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    1. DR_TRAPEZOID 11 yrs ago


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Anchor stood silently, not caring much for the strategy discussion. He never was big into thinking things through, he preferred leaving that to those with a mind suited more to such things. Until he got a concrete order from Little Brother, he would disregard the talk. He had opinions regarding it, but felt he should keep his mouth shut, for fear of sounding foolish. Anyways, Vaeros voiced his own ideas, more or less.

Anchor stretched out a bit, one arm quivering as it reached out behind him. His neoprene suit made a bit of a creaking noise, stretched almost beyond the limits. Though he regretted the material being synthetic, and immune to the reach of Silk Worm, there was really no compromise on the suit, it was simply too useful to him.

Ensuring the he was the last to go, he trudged slowly to the Dagger, his whale bone boots taking heavy steps. He kept the anchor on his shoulder, the chain rattling as he walked. Though for the most part remaining silent, Anchor couldn't help but chuckle at the comment about Torch. Of course it would be a challenge. If it weren't going to be a challenge, the police would handle it.
Up. Down. Up. Down.

Sweat rolled off of heavy muscles, as Rahn'Niss pushed himself up repeatedly, rhythmically. Though one hand was behind his back, he preformed the excersize with the same ease as a normal man doing it two handed. When the reps were completed, he stood to attention, moving to the next excersize like clockwork. The Atlantean hoisted himself up on the pull-up bar, and began to pull himself up, until the bar shattered, unceremoniously dumping him on the floor.

Rahn'Niss growled, frustrated by the simple obstacle. He attempted to stand, only to find himself weighed down. Two weights had attatched to his hands, and were heavy enough to keep him pinned. Struggling with all of his might, he finally raised one hand, the dumbbell rolling away slowly. As he moved to free the other arm, the ground itself opened beneath him, swallowing him whole.

Nothing could be seen- the surroundings were now naught but murky water, polluted heavily enough to block light. Chains wound themselves around Rahn'Niss' body, leaving him there helpless. Though natural water was breathable to the Atlanteans, this was no natural water. Polluted with a dark magic, it choked Rhan, tearing away at his insides wherever it could. In this moment of helplessness, Rahn's mind wandered. Now there were only thoughts of his previous failures in life- things he could've done better, foes he should've beaten. Each memory ended in only shame, and disappointment.

Then he woke up.

Flashing lights and blaring alarms shook the sleep off of him instantly, as he jerked into a straight sitting position. A cold sweat was on his brow, but his massive hand quickly swept it away. Weakness. That could not be tolerated in battle, not while there was life and death on the line. It took mere moments for him to suit up, his whale bone armor clanking as he shuffled. He felt like he had been taking too long, but ended up taking less than a minute. He paused a moment, before clicking his divers helmet into place. Though Rahn could stay on the surface for quite awhile without I'll effect, his suit allowed him prolonged exposure, as well as enhancing his abilities.

Though not running, Rahn walked briskly to the garage, his anchor trailing a bit behind him. He arrived, a bit sad that he was far behind the others. He took heavy breaths, his shoulders rising and falling. Looking around at the others who had gathered, his red LED eye flashed to life. Chain glowing, the anchor slowly pulled itself to Rahn'Niss, until he grabbed it, and violently hefted it over his shoulder. "I stand at the ready." He said simply, his voice strong and commanding.
Before a great roaring fire, The Champions sat, all laughing and drinking. Thoughts of war and battle were far off, weapons in sheaths, left locked away. They were laughing about something. Politics, an old battle? It didn't matter, as long as the ale kept flowing, and the spirits stayed merry. Soon enough the laughter died down, and they were left staring at their cups, hoping someone would break the silence soon. Arhim looked up, speaking. "So, Darhok! How is Hilga?" He piped up, deep voice echoing through the stony chamber. All, save for Darhok and Arhim silenced quickly. Hilga was a touchy subject for Darhok. But still Darhok smiled and chuckled a bit, before whistling. Out from a hallway, the clattering of hooves on stone could be heard, until the small boar showed up, nuzzling up to The Champion.

