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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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As the others began to filter through to the room that Kay, Bane and John were in, Kay did eventually look at everyone, giving a nod of hello after Bane have her the reassuring tap on her hand. She really could understand why Serena felt safe with Bane. He really did have that calming effect on people. She glanced up and let her eyes follow Lucifer's movements as he walked over to John to greet him. As she did, she shuffled a Ross a bit more to make sure there was plenty of room for Serena to join herself and Bane on the couch, all whilst eavesdropping on what Lucifer had to say to John.

Chas looked at John as he walked in close behind Drake and in front of Josh. "Yeah, everything is good on our end, especially now we're back. But let's just say as a group we probably have a lot to discuss. But Lucifer and Maze do genuinely think they can help with what the girls are dealing with" he explained, noticing out the corner of his eye Maze leaning against the wall by the fireplace, twirling her blade between her fingers.

Fia also noticed, making her start to think Maze was a pretty cool person and wondered why she never met the woman in her time. It seemed that as the years went by before Fia came into being something must have happened. Shaking the thought from her mind, she refocused on the here and now. "You sure you're okay Kay?" She asked again, noticing how she was distinctively quiet, something she wouldn't get used to as her Kay was far from keeping quiet. "Yeah I'm sure. Just a little lingering muzzy head but nothing to worry about" Kay replied, hoping that Fia would drop it.

"Taken anything for it?" Fia asked, "no need to, it'll pass soon enough" Kay countered, not wanting to be fussed over, despite what the being in her vision trip still haunting her mind loudly. Part of her wanted to distance herself from Fia for her safety and part of her wanted to wrap her future kid in bubble wrap and never let her go for the sake of her safety. "So I take it, these two are Lucifer and Maze" she spoke up, trying to change the subject, "you're subject switching" Fia accused.

Seeing Sam get flustered so easily at her quip from behind him made Lexi smirk proudly. Stepping slightly off side so she could be seen by all three of them in the kitchen, she watched as Dean half teased Sam as well as trying to double check what he said about her was indeed true. She gave a nod to Dean, before looking across at Anya and listened to the phone and what she said. Anya's words made her lift a hand up to her mouth to stifle a chuckle, but the amusement in her eyes deceived her anyway. “Such typical male behaviour” she teased, lowering her hands once again as she saw it was now clearly Dean's turn to get highly flustered and try to dig himself out of the verbal hole he was deeply in. Hearing him say he and Sam could easily clean the bunker and cook if the girls wanted them to, made her raise an eyebrow. Dean did not strike her as a cooking type, not unless it was something incredibly unhealthy. She watched as Sam gave a firm nod, pointing to his brother as if to say ‘what he said!’ then actually speaking up, “he's right, we can do anything housework related just like you girls can” he chimed in, “is girls can?” Lexi questioned him, *you know what I mean!” He replied.

Both Lexi and Sam turned and looked at Dean as he admitted it would be takeout and that someone should go wake his sister. It was then Sam took proper note that Nat and Cason still hadn't surfaced. Lexi softened her look when Dean admitted that he didn't even know what Nat let herself eat anymore. The way he chose his words twanged at Lexi's heart as she felt like it probably upset Dean a bit that he didn't think he had as much in common with Natalia as he once did. “Well, there's one way to figure that out Dean and that's to try and chat with her without Cason around..like you two used to” Sam replied with a shrug. He didn't have anything against Cason, after all these years, but even he knew it was rare nowadays to get any time with their sister without Cason hovering nearby or being attached to her at the hip. Sometimes Sam thought that the two of them never got past the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but he also was fine with it as long as Nat was happy. “As for the other remark? Yeah I did…actually, I kinda brought them both home if you come to think about it and I'm not gonna apologise for that!” He then said in defiance and pride. “Such a little brother comment..” Lexi chuckled under her breath. “And you boys are so easy to wind up! It's really quite amusing!” Lexi quipped, walking closer to Dean so she could finally get that coffee she so desperately wanted. “I'll uhh…I'll go wake Nat up” Sam commented, clearing his throat to try and regain some kind of composure.

Giving Anya a look that said he would be right back, he then stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway. The moment he was out of sight, he paused and composed himself properly. “The girls are gonna be the death of us…” he whispered to himself in an amused manner. Shaking his head, he walked towards the bedrooms when he saw Nat exiting her room looking wide awake but rather disheveled.


Nat knew she was stalling appearing to the rest of her family and their new friends, but she honestly didn't care too much. She really liked Anya, but she was still on the fence when it came to Lexi. Maybe the woman would change her mind about her, but as it stood this morning, she much preferred the attention she and Cason had given each other. Though now they were just laying in bed, she knew it would be only a matter of time before they got interrupted and one of her big annoying brothers would try and turf her out of bed. “As much as this completely pains me to say, but we should probably get up before one of the idiots comes knocking” she commented to Cason, reluctantly pulling away from his side. As she sat up, she leaned over and stole a quick kiss as she usually enjoyed doing and then got up, grabbing some clothes from her old wardrobe, seeing that Dean and Sam hadn't touched anything. ’huh…Dean really has been hoping I'd come back’ she thought to herself, pulling a shirt off a hanger and grabbing a pair of her old ripped up jeans, that she swiftly stepped into before pulling her arms through the sleeves of her shirt. She was surprised it even still fitted her, albeit a bit baggier which made it more comfortable.

