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Current Happy birthday to me!
12 mos ago
Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts


As John clarified what he meant, Kay sighed. He really was starting to read her like a book and she didn't know if it the bond sigil or just the fact they had been round each other long enough for him to recognise her cues. She didn't know how to tell him what she was thinking or feeling, where she could she even begin to start? As she thought how to even begin that conversation, she gladly sat on the couch as John asked Bane whether he could tell if Serena was awake again. Hearing that Serena was was of a relief for Kay, as she felt guilty in some way that she put Serena through a fraction of what she did because of their link.

"I feel bad that because of our link she's felt a bit of what I did.." she said somberly. "But I mostly feel so confused and...lost...I guess is the right word ..or scared...I don't even know..." She finally admitted to John. "I'm being pulled or tugged from every direction it seems, if I go one way I got demons and a good chunk of Hell on my ass and lead me to corruption, if I go another way I think I got my mother's kind...my kind coming after me...I think. I don't know know which way to turn." She said, trying to find the right words what's going on in her head, but she didn't want to go anywhere.

She wanted to be normal, or what she considered normal.


Josh nodded and took on what Lucifer was saying, having no plans whatsoever to leave Serena's side. He may not be immortal or have special magical powers that he knew of, but he sure as hell had determination and fierce loyalty he could count on. "I got her" he said, when Chas couldn't help but scoff in amusement at Lucifer's choice of words. "Not sure fun is the word I'd use" he remarked.

”there has to be a way back…there just has to be. I can't leave the others yet” she spoke to herself, her eyes darting all around her, trying to find some kind of light in the darkness. Noises were echoing all around her but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where from. Sometimes they got louder, other times they felt they were further away. “Come on girl…you gotta keep moving” she tried to motivate herself to keep moving. Her legs wanted to give out from under her and just stop, but her mind kept telling her not to give in to that desire. She still didn't want to believe she was dead and this was some kind prison she was in. She had to try and just wake up or find an opening in this darkness to start waking. Anything to get back to the others. “They need me…I can't go yet…” she muttered to herself when more sounds seemed to get louder from behind her, causing her to start running, her footsteps echoing.


Deep down Nat knew Cason was right. She couldn't think so negatively just yet. Her family were competent hunters, and hunters that wouldn't let anything happen to each other no matter what. “You're right…I gotta stay positive” she replied, pulling her shirt sleeves over her hands when she looked up and saw Bobby answer the phone that began to ring. She let Cason stand up and walk over to Bobby's desk, watching the two men as Bobby went wide eyed. That meant only one thing…one of the group was seriously hurt or dead. Her breath seemed to just stop in her throat for a moment as she watched Cason try to get answers out of Bobby, seeing how slowly he put the phone back on the receiver. This felt like it was to do with Mika, and she didn't want to hear that her anxiety of this mission was coming true. She listened to Bobby as he began to stammer out words he couldn't bring himself to say and the moment the sentence trailed off, she knew what he was getting at. Slowly standing up, she shook her head as it set in what had happened. The world felt like it was crumbling all around her, she had lost her sister, the only mother figure she had left in her life. The one person who could stop Dean and herself from putting heads for long periods. This had to be some kind of nightmare, it just had to be. Some sick joke the group were playing and when they all got back, Mika would be walking in declaring how they all punked her.

It was a lot less painful to think of than the truth. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched Bobby just stand up, grab his scotch bottle and leave the room before Cason quickly walked back to her. If he hadn't gotten to her and wrapped her up in his arms, she would have run outside to cry alone, part of her still wanted to do that, but all she could muster was to bury her head in his shoulder as he tilted her head onto it and the floodgates opened. She just started bawling as she gripped the back of his jacket tightly. “She can't be dead…it's not fair!” She sobbed, her whole body shaking against him. “It's not fair” she repeated against his shoulder, unable to stop the tears from flowing as thoughts of how she wished she told Cason to stay with Mika at the warehouse, she wished she went with the group, wished that she begged Cason to bring Mika home, even if meant Mika went kicking and screaming. She wondered how Castiel could have this happen, he was an angel, he should have kept her family safe! He should have stopped this.

As reality continued to set in, she felt her legs start to give out from under her, causing her to just drop to the floor, pulling Cason with her due to being unable to let him go. She was terrified in a deep part of her mind that if she let him go, she would lose him too. If only she had begged Mika to not go, to stay home with her. Maybe she would still be alive.


When Bobby didn't reply to him, Sam knew his words had completely destroyed the man emotionally. “I…I'm sorry Bobby…” he said on the phone but he knew it was pointless, Bobby wouldn't answer no matter what he said on the phone. He heard Cason in the background asking for the update before the phone ended and Bobby had hung up on him. Ending the call on his end, putting it in his pocket he glanced over at the whole group, watching how Esme was trying to get Duke in the truck and then at Anna who was just about getting Dean in the back of Mika's car. This drive home was going to be absolutely the most difficult drive ever. He watched as Anna walked round to the driver's side of the car, clearly deciding she was going to drive instead of him, something he was thankful for, but also a part of him wished he was driving so he didn't have to think about the truth that was in the back seat. He slowly looked back towards Esme as she called out his name and told him they had to get going, giving her a simple nod, unable to do anything else, he walked over to the ‘66 impala and straight round to the front passenger side, opening the door and getting in, sighing heavily as he sat down.