"Ah, she is doing wonderful! Growing so fast, and so strong, just like her mother! You know, I'm surprised that none of you had asked earlier. It's like you all forgot that she's here." He said, as the boar tugged at his glove. "You'll excuse me?" He said, leaving the room to fill the pigs food dish. Alishe shot a pointed look at Arhim, but it went unnoticed. Without a word, the large-bellied man waddled off, to grab his spear, returning just moments after Darhok did, rubbing a blood-stained cloth across the ornate point. He smiled, double chin bouncing as he walked. Before he could reach his seat, Verac spoke up, stroking his rough beard.

"While you're up, Arhim, we're running dangerously low on ale. Show us that speed that you're so well known for." He spoke. His little joke sparked an uproar of drunken laughter that ushered The Champion out to where they stored the kegs of ale. Arhim struggled to grab another of the barrels of ale while still keeping a hold of his spear. 'I couldn't have put the bloody spear down. Arhim buddy, maybe we should hold back on that ale. We're not exactly thinking straight...' He thought to himself, making his way back through the snow.

He returned, to see he was just late for yet another hilarious joke. He attempted to join in on the mirth, but was met with only strange looks when he erupted laughing. He sighed, falling back down into his chair. Everyone passed their mugs down to him, which he filled up. He spilt more than he poured, but none noticed, or cared enough to point it out.

Alishe looked at the spear Arhim was still sharpening, before she nudged Verac on the arm. "Hey. Let's get your old butter-knife. Show us some of your old tricks?" She said, standing up. Unlike the others she was unfazed by the alcohol, able to hold her drink much better than the others. Though Verac was still rather tipsy, in comparison to Darhok and Alishe, he was sober as a nun.

Down the hall, and up the stairs, the two made their way to his quarters, leaving the brothers alone. "How are your magical practices coming along, brother?" Arhim said, breaking the silence. Darhok was staring off, a grim look on his face. Arhim sighed. "Alright. I shouldn't have brought up Hilga. Sore subject. I understand." He said, putting a hand on the shoulder of his younger brother. Darhok snapped back to reality, smiling at his brother.

"Don't worry. It wasn't that, certainly not. I'm just surprised by Verac and Alishe. They looked at me as if they expected me to cry! How are we to keep working together if they think of me as some... Some big softie?" He said, usually light voice now angry. Arhim looked at him, a look of pity in his eyes. He stood up, looking down the hall.

"Listen brother. We would all do the same if I spoke to Verac of... Arkisae. Darhok, you're not perfect. None of us are! Can we not expect you to feel? Grief, sadness? We might be a bit more than your everyday farmer, but we're still mortal! Let yourself go just once in awhile." Arhim said, patting his own large belly. "And not in the way that I did." He chuckled a bit at that, before sitting back down. He reached for his mug, before thinking better of it, and pushing the alcohol away. Darhok opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off when Alishe and Verac stormed in, armed for battle. No words were spoken, a simple nod told them what they needed to know.

The messenger almost reached the doors when they opened forcefully. Out came The Champions, heroes of Elysium, glowing in all of their glory. They did not linger on details, they had no time to waste. An attack on Altearx? Surely the fortress city could handle that on their own, though the champions. It wasn't their place to question. If the defenders of the tundra came to The Champions, it was truly a dire situation. "You can get us there quickly, yes?" Alishe said, speaking to Darhok. The Bulwark smiled, raising his Morningstar high. Runes appeared in the air before him, before the group vanished, travelling miles instantly.


Vragas the imp dashed through the raging battle between man and monster, his lithe form jerking from side to side as he dodged in between the crossfire. His eyes shifted faster than one might think possible, searching for that gleaming armor worn by Stamrad. That was his mission. Vengeance. The imp knew he had to hurry. The soldiers of Altearx would see him as an enemy, and he couldn't keep dodging swings forever.

