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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

We have two spots open right now. Before filling out a CS, you should PM me the general idea for the character so I can approve it before you put work into the CS.

Three years after the events of the show, the Teen Titans started going their separate ways, having grown out of the team. They left the tower as a reminder to the criminals of Jump City that the city didn't go unwatched. In fact, the tower only stayed empty for two years before Little Brother, a young hero known only in Washington D.C. moved in and took it over as a base of operations. The newly occupied tower attracted other young heroes, and before long there was a team watching over Jump City again.

Here's a CS for new people. Please PM for approval before posting it(unless I've already given you the OK).






Powers and Abilities:


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Name: Lex (Grant) Lexington
Alias: Frost Bite

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'9
Weight: 168 lbs
Build: Thin
Powers and Abilities:
Aerokinesis = Ability to use great gusts of wind and generating whirlwinds.
Flight - Subcategory for the above\
Cryokinesis - Ability to cool down an object with his wind attacks to the point of freezing them if objected to prolonged blasts of wind. He cannot use cryokinesis without the use of his wind powers. If pushed hard he can however rapidly freeze objects in moments but it tires him out greatly.
Capable Combatant (he can hold his own in a fight very well if need be singles or groups with or without his powers. However he is very much weaker without the use of his powers and is only a decent hand to hand combat fighter)
Capable of using basic combat technology and computers (Meaning while he isn't a technician he is still capable of falling back on actual physical gadgets if it comes to it for whatever reason. However he doesn't make or hold any unless given to him by others)

Personality: A extremely confident and cocky individual Lex is known for his quips and his complaining about things which he gained from working with the Inspector and being forced to do stupidly dangerous things just to get a job done. While some could view his attitude as pessimistic, lazy, or simply looking on the downside it's really the fact that he wants people to understand that what is going on is serious. He is not one to back down from a fight and hates doing so as it makes him look weak. He has an intense hatred for bullies and thugs especially due to his time in Gotham and Dakota City. He in indifferent to other humans but is uncomfortable around celestial or extraterrestrial beings as he never had to deal with any personally but knew they were out there due to heroes like Star Fire and Hawk Girl were definitely not human. While that is the case he is also not xenophobic as he is willing to give anything a chance except people he personally views as irredeemable. He is a rather friendly individual despite his tendencies to complain and or be sarcastic. Some of these qualities are used to suppress his inner sense of dread when going into these situations as the inner pessimist inside of him always reminds him that he could die anytime he goes out there but despite this he always does his best. He has a hard time accepting defeat and tends to get moody after being defeated or more determined depending on how bad he was defeated. He has no especially strong like or dislike for fame that comes with being a hero and is just in it to teach people a lesson. He is a patriotic American citizen and loves his country dearly despite it's flaws. He also tends to hate over analyzing things.

History: Born in the city of Gothan young Lex was the son of a somewhat well off business manager and a car repairman. After being born he was raised by his father most of the time as his job was more of a side job more than a full on job as his mother did most of the work. He was installed with virtues at a young age but they really didn't take root as the boy was more of a go with the flow type of child. He was noted for his above average physical abilities at his young age but they weren't really utilized to their fullest extent due to young Lex not being able to go and explore the city due to the inherit nature of it. He didn't have any especially close friends in the city and he rarely saw his mother whom would go to bed almost everyday after she got home and barely was there in the morning from the point where Lex usually got up. At the age of eight he was sent to work Dakota City where he would live with his uncle after an gang war erupted in a neighborhood nearby his home. His father told him that he would always be there for Lex no matter what and that they'd stay safe before sending him off on the plane.