Walking back to the bed, she sat on the edge to grab some clean socks from her bag, put them on and then grab her phone from the bedside table and put it into her jeans pocket. Standing up again, she attempted to smooth her hair out with her hands, but just gave up when she came across a couple of knots that hurt to get rid of with her fingers. She could brush it later, then turned to Cason. “Guess we should show our faces. I'll go and see what the general mood of the morning..or afternoon is like” she told him, walking on ahead, opening the bedroom door and stepping out, only to find Sam walking toward her. Leaning her head back into her room, she glanced at Cason, “the moose is on patrol.” She said to him in a hushed tone, then stood up straight and walked towards Sam. “If you're coming to wake us, as you can see, we are awake.” She told Sam, waving her hands up and down herself, which made Sam smirk and nod. “I can see that. Seems you've been awake longer than you've let us believe too if your hair is anything to go by.” He teased back, making Nat roll her eyes, but clearly happy to hear her brother teasing her again.

“I'm a grown woman, I can do what I like with my boyfriend in my old room” she said with a hint of playful snark. Sam held his hands up like they were a white flag of surrender. “Just be prepared for Dean's reaction. You know what he's like. Still thinks you're this innocent little sister who doesn't do those kinds of things” he warned, unable to remove the smirk from his lips. “Ugh, he's such an old man I swear” Nat remarked chuckling.

Kay sighed as John left to get more rooms ready for the others. Something told her that with the house being imbued with magic, it'd no doubt create new rooms by itself to make life easier for John. She acknowledged Bane sitting next to her by shuffling across to give him space. She listened to him and didn't think he needed to be sorry but she appreciated the sentiment nonetheless. "Appreciate it but you don't need to be sorry Bane. There's nothing you can do or any of you can do right now. I'm just trying to sort everything out in my head. Make sense of it all I guess..." She explained.

"I'm just thankful I don't have to deal with this on my own anymore. Sure, things have escalated rapidly, but if I had to deal with this whilst living on the streets on my own? I honestly feel like I would have just given up the fight a long time ago..." She honestly said to Bane, feeling like it was easier to say it to him than it would be to John. What she and John had was still new and she felt like in some ways she was still learning what their budding relationship was, but she hated worrying him with everything happening to her, let alone what thoughts she had at times.

Then she heard in an adjacent room the familiar sound of FIA's portal and footsteps coming through. "Seems like they're coming back..." She remarked.


Fia didn't complain about Drake wanting to stay back and walk through with her as it was pretty common for them to do so. It always brought back memories of when she first learned how to do it and she'd convince him to sneak out of the house via one so they could go to the nearby playground or roof, sending both their parents into absolute panic attacks trying to find them until John figured out how they were sneaking out.

She let the others all go through two at a time before it was their turn. "Just like old times" she smirked, taking his hand and walking through, feeling the portal close behind them both once they reached the mill house. Letting go of Drake's hand, she walked ahead of the others, "we're back!" She called out before seeing Kay and Bane on the couch. "How you feeling?" She asked Kay, leaning over the back of the couch and hugging Kay. "I'll be okay kiddo..." Kay replied, lifting a hand and patting Fia's arms to signal for her to let go before Kay stood up slowly and turned to look at the others.

As Anna held his hand a bit tighter from what he was saying and from the cold, he kept her close, as close as he possibly could without making it difficult for either of them to walk around. He had spent so much time out here in the impala the last three days, he thought he would have been sick of it by now, but after the brutal fight between his brother and Duke? The air was exactly what he needed. It wasn't like he could be of any use upstairs as Dean slept and he knew Nat wouldn't leave his side, even though she'd be the only one awake in the room. Honestly, he was glad he could give Nat the time to just be with Dean like a normal sibling for once. He also got the feeling Nat needed it as much as anyone to focus on something until the others came home. Anna's words made him nod, she was right. Mika may have had moments of extreme jealousy and being a bit of a hot head, but when push really came to shove, she was the more reasonable one out of her and Dean and always kept him on the straight and narrow. He could also hear in Anna's tone how talking about Mika in the past tense was just as difficult for her as it was for him and it made him not feel so alone in that feeling.

“I think you're right. She was always his other half who could centre his mind.” He replied, sniffling to try and not cry all over again, even though it was rapidly becoming more impossible by the minute. He then listened to what else Anna had to say and she was completely right in her assumption. Sam had absolutely no idea how Dean was going to get over this situation. He could see it now almost, Dean retreating into himself exactly how Mika did when Dean got killed and sent to Hell by Lilith. It was hard enough trying to get Mika to eat during those four months, he was certain that between himself, Nat and Bobby, they threw away more food that had been left to go rotten than bringing back empty plates to the kitchen. Hells, he was certain he took down more empty alcohol bottles than he did plates and something told him that Dean would go down that exact same path. “He's going to do all that…exactly like she did when he died. Only knowing Dean, it'll be even worse. They both completely self-destruct without each other… So yeah, we're gonna have to keep a close eye on him” he replied.

As they continued their circuit of the lot, more and more thoughts of how the group was going to change drastically from now and back to how it all went down at the warehouse and his chest started to really cramp up at all the thoughts and at Anna's words about him, pausing their walking in the process. He looked down at her as she spoke, her eyes fluttering closed for a brief moment as she stroked under his eye. Her words broke through the mental wall he had attempted to put up in his mind and that's when he just broke, letting the tears well up and fall down his cheeks, sobbing as he just let his head drop onto her shoulder. “I should have focused on her first… I could have saved her…but now…now…” he began to sob, unable to even finish his words as he gripped onto Anna, finally letting her in properly. He just sobbed, feeling a large personality of his family had just been ripped from him. Things just weren't going to be the same anymore and he wasn't sure if he even wanted to see what life was going to be like without Mika in it. Yet he also knew he wouldn't ever do anything stupid because he had to fight for Anna. For Natalia.