After he had skirted all around the battlefield, he realized that his target hadn't been within the fray at all. 'Just like the coward, to be hiding away from the fight while others do the work.' Sharpened claws scrabbled across the bloodied flagstones, as he attempted to find some higher ground. He had not spent days tracking the army to fail now. It was here that one would die- and Vragas would make sure that he himself didn't end up in the grave.

Glee filled the eyes of the imp, when he saw the suit of armor, running from the fray. The mask hid the imps feral smile as it charged, arms flailing. Vragas was glad to see the mans back was turned, making his job that much easier. With a furious leap, the imp flew through the air, latching onto the helmet of his adversary, dragging Stamrad to the ground, face-first. Vragas skidded to a halt, crouched about a foot in front of Stamrad.

When he looked up, Stamrad was nothing short of shocked. "You... I killed you, you little bastard. What the... he stuttered, before being attacked again by the imp. The claws slid across his steel face, attempting to find a nook to grip. The claws caught on the eye-holes of the helmet, claws ripping through the magical body beneath. Stamrad shouted, before reaching up to his face. An iron grip closed around the neck of Vragas. The arm quickly flicked out, throwing the small beastie away. Vragas certainly hadn't been built for fighting, and he felt his bones break as he crashed to the ground. Perhaps this had been ill advised, after all.

Lying there, blood pooling beneath him, Vragas schemed. Perhaps he should go to Viktor, tell him of the deceit. Perhaps then, his vengeance would be dished out properly. Of course, this raised the problem of getting to the fortress in his battered state. Still, it would be manageable. Perhaps a soldier would take pity on him, and take him up on an offer to stem the cause the siege. No, they would be to cautious. Perhaps he could still get mercy from his own army, tell Stamrad that he thought it was an enemy. The poor imp's thought process was interrupted with a loud bang. He looked up to see Stamrad looming above him, hands clutching at his own chest, as if stabbed, but with no weapon. A quick look showed Vragas a small group- four men standing off in the distance, just approaching the fight. Before he could study the new arrivals, Stamrad was torn apart by a burst of magic, the shock wave knocking Vragas out.

Aforementioned Atlantean Powerhouse reporting for duty.






164 lbs.

His body is heavily muscled everywhere, making him appear much larger than others his size. Though not skinny, his legs are much smaller than most of his upper body, giving him an almost cartoon-like appearance.

His face has well-defined features, and a chiseled (if not a bit wide) jaw. His eyebrows are tilted down, giving him a bit of an innocent look at all times. His forehead stands out greatly, and is lined by his curly blond hair. His ears are much larger than normal, and stick out at an odd angle.

He wears a skintight black diving suit, that covers all of his body, save for his face. Glowing blue LED strips run up and down the suit in various stripes, though this is barely visible. On top of this, he wears a suit of heavy armor. The shoulder plates on the armor are very exaggerated, and their wideness allows him to keep his mobility. The gauntlets are also exaggerated, with the right one containing a massive chain, though it shouldn't really fit, if you know physics. His helmet is similar to that of a stereotypical diving helmet. Beneath the helmet, you can see two glowing orange eyes. The armor is a dark faded gray, and inscribed with Atlantean runes.

Powers and Abilities:
-Atlantean Physiology
  • Enhanced Sight, Hearing, Smell

  • Superhuman Durability, Stamina, Speed

  • -The anchor wielded by Rahn is attatched to a magically enchanted chain, which is simply capable of coiling up much smaller than it should be able to, as well as coiling up on command.

    -Hand to hand combat
    -Can move underwater unaffected, thanks to heavy armor and super strength
    -Expert at using his chain and anchor in combat
    -Knows how to ride a unicycle

    Generally formal, he attempts to keep a polite demeanor around those he knows to not be hostile. Though he can keep up this facade most of the time, it is nothing more than that. When angry, he has trouble controlling himself, going into a sort of tunnel vision. He does not know his own limits very well, often accidentally hurting others when simply joking around. He is almost too trusting with others, only seeing the best in those he meets. He punishes any betrayal of his trust severely. Lies and deceit disgust him, and he will often alienate those he finds to have lied to him.