At Dakota City he met his uncle whom was not unlike his mother but was divorced from his wife and thus had to make time to spend with young Lex. His uncle also had a son whom came over every sunday due to custody given to him on those days and while the two boys didn't really start off well together they made a rivalry in the intervening time. His uncle didn't especially enjoy Lex's presence but he gave the boy more attention than his parents did and the two got along just fine even going to the movies occasionally. The city, while safer, was not haven as like Gotham there were gangs, younger guys and more or less thugs but gangs none the less. Lex watched some of the beatings and grew to distaste criminals and bullies but resigned himself to not being able to do anything due to the fact that while he knew he could probably take one or two of them he knew he wouldn't be able to leave any long lasting impact. And that the fact that they had guns which further drove that point home. He took resignation in the fact that a man known as The Inspector was known to take on thugs and gang members when the police wouldn't. He spent the rest of his life in the city of Dakota and while he wasn't anything particularly special it is worth noting that despite his over confident attitude.

During one particular day a friend's dog got loose in the city and they went looking for the dogs. While Lex searched at the docks his friend looked around the city. Lex would end up being engulfed in the mutagen that was exposed to the inhabitants nearby that would be known as The Big Bang. The gas transformed him into a bang baby or a Meta-Human with the ability to generate powerful winds which was discovered when a doctor tried to put something on him and Lex accidentally blew them away with wind. Lex was allowed to go home after a sizable bribe from his mother and uncle both allowed him to escape prolonged hospitalization and 'containment'. Lex's uncle found out about the boy's condition and revealed to the boy that he was the man known as The Inspector and that he'd teach the boy how to deal with things. While initially shocked Lex got used to it rather quickly, both his uncle's secret life and his own powers which he especially was fond of. The Inspector was not a meta-human like Lex was but known for his abilities in the technological department. He used technology from an abandoned alien ship he found on a trip to Oregon and brought home with him to fight crime.

After some months of training and making a specialized suit for the boy The Inspector allowed the boy freedom on him saying that he'd need to earn the suit. That and he would simply be known as The Inspector's sidekick if he helped him initially and he didn't want that for Lex. So came the nights of Lex dressing up in what was the stereotypical bank robber outfit complete with a clown mask some nights and a ski mask other nights. The boy was able to quickly get control of his powers and that helped him greatly in his attempts to quell crime in the region. Even fire arms became a trifle to him and soon he had a rival known as King Bishop whom was also a meta-human known for his ability to make objects from materials nearby mostly concrete and steel. One specific night however would give him the chance to make a name for himself, literally. After defeating a group of drug dealers one of them told him that he was a cold frosty son of a bitch busting into their business. In return Lex counter with, "That's why they call me...Frost Bite buddy." That was all the reason he needed to do his thing. With other bang baby heroes gaining popularity he mostly died down with his antics however his uncle didn't allow him to stop all together saying he made a commitment and that by doing so people expected him to help them. At which Lex replied he was more interested in stopping villains than being a hero. He couldn't care less about what people thought of him. He gained notoriety when he saved Static Shock from one of his enemies one day after finally convincing the inspector to finally give him his suit. He would spend the next couple years fighting crime alongside heroes while trying to keep his friends until he was recruited to join the Teen Titans.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Approved by the mighty Gisk.


Name: Alicia Dawn
Alias: Sin

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 124 lbs
Build: Mesomorph


Usually wears a black dress which is sometimes accompanied by black leggings and black gloves. She favors darker clothing and when lounging casually around the tower you can find her sometimes in a black hoodie or a baggy black sweater with shorts and socks on. When she is in her normal human form her horns as well as the spines that protrude from her back aren't present, only when her powers are active do they show up, materializing in the form of thick grey smoke. Her eyes also appear to take on a yellowish green during the time when her powers are active, for this reason she will sometimes add accessories which compliment that color.

Powers and Abilities:

Soul Scythe - Alicia uses the scythe as her weapon and is efficient in wielding it. The soul scythe unlike most mortal scythes does not leave cuts or marks. One would question the point of such a weapon, but the truth is that it attacks the metaphysical body or soul of the victim by inflicting pain as it passes through that body part. She may also have the scythes blade stick into the body before delivering a shock or simply lifting them into the air to throw them away from her, however once the blade leaves their body the victim will not see or experience any torn flesh or deep cuts. The Scythe is also the conduit of her spells and summons. The weapon can also materialize at her command.