It took a good few minutes before Sam could slow and calm his sobs. Lifting his head from her shoulder, he wiped his face with his forearm and sighed to steady his breathing back to a normal pace after his heart had been racing from crying so much. “I uhh…I want to go back inside and start wrapping her body, but I need your help to do it” he said to her, willingly asking for help. He knew Dean could never do it if he was awake and after the fight, if the others succeed in bringing Duke back, Duke probably couldn't handle it. So it was up to him and Anna. “But I want to give Duke the chance to say goodbye as well…he deserves that much if Esme and Cason manage to get him home alive” he added before making himself gain the motivation to head back inside.

Once inside, he headed back downstairs into the basement, taking each step slow and steady until he reached the last step and then the ground. Walking over to one of the storage units, he opened the door and pulled out some white sheets and ropes which Bobby always had for exactly these kinds of situations. The very action made him take a big gulp as he tried to keep his composure before heading into the panic room. His hands shaking as he put the sheets down on the chair he sat on earlier. Clenching his fists and opening them in a repeated action to try and stop the shaking in his hands, he looked between Anna and Mika. “I…I don't know if I can do this…” he told Anna.

He knew he had to, between him and Anna there wasn't anyone else and he felt like it wasn't fair to expect Natalia to do it, but it was still now proving too much and all too real that Mika was gone. "I know it has to be us...but...it's all feeling too real now Anna...I've really lost my sister- haven't I?" He spoke, looking at her with teary eyes.

The way Dean frowned in confusion when Lexi told him about Anna being in the gym, she took that as a clue that it wasn't a normal thing for the girl to do, or at least, a common thing to do when she was last at the bunker. Yet Anna earlier thought she was Natalia which gave Lexi the impression it was a common thing. It was becoming evident that she still had a lot to learn about the old group and family and even for Dean, things seemed to have changed drastically. When he spoke up about Cason and Natalia, agreeing with her assumption that the long drive probably has finally caught up with Natalia in particular, she couldn't help but smirk and softly chuckle at Dean's remarks about Cason being incredibly protective and almost fussy over Natalia. Something that still seemed utterly bizarre to Lexi. She was aware of him watching her every move as he always did when she was in his sights, making it just one reason for her to have pecked his lips.

Him calling for a negotiation of accepting the spoiling and fuss if she accepts he'll always be a reckless idiot made her also chuckle and nod. She wouldn't want him to change if she truly was honest with herself and him. Dean was Dean and she felt like if he was more like Sam he wouldn't be himself. As much as she did still miss Owen greatly and would always love him and his ways, she didn't want Dean to be another Owen. They were so vastly different from each other and Dean felt like a breath of fresh air who always kept her on her toes and she loved it. She didn't want him to lose that ability to always surprise her or catch her off guard, whilst also being the clingy lovable guy she had seen him to be. He was exciting and she hoped with every fiber of her being that she would always be able to match that for him.

At him throwing out so casually about sharing a shower until she suggested keeping the coffee pot hot for her return, she smirked. Normally she wouldn't ever deny him a moment to share a shower, but she really did need a coffee after a good workout. She chuckled at the tree hugger comment and gave him a wink, “rain check given” she replied as he leaned in and kissed her cheek before telling her to go. “I'll be back before you know it” she told him, then walked out of the kitchen and headed to the shower rooms where she heard Sam's bedroom door opening followed by Sam and Anya talking, via Anya's phone. It brought a smile to her face as she walked down the halls glad to hear that it seemed the two of them were in good spirits after the night they had. As she continued to walk, getting close to the shower rooms, she passed what she realized very quickly, was Natalia's old room. Two clues standing out to her. Firstly it was Natalia's name on the door in rather interesting lettering, seemingly done by a very artsy person, but she couldn't say who she would see as being an artsy person. Unknowingly, it was Mika who had designed it for Nat before Mika's passing. The other clue was the giggling and other noises coming from her room, telling Lexi that Nat and Cason were very much awake and being extremely close with each other in the bed. It made her smirk, silently chuckle and shake her head, easily imagining if it was Dean walking past the room and how he would be reacting to his little sister having a good romp in the sheets with her immortal boyfriend. “I'm gonna have to tease Dean about that…” she whispered to herself as she made the left turn, into the shower room and making a beeline for freshening up.

Stepping up, she turned the shower on, I dressed and stepped inside as she grabbed her shower gel and wash mitt, wasting no time in getting clean before giving her sweaty hair a wash at the same time. The hot water and fresh fragrance of her shower gel and conditioner instantly relaxing her. She soon got done and stepped out, turned the shower off, wrapped a towel round her body and finished up in the mirror by combing through her hair, wrapping it in another towel and then headed to her room for clothing. The walk was the same until she reached her room and went inside, closing the door behind herself for privacy so she could get dried off and dressed before using her personal hairdryer to dry her hair. Once dried, she decided to pick up a claw clip and clipped half her hair up to get it out of her face, whilst also still letting the shorter face framing front layers fall to frame her face before she made sure to moisturise her face with tinted moisturizer as she always did, then headed back towards the kitchen to see and hear Sam and Anya were in there talking with Dean.


Sam didn't think that Anya needed to thank him for anything, but he took the thanks anyway with a smile and nod. When she got up, he felt he could already tell that she had no plans on changing as she was already pretty well covered in one of his spare shirts. It made her look even smaller and it was a sight he would never tire of. Just like with his old shirts and Anna, it was like this particular shirt was just meant to have Anya in it. He waited for her as she grabbed the sling, trying not to hover too much incase she needed his help putting it on, but it was quickly obvious that she didn't need his help as she got her arm in and then her phone. The action made him smile in amusement at how she decided to use the sling as a purse for her phone and see that it did seem rather convenient for her. He had to admit, he probably would have done the same thing if he was her in that situation. With them both ready, they headed to the kitchen and that was when they saw Dean by the coffee pot and after greeting his brother, he gave Dean a look of surprise at hearing that he had only been up for at most an hour. That really wasn't like Dean at all but at least he got some decent rest. He was also tempted to say something along the lines of ‘because you are a lazy bum’ but managed withhold his tongue when Dean turned his focus to Anya and asked about her arm.