    From his very first days, his parents knew that he was something special. As he grew up, he only got stronger and stronger, eventually surpassing the strength of just about anyone he could come across. (Of course, barring those like Superman) Though Rahn wished to stay in Atlantis, and study sorcery, which was his true interest. However, his parents knew that his talents would be wasted in Atlantis. On the surface, he would be appreciated much more. Upon reaching the surface, he found his way to the Teen Titans. It was only very recently that he joined, however. He spent quite awhile freelancing, a vigilante of sorts. When he realized that the behavior was not appreciated (especially with his intimidating appearance), he made his way to the Titans, hoping to find his place.
    Psh. Original names are for the weak.
    "Long, long ago, there was peace all throughout the tundra. While those below made war, the extensive natural resources around allowed us to prosper. Though smaller towns squabbled over land from time to time, it was never anything big. However, we soon faced true war. A group of savages, men with no laws or morals attacked. They killed us. Slaughtered hundreds. That was when we realized that we needed a home. Somewhere we can defend from the Northern Giants, as we called them.

    So, the minds of our best architects conspired, to bring us Altearx. The fortress walls surrounding us are so sound, that our only weakness is an attack from inside. This is why, for so long, we shut out the world. We made enemies- many we're jealous of our protection, and wished for entry. It crushed those who were denied, forced to take their chances with the outside. This caused problems. When a group of radicals gained entry, and killed off a great portion of the city before containment, our current leader took drastic action.

    Lord Kimbel. He was new to the throne, and raised to be paranoid. He brought us into the Century of Isolation, which was exactly what you might think it was. Our gates were locked. Anyone unfortunate to venture within range of our cannons was dispatched of without a second thought. Even our sister city, once our closest friend, was destroyed in this period of paranoia. It was hardly our brightest hour.

    After we came to our senses, we established the Chamber of Incintricity. A group of our wisest political leaders... Not to brag. We revoked the isolation, and have since, been opening up more. Despite my best efforts, members are still hesitant to change, even the slightest bits.

    You see, our culture is very traditional, keeping to our roots. We have been very slow to accept magic into our lives, even though the ancient runes on which our city was built were from an old society of mages. After we accepted magic, we enhanced our military, making them far stronger than the average man. Not something you'd want to mess with, eh? Though even now, our people are lax to rely on magic, it runs deep within our walls, ancient power that protects us.

    Ah forgive me. Enough rambling from an old man, about old things. You wanted to hear the story of the Champions, didn't you? Alright.

    Once, long before you and I, this land was ruled by eight legendary titans, each with enough power to level an army at a single whim. A deep slumber overcame the giants one night long ago, and their reign was brought to a sudden end. It was during this calm that the savages moved in, and our great fortress was raised. The titans were gone. Our people were safe. But that was just the calm before the storm.

    The City of Giants. The ancient ruins in which the titans once resided. Deep within the dirt and debris, a cult devoted to the mighty warriors was working to bring back their reign. Unfortunately for everyone else, they were able to succeed before we found out about them. They only raised one of the titans, but it was enough. The savages were almost entirely wiped out, and we knew the Titan was moving towards us, and eventually the rest of Elysium. The Titan had betrayed those who woke him, killing them all, possibly to ensure his brothers were left asleep.

    To stop this threat, five great heroes rose to the occasion. These were our champions. Each bearing magical prowess like no others, and each bearing a weapon of awe inspiring power. Arhim the Small- Faster than any others on the battlefield. A single slice of his spear renders an enemy twice as heavy, pinning them to the ground with their own weight. Darhok the Bulwark- He was able to take a thousand arrows to the chest and keep walking. Astride his pet boar, he smashed enemy skulls with a fiery morningstar. Alishe the Marksman has unparallelled accuracy, with any weapon given to her. She is armed with one of the earliest gunpowder weapons, a musket shooting pellets of iron that explode on impact as well. They were- are led by Verac the Kingslayer. He earned that name by no easy virtue. Any who have seen him on the battlefield know why he lead them. Though powerful, he was possessed by a need for justice. It consumes him, drives him. But he gets the job done.