Shadow porting - Alicia can port between any shadows within her line of sight. Only If she can visually see it in front of her can she can teleport between them. If the shadow is interrupted or disturbed by light when she is still inside of the shadow she'll be thrown out of it instantly.

Nightmare - Alicia can cause victims to suffer from illusions which most commonly reflect deep personal details such as family, friends and historical events in the persons mind. The weaker the mind the easier she can influence it. If the person is say, super intelligent this power will have little effect on them. This is also useful for learning information from the person.

Skull Summon - Alicia's only projectile attack, she'll summon a skull to her hand with glowing green eyes. The mouth of the skull will then open and spew green fire in the direction she holds it, or more likely she'll throw it like an incendiary grenade.


- Surprisingly good social skills
- Highly Perceptive
- Cooking


So... she's called 'Sin' and looks pretty scary, so she must be super anti social and all that generic stuff, right?


Alicia is very calm and gentle in nature. She likes to maintain a composed and relaxed sense of self and portrays this in the way she'll speak and act in situations. She enjoys having deep conversations, especially about philosophy or topics which provoke deeper thinking. She also carries an appreciation for art in all forms and enjoys beautiful scenery. Alicia proves herself useful in crisis situations, often remaining calm and putting her mind into solving a problem rather than focusing on the problem itself. That isn't to say she doesn't know fear, Alicia can become fearful and even intimidated if she's presented with a situation she can not win. This will usually result in her faltering in how she presents herself which will be when she looks for friends and those close to her for guidance. Despite her young age, Alicia appears to be wise, often reciting words of wisdom or thought provoking sentences in order to aid the minds of her friends. Some could say she is a little mysterious in some ways, although she makes no attempts to hide herself from those who seek answers from her. Lastly to note is Alicia's temper, while hard to provoke she does have the capacity and will usually lecture or scold the individual who has made her upset. Of course that's providing it's an obvious fault on their part. If it's a difference of opinion she might simply walk away to calm herself down if it becomes heated.


Alicia doesn't remember much other then that she was murdered. But what she does know is that she is supposedly the physical manifestation of mankind's sin, summoned to the mortal realm to bring those who follow the path of evil to an end. Alicia is still trying to find out more about her past before her return and has been since she rejoined the world of the living, but her efforts have proven in vain as finding out more about her past life has proven more and more difficult, especially now that she serves her duty by working with other beings who seek to bring those who would harm others to justice. Even more to her frustration, Alicia also doesn't fully know why she was chosen to return to the world for this task or even who it was who sent her back. All she knows is her duty which was one of many fragments of information she was gifted upon her return. Honestly she tries not to think too much about it though, as all it does is make her upset that she is unable to remember details from her mortal life, merely seeing nothing but blurred images within the confines of her mind. She is at least greatfull she has friends though, as it's them which keeps her smiling through many of the days.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As approved by Gisk.


Name: Vaeros Daerev
Alias: Garuda

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 6'
Weight: 160 lbs.
Build: Lithe
Appearance: Vaeros has golden skin, and intense orange eyes. Feathers the color of flames grow from his head, down his neck and back, and along his arms. He has several black geometric designs painted onto his body, starkly contrasting with the almost luminous gold of his skin.

Apparel/Costume: Vaeros doesn't have much need of clothing on a personal level, but he follows the native customs of modesty. However, due to his nature, most types of clothing don't last long in close proximity, so he opts for highly flame-resistant articles. His typical attire actually consists of a set of firefighting trousers and a thick leather girdle, where he keeps his weapon sheathed.