Closing the door behind him, he just stared out in front of him, unable to say much more for a few moments. “I've warned Bobby” he then managed to get out. Normally he would have given the signal to the truck when they were ready to drive, but he couldn't. It didn't feel right somehow. Leaning his head against the window, he stayed staring forward, trusting Anna to get them home. A deep part of his mind knew that Mika wouldn't mind Anna driving her car, in fact, Mika would have probably given Anna the keys and asked her to do the driving so she could rest if she was still alive. It's just who she was. Just as Dean would do it to him, Mika would do it for Anna no doubt. He couldn't even bring himself to look behind him at the back seat, knowing just by the muffled sounds that Dean was sobbing whilst he kept hold of the love of his life. He was so disassociated from reality, he didn't think he could ever get over this, yet somehow he would have to because there was absolutely no way Dean would. He had to be the one who had to be there for his siblings and he just didn't know how. This loss was as devastating to him as when he lost Dean to Hell four months ago.


Sam couldn't say a single word as they drove back to Bobby's, just stared blankly out the window that he had his head leaning against. Knowing Mika was in the backseat but not breathing and making some kind of dark humored quip was tearing him apart even if on the outside he was just numb and still. He knew deep deep down that Duke would probably go rogue, but it was how Natalia and Bobby would react that worried the most after Dean. Even if he couldn't show it, there was a little part of his mind screaming to be allowed to worry about the others, but it felt like that part of him was just hitting a brick wall. He just silently cried the whole drive.

Mika began to stir awake on a dark floor, the pain in her back and neck still evident enough to make her reach round with a hand and feel her back but felt no puncture wound. She then lifted the same hand round and up to her neck, but felt nothing there either. “What the hell?!” She gasped to herself, as she forced herself up onto her feet. Looking around she saw nothing but darkness all around. “Dean?! Duke!!” She yelled out, her voice only echoing all around her but no sign of any of them replying to her. “Where am I?” She asked herself, suddenly feeling cold, colder than she had ever felt before. She could have sworn she was just fighting Alastair, and for the briefest of moments thought she had beat him.

“Dean!!” She yelled out again as she began to force herself walking forward even if there was no sign of going anywhere in particular. Wrapping her arms round herself rightly, she kept trudging forward desperate to find the others, desperate to find Dean but with each step she began to remember more and more of what went down in the warehouse. Alastair shanked her on a pillar, then hung her with iron chains. She died…she actually died. “No…I can't have…” she began to talk to herself, wishing that a different outcome would come to fruition. The fear now set in that she was dead and she had no idea where she ended up, tears welling up in her eyes. It certainly didn't feel or look like Hell, and it most definitely didn't seem to Heaven so where was she? She had to find a clue from somewhere. So she did all she knew how to do…keep moving forward until she found something to help herself.


Hearing that Cason thought his plan was working made Nat nod. She really hoped it had begun to set the wheels in motion to work as she didn't know how their group could honestly stand against the angels on their own. They needed an angel on their side in her opinion if they were to have a single hope in winning this fight. As he scooter closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, she leaned into him and placed a hand on his thigh. She could feel he needed to be close to her as much as she wanted to be close to him, still worried about the others being in the proximity of Alastair and two angels. She still couldn't help but feel something bad was going to happen, despite trying to convince herself she was just being pessimistic because it was in her nature to be so.

His question made her smile slightly but not because she was happy, shaking her head. “Not too insane. I began the process of tidying up Dean's car for when he gets back. Cleared out all the glass anyway…” she explained as he stroked her cheek. At his next words, she listened. If any other person had said that to her she would have been creeped out, found it a red flag or controlling, but in their lives, especially her as a hunter, she understood why he wanted to do all he could to give her every advantage of never getting hurt. Hearing that Angels were just as unpredictable as demons, and certainly as ruthless was both surprising and yet not surprising all at the same time. She saw how cruel Uriel was, him calling her a demon whore still rang through her mind and that was nothing compared to what they were making Dean do right now. “If Cas is coming onto our side, I completely understand why that would terrify you more than him not being on our side, but I can't help but feel like we need him on this side of the fight. A man on the inside so to speak.” She replied to him truthfully. Giving his leg a gentle squeeze she sighed. “I just really hope this bad feeling I got in the pit of my stomach is wrong” she sighed.

“It feels like I only just got a family again, I don't think I can't handle losing any of them..not again” she admitted to him, knowing whatever she said to him would remain with him and not go anywhere else, unless it really needed to in a life or death situation. She leaned her head against his as they waited for any kind of sign that the group were heading back or an update of any kind.


As Sam regained his breath and composure, he let himself compute the fact that the badly thought out plan actually worked. Alastair was dead. He felt Anna's small frame crash into his back and her arms wrap around his waist, but he could barely move initially. Like Anna, he couldn't take notice of the sight off to his left near his feet as he took in her shaky words of Alastair being finally dead. He couldn't torment Anna anymore, or Dean. One big threat was finally defeated and now they had Lilith to focus on. He slowly placed his hands on Anna's arms, holding her to him closely as he let it sink in. “I'm sorry I went behind your back…” he whispered to her before finally looking down and seeing Duke cradling Mika's dead body. He felt like the wind just got knocked out of him, part of his mind wanted to see anyone other than Mika dead on the floor. He didn't want to believe he wasn't quick enough to save both Dean and Mika. “....m..Mika?” He stammered, finding it difficult to get her name out of his mouth for the first time in his life. His hands began to shake against Anna's arms, hearing Duke begging Mika to wake up and apologizing for not protecting her. That was exactly how he himself felt, as he was so convinced that him turning up and killing Alastair would save and protect her and Dean. He was convinced they would all come out of this alive and relatively unscathed, but he was wrong.

