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Current Happy birthday to me!
12 mos ago
Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts


Anna taking charge of looking after Dean, cleaning him up was somewhat a relief to Sam and Nat. As much as both wanted to help, they both were still grieving themselves and dealing with the reality that they just witnessed Dean fight it out with Duke in such a brutal manner. The siblings also didn't know exactly how to help Dean when he was practically a shell of his former self through this loss he was feeling. Sam looked over when Anna came back into the room and pulled the corner chair out for him, Sam went over and sat on it, leaning his arms on the back of it, whilst Nat stayed put exactly where she was. It felt weird to him being in Mika's room under these circumstances and as he sat there, he remembered how it had actually been a long time since he was last in the room. He'd come upstairs and knocked on the door plenty of times, even leaned his head in to check on Mika in the past, but it had been a very long time since he was actually in the room. Glancing around he noticed how Anna had hid the direct memories of Mika, mostly the photos and he sighed. The room felt so empty despite having four of them in it. It didn't feel right being in here without Mika telling them it was okay, even though Mika had considered it also Dean's room. This was their sanctuary and space to just be them, it strangely felt like he was intruding.

As he let the girls clean Dean up, Sam let himself go down memory lane as he thought about the time when he was a kid and he came up sheepishly, to ask her for advice.

A little knock on Mika's door came echoing through the music she was playing as she sat on her bed sketching for old time's sake whilst cuddled up to Dean. They both knew that knock all too well, “come in Sammy” she called out, causing him to open the door and step inside. “What's up kiddo?” She asked him, “can I ask you guys something?” Sam asked nervously, making Mika put down her book and pencil, glance at Dean and then at Sam. “Sure you can. You know you can talk to us about anything” she replied, gesturing for him to climb onto the bed and sit with them, much to Dean's disgruntled reaction.

“How…umm…how do you talk to girls?” He asked, barely looking up at either of them but aware that they looked at each other and smiled before looking back at him. Mika just reached out and grabbed him, yanking him to between herself and Dean, cuddling him as Dean and she started to give him some advice whilst also making it comical so he lost his nervousness.

He snapped out of the memory when he heard Dean's groggy voice questioning if he was seeing the right person over him. He couldn't help but smile sadly as Anna spoke to Dean, telling him not to apologize now whilst he's in such a state. As Anna handed the cloth to Natalia, he fell into more memories of being in the room and being looked after by Mika, tears threatening to spill down his face silently, making him wipe his face.

Natalia took the cloth from Anna, noticing out of the corner of her eye how Sam was forcing the tears away whilst in his own little world. She didn't have memories of being in the room like Sam did, the only ones she had were of her trying to convince Mika to get out the room during the four months of Dean in Hell, or coming in to check Mika was ready to head out on a hunt. “Okay” she replied to Anna as she began to gently wipe the blood off of Dean's knuckles and hands, seeing where he was grazed and bruised but glad he wasn't in a worse state. “I just hate it's taken him to get to this state before accepting the reality. Not surprised, but hate it anyway” she sighed. “It was hard enough trying to get through to Mika when Dean was in Hell in this room, and I never thought I'd be back in here tending to him this time round” she continued to say. A part of her wanted to climb onto the bed and just hug her brother, to give him comfort as he slept from the exhaustion that had finally taken over him, but she also knew she needed to be available for whenever Cason and Esme got back. Not only that, someone had to be mentally available for when Bobby got back from the shops and eventually will have to begin the process of wrapping Mika's body up. Once she had finished cleaning up Dean's hands, she stood up and took the cloth back to the en suite bathroom, cleaning it of Dean's blood before draping it over the side of the bath to dry.

Walking back into the room, she sat back beside Dean on the bed to keep watching over him and being available in case Anna needed her help with anything. ’at least he's okay now…’ she thought to herself and hoped Cason was having any kind of good luck with Duke. “I just hope the others are getting through to Duke, I hate seeing these two in this way” she commented. “If anyone can get through to him it'll be Esme and Cason.” Sam replied flatly as he continued to watch over Dean and the girls. He felt like a bit of a loose end in the room and with the added memories constantly coming in and out of his mind, he almost couldn't handle being in the room anymore. “I'm gonna go grab us some drinks” he said, forcing himself to stand up and leave the room, heading downstairs. Although he had every intention of coming back upstairs with some drinks for them all, he also wanted to finally pluck up the courage to go visit Mika's body, now that Dean wasn't keeping her from the rest of them.

Walking into the kitchen first, he headed to the fridge and grabbed three bottles of beer, opening them all, leaving the caps on the counter top and then forced his feet to lead him down to the basement. Making it downstairs, he paused at the panic room door before making himself step inside, seeing her body on the makeshift bed, a lump in his throat forming. He walked over to the chair that Dean used to sit on before everything escalated and looked at Mika, tears falling down his face, his jaw locking up as he tried to not completely break down. “Guess it's my turn to say goodbye huh?” He shakily said, lifting one bottle up and taking a swig. “Sorry it took me so long…Dean kinda didn't let any of us come down to see you until now. I miss you so much Meeko. Everyone does…” he sobbed. “Duke has done a runner…but Esme and Cason are getting him back, they know you'd be so mad at him right now” he explained, “Dean is upstairs finally resting and accepting you're…well…down here” he said with a sigh, wiping his face but the tears kept falling. “I'm so sorry I didn't arrive sooner to stop Alastair from doing this to you. I'll always carry that guilt” he finally admitted, “I know Duke blames himself but it's my fault, not his and I wish Dean took his grief out on me, not Duke” he continued to sob.

“Tomorrow morning we'll give you the Hunter's Funeral you deserve, but I wanted to spend some time with you on my own before then. I love you and I'll always miss having my big sister around. I promise I'll look after Dean and Nat for you. Make sure they're safe…” he said before letting himself fall quiet.

Upstairs, Natalia could t help but notice how long it was taking Sam to get three drinks. “He's taking a long time” she remarked.

Kay had absolutely no inclination to go anywhere near the way to Hell, she hadn't spent all these years running from demons just to go running towards them. After what she saw in the vision, or at least, what she's deeming as a vision, she wasn't even sure she wanted to go anywhere near the phoenix and Fae kind either. She wanted to stay here, at John's place with John and safe. She gave a nod when he mentioned about only taking the safest road and path that also gave them answers. She wasn't sure she wanted to meet Lucifer and whoever this Maze was, but she also knew she had no say in that matter.

"Okay..." She said simply before glancing at Bane as he drowned at the whole mention of Lucifer and Maze visiting to help. "I take it you're not their greatest fan so to speak?" She said to Bane.


Chas sighed at Lucifer's comment, seeing he really was as childlike as ever it seemed. "Well, I don't think it's gonna be a walk in a park that's for sure. Extra help wouldn't exactly be a bad idea" he remarked back to the man. "Just word of warning, don't bombard Kay at the house yeah? She's skittish around demons and stuff. Her and John have gotten close and if she's upset? I've noticed he gets upset., so please just take it slow around her?" He requested of Lucifer and Maze.

Fia glanced up at Drake when he asked if they were okay again and it made her smile softly, linking her arm in his. "Yeah, we're okay now" she told him honestly.