Powers and Abilities: Vaeros is a member of a race descended from mythical creatures. Whether some form of interspecies breeding or experiments conducted by mystics on his homeworld, the blood of phoenixes course through their veins.
- When a member of his race is slain, they explode, and are reduced to a pile of ashes and a black glass orb, about six inches across. This egg can be salvaged, and a sort of larval form of the slain being hatches after 24 hours. This creature is a new being, with no memories of the original.
- Due to his phoenix heritage, Vaeros constantly gives off enough heat to burn a variety of objects on contact. Touching his skin is quite painful, and his weapon also conducts the heat he gives off. This heat also makes it impossible for him to get sick or succumb to poison, as these foreign agents simply burn away once they enter his body. He can suppress this heat, but it makes him somewhat uncomfortable to do so.
- When exposed to fire, Vaeros' body responds positively, healing most forms of injury through contact and the mystical nature of his heritage. If he is uninjured, this often serves to give him a boost of energy.
- Using the fire of his spirit, Vaeros can produce several effects. He can generate light, either on his person, stationary, or attached to an object. He can conjure flames to his hands, using them as a torch or as a missile to be thrown at his foes. He can fire a blast of intense heat from his hands. He can also conjure flames that surround his entire body. (All of these do not have the healing effect that other fire does, so he cannot simply immolate himself when the need arises.)

Skills: Vaeros is a skilled lookout. He has particularly sharp senses, and is adept at getting around his environment. Since his time on Earth, however, he has found difficulty in navigating cityscape. He failed miserably at his first attempts at what the humans call "parkour" and "free-running," but he makes it a point to try and learn what he can from the more acrobatic members of the team.

Personality: Vaeros treasures freedom above all else. Whenever his freedom, or the freedom of others is threatened, he becomes extremely vehement in his desire to right the perceived wrong. He shares this trait with his ancestors, who made a reputation for themselves of slave liberators and tyrant slayers.
On a day-to-day level, he favors simple pleasures such as cooking, reading, telling and listening to stories, and exploring. He is usually easy to get along with, and often adopts a friendly expression around others.
History: Born into another world, Vaeros only lived for a few years before joining a small band of freedom fighters, who attempted to overthrow a violent warlord. At first, all things seemed to be going well, until - in the eleventh hour - the warlord used his wild card, a powerful mage who, using the power of some ancient artifact, cast the band out of existence. They simply ceased to be in their home world.

Vaeros holds that, if he emerged on Earth, the others must have come out somewhere else as well, in one piece and unharmed as he was.

Unfortunately, none that Vaeros has spoken to have been able to help him in his goal of finding them. Whatever means had been used to remove him from his home had not left any trace that Earth technology was capable of detecting.

At first dejected by his loss, Vaeros eventually answered the call to serve once again, finding this new world to be in need of aid just as much as the old. Seeing no reason to avoid giving his help, he became a fighter of injustice once again. After a year or so, he learned that he had attracted the attention of other heroes, and he was invited to join them.

Always one to enjoy being in a group of like-minded individuals, he accepted the invitation, and became a Teen Titan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

I've got one other, pending a response from them.

In the mean time, if you see anything that you think is an issue with the RP in general or one of the other characters, now is that time that you can bring it forward, quietly and politely, to me through PM. I can't guarantee that I will make a change based solely on your suggestion/request, but I will listen and address your concern.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 12 days ago

Name: G.R-A
Aliases: Gray, Man Hunter

Gender: Male


Height: normal form: 6'4
Battle form: 7'4
Weight: normal form: 120 lbs
Battle form: 200 lbs
Build: In normal form he is fairly lanky build but most bulk he has is muscle and in his battle form he is much more muscular and more imposing.
In his normal form he has Martian green skin and looks human in form aside from two spikes coming out from each of his shoulders and pure red eyes but in his battle form he is very different. Battle form Man Hunter has very pale, white skin like a white Martian and natural bone like armour that is split up into sections and covers his entire body. In battle form Man hunter resembles a full fledged white Martian but with the exceptions of the white plated armour all over his body.

His costume is basically just Martian Manhunters minus the cape and instead of a speedo he has shorts down to below the knees and when fighting crime he tends to try and do it in his battle form.

Powers and Abilities:
Thanks to his Martian genetics he is able to make limited shape shifting which takes about ten minutes to shift to and from each form. In each form he has access to different powers from his Martian lineage.

