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    1. DR_TRAPEZOID 11 yrs ago


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I do think that the black hole idea is a lot better.

For fire perhaps stir some form of volcanic activity around, releasing jets of fire from the earth, while creating a rugged obstacle course from the breaking ground?
Or perhaps summoning a blade of fire, that cuts through the toughest metal like a hot knife through butter?
If you want to have William escape, then it would be best if you just post ASAP, then I can leave him alone. I feel it would be best if we got on with it, and I'm making very little progress on my post, so I suggest you just find me and we can fast forward.
Perhaps Void's 'capstone' could be something to the effect of invisibility?

Of course, there are obvious paths to go with water and fire, but that would be boring.

Perhaps for water, make the Knight turn into a rush of water, gracefully slicing through enemies, while untouchable.

Not really sure about fire.
I think the thing is, without proper tunnels, everyone is effectively trapped, until the tunnels are fixed.

Also, I'm working on a post. Or, trying to, I should say.
Terry looked hard at both of the men, his eyes quickly shifting between them. He thought for a moment, visibly grinding his teeth, thanks to a lack of skin around his mouth. "To be fair, if either of you had said Legion, I'd have put a mag's worth of bullets in your skull. The NCR hasn't been perfect, but they damn well try. Rangers have saved my ass more than I'd like to say, but the Legion is..." Terry said, suddenly stopping as his voice rose. "I haven't had the best relationship with them." He muttered, thinking back to the old days, when he had enough caps to not give a shit about anything but finding the next Legionaries to kill. His eyes then sunk down to look at Dylans hand. He thought for a bit too long on it before he finally made his decision, and shook the hand, albeit slowly, and in a very lackluster way. "This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done... Alright, smoothie. Count me in."
As far as figurative, water could have some form of precision boosts, perhaps swifter combat movement?

Also, I'm kinda sad. I had a really good idea for an Ascendant, but I might just have to make a knight/monk to balance it out...
Terry looked very confused at all of this happening so suddenly. He had never seen any smoothskins so eager to go out into the Mojave, let alone someplace so full of radiation. He couldn't believe how quickly this ragtag group had banded together. In all honesty, he wouldn't dare even think about joining a group of smoothskins on a journey like this at any point when he was in his right mind.

But then he considered his options. He could stay here, and scrounge away for caps, doing small jobs for... Well, not many people would accept his help these days. So, that left him with finding some new town to help out at, or find work with the Crimson Caravan Company. Right about now he was hurting for caps, thanks to a pair of thugs who caught him off guard awhile back. Sure, the caps would probably be nice in this little 'expedition', but the risk would be massive. In his trips out to the radiated zones, he had seen all manner of terrifying irradiated monsters, that made centaurs look like your everyday person.

He then turned to the other man, the repairsman. "What did Palmer call you? Dill? Sure, you smoothskins are all the same." He said, a bit offended by the mans comment. "Oh sure, 'A man of my capabilities'. Yeah, we get it. I'm a ghoul, so of course I drink radioactive waste and bask in radiated zones, right?" He said, most of it spoke in a low mutter as he spit on the sidewalk.

Before anyone could respond to his rather out of place outburst, he pulled out his switchblade, running the red stained blade across his palms slowly. "Alright. Before I say anything stupid, like agreeing to join you all on this suicide mission, I've gotta ask. Legion or NCR?" He said, waving his knife around a bit as he spoke, before ultimately pointing it at Dylan, not in a menacing way, more of just putting him on the spot.
I do really like that idea for the Skill Trees. One thing I'm not quite clear on, is our starting skill points. You said that the Raiments would be a part of determining that? Or is that something different you were talking about?
"Pleased to make your..." Ben began, trailing off as Colm backed away. Though a bit put off by the gesture, Ben quickly shook it off. He had seen people react weirder to him before, probably because of his out-of-place 50's routine. Naturally, that wasn't actually him, but the false face was a part of his companies gig, and any chance to draw in new customers was welcome.

He turned to speak with the girl, Tallah, but decided differently when he saw her talking to a younger man who appeared to know her better. Backing up as he turned in a slow circle, Ben drank in his surroundings, taking note of all of the new patrons.

Still keeping close to the other two in his trance like gaze around the room, Ben was snapped back to reality by the man clad in a white suit. As the man approached, Ben took a moment to appreciate the mans clearly impeccable sense of fashion. His reaction was a bit different when he saw the red that stained his suit. Though the man moved to first speak with Tallah and her friend, Ben intercepted him, flashing a wide smile of pure white teeth.

"Hey there, Big Daddy. Might I say, that suit of yours is platinum." Benny said, trying to ignore what was clearly blood. "Say, I haven't been here long enough to know exactly what's going on, would ya mind giving me the run-down, pal?" He said, his eyes slowly drifting to look at the mouse in the mans hand, still spurting a bit of blood from the first bite. Though for a moment Ben lost his smile, as well as any appetite he may have had, he quickly regained his composure, with a winning smile. "I'm sorry, Daddy-O. Forgot my manners. Not a very good start to my time in Fat Town, is it? The name's Benjamin. Feel free to call me Benny." He said, tentatively reaching out a hand.

The man was silent for a moment, taking another slow bite from his mouse, staining his teeth further. Without answering, he returned the handshake, before he left to move onto the others, jaw pumping up and down as he chewed down the raw flesh. It was just about all he could do to not vomit all over his suit.

Benny walked over to the food table, where he leaned, trying to figure out what the hell he had still been doing there. He began fidgeting around with his suit, fixing things that needed not be fixed, straightening already unwrinkled fabric. Reaching into an inner pocket, he took a deep swig of his flask, to calm his nerves. When he looked up from the flask, he was rather stunned to see Flush standing before him, leaning against an invisible wall, hand raised as it flicked the ashes of a shadowy cigarette. Ben was awestruck- Flush wasn't too shy, but this was more people that he had been in front of by any memory of Ben.

Though he didn't mean to say it out loud, it ended up escaping out in the room. "What in the goddamn hell..."
Terry looked up, surprised by the woman's sudden approach. He lowered his Nuka-Cola, wiping a bit of stray soda from his face, splashed up from his sudden reaction. "Yeah, the names Terry. Nice of you to offer, but I think my axe'll do as is. Prefer to not use it, I'm sure you understand." He responded, his gravelly voice kept slightly lower than usual. "Yeah, I've been scoping out that blast zone. Not many people can go in as easy as I can, and there's some pretty good shit in there, once you get past the nasties." He said.

He shot a nervous look around as he noticed the other two. It wasn't unheard of for thieves to get someone to go on a little 'trip' with them, before leaving them in the Mojave with a hole in their head. Surely this doctor- what was it? Palmer? Surely she wasn't the murdering kind? She seemed far too innocent and happy for that.

But of course, there was the man she had been talking to in the store. He looked to be the kind of man who knew just about everything there was to know about guns- including how to put a bullet between your eyes. There was another man, who spoke up as Terry looked him over, trying to get a good read. "Quite the little team you're putting together. You all just meet? Seems like a pretty... Interesting coincidence." Terry said, his hand brushing down by his SMG. To distract from the rather obvious motion, he took a large swig of his Nuka-Cola, raising it quickly so as to catch as much attention as he could.
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