Like the others, Lexi was incredibly relieved that Anya was alright and awake. As much as she was convinced Anya would be alright, there was still that little part of her that still worried. Anya had connected with them so quickly and she really felt protective of the girl. As Dean walked back to her and sat beside, leaning into her shoulder, she snaked her arm through his hand and interlocked their fingers, learning now this was his need for physical comfort in the sense of touching. “There will be a long chat no doubt, but like you said, right now the most important thing is that she's alright. She'll no doubt be sore for a few days, will have Sam doting on her every minute of the day, but she's alright” she replied with a soft smile, just thinking about Sam not leaving Anya alone for a single minute. The very thought equal amounts of amusing, adorable and worrying. She figured if Sam did get that bad, Anya would be finding all kinds of ways to tell him to back off just a little bit.

She saw Dean's legs bouncing anxiously and looking for his sister and Cason before speaking once again. Squeezing his hand in comfort she looked at him back properly, “she shouldn't be too much longer hopefully no. Depends on how long it'll take to process the paperwork and getting her some painkillers for that broken arm of hers.” She replied rationally. “I'm gonna guess up to an hour if they're as busy back there as it seems here” she said, glancing around at how much busier it was getting. “And I'm sure Natalia and Cason will be back soon. She seemed a bit on edge so probably needed some air as well as getting drinks” she said, figuring he needed some kind of reassurance about the others as well. During their wait, she got the feeling there was more than just worry about Anya running through the family but she also knew it wasn't her place to question any of it, they were there for Anya after all.


Sam listened to the nurse explain the situation with Anya's injuries, taking everything on board wholly, deciding that if the nurse said Anya had to rest for the most part, then he would make sure she rested. He would do whatever it took to make sure that Anya got better as quickly as possible, even if that made him insufferable back at the bunker. “I'll make sure she gets the rest she needs.” He replied, keeping a hold of her hand the whole time he spoke, until he felt her pull her hand from his so she could sign to him, letter by letter with her one good hand. He smiled and kissed the side of her head. “Yeah home” he smiled, knowing exactly what that would possibly mean to her as it meant the world to him and Dean when they got the bunker for themselves and made it their permanent home. There weren't many places they could call their home, the bunker and the impala were about those only places they called home and he hoped that Anya would come to think of at least one of those as her home someday.

He couldn't bear the thought of ever losing her and the fact she didn't seem too scared to go back to the bunker with them all, he hoped that meant the hunt going awry didn't put her completely off being around any of them. He knew in the back of his head that they would all have to discuss the hunt and that she would never get her voice, but he couldn't let himself think about it for the time being. The voice the demon made him hear still rang through his mind, echoing like some siren from the depths and it was haunting. If he let himself think about it, he would get distracted and right now Anya needed him completely in the room with her and not just physically. He pulled out his phone and quickly rattled off a text to Dean explaining what the nurse told him before putting his phone away. “Just giving Dean the updates so he can stop worrying in the waiting room. They've all been pretty worried” he told Anya.

“None of them will leave until you're able to leave with us. The family really cares about you already” he said smiling, knowing that if she was accepted by his siblings and Lexi, she was a keeper.


Nat sighed when Cason reminded her that Sam was only being as worried as he had been because of Anna dying and coming back. She knew he was right, but she also felt like his words weren't completely dismissing what she was trying to convey either. She knew a bit of her intolerance towards Sam's worrying was down to her own issues with hospitals, but she had also learned, even if they were selfish thoughts, not to bottle it all up. As they reached the cafe, she walked in after he opened the door for her, hovering until he was in and then headed over to where the hot drinks could be made, glad that for once it wasn't entirely machine coffee. “Yeah… I hope so, I still can't get fully over my dislike of these places. Stupid I know…” she replied to him, then turned her attention to the member of staff, ordering drinks for those of them left in the waiting room area.

Waiting for the drinks to be made, she couldn't help but look around at the families and friends all waiting for loved ones or talking with loved ones who clearly weren't getting out of hospital any time soon, but spending this time to feel normal in the cafe. She truly felt sorry for the patients who were in for the long haul, though she also couldn't help but feel like they were lucky in the sense that at least this type of hospital, they could have visitors. She snapped out of her thoughts when the drinks were ready, pulling her wallet out of her pocket and paying for them all before thanking the staff member. Picking up two of the cups and handing one of them to Cason, so she didn't have to hold them all herself and risk dropping them. She also was well aware she had been petty once again and not got one for Lexi, deciding she could use the excuse of not knowing what she liked. Grabbing the other cups, she began to walk back with Cason. She had hoped the walk would have taken longer, but being away for even a little while was better than nothing. She didn't know that Sam had been called in to see Anya, but thinking about what Cason said earlier about having heard she was okay, she knew they couldn't be in here for much longer.

Reaching the waiting room again, she walked in and over to Dean and Lexi, seeing how nervous Dean still seemed to be. “It was a longer walk to the cafe than we thought” she explained, which wasn't entirely a lie as she handed Dean one cup that she knew she had was his. She then started to bottle in the pettiness she was feeling towards Lexi, and at the very last second to not look petty she took the cup of Cason's and handed it to Lexi. “Hope it's alright, don't know what you like” she grumbled to Lexi as Lexi took the cup, surprised that Nat included her in the drinks run. “Thanks” Lexi replied, to which Nat just shrugged her shoulders, shrugging the thanks off and stepping back to their seats that were luckily still free. She would just have to share her drink with Cason to make up for giving Lexi his drink.

Lexi agreed with Dean that with any luck, Anya would be in and out of a hospital in no time if it was just a broken arm. She had a hunch that Anya simply passed out from the adrenaline leaving her body and the pain in her arm making her black out so she didn't have to feel said pain. Yet she also was acutely aware that she was not a healthcare professional and for all they knew Anya could have suffered something internally, but her hunch didn't think so. “I agree, we all underestimated what we were facing and that shouldn't fall onto any one of us. We all share the rookie mistake” she then replied, seeing Nat talk Cason down. Looking back at Dean, seeing him nod towards the cars, she nodded in understanding and began to walk with him and Anna towards the cars. She saw how Anna link arms with Dean and she couldn't help but let a small smile briefly cross her lips. It felt so familial in nature and Anna didn't seem to be as worked up about Sam or the situation with Anya as she was when she first arrived at the bunker. Clearly Anna and Sam had an actual chat as well as falling into old habits before the hunt which in Lexi's eyes, could only be a good thing.

Once at the cars, she leaned against the impala letting Dean pull out his phone and search for the nearest hospital whilst also looking over at Sam to check he was going to be okay as he held Anya on the other side of the car. “She'll be okay Sam” she tried reassuring him, making him glance towards her, “yeah…yeah” he said, not as convinced at the moment as he wished he never had to use Anya as bait. Turning back to Dean and Anna, Lexi looked at Dean, “find a hospital?” She asked.

—A bit Later, at the Hospital—

She waited in the waiting room with the others, minus Nat and Cason due to Nat’s insistence on getting them all a hot drink whilst they waited. She sat beside Dean, one leg crossed over the other, propping her head in her hand as her elbow was propped up on the arm rest. One thing she was thankful for was Anna taking Sam's hands and forcing him to sit down and calm down. His earlier pacing was even making her nervous and she was sure he would just wear a hole in the ground if he didn't stop. She began to wonder how much longer it would take when a nurse came out and signaled for Sam to follow her to Anya. She sat upright as Dean stood from his seat as Sam listened to what the nurse was saying, sighing in relief herself that Anya was okay but a little scared.


When the others made it to the car, he waited for Dean to find the closest hospital before Lexi spoke to him and he replied with not as much optimism as she had.

Once Dean found the route to the nearest hospital, he got in, carefully getting Anya in first, then before Lexi would insist he goes in the front, he climbed in the back, refusing to leave Anya’s side. In his seat, he gently pulled Anya into him for safety reasons and to keep a hold of her just in case she did wake up before they made it to the hospital, and he could calm her down if it happened.