He was oh so wrong and now he's lost his older sister. The one woman he always saw as becoming the official sister he grew up with. That it would have always been him, Dean, Anna and Mika, against the world and the four of them would be the formidable endgame. Gripping tightly onto Anna's arms, he forced himself to keep it together as he saw Dean crawl over to Duke and Mika, sharing the moment of grief together. He felt so out of the situation, his mind beginning to completely disassociate, his tears as quickly they began to fall, seized. He couldn't even acknowledge the begging to Castiel to bring Mika back or Dean being taken out of the room to be healed against his will. He couldn't even truly acknowledge Dean re-entering the room and taking Mika's body from Duke, leaving Duke in the ground or Esme coming to Duke's side. It was only when Dean reached the doorway that he turned to his brother, “get to the car, I parked behind Duke's truck…I'll help get everyone else out” he said, but there was absolutely no emotion in his voice. A sure sign he had disassociated himself from everything.

“We gotta go…” he said to the others, knowing the moment he got outside he would have to call Bobby. He waited for Esme to get Duke off the floor and when they were all good to go, he followed Esme and Duke back outside, holding Anna's hand firmly in the hopes it would stop shaking. Pulling his phone out, keeping a hold of her hand with his free hand, he speed-dialed Bobby's home number and waited for him to pick up. He had no idea how he was going to tell him his niece died at the hands of Alastair, but he knew he had to.

“Bobby…it's Mika…she's uhh…she's…gone. Alastair killed her…” he stammered out when Bobby eventually answered, still feeling pretty mentally distant from the situation as he walked closer to Mika's car and where Dean was holding Mika's body. He glanced down at Anna, letting go of her hand to pull out the car keys, handing them to her whilst giving her the look to request she helped Dean get Mika's body into the car by unlocking the car for him, whilst he was on the phone. He needed help as he mentally couldn't deal with it all on his own and he hoped Anna could decipher his look.

Lexi had to admit, seeing the way Nat was with Cason told her that although the Winchester's could never fully forget Cason was a demon, Nat was most certainly not a push over when it came to her boyfriend. It was pretty badass in Lexi's eyes as it was clear that Nat didn't take no fools despite being in love with a demon. The way Nat's actions of pushing Cason's legs off the table did actually make her smirk, covering her mouth as discreetly as possible so as not to laugh at the action, whilst Dean scoffed. Yet it was clear to her how much Cason wasn't really that annoyed as he did seem to just melt at Nat sitting on his lap. It was a unique relationship but one Lexi could respect nonetheless.

As Sam finally joined them in the room looking a bit disheveled, Lexi found herself raising an eyebrow briefly as she remained seated for a moment longer to watch how he would be with Anya. But that didn't last long when Dean saying her name made her look towards him, seeing he had stood up. Giving him a nod to silently say she'll come help him with the bag and packing the car, she stood up from her table just as she saw Cason speak to Nat and kiss her cheek. Deciding to just keep moving on instead of checking in on Sam and the others, she looked up at Dean who had his hand held out for her with a smirk. He really wasn't letting Nat's over protective suspicions rule how he was with Lexi and she was so grateful. Smiling back at him, she walked over, grabbed her jacket on the way off the back of a spare chair and took his hand. It felt good to be getting back on the road on a proper hunt again after a few days off. She still has every plan to play it safe, but she was ready to try and help Anya out of this deal. Sure the last few hunts she had been on with Sam ended up helping people, but they were mostly generic hunts to just prevent people getting hurt. This time it was directly helping someone who was asking for their help.

She also really liked Anya and liked how she brought Sam out of himself, so Lexi wanted to help her as best she could.


Sam rolled his eyes at Dean's teasing words about rejoining the rest of the group. Of course Dean would make some smartass remark about him being the last one back in the room with everyone else. At least Nat didn't say anything, so he counted it as a small blessing in disguise. He simply gave a nod when Dean walked past him and patted his chest, he knew what that meant. Dean was giving him the signal of theirs to say he knew what happened, but he wasn't going to get involved. Something he didn't know whether to feel thankful for or annoyed by. As Anya stepped up to him and helped with his shirt, he got the feeling she somehow just knew something happened between himself and Anna and that broke his heart. He never wanted to hurt Anya or break her heart when they were getting so close so quickly. They gelled so perfectly, connected in a way he never thought was possible to do with someone new after Anna, and here he had possibly done something that would drive her away. After the hunt, he would have to talk to her and be open, even if that scares him to death.

He signed thank you to her for helping fix his shirt before giving her a simple nod to answer her question if he was okay and ready to go. He let her type on her phone and when she was done, he read the message and yet again, she managed to make him smile. “Sorry to have kept you waiting. That actually sounds perfect” he replied, leaning down and pecking her lips sweetly after seeing her sweet little pleading smile. “You need to get a drink for the road first?” He asked her, as Anna spoke with Cason and Natalia before walking off towards the garage.