Everyday form powers:

-Martian vision
-increased speed
-can become transparent but not completely invisible
-low grade regeneration

Battle ready form:

-Martian vision
-increased strength
-increased endurance
-able to stretch to double his size
-can become intangible

Man hunter lacks the Martian vulnerability to fire but still has the abnormal fear of it. That being said he can still be hurt by fire and anything a human could get hurt by while Man hunter is in his normal form but while in his battle form Man hunter has a great deal of resistance against most forms of damage.

He is fairly skilled in hand to hand combat and in his battle form using both his intangibility and elasticity as a way to pull of moves that he would normally not be capable of doing. Man hunter also possesses a aptitude for understanding complicated sciences such as being able to have a basic grasp of say rocket science if it is being spoken to him.

Gray is very social in fact if you were to look up the word social in a dictionary it would probably give you the meaning of the word social but then Gray would come along with a photo of himself and quickly glue it into the book. Gray likes making jokes but often times they're only funny to him but he's pretty ok with that so long as no one points it out. Grey enjoys fighting crime and he will usually do it to take his mind off of things that are troubling him or ,if he's in a really bad mood, he'll just go into his room and listen to the radio. He likes very specific old rock and roll songs so most of the time he can't find a good radio station to listen to so he'll actually get angrier rather than getting more soothed by the music. Gray gets angry fairly easily but he when he does get angry he doesn't get absurdly angry more like very irritated and will bottle up his emotions.
History: Gray started out life as GeneticRebuild-Alpha or G.R-A. He was the creation of a few paranoid genetic engineers who feared the Martians of Mars and decided that they needed a Martian of their own to defend them in the case of an attack. Now, at the time the scientists didn't know most Martians had been wiped out but that bit of knowledge wasn't needed to try and rebuild the original Martian from before the green and white Martians were split into two species. They managed to get samples of green Martian DNA via Martian Manhunter and white Martian DNA via Miss Martian both bits of DNA were obtained during battles that occurred at separate times.

Now that they had the DNA the scientists had to now figure out the ins and outs of the alien genetic structure. This proved to difficult for the scientists so they decided to bridge the gap between the two DNAs via human DNA which they had more experience in. After finally being able to start the process of growing the alien via test tubes they decided to grow four, each with different genetic structures just in case one Alien didn't survive and that way they would have a higher chance of success. The aliens were codenamed GeneticRebuild-Alpha,Beta,Gamma and Delta.

After a few decades of them growing the scientists decided it was time to let the now physically teenagers, mentally infant, alien kids out of their growing tubes. Each one came out a bit different and Delta perished as soon as the tube was opened due to something wrong with its respiratory system. Deltas brothers Alpha,Gamma and sister Beta were to now begin basic knowledge transference via telepathic upload in order to give them all knowledge needed to know right from wrong and to see if they could become heroes.

Sadly that never happend.

Beta went berserk, killed her brother Gamma, destroyed the facility, made the scientists flee in terror and finally flew away. G.R-Alpha soon found his way out of the destroyed facility and managed to make his way to jump city with out seeing another living person. The first person he saw was a low life thug and G.R-A used his telepathic powers to absorb all his knowledge (the very thing he was supposed to do to the scientists) and basically make himself a almost perfect copy of the man (in mind not body) he then in turn began his life of crime. G.R-A now known as Gray began going on a crime spree robbing, assaulting and destroying property all over the city only to be stopped by the disbanding Teen titans. While being detained Gray remembered when he first awoke and how everything went down hill and now he was detained and probably being sent to a jail of some sort or maybe even killed, but then he remembered the ones who stopped him. A team of those who wanted to do the right thing for the betterment of the world which seemed like a very noble cause. He vowed that if he got out he would use his powers to help the Teen Titans and the rest of the world for that matter while trying to make it a better place. Then as if by fate something inside him snapped and for the first time he transformed into his battle form, used his abilities to phase through the walls of where he was being held and escape custody and possible death. Now even though the original Teen Titans are disbanded he helps out with the new Teen Titans using his new alias Man Hunter in honour of Martian Manhunter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Hey gisk are you going to put up a Accepted characters list?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name - Kira

Alias - Cyber Girl

Gender - Female

Age - 16

Height: 198 cm (78 inches)
Weight: 125 kg (275 pounds)
Build: Athletic Slender

Apparel/Costume: Kira's body suit is woven of Ir'sal Silk and form fitted to her body along with various attachments for her Vac-suit or Powered Armor and can deflect the penetrate power of small arms or blades
At present she has no earth style clothing and is unaware of what is an isn't considered proper

Powers -
Kira can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.