Sadly, it didn't happen before they made it to the hospital and he just carried her in, walking up to the reception and explained what happened in the most normal of situations as possible, making sure to leave out the whole demon summoning and demon fight parts. With Anya being checked in, he helped the nurses by carrying Anya through to a bed whilst the others remained in the waiting area. At the bed, he put her down and stepped back, nodding reluctantly as the nurses told him to go wait in the designated area with the others he came in with. He knew she would be scared when she woke up and it tore away at him having to leave her side. Walking back to the others, he explained to them all that they're tending to her and it's just a waiting game, but he couldn't just sit still. So he remained standing for a bit before his restlessness got the better of him and he just kept pacing back and forth. “Sam just sit down, pacing isn't helping anyone” Nat sighed, “I'm too restless..” he said back to her a bit flatly, before Nat decided to go get everyone drinks.

He only eventually stopped when Anna forced him to sit beside her and held his hand. The touch made him finally begin to calm down somewhat. “...thanks” he mumbled to her, accepting her calming touch. He sat much more still than he had been as all kinds of thoughts ran through his mind, scared that as they all waited in this waiting area, Anya would wake up and think they all abandoned her. He didn't want her thinking that whatsoever as he couldn't ever imagine just abandoning her after what they just put her through. When the nurse came out, he looked up straight away and let go of Anna's hand, standing up behind Dean, listening to the nurse say Anya was okay but needed him. He instantly followed the nurse without a single word spoken, reaching Anya where he swiftly went to her side. “I'm here, we are all here. The others are waiting in the waiting area.” He told Anya, taking her good hand and giving it a squeeze. He saw how frightened she looked and he just knew she had thought exactly what he feared she would.

He then looked up at the nurse in the room, “when can I bring her home?” He asked.


Nat knew Cason never wanted her to talk him out of his guilt, but she would always do it anyway because she hated seeing him blame himself for something that was out of his control. She saw no benefit to him beating himself up over Anya not getting her voice or getting her arm broken. She also knew that as much as he was reluctant to be talked out of it, he always listened to her and knew she spoke sense in these moments. The way he tilted his head told Natalia that her words had gotten through to him and he saw the reality. Giving him just enough room to wipe his hands on his jeans and stow the angel blade up his jacket sleeve, she listened to him speak and nodded. She didn't like the idea of Anya's voice never actually existing but she also could understand why Cason didn't want to get into the possibility of bringing Crowley into the mix. It was better if those two kept their distance from each other, as she knew she'd stand between them to protect Cason, even though he could protect her a lot better than her protecting him.

Taking his hand, she just let him tug her towards the cars as she always did. She didn't fully know when over the years it even started, but it somehow became their thing and she didn't complain once when he did it. “I hope we can break it to him as well, we both know how he latches onto things like this instead of letting them go” she replied to him as they walked, reaching the cars. Letting go of Cason's hand, and as Dean checked for the nearest hospital, Nat walked to the trunk of her own car and popped it open, placing her angel blade inside before she gestured with a grabby hand motion for Cason to give her his blade so it could also be stored before closing the trunk.

With the directions to the hospital retrieved, she walked round to the driver's side of her car, opening the door. “You lead, we'll follow” she told Dean before they all got in and headed out.

—at the hospital—

Reaching the hospital, she followed everyone inside, and went straight to the waiting area, pulling Cason with her whilst Sam got the help that Anya needed and carried her through to a bed. Sitting on a chair, she leaned her head on Cason's shoulder and kept a hold of his hand as even after all these years, she absolutely detested hospitals. She tolerated them if she really had to, but overall she hated them with a passion due to her past. The trauma of her past may have subsided for the most part, but her hatred of any kind of hospital didn't diminish over the years. She glanced her eyes upward when Sam eventually came back and began to pace not long after that, which just made Nat irritable. She understood why he was pacing but it still irritated her all the same thing. “Sam just sit down…pacing isn't helping anyone” she sighed, using her free hand to rub her temple. “...I can't,” he replied flatly.

If Sam was going to continue to pace around the waiting room, then Nat decided she wasn't going to sit around and just watch him drive himself crazy. “I'm gonna do a drinks run.” She declared, pulling Cason up to come with her so she didn't have to carry so many drinks all on her own and walked around, following the signs to the cafe. “His pacing was driving me mad” she admitted, even if it was more obvious than she thought it had been. “I hope Anya is okay, I do, but ugh…if I see Sam panic pace any longer I'll knock him out myself” she complained.

As much as Nat wanted Cason to stay home away from the new threat that was Duke's rage, she knew it was the right thing to do to go after him and bring him home. She knew Mika would want him home and he deserved to say goodbye to her properly if they convinced Dean to burn her body. She looked up again when Cason came over to her and she listened to his words, reassuring her that he was going to come back. As he leaned in and kissed her deeply, she kissed him back, closing her eyes causing a couple more tears to fall before Cason pulled away and wiped away her tears. She let the feeling of his forehead on hers to linger as she looked at him, knowing the look he was giving her. “I know you will” she whispered to him, to show she did indeed understand the look he was giving her before letting him go and find Duke. When he disappeared, she let out a breath, hoping that Cason and eventually Esme could bring Duke back from the edge of whatever suicide mission he had bolted to. She didn't know Duke as well as the others did, but she still liked him and he always had made Mika happy, which made Natalia happy. He was also always so nice to her and didn't judge her for her outbursts. So she wanted him to come home.

She barely had a moment to register that Cason had momentarily popped back in the room when he had taken Esme to what she presumed was Duke's location. If he had come back for Esme then there was still hope that Duke could be brought back alive, so she forced herself to focus on the others left in the room and finally seeing that Dean let himself mourn and accept the facts. As much as he terrified her, she felt so sorry for him seeing him feeling this hurt and distressed. She watched as Dean just crumbled on Sam, crying uncontrollably into Sam's shoulder as he gripped onto him tightly, and Sam held him tightly in place, feeling glad that his brother was finally letting it all out. Nat glanced over at Anna as she spoke up about getting a bed ready for Dean so he could rest up, thinking it was a good idea. Dean needed to get this grief properly out of his system alone and not by sitting beside Mika's body in the panic room. “I'll bring the ice pack” she told Anna, wanting to help them get Dean upstairs. She unwrapped herself from the throw and got off the couch, power walking to the kitchen and opening the freezer to grab one of Bobby's ice packs he always kept in there with the frozen veg bags that Mika had always insisted he have. Any other time she would have grimaced at the frozen broccoli, but she didn't even give it a second glance this time. Her brother needed her and Sam and that's all she could think about right now.

Walking back into the room, she stood in front of both her brothers, looking up at Sam. “Let's get him upstairs, I'll help” she told him, getting a nod in response as she led the way to the stairs and up the staircase.


Sam kept a tight hold on Dean as he got onto his feet, seeing and feeling how unsteady Dean was on his feet. “I got you” he told him softly, letting Dean just take in all their other words. He knew that Dean would want to argue their requests but he also saw how much weaker Dean was after the fight with Duke and he just didn't have the energy to argue. Only able to finally agree to burning Mika's body. He held Dean close to him as Dean finally broke down, letting himself feel all the pain and grief he had been holding back these last three days. He let Dean just sob onto his shoulder, grip onto the back of his shirt, anything to just let it all out. “Let it out brother…I got you” he cooed before looking past Dean's shoulder to Anna when he heard her words break through the silence. “Thanks Anna” he replied, then glanced over at Natalia who offered to get the ice pack. He gave her a soft sympathetic smile to say thanks for helping, knowing how much she was scared moments ago, but still being able to be a sister to Dean.