Looking up as Dean got up and openly said the only person who could follow him to the car was Lexi made Nat roll her eyes before narrowing them over the comment. The. She remembered what Anna and Anya both told her, ‘try being nice to Lexi, she's a good person’ rolled in her head and the memory made her sigh through her nose. Her thoughts got interrupted when Cason said about how it was like old times and she didn't know if she wanted to be in agreement or offended at the comment. If it was like old times Mika would be following Dean to the steps, not Lexi. She did however give a smile when he kissed her cheek. “I'm okay, I'm really proud of Anya, she's an incredibly quick learner but it's not quite like old times…is it? If it was… she'd be here…” she replied honestly. “But yeah, filling me in would be helpful” she then added, showing she didn't want to fully dwell on the old times, but she couldn’t help but acknowledge it at the same time.

She turned her head towards Anna when she said she'll ride with them and that was completely understandable. As Cason leaned forward to quietly mention Anna and Sam's habits, she really wished Cason didn't say anything. Though she couldn't help but think it as well, she wanted to give Anna the respect of not bringing it up, and it seemed Cason thought differently. Seeing Anna flip him off before walking off behind Dean and Lexi, Nat couldn't help but smirk in pride at Anna. *Hey Anna!” She called out as she delved into her jacket pocket and threw her the car keys. “You'll need these to get in” she gave her a sympathetic smile.

When Anna headed off upstairs, she stood up off Cason's lap, but not before giving him a nudge. “I know we both think the same things but lay off her a bit yeah? It's a lot for her to deal with, we're not her mom and dad, we shouldn't act like it” she said calmly and softly. She wasn't going to let the two of them be at each other's throats the entire drive, but she also didn't want Cason thinking she was picking sides as she was trying to be impartial, or at the very least, sympathetic to Anna and Sam's situation, even if it didn't ever come across as that all the time. “So, let's take advantage of the kitchen's stock to restock the car with drinks and snacks then go after this demon for Anya.” She suggested.

When Sam ignored her question as to why he was doing this and just left in a hurry, Natalia sighed. Running a hand through her hair she looked around the room, now very much on her own as everyone had left to either get Dean and Mika back or talk Castiel into joining them. Sitting on the couch, she wondered what to do, her foot rapidly tapping the floor. She wasn't getting any good feelings from the situation. She couldn't get how Sam looked pumped up on demon blood out of her mind. It was haunting as she never wanted to see her brother looking like that. It also saddened her to think he felt he had to do it to help Dean and Mika. Sitting still was just not an option for her at this moment in time, so she got up and went to Bobby's stash of alcohol behind his desk, poured herself a drink of whiskey and put the bottle back where she found it. Walking back to the couch, she lifted the glass to her lips and forced herself to only sip the drink even though she was wanting to just down it in one go.

So much of her didn't want to disturb Bobby, but she also didn't want to be alone. Downing the drink, putting the glass on the empty table, she looked out the window to see what Bobby was actually doing. She couldn’t spot him from where she was so she turned back round, standing up and deciding to just go outside to get some air. Every now and then she would check her phone for any kind of update but unsurprisingly, there was nothing. Walking over Dean's car, she saw the damage she did in daylight and actually winced. “How he didn't kill me for this I'll never know” she muttered to herself, reaching her arm through the broken window carefully and unlocking the door from the inside, where she took out the hammer she had thrown through it and inspected the rest. She saw the glass everywhere on the seating that wasn't outside on the gravel and I ew she had to clean it. It was the least she could do for Dean in time for when he returned home.

Looking around, she found one of Bobby's toolboxes and walked over to it, putting the hammer down on top of it before looking for a dustpan and brush, finding one, grabbing it and walking back to the impala. By hand, she swept all the glass that was on the seat into the dustpan and cleaned it up. Satisfied that the inside of the car was now glass free after she also swept up the floor, she carried the lot to the outside bin and chucked the glass fragments inside it. She hoped the small action would be enough to start her apology before putting the pan and brush down and heading back inside. Going back to the couch she sat down and a while later Cason returned beside her. Looking across at him, she saw him utterly unharmed which was a good sign, “hey, so..do you think your plan is working?” She asked him.

As Cason and Castiel circled each other and started talking, she kept back and watched on. Ready to defend Cason if she thought it was warranted. They all hurt Nat by not helping Cason, she wasn't going to make it happen again. She looked towards the door when she heard spluttering, coughing and screaming from the other room. She didn't like it, she couldn't help but have a feeling if was getting closer to Dean getting more hurt. That dread only got worse when it suddenly got quiet for a moment and all she heard was Cason and Castiel talking with each other. Forcing her eyes back to the other two, she saw what Cason saw. Castiel was breaking, he was doubting everything Uriel had told him. He was actually listening to what Cason was saying to him, more than when she tried to get through to him. When Cason then finished speaking, agreeing to leave at Castiel's mercy, she gave a nod to his request in keeping Cas talking. Taken off guard internally at him kissing her temple, she let him leave to go back to Nat before looking back at Castiel.

