Edit: and is it just me or does your header seem to be evolving wings xD was that intentional with the faeries?
It is not mine though, it is from a company my uncle works on. I traced it to train the style, since I do plan on making my own things later on and also to avoid posting the original PNG since I don't know if the game is out yet.
The header was really just me being undecided on doing the style. The original shape was a bit more meaningful and could be re-used later, but the current one looks better in my opinion. Plus it doesn't make K G look like a single word.
The goddess was surprised at the response, she thought she was being reasonable, but it seems her intentions were misunderstood. She was frustrated, not at the goddess, she understood what emotional distraught was, but at her action. She needed help.
In that moment of distraction, the goddess paid little attention to the constant churning of divine intentions by her side, from the trickery of Larwen to the sorrow of Aella, all seemed quite lost. Until it happened, Ipeyr arrived, and it with proper life, a forest was born, this was the moment she waited.
With little thought, she closed her eyes and felt her creation, for her, the sound it made was as loud as the crashing waves of the ocean near the Door, countless souls traveled around its tendrils in a primordial wholeness. This movement caused the very air of the land to be filled with an ethereal spark. This could, and would, be expanded.
Kap Gam rose one single finger upward, tendrils within the forest started to collide together and rise from the ground, forming shining purple Prototaxites that rose like towers from the ground.
The air was filled with great magic, some souls could even, for a short moment, swim through the forest in the form of a wisp, before their bodies were gone. Souls needed husks to survive, else their essence would be gnawed at by the universe. While Nature provided a good answer for this issue, Kap Gam had certain issues with it. It worked well for most beings, but skeletons and muscles felt like unnecessary bureaucracy to the great potential of a soul.
"Be safe, newcomers. And welcome back to all others." she whispered to nothing.
Dust started to stir in the air, bits of leaves, rocks, and insects got caught in the whirlwind. When it stopped spinning, a little form rose from it, floating in the air. Many forms followed. An odd mixture of person, plant, and insect. Some had horns, some had third eyes, a great many had antennas and wings. They flocked to the goddess.
Fairy. That was their name, usually, sometimes they were called other things. These were the most primitive ones of all, Sprites, intelligent in their own sense, but rarely able to speak with others.
Now all was set, it would be easy to call her knight now that such beings existed. However, she waited. She could wait. This was a crucial time in the universe, and only after she felt the delicate life around her she remembered she could not ignore the world around her.
The most crucial aspect would be to meet with the gods of Death and Life, keepers of the cycle to which most mortal souls were bound to.
However, she sensed something else with her supernatural sensibility, as if another being wanted to meet her. She wondered...
Kap Gam is frustrated at her interaction with Seihdhara. Still, she has stuff to do. First, she makes towering mushrooms to give the land +2 Magic Power. Then she makes Sprites, the most basic of the fae. With that done, she thinks of all the possible collab hooks.
I do not think this RP will follow it as the previous one did, but it can be a good way to have some reference.
@darkwolf687 Does it matter if we are talking about a divine sample? I mean, unless you want to take genetics into consideration, just don't feel forced to follow it.
@Double Capybara Apologies. I know Kap Gam probably wouldn't let Larwen take the fungus, but would you allow me too?
Oh yeah, that is fine. I mean, the fungus is meant to be spread from one pole to another as a single interconnected organism, KG can't policy all that. She also didn't mind when the lizard dude God took a bit to make his own being.
Now, if he does do something nasty with the souls, KG would be a bitsy biy annoyed, should she notice it.
Only thing that I would not be okay with is doing something that will kill off he mushroom, stopping the flow of souls, or just corrupting the whole thing away from her.
Kap Gam just observed the world around her becoming increasingly crowded as more and more all-powerful beings traversed the door. Some seemed to be like her, gods from the void or other universes, but some seemed to be new beings, fished from nothingness and born at the moment existence touched them.