Kira can control the flow of intricate machinery and can allow them to assemble or disengage their programming at will. Can operate most technology just by touching or looking.

Power Flaw
Due to the fact that Kira comes from so High tech a civilization the function of many earth machines escapes her though she is hoping to learn their primitive functions.

Kira can repair and return any broken or damaged machine to its optimal state no matter how long it has been broken or how damaged it was.

How long this takes is dependent on the size an complexity of the machine in question.

Technopathic Perception:
Kira can read electronic signals, sort of like mind reading for machines. Can be used to "talk" to computers or interrogate them (Hack) for information

Enhanced strength lift 300 kg, leap 8 meters vertical or 30 meters horizontal (Due to the heavy gravity of her homeworld)
Amphibious (she can breath in either water or air)

Skills - . Stellar Navigation, Zero-G Combat and Maneuvering. Kel'Saret (Unarmed Combat), Twi'Pri (Twin Medium Sword style), Ship to Ship Tactics. Combat Piloting, Spinal Weapons Gunnery and First Aid.

Personality - Free Spirited, Driven, Aggressive

History - Kira is born of the third House of the Celestial Dragon Ki'Hetz (War Leader) and a human male diplomat father Charles Kent.
Raised in the Ko'Secti Space faring House like her house sisters Kira was Creche taught and encouraged to aim higher than those around her.
Her mother's people all racial telepaths in the beginning believed that because Kira could not hear nor speak mentally that she was handicapped. That was till at the age of 9 she was found to be talking with machines all around herself and getting them to bend to her bidding Kira was a cyberpath.

This was a rare talent among the Ko'Secti but also one that immediately excluded Kira the ability of ever setting foot on the mother where tech is considered Taboo

Graduating at 15 from the Celestial Dragon's war school Kira's mother encouraged her daughter to travel an broaden her skills.

Kira was given a Black Dagger Long Range Scout ship to find a suitable world on which to hone her skills. (This ship can only be used like the Vac-suit or Powered Armor with GM permission)

Setting course to the Fendail system Kira stopped off in order to find information on possible destinations. While there she heard three Kelis discussing a world called earth where they said a Green Lantern hailed from and had resisted several attacks by outsiders all on their own with the power of fantastic beings of that world.

This excited Kira to hear of a world filled with such beings so she found a syntac that said they could down load to her the most common three languages of earth English, Mandarin an Latin. (Oh the Linguistic programing she received was substandard)

After undergoing the procedure Kira turned her ship towards earth and headed with all haste to the Sol system. Shortly after passing the Ort Cloud Kira began a communications search coupled with a compatibility cross reference to find where she might be able to fit in the best.

When her ship found the Teen Titans and their tales then cross referenced the teams average Kira knew she'd found a place to train at till she reached majority in her race and could return.

Notes Ko'Sect is a planet circling a blue-white Giant star in a portion of the Milky way galaxy known as the Abyss of Stars.
A large world with over 92 % of it's surface is covered in water with only one pseudo continent that accounts for only 4% of the land mass above water.

At 1.7 G it is one of only a handful of inhabited heavy G worlds.

It's people the Ko'Secti are a matriarchal society due to the low incident of male births (70 to 1 ; female to male)

Due to coming from an amphibious predator they developed a racial telepathy which allowed them to communicate. Their voices slightly higher pitched were used for sonar but later adapted to speak to visitors from other worlds.