“He's right Cas, you know he's right. I can see the doubt in your mind, it's written all over your face. You wouldn't have made Dean do this because you know it's not just or righteous.” She spoke calmly, stepping up to him a little bit more closely, not taking her eyes off of him.

Then it happened, she heard commotion in the room and her head snapped towards the door. Dean was in trouble, she could feel it in her gut and soul. “Open the damn door!” She barked at Cas, giving him a look that said she ain't playing anymore to make him open it. When the door opened, she stormed in with no real plan. Dean had ruby's knife, she had nothing. She just had to save Dean. Grabbing a crowbar off the ground swiftly, ignoring it was hurting her hand as she smacked it right around Alastair's head, just hard enough to make Alastair drop his eyes from Dean and turn his attention to her. With him now facing her, shebquickly grabbed Ruby's knife and plowed the knife into him, but missed the heart. “shit” she muttered as she took a step or two back, almost tripping over the crowbar she had moments ago dropped.

“Ah my students little lover!” He coyly teased, walking toward her, pulling the knife out of his shoulder and chucking it on the ground. “this'll be fun!” He smirked, Mika keeping her eyes on him to try and predict his next move. “I’m more to him than that” she replied, “I'd say!” He closed the gap, sniffing her, “there's definitely a fire in you, an ancient fire” He grinned, making her shudder at his closeness, understanding why Dean was actually scared of this guy. Without a second to open her mouth to retort back to her, he balled his fist and threw a punch, making her stagger backward as her head snapped sideways before she regained her balance and punched him back with all her might. She had to fight long enough for one of the others to get Dean out of here. “get Dean out of here!!” She barked out, hoping someone would hear her as she held her own as long as possible until she could no more.

Alastair grabbed her by the collars of her vest top, lifted her off the ground so she couldn't get a footing and slammed her against a pillar. She gasped as she felt the wind completely get knocked out of her lungs, and felt some kind of shank go through her spine. With a flick of his wrist, the chains that previously held him down now flew across the ground, up the pillar, over a pipe, back down and round her neck. Her skin burning hot as the iron coated chains touched her skin. She felt her feet lift up off the ground higher as the chains pulled her up, ripping the shank that was in her back out again, nothing below her to grab onto, the soles of her boots just sliding off the pillar as she felt herself being hung, the pillar scraping up her back as a guide for the chains, blood marking her trail upwards. Her eyes wide and full of fear. “now you stay right there for teacher. Class will be in session soon” Alastair coyly instructed, finger waving at her, going to turn back to focus on whoever else would be stupid enough to follow Mika inside the room, when Sam barrelling in eerily calm, arm reached out.

“Let them go and why are the demons killing Angels?!” He demanded to know answers, Mika watching as she scrambled trying to break free but each time she did, it just got tighter around her neck, and the less she was beginning to be able to move the lower half of her body. Her fingers unable to get under the chain to try and make some breathing space.This was it...this was truly her time to die after surviving an attack she shouldn't have years ago. Her extended time was done, game over. Tears welled up in her eyes as the realization hit her heart as well as her mind. She could barely struggle anymore, her flailing getting slower. Her vision blurred, voices becoming nothing but an echo and she couldn't even see where Dean was to say goodbye. She just hoped the others would look after him when she was gone, and look after Bobby. Oh god, Bobby. She couldn't say goodbye to Bobby, her Uncle, pseudo father, the man who basically raised her all through her teen years. Tears began to fall down her face.

“Dean…” she choked out, barely loud enough to even be considered a whisper. She didn't want to die like this, not here, not now. “Dean!!” She could have sworn she heard someone shouting at him, was that Natalia? Cason? Anna? Sam? She couldn't make it out. It could have even been Esme or Duke for all she knew, but their voices just all blurred into one sound. A voice seemed to scream again, but it was no good, she couldn't hold her eyes open any longer as she felt the last breath escape her lips, her head dropping down, her arms limp by her side, eyes closing. She was gone…..and she never got to say goodbye to any of them. She just wanted to see Dean one last time, die in his arms and not hanging like some demon trophy. She didn't even know if they got to Dean and got him off the floor, she didn't know if they killed Alastair or at the very least sent him back to Hell. She just wanted Dean….to feel his arms around her. To tell her it's going to be all okay and she isn't dying or dead.


Sam kept driving to the address that was on the post it note Cason gave him. Like Duke in his truck, he knew of the address, or at least the area of the address. The fact it was bare there, he knew why Uriel and Castiel chose that area of all places to hold Alastair. No humans could just stumble upon what they were doing and think they were all psychopathic humans just torturing someone. Though that didn't mean he particularly liked it. It meant he would have to be careful when he got there, making sure he did all he could to not get spotted and aware that Duke and Esme had a good head start on him. “Anna please be okay…” he kept muttering to himself to get himself through the drive. His hands were shaking from the demon blood coursing through him as he gripped the wheel tightly to lessen the shakes. He couldn't bear the thought of Uriel hurting Anna in any way and if he did, Sam was determined to kill the angel himself with his bare hands if he had to.


