Wade laid down next to her, starting to make grass angels as he said “if you were my kid, I would always want to see you. But I’m a soon to be father so…” he glanced over at her and asked “why do you ninja she wouldn’t want to see you?”
Trevor said as he got up “would it help to know her own sound waves are strange? The ones her body gives off are not like anything I’ve heard before.”
Wolf looked at him and said “a lot of new people…I’m nervous around a bunch of new scents and sounds…shadows I don’t know…this is a lot harder then I thought it would be…”
Trevor said as he got up “would it help to know her own sound waves are strange? The ones her body gives off are not like anything I’ve heard before.”
Wolf looked at him and said “a lot of new people…I’m nervous around a bunch of new scents and sounds…shadows I don’t know…this is a lot harder then I thought it would be…”