As Anya pulled her phone out and replied to Dean, he decided to walk over to the coffee pot and make himself and Anya the coffee she requested in the bedroom. The conversation wasn't all that shocking to hear, of course Anya wanted to be treated normally and not like a child who would just call apart because of one broken arm. As he poured them both coffee into mugs, he noticed the look of sympathy Dean gave Anya and he knew at that moment Dean was already accepting her as part of the family. He didn't expect Dean to be that accepting so soon but it seemed Dean really was changing to some degree. He put it down to possibly Lexi's influence and the clear joy he had having Nat and Anna back in the bunker again. It was no secret to Sam how much deep down Dean had missed Natalia and Anna being around and fussing over the two of them. Which made him think that that need to be a protective big brother was now washing over toward Anya and he actually welcomed it. He picked up the mugs and walked back towards Anya with them when he saw Anya's body language as the phone replied about how tough she was and how she wanted to stay. That smirk appeared on his face once again as he put her mug on the coffee table until she gave herself a free hand again.

He listened to the conversation between the two of them, the mention of meds and coffee making him pull out the bottle from his jeans pocket and opening it for her, tipping two tablets out and placing them beside her mug. “Way ahead of you” he spoke up at Dean's comments about sorting Anya out with what she needed. He looked up at Dean as he got asked how he was, recognising the facial expressions all too well. “I'm good. Slept hard and feeling good” he told him honestly, reaching a hand out and patting his brother on the shoulder. He then looked around and saw no one else, figuring that Nat and Cason were making the most of their old bed, he just didn't think they were in the way they actually were and he couldn't say where Lexi was. He strangely had gotten so used to seeing her up and cooking in the morning that it felt odd she wasn't around. “It's weird not seeing Lexi cooking” he mused out loud, when suddenly she appeared from behind him, “wow Sammy…that's what I've been reduced to? Your chef?” Her voice broke from behind him in a teasing manner. “I uhh…no, that's not what I meant...I…” he began to stammer before getting a playful slap on the back, “I'm messing with you yah dingus!” She laughed.

Kay listened to what Bane said and she couldn't help but be intrigued at his answer, but she also just wanted to remain on the couch and not move for a while. What she went through somehow took a lot out of her, more than she realised at first. As John spoke up, she looked at him. "Well, by the sounds of it you won't have long to find out the answer" she replied as she rubbed the temples of her head, as if she was about to get a headache, even though she didn't actually have one currently.


Chas rolled his eyes and sighed when Lucifer said about upsetting John for kicks. Of course he would...he always did. "So...are we ready to leave?" He asked, looking around at everyone and seeing Maze had come back with their bags and everyone seemed to be together. He just wanted to get back at this point, part of him a little worried about Kay.

Fia smiled as Drake seemed to take her at her word, glad that she could reassure him finally that they would always be okay. She adored Drake and she never wanted to hurt him. Her attention moved from him to Chas when Chas asked about if they were all good to leave and go back to John's place, "yeah I'm good to go" she replied. "Same way we came here?" She questioned to which Chas nodded. "It's the quickest way" he told her honestly. "Okay, you know the drill, I have to be the last one through" she instructed, to which Chas nodded.

Fia didn't particularly want to use her magic from her dad's side in front of Lucifer or Maze, but she knew it had to be done. So as like before, she gave herself some space, picked a part of Lucifer's penthouse that had the most space and began to open the portal back to John and Kay. She didn't need to hold anyone this time as she knew the mill house like the back of her hand. Soon enough an opening appeared and they were able to see the others in John's living room round the couch on the other side. "Okay...walk through" she instructed as she held it open, letting Chas once again, go first.

Dean's morning flustered and bumbling of his words made Lexi smile, just as it always did. She chuckled as he pointed out it was unusual for her to have gotten up earlier than himself, knowing he wasn't exactly wrong about that fact. He was usually the first one up out of the two of them, but this morning she just found herself naturally waking up earlier and in the mood to get that morning workout in. “Figured you could do with the lay in this morning. As you said yourself, you're usually up way earlier than should be normal and you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you” she smiled, slightly teasing him whilst also being serious in her reasoning. She took a long drink of her water as she turned and saw him clearly listening out for anyone else before he made a remark about no one else seemed to be awake. “Anna is awake, she's in the gym on the treadmill. But I didn't notice or hear anyone else awake. Though I think after last night and yesterday's early start for the others it shouldn't be surprising. I think we can allow Natalia and Cason to get up whenever they want after that long drive from California” she pointed out.

Using a free hand, she pulled her gym towel off from her neck and used it to actually pat down the back of her neck instead of any possible sweat before doing the same on her back. “And like I said, figured you too could do with the rest. You're always up early and you deserve to sleep in some days you know” she told him, pointing her water bottle at him as she spoke. She couldn't help but mull over what Anna told her earlier about how Dean was looking the best he had done in months and she really had to wonder if it really was because of her. Has her entering his life really made that much of a difference that it's possibly put a lot of relief in people like Anna? She knew Dean had been struggling with his grief from what Sam had warned her about when she first came to the bunker, but now she had Anna's words rattling around in her mind and it brought it all up again. It even made her see how he really helped her come out of her own shell more, more so than even Sam had.

“So, I'm gonna go for a shower as, like you so eloquently put it, I'm sweaty and no one needs a sweaty me walking around the place” she smirked, stepping up to him once more and pecking his lips. “I won't be long, so keep that coffee hot for me?” She requested.