He waited for Natalia to come back with the ice pack then when he thought Dean was ready to move, he began the slow careful walk towards the staircase and helped him up, letting Natalia always be two steps ahead of them both. He knew it would be risky taking Dean into Mika's room, but he also figured Anna would take care of any triggers for Dean so he could focus solely on resting up. Once at the door to the room, he paused for a moment so Natalia could open it for him, letting them in and he brought Dean to the bed, laying him down. He let Natalia step up and hand Anna the ice pack so she could play nurse. “Need either of us to stay with you to help?” Sam asked Anna, hating seeing his brother in such a state. He watched as Nat perched on the edge of the bed and took Dean's bloodied hand into her own without saying a single word. Just wanting to give him some kind of comfort as the baby sister. It brought the tiniest of smiles to Sam's face seeing Nat wanting to be there for Dean.

“Something tells me Nat wants to stay here” he remarked to Anna, with Natalia nodding and looking at them both. “I do…I wanna be here for him” she commented.

Lexi saw Sam making a run towards Anya when the light back to the area, seeing him vault over the rock like it was nothing and she knew they had to get him back before he possibly screwed everything up. Sam was running on emotions and that was always dangerous. Something he had always told her not to do when they did a hunt together, especially the hunt they did a few weeks ago that involved a kid a demon had possessed. She learned the hard way of running in guns blazing with her emotions leading the way. She couldn't see Sam go down that same path. Catching Dean's eyes, she made a run for it with him, hand in hand until they reached the clearing and saw that it seemed to be over whilst Sam was knelt down with Anya in his arms. She felt a lump in her throat, unable to speak, thinking the worst until Cason confirmed that Anya was actually still alive and it was the demon that was dead. A huge relief washed over her, her whole body relaxing knowing they had all come out of it alive, with only Anya truly hurt.

She looked over as Nat comforted Cason and tried to convince him he wasn't to blame for any of this. Taking in the situation around them as Sam stood up, still holding Anya close to his chest in his arms. “We'll get her to the nearest one soon Sam” she told him, seeing that Ruby's knife was still on the ground. She was going to suggest they all headed to the cars just as Sam had got there first by saying he'll meet them all there. Letting go of Dean's hand with her only free hand that wasn't holding an angel blade, she knelt down and picked up Ruby's knife, walking back to Dean and handing it to him for safe keeping. “I don't think he'll wait much longer. We should get her to the hospital and just take a moment to figure out what to say to Anya, if there even is anything to say. Or like your sister says, go back to the drawing board” she said to Dean. “Seems everyone is feeling somewhat deflated about tonight” she pointed out, seeing how Cason was clearly feeling what she could only see was guilt, even though it was crazy to her still to think of a demon feeling human emotions.


Seeing Anya looking up at him made Sam sigh with relief that she was okay, hurt, but okay and able to communicate with him through her eyes. He could tell just by the way she was holding her arms close to her chest, and the swelling that it was broken. He had broken his arm at least once before and he knew what it looked like. He watched her as she lifted her good arm and hand up, signing to him letter by letter and as he focused to understand what she was saying, he nodded to her. “We're gonna help you okay?” He spoke as she lifted her hand up higher to his jaw, but that relief didn't last long when she fainted in his arms. “Anya?” He called before looking over at Anna, only now noticing that she had followed him, along with the others. Anna's words became another wave of relief when she confirmed that Anya was okay, making him see for himself her chest rising and falling asleep she breathed, despite being unconscious. “Hospital, I think anything at home or supernatural will be too much for her” he replied to her.

Keeping hold of Anya, he carefully stood up onto his feet whilst making sure he didn't drop the girl, keeping her close to his chest, Ruby's knife still on the ground. He looked around at the group as Nat checked Cason over and vice versa, Lexi just looking on whilst Cason answered the questions Dean had asked of Sam. “Like I said to Anna just now, we need to take Anya to a hospital. She's broken her arm and I think she needs to get it seen normally and not by our way. She's been through enough tonight.” He explained to the others. He glanced back over to Anna and gave her a nod of thanks for confirming for him that Anya was okay before looking at the others and seeing other than Cason's bloody nose and sore ears, they were all okay as well. “We can focus on what's next after we've got Anya’s arm seen to at the hospital” he finally commented, “I'll meet you at the cars” he stated, deciding to walk ahead of everyone else, heading straight for Dean's car, hoping that Anya would wake up soon. For all he knew, she hit her head pretty hard and had a concussion that they didn't know about. He needed to know by a professional that she was okay or at the very least, going to be okay.

He didn't want to just assume it was only a broken arm Anya had endured during the fight with a demon. Though her remaining awake long enough for him to get to her, he had a sense of pride for her willpower. He didn't blame Cason for any of this even if it would be easy to do exactly that. He couldn't blame the one man who was able to be anywhere near close enough to her to try and help. Anya may have been the one to make the kill, but just knowing Cason was there was a comfort to his mind. He knew when they had a moment to just chill out, he would have to thank Cason for doing what he could to help Anya. Looking down at her in his arms, he felt so bad that she couldn't get her voice back, the sound of what the demon made him hear echoing in his head. “I'm so sorry you couldn't get your voice back” he spoke softly down to her. He knew how much she wanted it back, to be able to speak to him normally. He could see it in her eyes any time she spoke about it in the bunker. Saw how it ate away at her little by little when she wanted to just communicate normally before resorting to her phone or ASL.


As Cason shook his arms and legs and cracked his neck from being on the ground, Natalia was relieved when he confirmed to her that he was good, despite the bloody nose. As she called over for Dean and Lexi, but mostly her brother, she wrapped an arm round Cason as a natural reaction when she felt his arm around her waist. She was aware he was checking her over himself, but luckily for herself, Anna, Dean, Sam and Lexi, nothing came for them other than the pitch dark. The moment she got confirmation that Dean and Lexi were nearby before coming into view, she looked back toward Anya and Sam. She felt guilty that Anya got hurt on this first hunt of hers and they failed to get her voice back for her, but she was also impressed that Anya managed to kill her first demon with a clearly broken arm. Her eyes looked up at Cason when he began to speak, listening to him all but blame himself for what happened. “Hey..none of this is your fault babe” she told him, lifting her free hand up to his cheek. “there was always going to be a high chance she'd get hurt in some way during this. As much as that sucks to hear and accept, it's the truth. You should have seen the state of me after my first hunt. I was in worse shape than Anya was. Just ask the boys. That asshole played us all.

He made us all hear her voice, a voice that he never truly had. He played us all like damn violins in the dark. But that girl is made of tougher stuff. She killed him whilst having a broken arm.” She told him, hoping that at least some of her words would be of some comfort to him. “Right now, the important thing is to get her arm checked out in a hospital and then we go back to the drawing board” she added, looking him in his eyes and seeing how guilty he was feeling. Sam's voice broke through her moment with Cason, making her look over to him as he said about heading to the car ahead of them all. She couldn't blame him for wanting to walk on ahead whilst carrying Anya's unconscious body. She really was thankful that Anya was alright even if she was out cold. At least she was alive. After everything they had gone through the last year or so, anyone who survived a hunt or fight and came out alive was a big mercy in her eyes. She knew no one could lose anyone else, whether they were known to her family for five minutes or five years. She also could see how torn up Sam was, even if he wasn't showing most of it on the outside. He was worried about Anya and what they all heard in the woods was clearly eating him up inside.

