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9 yrs ago
Current I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question. - Harun Yahya


Hello everyone!

I love roleplaying. That is why I am here. And you are too I suppose! So we already have that much in common! Sweet!

I will play anything with a thick enough plot. My favorites include fantasy and magic themes.

I'm not sure what else to say here.

See you in game!

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Hopefully without further embarrassment here is a profile!

Let me know if it needs done work I'm rusty.

@gisk I realized my idea and Cae has a few things in common so I used Cae to round out the concept. 🤣

Name: Caelum Lacaille

Age: 21

Appearance: A young woman of average height with an above average grooming routine. She has platinum blonde hair that falls just past her ears in a loose bob. She has dark grey eyes, a casual spatter of freckles, and a pearly white smile.
She dresses nicely but tries to keep the style simple, in order to downplay her background… However, what upper class city people and country people consider casual is NOT the same. It doesn't take much knowledge of fashion to notice that even though it's plain she's wearing designers.

Personality: Caelum comes across as slightly cold and aloof. A city-girl at heart, perfectionist, and an optimist. She is mostly even tempered, but has had bouts of melancholy in the past few years… Life is not quite how she originally designed it to be. Stepping out of her comfort zone she often feels a bit anxious, but trusts that her exacting ruthlessness will get her through.

Background: Caelum is from New York. Her family is well-to-do and uptight. They are very-very unhappy with her decision to attend Sanctuary Hills, as it is not as prestigious as it once was, but especially because it is too far from home. This is her attempt to run away from her home and get out of the reach of her family.

She is a late starting freshman. She had taken a "gap year" (or two)! If you ask about it she will say “I needed to take some space and decide what I really wanted, I worked for my dad awhile while I thought about it!” This is polite code for “I had a mental health breakdown after graduation and Dad bailed me out.” Her family has put her through therapy and treatments and seems to be doing alright! She is ready to start fresh at Sanctuary Hills! She's studying to be a magician, general studies as a freshman, but she is interested in the intersection of magic and medicine.

Magic Specialty:
She is a freshman starting general studies, so she has… an understanding of the basics. (She attended a prep school that taught magic.)
She has some family witchery to work with. Her father is a dentist, so she is actually quite good at working with teeth and cosmetic glamours that he taught her. Some of it is a little creepy because… Well, because *teeth*. And some of it is fabulous. He is a bit of a dental witch, and she did actually do some work with him during her gap year (partial truths are the best lies.)
She also does some casual divination, her mother gifted her a tarot deck for a graduation present, and is constantly hounding her about her horoscope. (Her mother is a properly trained and registered magician.)
Fixed! Lol Rping


I'll just spell it out. Every time. From now until the end of time. Sorry.
Ok, so, last night I had a dream I was Role playing. It is not my usual character type at all. But of course I had to browse the ol' guild. And liked the story idea before I saw that it was GIIIIIISSSSK! HIIIIIIII!

SO I'll try to write up a character today!
River decided she didn't want to lose track of the investigation too much...

She put her phone back into her pocket, after making sure it was in 'silent mode', and walked to where Fonsus was.

"I wonder what would happen if... Say someone did a charm to cover up damage... and you broke the charm somehow. Would, like, the stuff fall apart again? We haven't learned much about undoing charms, just making them." Not that she had luck with either.

"A repair charm will make the thing look good as new... But maybe it's not actually fixed." She tilted her head.

She frowned a little. She didn't like that thought. Magick doesn't really fix things. She touched her sternum where her charmed-necklace had settled under her sweater.

"In class, my charms fall apart all the time after a few seconds." She bit her lower lip, thinking.

"Is that the difference from transfiguration maybe? Transfiguration you're, like, changing the matter itself. A charm is, like... Adding something or tacking magick on. If that's the case it can come off, theoretically, a stubborn sticker."
River turned from the shelves looking up from the book she was leafing through. Responding to Fonsus. "Yeah there' might be a distraction..."