Sam smiled when he watched Anya glance down at her arm and lift it up to him to basically say she slept on her opposite side all night. He was glad she had woken up in a pretty good mood as part of him expected her to wake up in a less than happy mood after everything that transpired the night before. If she had, he wouldn't have blamed her for it at all, he knew all too well how grumpy having an arm in a cast made someone, and topping it off with the fact it was a sly demon that had caused it? He really wasn't expecting to see her still so chipper, but he was happy she hadn't lost the positive attitude. As her message played out, he started laughing at her remark about a nurse's uniform being too short on him. He stopped laughing, but kept the happy look on his face when she confirmed she had slept pretty well thanks to the meds the hospital gave her. He also wasn't surprised that she mentioned needing coffee to start the day. “I'm sure we can accommodate that need” he replied to her.

As he sat upright, he kept a watch on her as she moved up to join him in a more upright position. He wished he could do more to help her when she hissed as she moved to lean more against the headboard, but let her scoot closer to him after grabbing her phone again, instinctively he lifted and draped his arm around her shoulders so she could be closer to him. He didn't know that she heard about the discussion involving her voice last night, but he had hoped he could delay it as long as he could even though everyone else probably wouldn't let him delay it. Listening to her next message, he smirked and gave a nod, “good and I can get you coffee” he replied, kissing the side of her head. “I got your meds right here” he then added, stretching his free hand over to his bedside table and grabbing the bottle that contained the tablets, giving it a little shake in front of her. “Purposely kept them close in case you woke up in the night needing them” he told her honestly. “So…coffee” he said once more before forcing himself to pull away from Anya so he could actually get out of bed.

Every part of him wanted to just dive under the covers again and stay in bed, but he knew it was already late into the morning and if they didn't move, someone, probably Dean, would come and make them get up just so he wasn't the only one up and about. “Let's get you that caffeine before Dean drinks it all” he smirked, standing up and grabbing some basic clothes to yank on so he was at least presentable now that there were a lot more people around the bunker. The last thing he wanted was for his sister or her boyfriend to see him in his boxers. He waited for Anya to get up and join him as he grabbed her pain meds for her and then walked out of his room and towards the kitchen with her, eventually seeing Dean in there, which was of no surprise whatsoever. “You look like you haven't been awake long” he pointed out to Dean.


Cason's defence of him not complaining made Nat laugh. At least he had the sense to say ‘not much’ because she could easily point out many times when he would complain, whether it be the times over the years of having to drive long distances, even now or when she had the odd bit of junk food or junk snacks. She was just impressed that his constant complaining about her older eating habits did actually change her diet and it was a lot more varied now than it once was. So maybe his complaining wasn't always bad.

She just knew deep down that he would agree with her about making the most of being able to just be normal for a short while and not worry about the next job or destination. She had craved it for so long, even amidst the time she left the bunker and just wanted to go on hunt after hunt to distract her mind from the fact Mika had died and was not coming back this time. Part of her still wished she was the one who could track down the demon that killed her and destroy the weapon that did it. For what felt like the longest time, she could never get that moment out of her head, just seeing Mika's body on the ground, turned ashy grey, the stab wound sparking and hissing after she just managed to tell Dean 'it's okay…’ despite being absolutely terrified at the knowledge she wasn't coming back from that fight. The demon hadn't just killed Mika, they obliterated the phoenix that kept her alive as well. The extra hidden weapon in the group's arsenal. She was convinced for a while that not even Cason could have brought her back to reality and reason, but he somehow did and it made her love him even more.

She continued to smile when he swept her hair behind her ear and cradled her chin in the way he knew would always make her melt to him, just as she had a way of making him putty in her own hands. “I'm sure there are too, so I think we should find out what those million ways are…don't you?” She teased back with a flirtatious smile as he pulled her to him, meeting halfway and kissing him back just deeply.

Nat's thoughts about Duke echoed Anna's. Part of her wished she could respect Mika by helping Duke herself in some way. Look out for the man in Mika's memory, knowing how close the two were. But she also knew the best person to do that was Esme and in this situation, Cason. She trusted the both of them to bring Duke back so he could actually say goodbye to Mika and get some kind of closure that he rightly deserved, especially now that they had calmed Dean down enough for anyone else to go down to see Mika's body. It still felt so wrong to think of Mika as just a body in the basement and not the woman who kept them together. She didn't think it would ever feel right thinking about Mika in the past tense. She still wanted to go rogue and find a way of bringing her back, but she also knew how much quicker Cason would stop her from doing so. She also knew that right now Dean needed her more, just as Sam did. They needed each other.

As Anna agreed that it felt like Sam was taking a long time to get a drink and to come back like Anna requested, Nat felt like she wasn't being paranoid. She looked up when Anna got up off the bed beside Dean, knowing what she was thinking of doing. So when she asked Nat to watch Dean, it was the easiest request she could oblige. “Of course I will. Sam needs you, I got Dean” she replied, letting her go downstairs, whilst Nat moved over to the side of the bed and perched carefully beside Dean's sleeping form. She carefully took Dean's hand, not wanting to wake him up despite him seemingly being in a deep sleep. “Oh Dean…I wish I could take all of our pain away…I wish I could bring her back to you” she whispered, rubbing his hand with her thumb. “I know I give you way too much shit, but I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on you ever…” she continued talking despite him being asleep, feeling it's the only way she had the courage to even say it. “You've had to deal with far too much in such a short amount of time, but I'd like to think I know Meeko would want us all to do whatever it took to make you happy again. I could almost hear her complaining about how we're all moping around and not remembering the good times” she sadly smirked.