“I just hope Sam can continue forward after hearing what we all thought for a moment was Anya's voice” she sighed, watching as Lexi stepped forward and picked up Ruby's knife to hand to Dean.

Hearing Dean chuckle at her little quip made Lexi smile. Nat may not have found the situation funny, but it was amusing to her how Dean reacted to what all the sigils on the whistle meant. It was such an innocent reaction in her eyes that she couldn't help but find the amusement in it. She also had a very big hunch that Cason would be just fine from a little whistle sound. Her smile softened when she too saw how Sam was comforting Anya and telling her how she was going to be okay. It was clear to her that Sam was falling hard for Anya, that he felt so responsible for her safety and she really hoped this job would go as smoothly as others thought it would. She didn't want Sam to feel like it was his fault if it went wrong, especially after hearing a summary of his history with Anna.

As Dean pulled her with him, she followed into the woods to a good position. As they walked, she listened to what he was saying, going over the plan once more so they really remembered what to do and what not to do. “Right, and I won't I promise” she replied to him, not having any inclination to leave his sight when a mimic demon was about to be dealt with. The last time she ever dealt with anything that had that ability, it was a shapeshifter pretending to be Owen and she wasn't in a rush to fall for the old trick again. “I'll be right here by your side the whole time. I'm not planning on falling for a mimic trick again” she told him as they found a good spot to hide out in, she went behind one tree right next to him so she was in his sight but not too far away.

After a few moments and when the woods plunged into pure darkness, she found herself looking around herself, trying to find Dean and remember her surroundings and where he would be. ‘He's right next to you, just remember he's right next to you’ she thought to herself, trying to get her eyes to readjust to the darkness but it was no use. She couldn't even see her own hands in front of her face. She didn't like this one bit, every fiber in her being wanting to move but she knew she couldn't as it was just too dark. All she could do was focus her ears to try and hear the conversation between Cason and this demon and hope that Cason had it all under control, but it was difficult from their distance. As the moonlight suddenly and briefly came back, she instantly glanced over to Dean to see if he was still in the same place, then glanced around to try and spot the others when she heard Cason call out, but not to them. This didn't seem to be going as smoothly as Cason assumed it would, making her keep her hands on the tree trunk to stop herself from moving from her spot. Looking again at Dean, she gave him the look to say ‘I don't like the way this is going’ just as it plunged into darkness all over again .

It felt like a natural form of strobe lighting and it was beginning to jar with her eyes as she kept still when all of a sudden she heard a female voice she didn't recognise at first, before it clicked. It was Anya's voice. Like Dean, she tried to pinpoint where the voice was coming from but couldn't, as she forced herself to remember this probably wasn't even Anya. Then she heard it…the whistle. Things had gone south to some degree and Anya had to use the whistle. The moonlight coming back brighter than ever made Lexi shield her eyes for a moment to readjust to the light before looking at Dean once more then saw Sam making a run for it from his position. “We gotta go after him” she told Dean.


Feeling Anya melt in his arms, Sam held her tighter for a brief moment until she went to Cason and Nat. He didn't want to leave her alone, but knew she was in good hands with Cason. If he could trust his sister dating him, then he could trust Anya being in his protection as well. He glanced at Dean when he parted his shoulder, giving him a nod in response as Dean and Lexi went off to their own position. He remained close enough to Nat, Cason and Anya so he could hear what Cason had to say, seeing Anya show Ruby's knife to Cason when asked if she had it. After a long day of training with Nat, he was confident Anya would be okay with it after giving it to her in the car on the way to the location. Glancing at Cason, he followed his silent instruction on where to go and began to walk to his position, just ahead of Nat. Reaching his spot, he walked round and hid behind another tree and rock formation, making sure he wasn't seen but was close enough that he was certain he'd be able to hear everything when it all went down.

He looked over and watched where Nat went to hide so he knew where she would be, he needed to know exactly where his sister was as well as knowing Anya's location. It had been a while since they got to do a hunt with Nat and like how he was with Anya, he felt he needed to know Nat's exact location, not knowing that she still had the ring Cason gave her a long time ago and it still worked between them. Shaking his thoughts into some kind of priority list in his head, he focused mostly on thinking about Anya and hoping she'll get out of this alive. Like Dean, he couldn't cope if they lost someone else because a simple hunt went south when it shouldn't have. He kept himself hidden, noting that Nat was to his right, Dean and Lexi were to his left just like Anna probably was and Cason and Anya were ahead of them all. Peeking his head round to try and see Cason and Anya, he watched on even though his view of them was completely restricted. Then came the darkness down like no other, making him look up at the sky trying to find the moonlight but it was nowhere to be seen. ‘what the hell?’ he thought to himself, having not seen something this powerful of a trick in a long time. It made him start to question if Cason got his knowledge of this demon wrong.

All he knew was that if this dark was was shrouding them all, then the summoning had worked and Cason had begun the work to kill this demon and get Anya free of its clutches. He felt on edge, hating that he couldn't see a thing, he could barely hear what was being said, his senses trying to make up for the lack of sight. Then he heard it, a call of concern from Cason and he found himself really digging his feet into the ground to stop him from running in the dark to try and save Anya. His worry only got worse when he heard a female voice calling out to him, telling him it was Anya and she had her voice back, that she loved him. Tears pricked at his eyes, wanting to run over to Anya but remembered what Nat told him about how this demon mimicked voices to lure people out. “It's not real…it's not real…” he whispered to himself, trying to convince himself it's all a trick, even though a tiny part of his mind was asking ‘what if it isn't a trick?’.

He wanted to move so much, his feet getting twitchy in the dirt until he heard the one thing he knew couldn't ignore. The whistle. Anya didn't have her voice back and she was using the whistle as a defense and a cry for help from them all. It seemed to work as he heard Cason's screams and the other demon yell out in agony, so Sam pushed himself up and vaulted over the rock in a swift action as the moonlight came back, brighter than ever. He didn't even look behind him as Nat began to chase after him, calling his name to come back. Coming into the clearing, he saw Cason dealing with the after effects of the whistle whilst Anya was barely awake on the floor, whistle still in her mouth. “Anya! Hey hey I'm here, I'm here!” He called out, skidding in the dirt to his knees and scooping Anya into his arms, seeing one of her arms broken. “I got you…I got you, I'm here” he cooed, brushing her hair out of her face and removing the whistle from her mouth.


Natalia listened to Cason explain about Sam's attachment to Anya. It made sense and she knew her brother was always the first one to get attached to people out of the three Winchesters. Sam was always the one who could empathize with people better than herself or Dean could. “Yeah true” she simply replied before they moved the conversation on to where he needed her to be. If he told her where to go, he would know exactly where she is which would be one less thing for him to stress over. She followed his gaze with her own and looked exactly where he needed her. “Got it. 30 paces that way, make sure to hear not see you” she repeated to show him she understood his instructions. With Anya and Sam now making their way over to the two of them, she gave both Anya and Sam a comforting smile. She had faith in her teaching that she knew Anya would be good with Ruby's knife if she had to use it. With Cason telling Sam where to go and then turning to her, she nodded. “Good luck” she told him and Anya and headed in the direction she said she would.

As she walked, she counted 30 steps and then turned to her right to hide behind a tree. Looking back out, she saw that Cason and Anya were well out of sight but she could still hear Cason asking Anya for the knife. “Good…just perfect distance” she whispered to herself, turning around and leaning her back against the tree as she began the wait for the summing to work.