    Then, there was... the fifth Champion. Arkisae the Doomed... An appropriate name. He was even more powerful than Verac, but had less ambition. He was humble, and forgiving. Nothing like his... son, Verac. The two fought side by side for years before training the other champions. By the time they were needed, they were more than ready. The titan who had so cruelly cut down armies and civilizations was overwhelmed by the Champions, but just barely. The fight went on and on. Days, almost weeks, the Champions fought. Great losses were suffered. Darhok lost his praised mount, villages fell, and... Arkisae was lost.

    After the dust settled, and the air cleared once more, our Champions retired. They now reside in a smaller fortress, far off in the tundra, just waiting for a challenge worthy of them- some reason to go out and defend their land. Let's hope we don't have to give 'em one, huh?"


    The Patchwork Man stared up at the five statues, head cocked to the side. He had stood there staring for almost an hour after the story had been finished. Would these champions save the brave people of Altearx from the coming invasion? Surely they wouldn't get there in time. Still, he couldn't count on that if he waited for too much longer. So, it was time to execute the plan. It would be all too simple to just release the beasts from within himself, and wreak havoc, but that would be too unpredictable- the odds wouldn't be in his favor with that. The plan had been carefully laid out beforehand, it was simply his job to carry it out.

    He directed himself back to the room in which he had been previously stationed. It was a nice private place to carry out the assault. Unzipping his chest, the Patchwork man allowed fifty of the Broken Beasts to spill out, each instantly burrowing down through the hard stone. They knew their jobs, where to go, and what to kill. They split up, groups of two burrowing from room to room. The work was long, and time consuming, but stealthy enough to not attract unwanted attention. To spare the lengthy and gory details, it was successful, until the very end, when a small group of soldiers managed to escape. The other soldiers had all been weary from a long night shift, and unaware, but the twenty five survivors were about to head out for their day shift.

    By the time the Broken Beasts had regrouped, alarms were sounding across the city. Citizens were boarding up their doors, as the army began to withdraw from the walls. Though some stayed to keep watch over the perimeter, the situation was dire enough to attract it's fair share of attention. As troops marched to the central bunker, the Broken Beasts gathered beneath the threshold of the building. Just past the door was the Patchwork man, cloak on the floor. He stood proud, a wicked spear in his hands, a single minotaur beside him. It had been difficult getting the troops within himself, yet more still clawed out.

    By the time he had finished, there were seventy-five Broken Beasts waiting beneath the floor, and three minotaurs accompanying him, each gripping a crude iron axe. The soldiers of Altearx shouted angrily, but the words fell on deaf ears. The Patchwork Man didn't really care. He knew that this would be the end of his life, and it would be damn well worth it. The soldiers would bang down the doors, and face a slaughter, be it of one side or the other. All that was left was for him to wait.

    When the door splintered and fell to the floor, it was Tulo in front, a look of sadness and betrayal in his eyes. Remorseless, The Patchwork Man thrust out with his spear, the wicked tip finding its mark. The spear sank deep into the neck, just in between the plates of gold. The spear was quickly withdrawn, pulling Tulo back with a spurt of red. Not hesitating, The Patchwork Man stared at the soldiers with his magical eyes, stunning them. As the poor men clutched their eyes, The Broken Beasts burst forth, flailing their caustic limbs, wailing as loudly as they could. The army was in chaos, unable to hold together a good formation and beat back the monstrous invaders. Many retreated, creating a wall of tower shields at the gate of the civilian sector. It didn't matter, however. About twelve of the Broken Beasts were left, and one of the Minotaurs was alive, and their target certainly wasn't the civilians.

    The sparse group of monsters ran away from the wall of soldiers, making it look as though they were retreating. But, rather than attempt to exit through the massive gate, they began scaling the fortress wall. Now, they were to disable as many of their outer defenses as they could. There wasn't much they could do. After wrecking two of the ballistae and killing one of the guards, the monsters were all dead, including the Patchwork Man.