They shun the use of technology on their mother world believing it shows weakness before their goddess who tests them in every way.

This doesn't mean their world is easy prey though as they are protected by the three moons of the Celestial Dragon. The Celestials are the space arm of the Ko'Secti and their war tech highly advanced
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

I wasn't going to, no. With the exception of Rock, all accepted characters are now on the first page, and therefore nice and easy to find, and also easy to edit by the players if need be.

Rock, no problem, just do me a favor and when you get back edit the post you already have on this page and copy/paste your CS into it. That way everyone's will be on the first page.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Alrighty then well I'm looking forward to the roleplay and after thinking about my guy's history if being recruited is not an ideal thing than perhaps Inspector sent him to help clean up the city and to build a bigger identity for himself,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kira is just going to show up and offer her services
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

I'm actually less concerned about the reasons for joining than I was at first.

I also actually have an eighth player working on a CS. She was in on the story with me from the beginning, but I didn't know she was going to join until just now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cool, that's great when things work out on their own
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Are we just waiting on rock and mystery contestant #8 before the IC goes up?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

No, we're waiting on me.

I'm working on a scenario to open with that will tie in with planned events.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

IC is now posted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Lim Liquin (Quin for short)

Alias: Silk Worm

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 4’8”

Weight: 100lbs soaking wet.

Build: Pear shaped.

Quin is a lovely girl, pale peachy toned skin that is always clean, smooth. Her face is always completely made-up, and she keeps her long black hair carefully styled and coiled in some interesting manner.

Quin certainly dresses to impress. She makes many of her own clothes and accessories, taking inspiration from the latest trends in fashion, art, and media. She can go through a ‘phase’ like Madonna, or simply try something new once and awhile. Her collection grows as she is constantly making new things, shopping, and revamping her style.

Apparel/Costume: Silk Worm’s costume varies a bit each time she goes out. She dresses for the occasion. However there are some common themes.

Cape: Not only does it make her look quite suave with it’s long and flowing hemline, but it can be used in cloak-and-dagger style fighting, and when fully extended it can act as a sail or a set of wings to glide upon. It is made entirely from spider silk.

Umbrella: Not only does it keep the rain off, but the umbrella can also act as a shield, It is as light as a normal umbrella, but as strong as riot shield an officer might use.

Fan: A pretty weapon, not only can it keep her cool on a hot day, but it has a razor sharp edge. The fan is a traditional Kung Fu weapon which is where she learned to use it.

Pockets: She has tons of hidden pockets under her cloths. For all the little things she needs! Can’t go anywhere without extra lip balm…

Rope: She has a long coil of thick rope. Not only can it be used to scale a building or a cliff edge, but she can use her power to make it a long snakelike appendage to fight with like a whip or lasso, for for other utilitarian purposes.

Bracelets and necklaces: Her arms, neck, wrists, and even ankles are adorned with woven and beaded bracelets. Of all materials, hemp, wool, silk, alpaca… Each type of fiber has a slightly different advantage. This method helps her ensure she will never run out of ammo. The weaving pattern of the jewelry is an efficient way to carry miles of fiber without much fuss.

Her outfit is ever evolving. She is constantly tweaking it, changing the hemline and the design. For different mission she might bring a different set of necklaces or outfits.

Powers and Abilities:

Her talent lies in fibers and fabrics, natural fabrics to be more specific. She has the ability to manipulate these materials as she touches them, or change their nature when she weaves them. For example:

Cloth-kinesis: She has to be touching the material for it to work. When touching a natural fiber or fabric, she has telekinetic control over it. She can change it’s shape, make it move in the way and direction she wills it, she can control it as if it becomes an extension of herself, like an arm or a tentacle. The bigger the fabric the more effort it requires, and the less-pure the fabric is the more difficult it would be.

Crafting super-cloths: She makes a lot of her own clothes and fabrics, if she is weaving them herself she can permanently affect the nature of the material. For example, making a fabric more sturdy, or waterproof, or bullet proof, or reflective or… any number of things. The more complicated the attribute the more time and concentration is required, or perhaps she will have to find a specific or rare fiber.