With the darkness falling over them all, she looked up seeing the moonlight completely vanish from the sky and the silence of nature becoming evident. It felt like she had her eyes closed from how dark it was, despite them being very much open. She listened to Cason's voice, hearing that the summoning had worked and she mentally kicked herself when the demon said about knowing they were in hiding. How did this demon know they were nearby somewhere? She was certain they were all hidden well enough and no one had given the ambush away. Remaining silent she kept listening to the conversation, making note of how Dean's connection to Crowley had been mentioned and she didn't like that. She had hoped he had stopped all contact with the bastard, but it seemed not. Cason mentioning unicorns and rainbows made her smirk to herself. Still as snarky as ever to his own kind. She actually felt rather proud of him for it and wondered if some of her own snark had rubbed off of him, making his own snark all that much worse.

The smirk didn't last long however when she heard Cason yell ‘no’ out and she knew something bad was happening that wasn't part of the plan. Then came a disembodied female voice, she heard it calling out to Sam and she knew instantly what it was. In a hushed tone she tried to call out to Sam, “Sam, it's not real…it's the demon…” but she was certain he couldn't hear her and she couldn't risk being any louder than she was. So all she could do was hope that Sam wouldn't ruin the plan and stay put as she twirled an angel blade in her hand, ready to help if it was required. She heard the demon then talk to Anya, confirming that it was indeed just a trick for the rest of them to try and lure them out. Standing firm in her spot, she heard the whistle get used which at least told her that Anya was still alive. A small blessing even if it was hurting Cason a great deal.

The moment the dark lifted and the moonlight came back, seemingly brighter than before, she blinked a few times to readjust to the light hitting her eyes when she saw Sam make a run for it before they knew it was safe to do so. “Sam!! Sam get back here!” She called out after him, making a run for it behind him to try and get him back. “For crying out loud!” She hissed to herself as she then saw Sam skid to a halt at Anya's side. She stopped beside Cason as she saw the demon they had summoned dead on the floor. It was over but Anya was clearly hurt, turning her head back towards the woodland area, she called out to Dean and Lexi, “it's over! It's safe!” Then looked back to Cason, checking his ears and face to make sure the whistle hadn't done too much damage. “You good?” She asked him.

As thankful as Nat felt for having not pushed Cason completely away, that he was still by her side, she also felt guilty that she still had him when Dean didn't have Mika. It somehow didn't feel right that the rest of them had the people they loved when Dean didn't. It was a feeling that had been bubbling up in her as she became more willing to let Cason in and near her. So much of her wanted to express that but she felt like she would be hurting people if she did, so she kept it to herself as she sat on the couch, tightly in Cason's arms. She also felt heard when Cason agreed that burning Mika's body was for the best, even if it was a sad thought. She wanted Mika back more than anything, but it wasn't fair to leave her in the panic room forever. She may have had the reassurance that demons wouldn't get to her in there, but who's to say Angels wouldn't take her or something else would get in there? She wouldn't have put anything past anything after these three days of thinking and dwelling on the grief.

She looked up when Duke made it into the house and down to the basement. She instantly felt on edge and gladly stayed curled into Cason as he held her to him tighter than before. Seeing Duke soon come back upstairs, she could tell he was angry and hurting even more after no doubt seeing Mika's body and hearing whatever crap Dean was spouting to her. She watched him intensely as Duke walked into the living room, getting surprised that Dean soon appeared behind him and hugged him from behind. Nat didn't even notice that she was holding her breath the entire time when Duke clearly said what they had all been thinking but too scared to say it to Dean. As Dean sternly shut down the idea and stormed off into the kitchen, she followed him with her eyes. She watched as Duke followed him, trying to get through to Dean. The anger rising in the room told Nat that this was not going to end well and it was making her nervous for what was about to explode. She listened to the hurtful words that Duke was saying to Dean, she never knew how badly the lot of them broke apart way back when. She never knew Mika was the one who once walked away from Dean, resulting in him finding Esme all that time ago. She didn't know how much of that hurt that Mika experienced, Duke knew about.

As the words came out of his mouth, she saw Dean just tackle Duke onto the living room floor, making her flinch and yelp. Curling into Cason even more out of fear of seeing the two men begin to throw punches at each other through their grief of losing Mika. Mika wouldn't want this from them, she loved them both dearly and this would absolutely destroy her seeing them like this. Tears fell down her face out of fear, having never witnessed her brother be this violent to another person before, especially to someone he cared a lot for. “What do we do?” She asked Cason, her fright clear in her voice as she looked up at him, terror in her eyes. “Mika wouldn't want this Cason…” she told him, too scared to get anywhere near the two men fighting so brutally. She couldn't even shout for Bobby as he was out supply shopping.

When Anna finally stepped in, unaware of what was breaking out, Nat glanced over at her, her eyes begging for Anna to get help when she watched as Anna ran back outside screaming for Sam. As Cason pushed her forward, she let him get up, hoping he could put an end to the fighting when she couldn't move from the couch.

Seeing Anna run back outside to get Sam, she couldn’t do anything but just watch as the boys fought brutally with each other, too scared to get involved. She looked on as Sam and Esme came bursting in and tried to break it up, only to have Esme hit in the face, her nose taking the full brunt of Duke’s strength. Gasping and darting further back into the couch, shaking from seeing her family just destroying each other through grief. “Please stop…” she whimpered, her voice just being drowned out by everyone else trying to reason with Dean and Duke. Tears streaming down her face, her hands gripping the blanket round herself even tighter. “Please…” she cried, wishing more than ever that Mika was here to stop them both from killing each other. Mika would know what to do, she’d have to get through to them…but this was because of Mika this time.

When Duke finally conceded and got up, she hoped they could all now just talk like normal people, but then Duke went and did the next stupidest thing imaginable. As Cason looked at her, she initially shrugged until she heard the sound of the truck leaving the lot and Esme asked Cason to go after him. “She’s right, please Cason, go after him, he’ll get himself killed otherwise” she said sadly, wiping her tears with the back of her arm, still trying to calm down from what just happened. “We’ll…we’ll talk with Dean…” she added, glancing at Sam and Dean.


Sam looked down at Anna when she awkwardly spoke about going to get them all some food, in a makeshift attempt to make a picnic at the impala. He didn't want her to leave, she was a calming presence to him and he was worried that if she left, she'd never come back like Mika hadn't. Even though she had left him for a few minutes several times over the last three days. He sighed and gave a nod when she reassured him she would be back. Letting her hand go, he shoved his hands in his pockets and watched her head to the back door that led straight into the kitchen, hovering beside Esme wondering how he was going to tackle THE conversation with Dean when Esme confirmed it was what he was dreading. He hadn't even seen him the last three days, knowing exactly where his brother had been holed up. It felt like though as quickly as Anna had gone inside, she was screaming his name and running back out.

Everything that he had felt the last three days went straight to the back of his mind and he bolted towards the house the moment Anna started screaming his name in a panicked tone. “Right” he agreed as Esme spoke out what he was just thinking. They had to stop Dean and Duke from fighting before Bobby got back, even though he didn’t know Bobby was even out. As Esme made haste toward the house, he quickly ran to follow suit, also stopping dead in his tracks when he saw just how bad it had gotten in such a short moment. “Dean, stop this!” he called out as he saw Dean throw one hell of a punch to Duke’s face before wincing at seeing Duke slam Dean’s head onto the floor. He glanced around seeing how Cason was trying to de-escalate the fight whilst Natalia looked absolutely terrified on the couch.
He eventually made his feet move and went straight to Dean, squatting down to try and break the two men apart but Duke had such a firm hold on Dean’s jacket. For a split second, he thought Esme had gotten through to Duke as he seemed to pause and hear Esme’s voice, but then his hopes shattered as quickly as they came into his head and Dean raised his arm and grabbed Duke’s wrist. “Dean stop!!” He lectured, tugging at his brother from under his arms, his hands looped up to his shoulders ready to yank him back when Duke punched Esme right in the nose. Wide eyed, he paused but didn’t let go of Dean, “Duke…” he simply gasped before yanking Dean back a little, keeping him on the ground as they all took in what Duke just did.

