloud in a softer voice, but immediately rose the tone "LIES! THIS IS AN ANCIENT PLACE..."
"Eh, not really, my watery friend, maybe you are just young."
The response was a lot of water flowing to her face. The goddess didn't move a single bit from it.
"Well, yes? That is the point of saying you are young." she sighed.
The stream of water intensified, water flowed from the bathhouse and pool in the nearby room and flooded the main chamber, forming a whirlwind around the goddess. The torrent of water was strong enough to tear the goddess' cloak out of her body.
"SOMEONE LIKE YOU, WHO SPEAKS SO WEAK, WHO LOOKS SO TINY, COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS." The elemental declared in victory, thinking that the torn clothes meant the person had moved too, but upon closer inspection, while the outfit was gone, the body of the goddess had not moved.
"You are trying too hard, I have met way too many elementals to be fooled." the water stopped moving, falling down on the ground as a puddle.
A shy, more "feminine" looking figure rose from the water.
"As I suspected." she moved closer to it. "Being sealed in here must have been hard, no? I am sorry for that, I did not suspect a Flicker could take over the fountain water."
"Alone here... just listening to the screaming and fighting in the distance. I can see what you were trying to do, but I am not here to take your home."
"You are not... Right. So you are the one who made this building? Please do not lie."
"I made it, I also made most of the sculptures, the drawings too, you get the idea."
"Well, feel free to take whatever you want. I guess I cannot stop you."
"Whatever? Can I take you?" the goddess chuckled.
"Why would you want me?"
"Well, first and foremost, you are likely going to get destroyed once the wind elementals find you. Second, it is not healthy that you stay isolated in this sealed area." Third, she wanted her own fountain nymph.
"The wind elemental? You mean the screaming ones outside the room? Ah, I would not want to fight them... and if what was here was just a fraction of what you have done, I would love to see what else you made." the elemental pondered.
"Oh, you like art?"
"Yes! I like to see the paint dissolving down as the canvas becomes wet, and I love to erode the marble stone people until they are unrecognizable."
"Ah... so that is how it is..." the goddess rolled her eyes, surely an elemental with a taste for art was too good to be real.
The goddess willed her clothes back together to cover her body, then by recycling some old metal cups and cutlery with her powers, she made a pendant with an empty star shaped vial. "Get into this, it will keep you safe while I finish my business here."
"It is so small..."
"Right right, I got it." leaving most of her water behind, the elemental's Flicker moved into the jewelry, filling it with fluid.
"Now stay still and quiet, I have matters to attend."
After this odd chance encounter, the goddess finally moved on to visit Vizier Ventus, walking upwards to the very familiar, and, thankfully, better kept middle floors.
Motes of dust flew through the long hallways as the occasional djinni billowed by. For the most part, they kept a respetful distance and paid Ilunabar no heed as she made her way through the palace.
When Ilunabar finally met with Ventus it was within one grand circular room. The ceiling was vaulted and the room spacious enough to fit an entire tavern within it and still have room, and yet for all that grandeur it was still as bleak as bone. When the djinn congregated, they prefered that sort of spacious environment. They had no need for furniture or decor, and so the room remained bare and devoid of any obstacles that would impede their comings and goings.
"Ilunabar! Be welcome once more, esteemed goddess.
I saw you revisit your former quarters. We had left those rooms alone and so never knew of that water spiryt that had inhabited your fountain. But I saw that you have already claimed and taken it for yourself, so all is well."
There was a sincere smile on her face, but she could not help but tilt her head, surprised at his awareness of what happened somewhere so far from where he was.
"Oh, you noticed that ruckus down bellow? she said in controlled surprised. "The water elemental was a surprise bath I would rather not have taken, but under the current circumstances, I believe it is expected for a Flicker to materialize even into a sealed chamber."
She stopped. "But oh my, where are my manners. It is great to meet you again Ventus. It fills my heart with joy to see that you have kept the Celestial Citadel well guarded. You even seem to have found some new guards for the Skywatch, as I do not remember ever seeing... well, I mean, hearing, that djinn who greeted me."
"Aye, though he has served long it is rare indeed that he can guard this place for long. The Stormlords below oft have need of his thunder and in his spare time he wages a war against Jvan's corruption."
The goddess purposefully skipped the mention of Jvan, that was a rabbit hole she had no intention of sinking into. "A djinn of sound is truly something curious. Not beyond reach, as I imagined the archaic plans of gigantic musical instruments Zephyrion and... I designed could lead to such things, maybe."