She felt a vibration... It was low and subtle, perhaps imperceivable to others in the room. What she felt wasn't magic or a disturbance in the force...

She reached into her pocket, where her own wand would have been.

She touched the button on the side of her cell phone to silence it, then pulled it out. She put the books down and unlocked her screen to see who had called. Thankfully they hadn't left a voice mail and sent a text instead.



Who is this?

'So u give ur number to lot of guys/?'


'chill, it's jacck.'

'So you *do* have a cellphone. When you didn't text right away I thought you might not. Lot's of wizards still don't.'

'i got 1'

'Oh cool. Early Christmas present?'

'No.. i got it... allowance $#$$'

contact added 'Jack Hale'

'Still figuring it out. Emoji's are weird i like this 1 ''

She giggled. Of course, he figured out the most ridiculous one first!

'How is your trip./?'

Changed Contact Name

'Good. We are sightseeing today.'

Changed Contact Name
'Jeremy Halvard Prynne'

She grimaced, looking up from the phone at the other two. She was a little anxious about the web-of-lies she might have just created... But it was no big deal, right? Nothing was really going on with her and Jack, so, that was fine. So far this was looking like a dead-end, and there wasn't really a story to tell here about Jack's sister anyway.

So... No big deal. Right?

"Yeah, um." She responded to Richard's comment. "If there isn't an incident report that could say something too. It's embarrassing to lose your wand. My uncle lost his and didn't tell any of us for 6th months. We found it under his couch. The Dust bunnies had used it in their nest."
River smiled. "Thank You..." Her eyes checked the shelves, eager to find something else that he might lend. The Fey poetry was too rare, he'd never let it go, but something else useful to their investigation or suiting her taste in literature... Her search stopped as her ear caught his words...

... A disruption... Damage. She paused. The paintings... She had assumed there was a particular working done in order to erase the memory of the paintings. However, maybe it wasn't its own curse. Who paid attention to paintings anyhow? Maybe they forgot because they were injured by dark magick happening around them.

She opened the book on magical paintings. She should give it a read before lending it to the prim and platinum painter. If they could find a disrupted pattern in the shades and tones in the frames... Was it like a footprint? There was more than one painting, more than one place to look for that footprint, that injury.

She regarded Fonsus, not quite following his train of thought. She trusted his instinct, he was clever, and always thought outside the assignment. In school it was messy, here it might be invaluable. It was endearing...

... Endearing. She thought about Hale... There was NO WAY Richard or Fonsus would want to incorporate him into the investigation. He had been an ass to them. Yet... was he not just angry and angsty against an unfair world, Could she blame him? No... Could she trust him...? Maybe...

Could they find out what happened to his sister? And if they did... What then?
River glanced back as Richard spoke. "Oh yeah..." Then let her voice trail off as if she had almost caught interest in their homework. She shelved fairy poetry and walking along the shelf.

"The new teacher... I think this is his first job, he's young and... nervous."

She returned to the shelf and stopped to inspect a book attractively bound with purple and mauve leather. She pulled from the shelf: 'The Book of Poison & Passion. Conjugal Concoctions: for lovers past, present, and passing on.'

In the book there were a number of options to help... end a relationship. Forgetting potions, poisoning (of course), and certainly more subtle means, such as to turn eager eyes elsewhere...

There was also one for tracking a lover, to see if they were betraying you. River made a mental note of this page. If they had someone they wanted to follow or keep tabs on, this could be useful.

She couldn't help but thumb through the section for... fostering successful relationships. Some potions made her frown with ethical angst, while others made her blush, she noted two or three others in this section that might be... Useful... for the investigation, of course!

She moved along, 'Elemental Emblems', 'Forged and Forgotten, a History of Ancient Arms and Alchemy.' In both these books, there were a few passages on imbuing and altering magic items. Apparently once a magick item was settled, it was very difficult to change it's properties, yet possible. Maybe there was something in here that could be applied to changing the memories of the portraits.