She could almost hear Mika giving them a real lecture for being so depressed in her head, ‘what you moping about for? I didn't stick around and give y'all amusing memories just to forget them the moment I'm dead’ Nat assumed Mika would say. Looking up from Dean, she glanced around the room and saw just how much Anna hid away for Dean's benefit, thinking how different it made the room feel, yet it still felt like Mika and Dean's little haven to Natalia. There was still the odd traditional sketch stuck on the wall that she recognised as Mika's work. A mixture of recent sketchings and ones that were much older, judging by the natural tanning of the paper. She never realized how much mythical related things Mika drew over the years, even way back before Nat was even on the scene, until now. She recognised one piece that was stuck to the wall as Mika's back tattoo design. “Hard to think that she won't ever use all these set supplies anymore…you know, when you were gone and she actually got out of bed? She was always at that desk drawing or painting…her grief into every single stroke…think it was the only time any of us ever saw her leave the bed. You're both so alike. But I know, giving her the Hunter's funeral will give us all closure and we're all going to help you through it…we just need the other three to come back first…” she sighed.

She knew Dean wouldn't be hearing her but she felt like if she didn't talk she would be overwhelmed with worry about the others. She hoped that Cason and Esme had got to Duke and they weren't too late, she knew the group wouldn't cope with another death so soon. Yet she also hoped Cason was safe as well, deciding that she would just assume no news was good news for her own sanity.


At first Sam didn't realize that he had been gone longer than he intended to be. He did want to go back upstairs so as not to worry the girls, but he didn't know when he would get another chance to actually see Mika before she got wrapped and burned. He didn't notice Anna had come down until she quietly spoke his name, making him look up and across at her. “Sorry for keeping you waiting…” he apologized, lifting his beer bottle to his lips for a moment. “I just…I didn't know when else I could get down here” he explained, feeling like he had to give justification for his actions like some kid who was going to get in trouble for walking off. Then she asked about going for a walk and getting some air and as much as he didn't want to leave Mika alone, he knew Anna's suggestion was probably needed. “...yeah, I don't think I can do it alone when the time comes” he agreed, standing up and leaned forward, placing a kiss on Mika's forehead as if to say goodbye. He then moved towards Anna, wiping his face of any rogue tears that may have been rolling down his face and took Anna's hand. Silently, he reluctantly went back upstairs with Anna and headed outside via the back lot, not wanting to go out the front door. He wasn't in the mood to go for a walk down the main road and risk seeing anyone who knew him.

He didn't want to have to explain why he looked so defeated and upset, knowing it probably was hard enough for Bobby to do. Sam could only imagine how hard it must be for Bobby to hide his grief from his face when being out in town, something he was even impressed Bobby could even bring himself to do. He even wondered if anyone had actually properly checked on the man, he felt guilty for being so washed up in his own grief that now he thought about it, he never checked on Bobby. Getting outside, the cold air hit him instantly, making him take a deep inhale of breath before exhaling. “It still doesn't fully feel real in a way, when we were kids, I always thought Mika was completely indestructible like Dean. She survived a wendigo attack, no one should have survived that…so I got convinced she was this…superhero or something” he told Anna as he tried to hold it together, finally being able to actually talk somewhat. “I know every hunter risks dying every day, but…I truly thought if she could survive a wendigo when she was a teenager, a demon would be no struggle for her. It doesn't feel right the world took her away from us” he said. “I still remember when she convinced Dean not to beat my ass for following you into that cabin when we were kids and not be bored in the motel nearby” he reminisced. “She always was team you, even back then. Saw us just as kids who wanted a moment of normalcy” he told her.

He hated talking about Mika in the past tense, it didn't feel right or just. If he hadn't killed Alastair in the moment, he knew he would have gone on a hunting spree with Duke to find him and kill him himself. All Mika ever tried to do when she was alive was to keep her family together, despite the rocky past she had with Dean. They always found their way back to each other, and even when she wasn't around, she still checked in with Sam via texts or phone calls, used to check how his university studying was going when they all had separated. He wished more than anything that he could just fix things, and he still couldn't fully shift the guilt for not getting to that warehouse quick enough. “Dean isn't going to be okay for a long while after this is all done…” he sighed.

Lexi didn't even think about the possibility anyone else would be up and wanting to use the gym, so when she heard Anna call out, she paused her punching and looked over. Judging by the looks on Anna's face, she didn't think Lexi would be in here either, which was confirmed by Anna telling her who she thought she was. Giving the woman a smile, she waved off her apology, “don't sweat it! And go for it, I'm almost done here anyway” she replied honestly, as she rotated her shoulders and neck whilst she was taking a momentary break and Anna went to the treadmill. If Anna thought she was Natalia, then she guessed the gym was almost like their little area to bond and work out together or train together. It would only be natural that Anna wouldn't be used to anyone else being in the room, especially someone like Lexi who was new to the group and close with Dean at that. She was about to start boxing again when Anna decided to strike up a casual conversation about Dean and she couldn't help but softly chuckled, “no, not that I'm aware of anyway. He was still out cold when I came in here. Decided I wouldn't wake him and just let him actually lay in. I get the feeling he doesn't let himself do that often” she replied, then went back to boxing, but more than happy to still talk if Anna wanted to.

Lexi soon stopped the boxing and walked over to the other mats to do a cool down, curious if Dean was actually awake yet and saw her note of if he was still asleep. Part of her wondered if thanks to her note, he would come to the gym, even if it was to confirm he got the note, but then the other part of her told her they weren't kids. They didn't need to be within touching distance of each other in the bunker 24/7. She was also trying to not come across as this clingy woman to his family, at least, his sister as she really did want to get to know her. She just hoped Natalia would want the same thing eventually and see her for her. For now though, she would take any kindness shown her way from Anna or Cason and decide that if Nat needed time to adjust to her being around Dean, then Lexi would give her that time. For all she knew Nat wouldn't be sticking around for too long and it may not become an issue anyway, but if she did stick around for a while, Lexi would like to at least try with Natalia.