"I had heard of those plans, and in my magnanimity I have contemplated crafting such instruments as a gift to the mortals below."
"Oh! You did?" she clapped her hands, "That is very good to hear. It was, in fact, one of the reasons why I visited."
Ilunabar reached for the carriel around her waist, taking a parchment from it.
"These are the plans I wrote with Zephyrion. I took them with me, as I wanted to archive them in my library, but in retrospect, I believe the original drafts belong here."
"So I see," the Vizier answered. Without even taking the plans from Ilunabar's hand--indeed, without even looking--he was capable of sensing their every detail. "It would be my privilege to aid you in that endeavor, but you mentioned other reasons for coming?"
The goddess looked to the side, a bit distracted. "I feel like I left too abruptly. I promised to work for Zephyrion in exchange for housing, and I comprehend I now have a holy land of my own to inhabit, but I consider it to be rude to just outright leave this citadel behind and no longer do any of the work I promised to do." she concluded in a quieter tone.
At the mention of Zephyrion, the normally effusive Vizier grew silent for some time. After an awkward pause, he finally admitted, "In truth, I do not think that Zephyrion will ever return. Consider him dead. You are released from this debt by virtue of him being unable to collect it; however, if you would honor his memory through working with me instead, such charity would be welcome."
"I do not think so... Though that could be just hope." Ilunabar's eyes darted back to the vizier with a newfound focus. "But in any manner, yes, I think your offer is what I wished for. For a start, I will be returning a copy of all maps made from observation work done in the balcony of my quarters, and I would also like to help clean the lower levels of the Citadel, with the current power emanating here, that fountain spiryt could be one many that could rise from the wild plants, forgotten stone statues, and flooded areas."
"Out of respect for you, we did not seek to breach the wards that secured your former chambers. With them now open, this "cleaning" work can go by quickly. You need only ask and I would summon a thousand djinn to aid you in restoring those rooms to their natural state."
"There is no need for such worry, we live in difficult times, I would rather do the work I can do and leave the Djinn to do the work only they can do." she tapped one side of her mouth for a short moment and once again looked at nowhere. "If you wish to commission any regalias to represent your new position and responsibility, I would be glad to craft it. A mural of all elementals with the wind at the very center, for example..."
The Vizier bore a look of thoughtful contemplation, but he didn't hesitate for long before giving an answer. "Understand that my kind occupy a different plane of thought from you or any of those mortals that you have influenced. We are far more grounded, ever aware of nature and our individual and collective purpose. Aesthetic is a foreign concept to many, and the symbolism that you imbue into such a regalia would be lost upon most.
Beauty is an aspect of raw power or of the natural world; neither of whcih are easily portrayed. But if you would offer me one gift, something comes to mind...
A True Mirror. Notte's knowledge and mastery over glass is legendary. Have her forge me a mirror, if you would--a mirror with so many facets and angles that it can look to all corners of the world, a mirror with a luster so great that it can reflect even the smallest and most distant things. With such an artifact I would finally have the Eyes of God, and then I would bear my burdens and fulfill my obligations that much easier."
"Surely there are things an elemental would find amusing..." the retort was cut short by the actual proposal. The goddess slightly turned her head, her eyes darting up and down. "Well, that is far more than jewelry and art... But... The idea is interesting."
She stood quiet for a short while, facial expressions changing rapidly. There were issues and considerations to be taken with Ventus' plan, none of those crossed Ilunabar for more than a flickering moment, the idea of the mirror itself outweighing all else.
"Perhaps... it could be possible. I will need to ask Notte personally. However, I do not need to even talk with her before knowing that it will not be something as simple as looking anywhere you want whenever you wish, but I can guarantee it will suffice your needs."
"Then you shall have my thanks."
The goddess thought about leaving, but then she realized one more thing would be needed. "If possible, prepare a not too open circular room for us to use. I do not know if the mirror will be of a small size or immense, so it is better to prepare in the chance of it being the later."
"Such spaces exist within this palace already; I shall find one to set aside for this purpose."
"Then I bid my farewell. I shall return in a short time, once the project is ready and the materials gathered."
With the successful test results and the resources gathered, it was time for Ilunabar to return to the Celestial Citadel and finish her commission. This time, she brought with her Notte and her mirror clones as well as some fine-tuned marionettes. The skywatch did not react to her this time as they had been informed she was making something for Ventus, and she was allowed to move directly to the main rooms.