As Duke eventually stood up and Cason tried to offer an olive branch, he thought it was finally over. That Duke would just go to the bathroom and clean up and that would be it. But yet again Duke went and did something stupid, he got up, walked over Dean and limped to the kitchen, grabbing Ruby’s knife and stormed out. Sighing, he knew one of them had to go after the man. He even saw Cason look at Nat as if asking what she thinks they should do, only to see Nat initially shrug. He then pulled Dean up onto his feet and checked him over, seeing just how badly Duke injured him. “This isn’t the answer Dean…this would shatter her heart if she saw that, you know that right?” He spoke softly but sternly. “He’s right, they all are. We HAVE to lay her to rest in a hunter’s funeral, it’s what she’d want and you know it” he told his brother.

“I know it’s hard to accept, we’re all grieving her, we’ve lost a sister too but you’re not the only one who would know what she would want. Leaving her to rot down there is not how she’d wanna be remembered. So PLEASE Dean, don’t do anything stupid like Duke is blatantly doing and agree to burn her body” he begged her, tears in his eyes as he looked at Dean. “Please…” he begged again.

Lexi got out of the back seat of the impala, where she sat with Anya as she let Sam take the front for the leg room during the drive to the location. She didn't have the heart to make Sam sit in the back seat and be cramped up. It also meant she could chat with Anya for a bit using both words and sign language. At the location, she stretched her legs and arms once out of the car and looked around. It didn't seem like much of an area but she had no reason to doubt Cason's information.

When Dean pulled out a whistle, she couldn't help but smirk in amusement, still in disbelief that he actually found one in the bunker. “Still can't believe you actually found that” she told him, glancing over at how close Anya was to Sam and she really didn't blame the girl. Even if she was excited by this hunt, Lexi knew Anya had to be somewhat nervous to some degree. Or at least, she hoped she was as it meant she would be careful. Pure excitement always spelled trouble in people, especially new hunters in training. As Anya came over and asked where she had to go, she let Dean explain the plan, hoping Anya would be okay with it. He was right about the whole needing to not be seen by the demons and that left Anya in a very vulnerable position, but at least they had Cason to help get her out in a flash if needed. “You're gonna be fine Anya, we're not gonna let anything happen to you” she said as Dean unraveled the whistle in front of Anya's eyes

As Anya blew the whistle to test it, her head quickly snapped over to where Cason and Natalia were, seeing how he reacted really badly to the sound. Looking back toward Dean, and seeing his beaming look, he seemed rather happy with now knowing what the engravings meant. She also spotted the narrowing of eyes that Nat gave Dean, “oh you're in trouble later” she smirked as Anya kept the whistle round her neck and went back to Sam. “Let's just hope Anya won't need it when she's close to Cason yeah? Or you might have a rabid sister at your throat” she said again.


Sam was the last to get out of the car and went straight to Anya's side. He wanted to make sure she was okay with what they were about to do, but he saw how her nervousness was mixed with excitement and he somehow just knew deep down she would be okay. “Just please be careful tonight” he requested of her, before she went over to Dean and Lexi. He kept back as he didn't think he needed to be there right on her tail despite wanting to be. As he waited for Dean to explain the situation, he glanced over at the other car and saw how Anna pulled her backpack onto her back and headed to where she needed to be. He still felt awkward about Anna being brought here but he knew she was a valuable member of the team.

He looked back toward the others when he overheard what Dean said about having to leave Anya alone completely for a few minutes and he was right, Sam didn't like it. He never liked it. He hated the whole setting someone as bait situation, but he was hating it even more now that it meant leaving Anya on her own. As Anya took the whistle and blew it, he looked over at how Cason reacted to it, looking back at Dean. ‘of course he found an anti demon whistle…’ he thought to himself with a sigh. He then started to walk over closer to the other three and the moment he did, he felt Anya just hug him tightly, causing him to just wrap his arms around her. “It's gonna be okay” he told her once more, kissing the top of her head. “There's plenty of us to get you if we have to but you're in good hands with Cason” he explained, pulling her back ever so slightly and walking her over to Cason. “Okay, let's do this” he said to Cason and Nat.


At the location, Nat got out of the car after pocketing the keys safely and listened to Cason and Anna discussing where she would be needed. She couldn't help but notice how he was being like Anna's dad still, despite the chat before they left the bunker. So when Anna called him dad, she had to force herself to stifle a chuckle, smirking before Cason looked at her, which made wipe the smirk off her face. “Eh, you kinda did a bit” she remarked, following him round to the trunk of her car, popping it open for them both to get what they needed. As she did, she listened to him ask about if she was still wearing her ring, so she paused grabbing her bag and lifted her hand up to show him that it was very much still on her finger. “Never take it off, you know this. Tonight is no different.” She reassured him, moving her hand to his cheek and stroking it. “I'm going to be fine I promise and even if something happens? This ring will probably let you know before I even know it” she smiled softly, placing a short but loving kiss on his lips.

Turning back to the trunk, she grabbed her duffel bag and slung it over her shoulder as she always did. As she closed the trunk once Cason got what he needed for the summoning, she heard a whistle get blown, making her quickly turn her head to see it was Anya and smirk, yet seconds later she turned to face Cason to see it was hurting him. “Cason?” She asked worried, trying to see what was wrong when she saw it made his ears bleed, before looking back toward Dean, Lexi, Sam and Anya. Seeing the way Dean beamed at finding out the whistle wasn't entirely harmless she narrowed her eyes at Dean briefly, then looked back at Cason. “You good?” She asked, “I swear he will never grow up” she sighed.

Waiting for the others to be done with their pep talks, she readjusted her bag on her shoulder, holding it firmly in place so it didn't slip down. “Think Sam is more worried than Anya is” she remarked to Cason as she studied the body languages of everyone. “So where do you need me?” She asked, wanting to make sure she had all the information memorized correctly before the others would come over. She had some vague ideas but wanted to double check nonetheless so he could be assured by knowing exactly where she was. She knew how woods and being separated was always a slightly sore subject for them and made them both nervous, even if it had been years and they had done a lot more successful hunts near or in woods than not.

As Sam and Anya eventually walked over, she gave them both a glance and nod. “She’ll be just fine Sammy” she told Sam, patting his shoulder. “Good luck, not that you need it” she told Anya, giving her some positive energy in her words.

the sounds got louder and Mika continued to run. She was now terrified she was stuck in some kind of limbo with no way out. What had it been now? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? She didn't know anymore. She felt weaker than when she first woke up in this dark place.

Then she finally saw it. A light in the distance. The first light she had seen and she knew she had to reach it. Forcing herself to keep running, she went to the light and the closer she got the more she realized it wasn't just a light. It was a..bird? “What the hell?” She gasped, continuing forward and when she got close enough, she dropped to her knees beside the injured bird, unable to remain standing any longer. The longer she was stuck in this void of darkness, the weaker she felt. “What are you doing here, beautiful thing?” She asked, not expecting a reply but she did get one, at least, in her head she got one. “Don't fret my child. Yes I'm dying but if your family can burn your body we'll be okay” it said, looking Mika in the eyes. “Wait…are you a…” she trailed off and as if the bird understood her, nodded it's head weakly. “We are stuck in this void due to Dean's inability to let you go. I hear him talking to you in the waking world. We can't move on until he does”. Being able to somehow understand the bird unnerved Mika, but now that was down on a ground, or what she guessed was ground, she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep. There was a tiny bit of warmth from the bird that made her strangely safe, a warmth that she felt like she had always felt since her teenage years, but couldn't place why. "He'll bring me back... he'll find a way..." Mika said, before she felt a wing wrap over her. "You must stay awake" she heard be said, but it was too difficult.