She kept browsing 'In Defense of Daemonology', 'Embalam, Curse, Libate', 'The Hidden Power of Retrograde.' Titles and titles shifted past her eyes.

She stopped again at 'Drawing with the Right Side of the Wand.' An art book! She pulled it off the shelf. "Hey, Richard... I think Caelum would like this one." She said loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to interrupt their conversation with Clowers. "Or maybe she's already read it." It looked like a beginner's book, and, Cae's work was fairly advanced. She opened it up. She didn't really understand how paintings were made and animated. Something like... Charms and Transfiguration mashed up...
'Portraits of the Darkness Disguised.' She noticed, occupied the next space. It was a larger book, as an art book should be, it's spine had enough room for a mini-portrait. One glare from Vlad-The-Impaler made her swallow hard, and, not wish to look at the rest of the book at all. She put down the drawing book moving along quickly to get away from Vlad. 'Small Charms for Great Harm.' Nosing through for something that might be of use...
River bit the inside of her cheek, watching Addie take the lead on their cover story.

"We also wanted to check on you." She added softening her deep voice. "We were visiting Fonsus's family out here and... Well... It all kind of worked out."

She let her gaze float away from Clowers and around the room. Then she turned to Addie, saying. "I think you have the best handle on the project, I... Don't remember... Or understand... What we are supposed to ask..." She looked at the floor as if ashamed, then and looked away from Addie and the professor, letting herself stray towards a neat bookshelf.

In class, River had like Clowers. She was quiet and shy in all her classes, and unlike other teachers, Clowers left her at peace. He never called her out in front of the class to display her magical inequities. He quietly gave her a mediocre grade, and, didn't bother her when she was reading her own books instead of getting overwhelmed by class content.

It wasn't out of character for her to be uninterested in the group project now, and, Richard didn't know Clowers at all, his seeming lack of interest would be equally appropriate. If Addie could keep the professor occupied, then, Richard and River could get a proper look around. She smiled, it was a smart strategy that Fonsus hand employed.

"This place is a lot nicer than I thought it would be." Addie would talk about the project, River decided that she would add the personal touches. She didn't think it was believable that they took this trip only for a project. They needed to show concern...

... And... Wasn't that concern real? When she found out about the missing students, and Clower not returning... Hadn't she felt... Sad? Uncertain? Curious about what had happened..? She would need to be less of an actress than she thought!

As she looked around the room, she was impressed by how personalized his space was, this was less and less like any hospital or medical facility she had ever been in. She reached out to trace her fingers across a trio of red-spined books. She would have been amused to find the full 'Twilight' series on his shelf, but, she didn't expect him to have... "Fairy Poetry?" The books were old, and, he was missing the second. It was an epic fairy romance. It starts with a wizard becoming trapped inside a spinning castle, he had chased his lover over a hedge, not knowing she was actually a fey-king in disguise. The fey king was on their own quest, to make the castle be still and break an ancient geas... The adventure was both fanciful and indulgent the events of the story ludicrous even by wizarding standards, but the poetry and verse itself were considered skillful, and there some speculation and intrigue concerning the identity of the original author. "I haven't read this one..." She had always wanted to, copies were rare.

If she started by looking at his fiction, maybe, he would pay her little mind as she expanded her search for... evidence... What were they looking for? What if he became suspicious of them? Would he know? Could... Do vampires read minds? Could he hear her heartbeat quickening?

She hoped that Addie had a lot of ideas. The more questions he asked the more time She and Richard would have.
River felt her spine tingle as she regarded the doors with Richard. If this facility served... special magical populations… Was vampirism the worst of the lot? Who else resided in this building, conversing with Clowers, were they friends? Was the staff special too? It didn’t seem like a prison, yet, she wondered.

“We’re sorry we didn’t send an Owl ahead, our visit was a bit… Impromptu. And, yes, we know about the Professor.” She frowned a bit, genuine curiosity and concern peeling into her voice. “Are we allowed to visit him? Is he well?”
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