After a few minutes of cool down stretches, she felt like she had well and truly worked up a sweat and was ready for whatever the day threw in her direction. Grabbing her towel and water bottle, she looked up at Anna, “enjoy the run!” She smiled as she waved with a flick of her wrist goodbye and headed out of the gym and towards the kitchen first. She needed a good shower, but she also wanted to partially refill her bottle of water and was curious if Dean was up yet. As she finally made it to the kitchen, she saw that Dean was indeed awake and up. “Morning sunshine” she smiled, walking up to him and kissing his cheek before going to the sink and refilling her water bottle partially for a quick drink to finish cooling down.


Sam didn't want to come across as a creep but he did want to make sure Anya was okay. So when she opened her eyes and smirked at him, he raised an eyebrow before noticing that she was feeling the pain meds beginning to wear off as she moved her arm. He leaned back a little as she moved her good arm to grab her phone from under her pillow, to give her space as she used the word bank to say what she wanted to. At the remark, he couldn't help but softly chuckle as he nodded, “yeah I slept, I'm not a total creep you know” he replied, serious but also slightly teasing her in a way as she looked at him in an accusatory manner before she typed out something else. He gave a little amused scoff as she called him a good nurse, “well don't expect a nurses uniform” he joked. “But seriously, did you sleep alright?” He asked her. “I know trying to get to sleep with a cast on isn't exactly the easiest thing to do” he told her, to show her that he really did know what she was currently dealing with. He just hoped that the meds she was on weren't wearing off as much as he was suspecting they were for her just yet.

As they laid there, he began to think that they had to get up sooner rather than later and he could have sworn he heard the familiar footsteps of Dean's walking through the hallway towards what he could only assume was the kitchen. “I guess we should get up at some point” he sighed, laying back down onto his back beside Anya, before he decided to sit up a bit instead. Running his hands through his hair to sweep it behind his ear, remembering that they had to talk to Anya about the facts from the night before. He still didn't really know how to touch that subject as he didn't want to upset her, but how could it not be upsetting? They had to tell her she would never get her voice, he just knew it had to be a stab in the heart for someone like Anya. “So…lots of rest today in the bunker, guess we'll find a few things to do at some point” he glanced down at her with a smile., glad that after last night he still had her beside him. Despite being happy, he still couldn't get the image of her on the floor hurt out of his head and how for the briefest of moments, he thought he lost her as well.


As Cason traced his hand through her hair and down to her chin, she smiled. It truly did feel like a much better morning now that she had a proper night's sleep. “I am pretty well rested. For what feels like the first time in absolute forever” she said after he kissed her nose. A little notion that had become a favorite of hers over the years. There was just something so tender about it coming from Cason. She didn't care if they would be the last people to get up and show themselves to the family, she was just enjoying the moment of not waking up still stressed out or groggy from a crap night's sleep. It still surprises her that the boys kept her room the way it was and more importantly to her, kept the bed and not switched it out for a mattress that she would have hated sleeping on. When she first left the bunker after Mika's death, she was convinced that one of them would have stolen her mattress for themselves, but it seemed she was completely wrong about it. She listened to him relay what he had heard throughout the bunker, even to this day, finding it a very useful skill he had. With Cason’s talent she didn't ever need to resort to having someone out in the open as a distraction for whatever reason. He could stay with her and still alert her to anyone coming nearby.

She rolled her eyes at his joke about Anya being quiet, but she still smirked at the joke nonetheless. She also was aware that Cason wanted to call Lexi Dean's girlfriend, but changed his mind at the very last second, so she decided to ignore it…for now. Her smirk only grew when he said about finding new ways of her making it up to him. “Oh like you were complaining last night” she pointed out, lifting her hand up and tapping his nose with her index finger. “But taking our time emerging from this incredibly comfortable bed sounds like the best idea right now. I can't remember the last we got to do this. Just chill for as long as we want to. I've missed it” she told him on a more serious note. “Yeah there's serious discussions that need to be had but like you say, what's the rush?” She smiled, leaning down and kissing his lips briefly. Raising a hand, she tangled her fingers up in his hair, watching him as she enjoyed not being in any rush to get up.

She knew they'd have to get up at some point but there was no way she was going to do that, just because she had to. If that meant staying in bed until someone had to bang on her door, then so be it. Nat then decided to move by rolling on top of Cason, looking down on him with a smile.

Lexi glanced at him when Dean basically repeated her own words just to really get it drilled into his own mind. With Nat and Cason back, it didn't go unnoticed to her that Cason seemed a bit put out that she was given the cup of coffee he was holding and it made her feel slightly bad that she seemed to have taken his drink. However, if Nat was willing to at least make a small move towards being nice to her, then she would take it, lifting the cup up to her lips and taking a sip as Dean subtly thanked his sister for being nice. She stayed out of the conversation as Dean offered to go with Cason to get something only for Cason to shut down the idea and grab Nat like some soft toy.

As she felt Dean's knee nudge her own, she looked up at him and nodded, about to reply when Dean's phone alerted him to a text from Sam. She saw the relief wash over him as his shoulders continued to drop and shake off all that anxiety. “That's good! I bet she'll be ready to leave as much as the rest of us” she replied. “That girl deserves a comfortable bed and being fussed over by Sam for a few days” she remarked.

—back at the bunker, the next day—

With morning rolling around, Lexi for once was up early. Despite having her own room, she had once again stayed in Dean's room to be close to him. Natalia's sisterly suspicion the night before didn't deter her from wanting to be close with Dean. She wasn't going to cave to someone younger than herself because they thought she wasn't up to the standard of the brother's ex.