When the others finally arrived home, Nat somehow found the ability to get off the floor and rush to the kitchen door, opening it and looking out whilst remaining firmly in the house. She had hoped what they got told was all a lie, that Mika would just walk over to her and hug her tightly. But that wasn't to be. She saw Mika's limp dead body in Dean's arms as the group got out of their cars and went different ways. She watched as Dean carried Mika to the outside basement door and went straight down with her. Tears welled up all over again as she watched how this was now their reality. She leaned against the doorframe watching as Duke went straight to the RV, his shirt and hands covered in Mika's blood, Sam just statue-like by Mika's car before he crumbled to the ground at Anna's return. This can't be happening, Nat always saw Mika as this formidable woman who was untouchable. She didn't think anything or anyone could kill her. She didn't know how to accept this situation. “This isn't fair…” she cried, hugging herself.

Day 1

Nat didn't move from the bed once she had been taken to the bedroom the night before. She spent the whole day just laying on her side, back to even Cason, hugging her pillow and crying. She went mute for the whole day, refusing to eat and drink whenever she was told to do so. She was aware of the daylight turning to nighttime through the window, but she never moved. She didn't see a point in doing anything if Mika wasn't there to pull them all together and tell them it would all be alright. Without the one person she respected more than anything in her life, what was the point in doing anything?

Day 2

She managed to be convinced to take a bath, but she was still devoid of much emotion for the most part. She felt like she was only going through the motions for other people, namely Cason, but if they weren't around then she wouldn't have done even the most basic of things. She began to think of how they could bring Mika back, if she could beg Cason to find a demon who would do it but then she realized Cason would never let her make such a deal. So she knew that option was out of the question. She wondered if she could convince Castiel to bring her back, having not known Dean had already tried that at the warehouse. Then she wondered if there was anything else, monster or witch who could help them, but every time her mind went blank.

At one point she found the courage to go downstairs and check on Dean, but the moment she heard Dean talking to Mika's body, begging her to just wake up, she couldn't take it anymore and left, going straight back to bed.

Day 3

As day three arrived, she began to be more responsive. She got out of bed, she finally ate something and drank more that wasn't solely alcohol. She even got out of the bedroom and sat on the couch, wrapped up in the throw blanket that Bobby always kept over the back of the couch, curling into Cason's side now she felt she could give him some kind of attention instead of shutting him out. She knew there was no other option now other than burning Mika's body and saying goodbye once and for all. Mika wasn't coming back and they had to all accept that, but convincing Dean of that was going to be a completely impossible task.

“We gotta convince him to burn her body…” she remarked, not realizing that Duke and Sam were also thinking the same thing. “He can't keep her down there, she's a hunter…she deserves better than this…” she managed to say without tearing up for the first time. Looking over her shoulder when she heard the RV door open and close, she looked out the window and saw Duke walking across to the house. He looked about as bad as she would expect him to, but she was worried about why he was walking over. “Duke…” she sighed, part of her wanting to just hug him when he got in, but he had a determined look on his tired face and she had a feeling he was thinking the same thing as she was. She held her breath as she watched Duke walk over, before she scrambled back down and over to Cason, still wrapped up in a throw blanket bundle.


Back at Bobby's, Sam was still too numb to help Dean get Mika's body out of the car. He felt like an awful brother but he just couldn't focus. He opened the door and got out of the car, just standing there as Anna managed to help Dean and be mentally in the moment enough to help. Although he was seemingly to anyone else, watching Dean and Anna, he wasn't paying too much attention to the sight before him. He only really snapped out of it just enough when it finally sunk in where Dean wanted to take her body. “Dean…I…” he didn't even know what to say and found himself cutting his sentences off before he could finish as he knew no words were going to be the right ones. He could barely look at Mika's limo body in his brother's arms, the blood all over her back, the hanging marks and bruises around her neck, it was just too much to take in. He looked down at the gravel trying so hard not to break down in front of his brother when he was minutely aware of Duke climbing out of the truck and heading straight to the RV.

As he stared at the ground, he saw Dean's legs just walk away from the car and towards the outside basement door, following Anna downstairs and inside. Now he was alone outside and he didn't know how to handle his emotions. If he had just got to the warehouse sooner, he could have stopped Mika from going in there and confronting Alastair. Tilting his head up at the night sky he finally broke, his body slumping against Mika's car as he finally broke down in tears, his body feeling too weak to stand. He only managed to stay standing long enough for Anna to get back to him before he just crumbled to the ground.

Day 1

He couldn't bring himself to step anywhere near the basement door inside the house. Sam remained on the couch for the majority of the time during the day, but by nightfall he walked out and spent time in Dean's impala. He couldn't even look at Mika's car as it just brought up the memories of seeing her body on the back seat and Dean whispering to her as if she was just asleep. He didn't sleep that night for fear of being haunted by how it all went down in the warehouse. He didn't even eat or drink, or think of ways to bring Mika back, even though he wanted nothing more than to turn the clocks back and save her.

Day 2

Still wasn't eating, but had got convinced to at least drink so he didn't get too much more dehydrated and pass out, but that caused him to turn to alcohol. He stayed close to Anna but he barely said a word and when words did get out of his mouth, they mostly consisted of how guilty he felt and that it was his fault. Sleep was on and off, due to waking up with a start after dreaming of Mika coming back spiritually and seeking revenge on them all. He knew it was absolute crap, and she wouldn't do that, but his mind was twisting his grief greatly. He remained glued to Anna for comfort and paranoia that she too would disappear from his life if he let go.

He only managed to step near the basement once, opening the door and listening intently to see if he could hear Dean, but he couldn't. He thought about going down there to convince Dean to burn her body, but he couldn't gather the courage to do so. When Dean did come upstairs, he tried to make contact, but each time he chickened out at the last second, just seeking with his eyes help from anyone who thought they could get through to Dean.

Day 3

By day three of grieving, he couldn't take it anymore. They had to burn her body, give her the proper hunters funeral Mika rightly deserved. They couldn't store her body in the panic room forever. Sitting on the impala and staring straight forward as Anna remained impossibly close, he blinked to refocus his eyes when she spoke up before nodding. “I'm far from okay still but I can't help but keep thinking Dean needs to give Mika the fu..funeral she deserves” he sighed, swallowing down the lump in his throat that threatened to bubble up once again. “but yeah…I can try eating,” he then added, finally looking at Anna, puffy eyed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, finally feeling like he had a bit more control over his own body.

At the sound of the RV door opening and boots hitting the gravel, he glanced over and saw Duke heading straight to the house. He really hoped that Duke wasn't going to start something with Dean in the house when there were still two other people grieving inside. “We better follow him in…” he commented to Anna, then saw Esme appear outside but she didn't completely follow Duke inside. Forcing himself to get off the impala hood, he took Anna's hand, not wanting to go over to Esme on his own or into the house alone. He then picked her up and pulled her off the car and back onto the gravel ground before walking slowly over to Esme. “Is Duke going to do what I'm dreading him to do?” He asked her.
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