    Stamrad received his signal. It was time to march on the enemy. Drawing his sword, he vaulted the small railing of the outpost, sliding his way down the rocks that supported it. He stumbled a bit as he reached solid ground, but regained his balance before he tumbled. Raising his sword, Stamrad let out a fierce battle cry. With that, the army charged at the fortress, waving weapons in the air. The army of Altearx was crippled, split up, and weak, but when the warning horn sounded, alerting them of an outside attack, the soldiers did not hesitate to move to battle positions. The once powerful army of Altearx was a fraction of it's original size, but it was still larger than the army that fought for Viktor, and they were no normal soldiers. Rather than having spellcasters within their ranks, the army of Altearx was comprised entirely of supercharged elites, the kind who can, when prepared, kill a normal man with a flick of the wrist. That, along with their defenses, would make this no easy endeavor for Stamrad.

    The army was lucky enough to make it nearly to the walls before the defenses were ready, but some of the slower ogres were impaled by massive ballistae shots, or crushed by cannonballs. That was new to Stamrad. He had never seen the likes of the cannons that rained fiery death down upon his army, and he liked it. The skeletons were the first to reach the walls, and small groups began to throw themselves at the wall, bashing their skulls on the hard rock. Each cluster made a small dent, and soon enough, there was a sizable hole in the wall. Not enough to get through, but enough to make progress a bit easier. Two of the Minotaurs brought up a battering ram of sorts, and began bashing it against the weak point with all of their might. Slowly but surely, rock began to crumble, before the Minotaurs were stopped. This close, the only weapons the defenders could use was hot oil, and they made sure to use it well.

    The two Minotaurs fell, fur burnt and skin charred beneath the oil. More threw themselves to the task, determined to kill their enemies. Each pair fell, but not before one or two good swings. Eventually, the wall crumbled, bricks falling to the floor as the ogres shoved through. Bowmen were waiting, but quickly fell to the surge of one armed warriors. More and more guards poured down from the walls, some not willingly. The Wall of Flesh, having been unable to enter the village, rammed into the weakened wall, shaking it. Some arms were able to reach over the wall, and grab soldiers, providing him with a needed meal.

    Stamrad watched over the battle, not attempting to assist, simply watching, shouting out commands where needed. A swift movement caught his attention from the corner of his eye. The metal man whipped around, sword in hand, to see what it was. A man in leather armor was sprinting away. A messenger perhaps? Either way, that would not be tolerable. Stamrad charged the man, hoping to overrun him. When it was clear that would not happen, Stamrad, knew what to do. A swift movement sent his ornate blade flying, going straight for the neck of the man. Just as the sword was about to make a clean slice, the messenger stumbled, falling just beneath the flying death. In frustration, Stamrad stamped his foot, much like a child would. At this point, it was far too late to catch the man. All Stamrad could do was hope that the man didn't reach his destination before the battle ended.

    Hope that the Champions didn't make it.
    Oh, and as a side note, I am purposely not adding the compendium entries for the groups I mention in these next few posts, as most, if not all will be destroyed or disestablished. War and whatnot.
    The first part of Viktors epic narrative is up, all 10650 characters of it. Though it is mostly done, I'm going to separate it into various parts so it's less wall-like, and so I have time to rethink my writing.
    A grim expression rested on Viktor's porcelain face. The time for war was upon him, and there was no time for joking around. His army stood at attention outside the gates, as he could see through the eyes of Stamrad, his most loyal and trusted minion. The army was terrifying, even in it's small numbers. Each armed with wickedly barbed weapons of steel, their flesh hard and calloused. Inscribed upon their heads, arms and chests was an emblem, painted in wicked red, probably blood. The symbol was a fist, raised in defiance of those who would dare stand in their way.

    Viktor mentally reached out to the Steel General, a steady stream of orders flowing forth. As the words made their way into the mind of the general, he began shouting to the army. He yelled, voice confident. Some of the skeletons cheered, raising their spears, while the more primal beasts just stared. Stamrad put his hands to his face, rubbing the metal helmet. That got all of the creatures cheering, whooping and shouting, as they began charging, at least going the right way, with some direction from Stamrad. Viktor might have cracked a smile at the bloodlust of his army, but not at a time like this. No distractions. No slip ups. Just the blood of a thousand fools.