At the location, he saw Duke's truck but not either Esme or Duke. “Dammit Duke!” He hissed, knowing Duke was no doubt just going in with no real plan. Turning the engine off, taking the keys out of the ignition, he opened the door and got out after pulling up behind Duke's truck. Normally he would have gone to the trunk and grabbed some weapons but he didn't see the point now, he was the only weapon he needed. Slapping the roof of Mika's car for good luck, he headed inside, hoping he would spot Duke and Esme at some point. He walked through the grounds, finding a way inside and sneaking around. It was then he found the hallway he needed with the room in question ahead of him.

Storming ahead, he noticed the carnage around everyone, but he didn't let himself focus on it, deciding to solely focus on Alastair in front of him as he lifted his hand and focused on slamming Alastair against the wall and pinning him there. “Let them go and who’s murdering angels? How are they doing it?” He demanded, keeping his focus. “You think I'm going to tell you?” Alastair choked out, “yeah I do” Sam replied with a twist of his hand and making Alastair's eyes roll back to the whites.

“It's not us! We're not doing it” Alastair told him. “I don’t believe you”

“Lilith isn't behind this, she wouldn't kill seven angels. She'd kill a hundred, a thousand!”

Sam paused what he was doing as his nose began to bleed a little bit, which made Alastair sneer. “Oh go ahead, send me back. If you can!” He smirked in a slight sing-song tone. “I'm stronger than that. Now I can kill” Sam replied matter of factly, holding his hand right out, focusing and pulling Alastair out of the body with a golden flickering and crackling. Alastair starts screaming before he falls silent and his body falls to the ground dead.

Sat next to Dean, Lexi was reading another book in the hopes that it would give her more information that she didn't already know of. The library's collection was impressive and it was clear that the old Men of Letters were extremely thorough in their own research of pretty much anything that went bump in the night and day. As Cason appeared out of nowhere, she flinched ever so slightly and noticed how even Dean went into protective mode before seeing who it was, to which they both relaxed again. She saw how seemingly proud of himself Cason was and she couldn't work out if it was because he made them both jump or because he actually found something useful on his little sluth adventure. Or maybe it was a bit of both, Cason at the moment was a little hard to read but something told her if she was around him long enough, she'd be able to read him well enough to get by and not be as phased by his stints like this. It still amazed her that the youngest Winchester was dating him.

Listening to the boys exchange words, taking on board what Cason was saying. ‘So he actually knows this demon in question…interesting’ she couldn't help but think to herself. She agreed with Dean that they should probably just head out and get it done the moment the others got back, the sooner they could get Anya out of her desk the better in her eyes. She hoped Anya was alright outside with Natalia and that Anya felt she had actually learned something useful as now that she too saw it was getting dark out, she realized how long the girls had been out.

At the mention of Sam and Anna, Lexi decided she was most definitely staying out of that conversation, as like Dean, she too heard all kinds of noises coming from Anna's old bedroom and she did not want to get involved. Even after being warned by Dean hours ago about Sam and Anna, she still didn't want to be involved as she didn't want to think about all the possible ways Anya could react to it if she finds out. Seeing Cason pull a knife out of his boot, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at how comfortably he was making himself. It was bad enough that every part of her wanted to knock his boots off the table, but she didn't know him well enough to feel comfortable in doing it. Turning her attention back to Dean as he looked at her and spoke to her, she gave a nod and smirk back. “Always prepared for a late night hunt. Other than a jacket, I'm all good to go when everyone is here” she replied.


Laying in Anna's bed the way they were brought back so many happier times that he could almost have fooled himself things hadn't changed between them, but truth was they had. Like Anna, there was that painful feeling in the pit of his stomach knowing this had to be the last time they did this. Despite having said that plenty of times before, he knew this really did have to be the last. He turned his head to look at her as she moved to look down at him, a hand lifting up to hold hers in place on his face before it lowered again at the mention of Anya. There may not have been malice or judgment from Anna when she asked about Anya, but he still felt incredibly guilty that Anna felt she had to mention Anya, and felt guilty towards Anya for having slept with Anna behind her back. Hlat first, he didn't know how to answer the question as he didn't want to hurt Anna, but the truth was he was close to Anya.

They had gotten naturally close so effortlessly that it felt normal. He soon gave a nod as Anna twirled some of his hair in her fingers. “Yeah…yeah I am” he finally said, looking at her with apologetic eyes. He never imagined he would get close to anyone other than Anna, but then Anya came into his life and she felt like a breath of fresh air, a second chance to not screw up. He wanted to do right by someone and not let them down like he let down Anna so horrifically. He didn't know how Anna was going to react to his admittance that he was close to someone else after all this time and that he wanted to be close with someone else, so when she simply said that they have to help her, he looked partially surprised but grateful.

He returned the kiss that she gave him, this time feeling like it was a kiss of closure and goodbye in a way. That Anna was accepting in letting go and starting anew just like he wanted for her. Pulling away from the kiss, he nuzzled her nose back before letting her scoot to the end of the bed and sit up to get dressed once more. Doing the same, he leaned down and grabbed his clothes, chucking them on the bed beside him and, item by item, got dressed once more. He glanced at her as she did him and nodded. “I know…and there will always be a part of me that will love you. That'll never change.” He admitted to her as he pushed his legs through his jeans, doing them up. He didn't know if telling her that was a good idea but he had to get it off his chest. She had to know there would always be a part of him that would still love her, even if that love had changed ever so slightly. They had too much history that would mean that love couldn't ever be fully erased.