"Children?" she questioned, upon hearing the words of the red-haired goddess. "Do they eat? Do they breathe? Look around." she made a small and quick movement towards the bare world around them. Outside of the ocean, now blessed by one of the two beings who left the vicinity of The Door, there was little but barren rock unfit to hold life.
Of course, there were many other issues, several of which took the title of god, but Kap Gam had hope that upon understanding the basics, awareness of the situation would dawn upon the goddess.
I would like to order some plants with extra cheese, k thanks.
Hmmm I'm having somewhat of a dilemma. Would creating say, a mineral infused with your gods portfolio cost 1 might or nothing? Because on one hand you could argue you're just giving your element a physical form while on the other you could argue you're infusing rocks with magical properties...if I don't get any response I'm just gonna do it because DAMMIT I'VE GOT A FUN SCHEME IN MIND FOR YOUR BUDDING CIVILIZATIONS.
Now that Leveling and Creating are connected, I do not see why one would avoid spending might on a thing. Anyway, looking at what was done in the previous games, I would say if you want this metal to be available all around the world, you will need to spend some might, but if it is one rock you are going to infuse with energy, I guess that is up to debate.
So when one goes about creating life, does one need to spend the miracles to create it individually by species or is it enough to specify a vague classification for mundane animals? Like say, fish? And does one need to spend the miracles to create flora too, or only for fauna and flora being a free action?
The idea of the oasis is that life will be mostly centered around at it first, then spread across the continents. In the last RP, life was created in general, then expanded with general groups and biomes. Though if I am not mistaken roses were a 1 might creation, but so were evergreen trees and a entire groups with many species. It is really up to the moment and your playstyle.
First came fungus, then came dragon eggs. Very logical order of the origin of life.
Technically Kap Gam did not create fungus, she created a fungus.
For a long while, she had lurked just out of the trappings of contact, she was fine by herself most of the time, but this was not the time. She observed something new, it was different from all others she had seen lately, it lacked something, what she could not tell yet, but it would do just fine.
She took the ethereal equivalent of a deep breath and went forward.
She took a deep breath, at first looking down, only seeing the bare earth beneath her feet. With time, she looked up, and saw the bare earth that was not near her feet. She arrived early, good.
She felt cold, too much contact with that which was not her. In response to her needs, a silky hood formed around her face, and from it, a coat made of wood-like blocks grew. That felt better.
This time it did not seem any voice was telling her what to think and what to do and who she was. Good, yet... "I will need a name." she whispered to herself, using any old name would just alert the snake-like threads of Fate, even in a universe like this. With some thought, she continued. "I am Kap... Gam."
Just saying that felt very revitalizing, as if her being was in better connection with this universe. It probably was. Yet, one issue remained, in a soulless world breathing and asphyxiating felt the exact same to the goddess. She would need to fix that.
The options to bring souls about were many. Gates, rivers, trees, auroras, moons, stones, chests... She wished one of her knights was by her side, they always helped when she was indecisive. She wondered about her issue, she wanted something discreet yet big, something that would spread fast and be ever present without one noticing it, a fit mirror to souls.
"Grow." Kap Gam extended her hand, and a pale purple fungus spore materialized in it. The goddess gently buried it in the sand, the organism quickly spreading underground like mold, sometimes sprouting upward and forming little mushrooms.
Around the area of the Door, where she planted the spore, a proper presence of souls was felt. Mortal beings created within the area will become imbued with a soul, should they provide a proper husk for one.
With time the fungi would grow, spread its tendrils from one pole to another. Kap Gam was pleased with the result, she thought about raising her hand and bringing about a few beings to serve her, but it felt too soon. She had learned not to be impulsive.
Kap Gam decides to exist again. Brings about a source for souls, which will come into the universe through a fungi. (1 might) For now, this fungus only exists near the door, think about that before creating beings.
Kap Gam --4 Initial Might --1 Might used 3 Might. 0 Miracles Level 1 1/2 acts of creation