Bernie sat still for the duration of the ride, not opening his mouth, save to whistle and hum a few tunes before being rudely shut up by the armed guards. Though his days of getting demoted, he had dealt with rides like these quite a bit- though the trip for the higher ranks had been admittedly much nicer. Still he tried nit to think about those days too much, it only made him want to light up, which was never really a good idea.
Bernie looked to the guards now, actually taking the time to study them. Though armed with the regular weapons that one might expect on military personnel, their guns were tucked away. Instead, both held in their arms a single fire extinguisher, should there be an incident on the ride. Though he did feel a bit insulted, Bernie couldn't really blame them. After all, he doubted anyone had sprung on the offer to transport a man who lights on fire when agitated. One kept a stern expression- clearly experienced and professional, but the fear was plain to smell on the other one. A new recruit, obviously. The thought of toying with him danced around his mind for a moment, but was dismissed quickly. That would end only in regret and fire.
So, he maintained the stone cold stare he wore like a mask, until they hit a large bump, that sent him rocketing up to the roof, before a sturdy arm came down and restrained him. "I don't suppose they will let you talk to me, will they?" Bernie asked the sterner looking guard, only to be met with a steely silence. "I figured as much. You know, I think I remember you. Yeah, weren't you transporting me in one of the higher up facilities. Yeah, private... What is it again?" He asked, before remembering. "Private Burns! Yeah, that's right. Burns back on burn duty. Nice to catch up, see you're as warm and open as ever." Bernie said, keeping his voice a disturbing monotone. .
"We have been ordered to not interact with you in any way. Direct orders." The stern man said, breaking his iron gaze for the slightest moment as he looked over at Bernie. Bernie raised his hands before returning to the strict pose he usually sat in. Keeping himself disciplined had always helped with the fire predicament, and so he always practiced such actions.
In no time (about four hours) the car skidded to a rough stop. He was shoved out, though he didn't notice much. He was too busy looking around. Naturally, this wasn't impressive to him, he had seen much bigger in his days. Still, he made sure to get a good look around, in a way, he was casing the place, making sure he knew where to go. Before he could go out to find his way to someone who knew where he hell he was supposed to go, he was stopped by a man wearing a rather out of place reflective safety vest. The man handed him a few papers, and spent a couple of minutes detailing the locations of various fire alarms, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers, so he would know exactly which way to run, should he have an 'incident'.
As the man began to walk away, Bernie took a good look at the papers. "Woah, woah, woah, man. Is this really necessary? Last time I checked, this is about twice of what standards call for! I get that I have a problem, but seriously?" he asked, a bit insulted.
"I don't make the rules, kid. If HQ says we need it, then we need it. Anyways, I would call lighting yourself on fire to be a bit more than just a problem." The man said, clearly on edge, before he began hurriedly limping away, clutching his clipboard tightly to his chest.
"Wait a minute! I wasn't done with- ah, whatever...", Bernie muttered, waving his hand in disgust. He looked down at his hands for a quick second. "I make one helluva monster..." He muttered, truly sad and disappointed in himself. Before any fiery thoughts crept into his mind, he took his mind off of the subject by thinking happy thoughts- puppies, lemonade, burning buildi- Oh dammit. He quickly dismissed that thought, and walked with a brisk pace towards the first guy who looked like he knew what was going on.
As he was about to confront the fine gentleman, he spied from the corner of his eye a door. Normally, this wouldn't have caught his eye, but this was quite the special door. On the door, He could read the name Baha, and really, who else had that name? So, he turned abruptly, heading that way, to save himself the embarrassment of having to ask some stranger about it. He quickly slipped through the doors, taking note of the other names, before silently sliding the door closed again.
Once more, he had been left rather unimpressed by the place, a simple room with no surprises. He took note of the large pile of identical uniforms that lay piled neatly, something he guessed had not been provided to the others. Hilarious. Without dwelling on it, he stepped into the bathroom to take care of long overdue business, only to be met with a wall lined with fire extinguishers. He took a minute, staring at the red cylindars, before he turned away, taking a deep breath. They had to be messing with him now. With a heavy sigh, he walked out of the room, not wanting to waste time thinking about that blunt jab. He remembered seeing one of the living quarters doors open, so thought he would check there.
Bernie looked in, leaning on the doorframe. He scanned through the room, spotting no one but the man sitting on the bed, tossing a bouncy ball. Bernie cleated his throat to catch his attention. "Hey kid, how's it goin'?" I get the feeling that you and me are going to have to get real close, real quick. The names Bernie. You?" He asked simply. Though he was still young, his voice was gruff and aged. Years of smoke inhalation had given his voice the gritty flavor that it carried, making him sound far more intimidating that he tried.