At her next words, he couldn't help but smile softly. “I'll make sure to remember that in the future.” He replied, picking up his flannel shirt and slipping his arms through it.

He waited a few moments for Anna to go back to everyone first before he walked to the war room himself, seeing that Anya and Natalia had made it back from his distance. Glancing down, he saw he had buttoned his flannel shirt up crookedly, so he undid the couple of buttons and redid them correctly only to have Nat give him a look that he knew all too well. He just gave her a sheepish look and turned his face away from her, knowing if he kept eye contact with her long enough, she'd insist on pulling him to one side and giving him a lecture. He had hoped that he could have fixed his shirt and made it in before anyone noticed him, but it seemed that wasn't to be. “I'm here” he said back to Cason as he showed himself to the rest of the group.


The moment Anya mastered the throwing knives techniques, Natalia felt incredibly proud of her. She even got the knives quite close together which was even more impressive for a newbie. She clapped out of joy and pride before she too noticed that the sun was setting and it was probably time to head back in, before someone sent out a search party for them both. Probably Dean or Cason, she figured. At Anya's suggestion of also heading back, she gave a nod and smile, “I was just thinking the same thing. Or we'll have one of them searching for us.” She chuckled back as she let Anya pull the knives out of the tree trunk and handing them to her. Taking the knives from her, she stashed them away safely with Anya's help and headed back to the bunker the same way they walked over earlier on in the day.

She stopped off at her car to put her supplies back in the trunk, letting Anya continue forward before she jogged over to catch up and headed inside behind Anya. She noticed the looks and basic signs that Dean and Anya exchanged, wondering when Dean suddenly learned a little ASL. As she descended the stairs behind Anya, she saw how Anna was when she entered the war room and Nat couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. She had an unsettling feeling that the dam broke once again between Anna and Sam and she really hoped she was wrong, but from the distance she saw Sam finally start to make an appearance and from the way he was sorting his shirt out, she wasn't wrong about her guess. The moment Sam caught her eye, she gave him her signature disappointed and annoyed look, which he looked away from swiftly. Pretending she didn't just see Sam, she walked over to everyone else, forcefully pulling Cason's legs off the table so she could perch on his lap. Exactly where she preferred to sit even if there was a spare chair next to him.

As Cason and Anya kept signing to each other, Sam finally entered the room with the declaration that he was here. “Better late than never, idiot” she smirked.

Judging by the sad nod that Dean gave her in response to her opinions on this case, Lexi guessed he had wished she had a more hopeful reaction or opinion. Yet she didn't and she never saw a point in lying or giving false hope if she truly didn't see it. Unknowingly that was the biggest difference between herself and who Mika was. Where Mika would always try to be as hopeful as possible, even if she didn't believe it, she would still try to give that hope to others, whereas Lexi would be real, even if it wasn't positive. The only time she ever faked hopefulness was when Owen was alive and she didn't have a good feeling about certain hunts. She thought numerous times in the past that she wouldn't come back alive, but she somehow managed to every single time. Yet it was the night Owen died, she lost any point to fake hopefulness, a habit she would have to change now she was with Dean.

She listened to what he was saying and she agreed with every word. “I agree, whatever becomes of this hunt, we get Anya out of this deal and we end this demon’s life. Like you say, if she doesn't get her voice back then we'll make it work, we'll be there for her if she needs it and if that means she goes away with Sam for a while? Then we give her that. At least with Sam she'd be safe” she replied as he reached up and cradled her face. An action that seemed to make her naturally tilt her head into his hands more every time. She looked up at him, not letting her eyes stray away from his when he began to speak once more and asked her to be careful. As he leaned down and kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes, taking it in. She listened as he explained how he couldn't lose anymore people to easy hunts, something she understood well. She had teamed up with hunters before and when they died, she went straight back to being a solo hunter until she met Sam. “I will, I swear to you. I will be as careful as you need me to be Dean and I will be coming back with you all” she said to him.

She figured some of his request wasn't just because they had lost people on simple hunts that should have stayed simple, she figured some of it was still his grief at losing Mika during a hunt. Something she was incredibly sympathetic and empathetic to, so if promising him that she would be careful and even better behind him if needs be was the way to go reassuring him, then she would do that. “Together, with the others, we won't let it be one of those hunts.” She said once more, leaning up pressing her lips onto his for a moment before pulling back.


Sam knew he should just pull away, apologize for falling into ways and leave, go find Anya and Nat or do something else entirely but he couldn't do it. All he wanted in this moment was Anna, even if it would mean he'd feel incredibly guilty for it towards Anya. He let Anna push him back as he stepped backwards in tandem with her own steps, pausing at the edge of the bed of hers as she pulled away, causing him to chase her lips momentarily. As her hand trailed up and I to his hair, he remembered how much he missed her doing that, causing him to close his eyes and try not to get emotional at such a simple touch. He reopened his eyes when he felt her fingers brush down and over his lips, seeing her smile once again.

He nodded at her whisper, in this moment believing her when she said it to him. Reality was it wasn't okay, they shouldn't be falling into old habits, but right now he believed it was okay and he refused to believe anything else. He kissed her back, desperate for that familiarity that only her kisses could actually give him. He held her close to him as he deepened the kiss, until his hands could stay in one place no more. Running his hands down and under her shirt, lifting it up and over her head before running his hands back down to her waist, holding her close once more and returning his lips into hers.