    He then focused his attention on The Patchwork Man. The success of his mission would be crucial to victory. Having left hours earlier, he had almost reached the gates of Altearx. Cloaked in heavy wool and cloth, it was nigh impossible to tell him from any other hungry old beggar. One at each side, he was escorted by skeletons. Tough similarly disguised, they would have a much harder time passing for human, and were simply for protection on the trip over. As they approached the gates, the two clattering sacks of bone split off, Turing back to walk away. The Patchwork Man called back to them, having them wait for a moment. They spoke behind a rocky outcropping. As soon as they came out from behind, the people of Altearx would see them, and it would be very difficult to get through those gates without looking suspicious. So, after a moment of hushed whispering, they put their plan into effect.

    With a swift stab of the spear, the Patchwork Mans arm was crippled, bleeding heavily. Making sure to keep his arm out and obvious, he began running towards the gates, hobbling as he did so. The more weak and pathetic he could make himself look, the better. Then, out came the skeletons. Having ditched their disguises, they ran out in full terrifying form, spears raised. One threw the wicked barb of steel, planting it just behind the running figure. As the patchwork man ran, he stumbled to the ground. Quickly recovering, he resumed running, now with a rock in his hands. In a show of fear,mand to prove he wasn't with the monsters, The Patchwork Man flung the stone backwards. There was a loud ringing as the skeleton clutched his helmet, reeling back.

    This pursuit carried on for about a minute more, before they were within range of an intervention. The air hissed, and both skeletons fell to the ground, bones shattering into a pathetic pile. In the center of each, a massive arrow stuck out. The Patchwork man, slowed his pace, looking at the aftermath. So far, so good. When the cloaked man reached the gates, they began rolling up. Instead of a seemingly warm welcome, as hoped for, soldiers spilled out, armed with their various weapons. A man with gilded armor stepped forward, shining like the sun did, once. He looked at the man briefly, before turning his gaze to the dead monsters far behind before speaking.

    "Men. Lower your goddamned weapons." He said, sheathing his sword. The men begrudgingly obeyed, and there was a prolonged sound of cloaking metal as weapons were stowed away. "I humbly apologize for the hostility, sir. You've clearly been through a lot. If you would follow us, we can find you a nice place to get some rest, put some warm food in your belly. Then, when you're ready, we can speak, and I'll get you back on your way." He said, smiling broadly. The dozen men turned in unison, and began marching out into the city, past a thousand more armed men. More likely than not, the military outnumbered the actual citizens in the city.

    'Perfect...' Thought the Patchwork Man, following the soldiers, hunched over. 'Now, if I can just get a map...' The plans ran through his mind. Get a map. Find the barracks. Cripple the military. Of course, he wouldn't be able to get them all at once, many would be on duty, but he could wait until day. Kill off the night shift, which would be substantially larger. Smaller raids, orchestrated by Stamrad in the dark of night had made sure of that.

    As they walked, they neared a group of large statues, dominating the area. The Patchwork man didn't even need to ask of the statues. The man in gilded armor fell back, and began speaking. "These are The Champions. A group of legendary fighters, who saved the land from sure destruction. After a good nights rest, you will be told the full story, should you like it. But now, I can tell that you've been through a lot. Behind the statues was a large building. Only two stories tall, but wide enough to house thousands of men. Just before the door was another statue. No- not a statue. A massive skull, lizard-like. Sticking out from the forehead was a sword, much larger than a normal man could heft.

    "These are our main barracks. The smaller four buildings around that you saw were the other barracks. Though we have plenty of men in the others, we have almost twice as many in here." Almost immediately after he said it, he was hit on the back of the head by another of the soldiers. Though not as high up as the man in golden armor, he was certainly higher than the rest. The new man politely smiled at The Patchwork Man.

    "Please excuse us for a moment, sir." He said, before pulling away his most valuable source of information. "Tulo. You're too trusting of these outsiders. Hospitality, I can understand that. But you- you just told him what he needs to take out our whole bloody army!" He said, loudly and forcefully enough to be heard by anyone nearby.