Touch: She must be touching the fabric with her body.
Natural fibers only: She can only force her will upon fibers made from organic materials. Therefore man made fabrics and materials such as polyester, nylon, and Kevlar are beyond her capabilities to manipulate.


Crafty: Sewing, knitting, needlepoint, crochet, crafting, weaving, drafting… In all the things most popular on pinterest Quin is quite talented.

Bilingual: She speaks English and Chinese.

Kung Fu: She has learned Kung Fu from her family, who own and operate a small Kung Fu School in Jump City. Their style, which they call Lim-Gar (“Lim family style”), is considered an ‘internal’ style of martial art. The emphasis is on meditation, mental training, controlling chi, and soft movements that redirect the opponent's energy rather than oppose it with brute force. Quin is hardly an expert or master of this style, but as a result of her training she is even-tempered in a fight, flexible, agile, and able to defend herself against untrained combatants.

Musical: Plays the violin, and guitar, and piano.

Domestic skills: She has a knack for cooking, cleaning and organizing.

Personality: Quin is friendly and excitable. Warm and whimsical. She can be somewhat superficial, as she is often focused on the beauty-of-a-thing, however as a crafts-person she understands that bringing out the beauty-of-a-thing requires patience and careful work, both of which she is willing to put forward. She has some odd habits and tendencies, such as collecting bugs for her spider-pets in public places, or pushing the tag on the back of your shirt away without warning you. These things might put other people off but Quin herself is never uncomfortable in her own skin. Quin exudes confidence that is tough to deter.

History: Quin was raised by her parents in the China-Town of Jump City. She spent most of her time in her family's Kung-Fu studio. She certainly enjoyed herself there, but her passion and talent were not for the martial arts. From a young age little Quin was always getting her hands on something and changing it’s shape, crafting it into something else. Her parents encouraged this, and after some trial and error in an attempt to focus her they found their daughter was most fond of fabric.

This made her mother happy, as it seemed young Quin was taking after her late grandmother had been a very talented seamstress and laundress, some people claimed that what her grandmother did was like magic! but that was a long time ago and an old wives tale.

She learned traditional sewing from her mother and the other women in her community. Occasionally they would see her doing something odd, but just figured it was her way of being creative and experimenting. Yet they began to suspect that she was more than just a talented seamstress.

At age eight Quin put on a magic show for her father’s birthday, and pulled the table-cloth out from under the dining table without spilling any contents. The long table sat 40 people.

They found her harboring and protecting spiders, worms, and moths in her room. At first her parents were outrage, she cried and cried when they made her get rid of her ‘friends’ and wouldn’t speak with them afterward.

She became very depressed, her parents took her to a doctor (who found nothing wrong with her), and then an acupuncturist and herbalist (They of course believed in traditional Chinese medicine). The acupuncturist told them that her daughters vital energy was unbalanced, and it was very different than the vital energy of a normal person. She likely had a unusual latent talent. He warned that if it could not be expressed her energy would remain unbalanced and she would become ill no matter what else they did.

Her parents started thinking about the worms and spiders, wondering if that had something to do with her latent-talent. So they bought her a ‘grow-your-own-butterfly-form-a-caterpillar’ science kit for her birthday. They told her that she had a latent talent, something special, and encouraged her to meditate and try and figure out what it might be.

She giggled, and proudly told them that she had already discovered her talent. She touched her bed-sheets and the sprung to life, she made the shape of a butterfly and she held it in the air. She thanked them for their gift, and named the caterpillar Xiaopang (“Fatty”).

With no one to teach her she had to experiment and learn her abilities and limitations on her own.

As she got older she heard of super heroes and meta-humans, but no one who seemed to be like her. One day she visited the Titans Tower out of curiosity, hearing that it once was the home of a teenaged super-hero team.

She met Little Brother, and made herself at home. She was actually the first to join him, and she helped clean the tower up and make it ready for the new team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


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