So with her awake early, she had written a note for Dean and left it on her pillow beside to say that she had gone to the bunker's gym.

”morning handsome,
Don't panic, I'm in the bunker's gym,
Lexi xoxo’

She felt overdue for a good workout and as she couldn't get back to sleep, she decided she would find the gym and do a morning workout instead whilst she would most probably be the only one up to use it. Which she was and was grateful for. The gym was impressive considering how old it was, but it was also clear that slightly more modern equipment had been bought and set up, something she assumed was Sam's doing or possibly someone else in their family before Mika's passing. She had already been up for a good forty-five minutes and had decided she would stop after an hour, so after using weights and other apparatus, she decided to use up her last fifteen minutes of her time by getting some boxing in.


As he put his phone back in his pocket, Sam looked back at Anya and saw her getting emotional again about having everyone waiting for her and not abandoning her. He gave her a soft smile and wiped the tear from her cheeks and throat before lifting his hand up and stroking the back of her hair. She was rapidly becoming part of the family and he wanted to make sure she knew that over time. He glanced back at the doctor as he spoke to Anya about just giving the cast a few minutes to harden, nodding at the information. He watched as one nurse jogged off to the printer to get all her after care information folder and another removing her IV needle and drip. He watched as Anya signed three words slowly, seeing how much more difficult Anya was finding it with the cast, but as she hoped he would, he did get the jist of it. “Home definitely sounds good” he agreed with her as the nurse that went off to get her folder, came back quicker than he even thought she would be.

He took the folder of information from the nurse, tucking it under his arm whilst keeping ahold of it as she told Anya what to do and not do, before turning to him. “I'll be definitely keeping an eye on her” he confirmed with a smile just as Anya signed to go and slid off the bed into his chest. He chuckled softly at her eagerness to leave, wrapped his free arm round her and started to walk her out to the waiting room to meet up with the others, stopping at the in hospital pharmacy on the way to get her pain meds.

—back at the bunker, the next day—

The night before, Sam insisted on Anya staying in his room for the night so if she needed anything, he could easily help her. He was paranoid that she'd wake up in the night in pain and wouldn't be able to alert him if she stayed in the room that they set out for her. He also knew if she wasn't in his room, he wouldn't be able to sleep. It was completely irrational, but after everything and everyone they had lost or almost lost over the years, he wasn't taking chances. Even though Anya was in no way a critical condition. So when morning came round, he opened his eyes and looked over at Anya, smiling that judging by her position on him, she seemed to manage to get some kind of rest. He kissed the top of her head and gave her a squeeze into him. He knew the day would probably entail a long chat about the reality of what last night brought them, something he wasn't particularly looking forward to. He also knew that if there was absolutely no chance of Anya getting her voice back, then there was no doubt nowhere else they could turn to get it for her.

Would she even want to stay if there was no hope of having a voice? He couldn't say for certain what choice Anya would choose but he hoped she would stay with him and the others, even with Dean's attachment to the First Blade and the mark of Cain being a big black cloud hovering over the whole bunker. That was yet another thing he had to worry about with keeping Anya safe from, knowing what Dean's anger when he used the blade did to his brother. It was bad enough that they hadn't even told Natalia about the situation, knowing it would no doubt send Nat off on one of her rants about how stupid Dean was for doing something so big without discussing it with them all. There was so much to discuss, or get out in the air that he didn't know how this next day or so would turn. The only thing he could control or know was that he was going to continue looking after Anya to the point that Anya would have to tell him to back off before he willingly did so.


Nat gave Dean a nod of acknowledgement as he patted her arm, just knowing that was his way of thanking her for making an effort with Lexi, albeit a very very small amount of effort. She was still reluctant in having made the move, but right now she knew it was not the time to keep up the suspicious grudge against Lexi because she wasn't Mika. She still had no plans in seeing Lexi as any sort of mother or sister figure any time soon. No one could take that mantle from Mika in Nat's eyes. She was about to take a sip of her own drink when she felt Cason's hand grip the back of her jacket and pull her back into his chest, wrapping his arm around her like a plush toy. She smiled at the action, used to the way he would pull her into him like this, draping her free arm over his. “Sorry for giving her your drink…I caved under pressure to not be petty” she quietly told him. “I'll make it up to you at the bunker” she smiled, leaning her head back just enough to be able to kiss his cheek.

She looked up at Dean when he got a text and felt relief that Anya was okay and would be out soon. “My guess is Sam will be like a leech on her for a few days once home” she smirked. She just hoped that Anna would still be okay about it until they decided it was time to leave again. Yet she would only leave when she knew for sure they weren't going to be needed. She intended originally to do this hunt and just head back out on the road, drop Anna back in Denver and probably stay at Duke's for a few days, but she didn't have it in her to leave just yet for Anya's sake. Dean also owed her take out for making the stupidly long drive to them all.

—back at the bunker, the next day—

Waking up in her designated room that Dean and Sam always kept for her, felt strange as it had been so long since she last was in the room. Turning onto her side, she cuddled right up into Cason, draping a leg and arm over him. “Morning” she sleepily greeted him, feeling more rested than she thought she would. She put it down to finally having space and time alone with Cason the night before, without always worrying about whether or not they'd be ambushed at a motel or something needing their attention at the last second. She actually got to just be Cason's other half, feeling relaxed knowing no threat would be getting into the bunker and she could actually be intimate with him the night before.

She hadn't even looked at the time via the clock on the wall above her old desk, just enjoying being tangled up in Cason. So she had no idea if others were already up or not, not that she cared too much. The only thing she ever cared about was whether or not she slept soundly the night before or not, but she guessed she had done considering how rested she felt and content. Another upside to having sex with the love of her life.
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