    "This is why the Chamber of Incintricity kicked you out. You're not trusting enough. After the Century of Isolation, we decided to open up our hearth to those in need. Not to assume every man we meet is an enemy. Please. This one time, let me open up to this man, and prove to you- to everyone, that we can have some blind trust." Tulo said, placing a hand on the other mans shoulder. "Not for me, Chavro. For all of us. If we open up to the world, then we can only expand." Chavro looked at Tulo, staring angrily. He shrugged off the hand, before lowering his head in resignation.

    "Fine. He's all yours. We'll greet him with open arms. But if and when your little project turns on us, and our people. That's on your shoulders. One slip up, and you'll be down in the coal mines, where you belong." Chavro said, violently waving his finger in Tulo's face, before stalking away, very chuffed. Tulo stared as the man walked away, shaking his head. The troops followed Chavro away, going to a more extravagant building far behind the main barracks. The grimace on Tulo's face melted away, replaced with a grin.

    "Alright. Well, you won't be staying here in the main barracks, but because we're having some problems with housing, we're going to have to put you in 'The Guardians Barracks'." Tulo said, pointing to the nearest barracks, just to the right of the Main Barracks entrance. Taking the Patchwork Man by the shoulder, he was guided to a small room. Cozy, with a fine looking bed, and a beautiful mural on the wall. It appeared to depict a battle, between five unnamed heroes, and a terrifying beast. The Patchwork man smiled, glad his plan had come to such fruition. Laying down on the bed, he drifted off, ignoring the piping hot bowl of porridge next to him.


    Meanwhile, Viktor's army approached the city, led by the monstrous Wall of Flesh. Stamrad laughed, as the walls of the fortress appeared on the horizon. As long as the army kept a tight formation, and moved quickly, they could take cover behind a large plateau of rock. It was a strategically foolish move on the part of Altearx to have not removed the cover long ago. But as they approached closer, Stamrad panicked, having the forces turn their tail, and run away.

    Atop the plateau was a watchtower, that, by some miracle, hadn't seen them yet. There was no hope to hide now. They were too far from any cover. In a furious charge, Stamrad ran to the tower, moving as swiftly as he could. It took him far too long to reach the tower, and every second he took, prayed to Viktor that he would make it in time.

    He couldn't clearly see any steps or ladders up to the tower, and Stamrad knew that no time could be wasted finding them. So, Stamrad disregarded his sense, and pulled out his sword as he got closer. He let his sword arm drag behind as he ran, dirt flying up from his feet. In a moment of pure adrenaline and clarity, Stamrad swung his arm hard, releasing the sword. It was at that moment that both Viktor and the guard saw him. The guard stared down, confused. The armor was that of his own people, but it seemed ancient. When he saw it throw a sword at him, he was too dumbfounded to move.

    Viktor growled. The thinking was quick, and the plan was solid. Up until the part where he threw the sword. Though Viktor was incapable of entering the battlefield of his own devices, he had a strong enough connection to his army to still lend a hand. Focusing his power, he channeled magic into Starmad, improving his aim, strength, agility- anything to make this gambit turn out in his own favor.

    The shot was one in a million. All of the odds stacked against Stamrad in this one moment. He saw the event in a slowed view, his magical heart pounding. The guard reached for his warning horn- but it was futile. By some miracle, somehow, it happened. Spinning wildly through the air, the blade sunk deep into... The wooden wall of the guard tower. Though not the expected result, the guard fainted, fear in his eyes as he crumpled to the ground. Stamrad shrugged, now taking his sweet time to climb up the tower.

    Upon reaching the top, Stamrad saw that the man was still out cold. Rather casually, he stepped over the man, his foot crushing the mans windpipe. Stamrad sighed, slumping down into a chair set up in the tower. Groaning, he pulled his sword from the wall, the blade now dented slightly. This is where he would wait until Viktor gave him the signal, when he could charge the fortress.
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