When the Vizier found her again, he bid her follow. "Come," he began, "I have prepared a space in the uppermost level."
And then he began to drift through the hallways and up the vast staircases. They ascended, higher and higher, reaching the pinnacle of the central and greatest of all the Citadel's spires. In the time that he had inhabited the Celestial Citadel, Zephyrion had zealously guarded these areas for his own use and denied entry to all others. Now they were where Ventus made his residence.
"The upper levels?" the muse almost gasped, but then she thought about it more thoroughly, she should have expected the Djinn would move on and leave the old limits, even Ventus, there was no point in fighting it. "Well, it is a delicate device, and it will be useful to Zephyrion when he returns, so I guess it is fine."
She ordered her Diva and the dolls to move onwards, and they slowly started to fill the assigned room with metallic parts and gems. With her diligent lead, the structure of the mirror was finished in just a third of a day. Unlike in the test design, this one's frame was a bronze colored, densely decorated crescent. Yet, oddly, no glass to be seen so far.
The answer for the odd absence arrived a short while later, as Notte returned with large vials of mercury, after a few more of those trips, they opened the vials which started to float upwards, towards the center of the empty space between the edges of the crescent. This continued until all the liquid metal formed a shining, reflecting globe. Now it was a mirror, but the only thing it mirrored was the room itself.
To make it just like what Ventus wished for, the final part of the device was necessary. All across the room odd bejeweled pillars and lamps were set, along with those, linked mirrors were put in strategic options.
"And that should do it. You can give the control to master Ventus, I will give it il tocco finale." Notte said to Ilunabar, clearly proud of what she had done.
While Ilunabar picked a crystal orb, Notte approached the ball of mercury and dove into it. As she was made from similar material, she could mix herself to the substance of the mirror in order to be able to control all aspects of it.
"Before we leave, we need you to use it at least once, so Notte is be able to attune it." the goddess placed the small crystal ball in a pillar, a phantom of Galbar spinning inside it, moving to different directions by simple focus from the Vizier.
"Must I tell it where to look, or rather what to find? Or can the Mirror see all?"
"You can find people and objects just by visualizing them in your mind and focusing, but adjusting the map of the crystal orb to the location where they are should make the image form faster and better. You can also set the mirror to reflect any place on the map." The Muse explained. "The mirror does reflect all of Galbar, but the true image of it is too large and warped for even a god to understand, so it is necessary to attune it."
"Then I have something in mind that I would have it find for me."
Recollections returned of the strange being that had appeared not long ago; that golden djinni lord that had been there when Ventus returned to his senses after entering the Mechanism of Change. Aihtiraq.
Without much effory beyond the simple remembrance of those details, the mechanisms of the Mirror began to whirl and focus it. It finally showed a patch of sky that was near vacant, save for a streak of golden light. It was one of those Winds of Change that had poured out from the crystal above, and amidst it there was the unmistakable presence of Aihtiraq. The odd djinni didn't seem to be doing anything of import just then; more likely than not he was just wandering the skies as djinn were sometimes wont to do.
"Hmph." Aware that Ilunabar could see this too, he quickly though of something more innocuous. A small village along the Mahd's shore. In the mirror he saw the mud brick houses of Vetruvians. The tiny people moved about their village likes ants, scurrying to and from the fields and the riverside as they went about their day.
"It is everything that I had hoped for. You have my eternal thanks, Ilunabar."
"Building this was almost a reward in itself, but I am glad I could help." Ilunabar commented. "There are some minor issues, it does not work well with dark, underground areas, it does get really blurry when peering into the oceans. I also imagine divinity can affect how it works, but I am unsure of how. Outside of that, it should be fine as long as no one hits the delicate structure."
While Ilunabar explained the detailed workings of the mirror, Notte reformed herself and left pool of mercury.
"That is all good to know," Ventus answered somewhat distractedly as he continued to stare into the Mirror's depths. "You have my thanks once again. Whenever the fancy may come to you, summon me and I will lend what aid I can to your project with the instruments to go below. As a matter of course, I will proclaim myself in your debt. Whenever you have need, ask and I shall do what I can to return this great favor."
Amazing, it will have mathemagic before mathematics. Just like Earth.
I can only pray for the poor normies from Arcon when they arrive and find the first Eldritch horror, or mathemagician, or attack bear, or cosmic knight, or elementalist, or magical girl.
@Oraculum And, again, try to check with @BBeast since his character is the who has carried out massive experiments with the Orbs of Darkness. Perhaps something involving Teknall and Niciel.