Nat didn't know ASL like Cason did, but she took what she signed as a positive, even though she didn't understand it really. She made a mental note to herself to get Cason to teach her some ASL so she could communicate with Anya without the use of a phone. After helping her up, Nat waited before continuing as she saw Anya pull out her phone and begin to type. Listening to the message, she couldn't help but smile and find it interesting that Anya used to be a dancer. That flexibility would most definitely come in handy in this line of work. She listened to the second part of what Anya wanted to say and nodded at her words. “Buying yourself time for backup to get to you is always a must. You're right, demons aren't as easy to kill as humans if you don't get it right straight away. Which is why learning ways to either guarantee a kill or at least slow a demon down is so so important. Obviously, none of us will put you in a position where you're alone, we'll do our hardest to keep you close. But like you say, learn to be prepared for any situation” she explained.

Nat was so proud of Anya for seeing this smartly and not thinking it was all like a video game. If she got killed there was no respawning, Anya didn't have an Angel on her side to bring her back like Dean and Sam had Castiel, and she certainly didn't have a demon boyfriend like Cason on her side. She was ready to ask if Anya was ready to learn how to properly throw a knife, when she noticed Anya typing another message, so she waited and listened when the message was played. The message seemed so important and she couldn't help but look at Anya with sympathy but understanding what she was saying. “That's really vital to know. Thank you for telling me Anya. Also, I'm sorry that happened to your dad. That is really one dirty trick to play, but sadly one I've heard be used before by demons and wendigoes. Not many tricks piss me off more than that one.” She replied.

“but rest assured, you're in the safest hands with my brothers, Cason and me.” She gave her a smile, squatting down to pick up the knives off the ground. “So…how about learning how to properly throw these babies? Wanna see if you'll get them in the tree without bouncing out” she smirked.

Dean's pointing to the holy water on tap, whilst also explaining about it, Lexi has to admit, she was incredibly impressed by the idea. “It is a pretty genius idea, more hunters should have this kind of set up to some degree” she replied, looking at it before he gestured to the clay bottles above the holy water canister. Now she felt like she heard everything, there were ways to trap angels? Lexi was beginning to think she had been hunting old school for far too long, but then again, she hasn't had a reason to be going after angels and learning about how to trap them. She definitely was going to need to up her research if she was going to be learning more things such as this. “Impressive” she replied once more with a smile, seeing how proud he was of what he told her as he pulled out some flasks and salt canisters to fill up with holy water. She continued to look through everything to see if anything else caught her eye on what might be useful to use.

Glancing back at him when he spoke up and mentioned what he thought of Cason's earlier words. Stepping back to him from round the shelving where she was, she thought on it, wanting to give him an honest answer and not just something he'd want to hear. “Honestly? I don't know. I'd like to hope she isn't getting her hopes up in getting her voice, but it's pretty clear how much of an optimistic person she is, so it's really hard to gauge what she expects to get out of this situation” she said as honestly as possible. “I don't want her getting disappointed and hurt if it doesn't go the way she wants, and quite frankly, I really don't think it will. If what Cason says is true, and well, a demon is going to know better than all of us what demons can and can't break deals, then it's not going to be in Anya's favor” she expressed. “I truly hope we're all wrong and some kind of miracle happens for the girl, she certainly deserves it, but I'm not holding my breath on it” she added, looking up at him.

She felt like all they could do is be there for Anya if, and it most certainly wouldn't, go the way she wants, and that Anya won't hold it against them all when it happens.


Sam wasn't expecting some miraculous turn of feelings towards him when he told Anna his honest truth. He was expecting her to really go for him, but she didn't. She just scoffed at him whilst remaining silent for him to just keep talking. He gave her what felt like so many options but none of it was remotely an option, judging by Anna's body language. He was glad that at least she had stopped stepping further away from him and I stayed stepped closer, close enough so he could have grabbed for her hand. He kept a hold of it as she instinctively placed her other hand on his chest. The dam was breaking and they were falling into their old ways, but at least they started the long talk that they had been overdue for for a long time. He gave a soft nod at her words, wondering if it would be truly possible one day for her to come back and nothing would be awkward.

Sam found himself leaning his head down as she leaned upward to meet her half way, and returned the light kiss. Pausing at the realization of what they did, he kept telling himself in his head not to fall into their old ways. Not to cave under the natural draw they had with each other. He may not have been with Anya long, but he didn't want to hurt her. Yet none of this internal screaming at himself to do the right thing and step back, he couldn't listen. He leaned back forward and kissed her with a bit more pressure into the kiss this time. If the dam was to break, and it had, they may as well get it out of their system, or so he thought.


As Anya mimicked what she was doing, Nat felt happy that Anya was seemingly understanding what she was teaching her easily enough. She could see how much more confident Anya felt holding the knife, and how much more secure the knife was in her hand. “Good” she smiled. If Anya kept understanding her instructions this well then it would be a breeze teaching her Nat thought. Nat couldn't help but think Anya had the markings of being a natural hunter, which although her brothers always found sad because they wouldn't recommend this life to anyone, Natalia saw it as a good thing. Even if Anya left the life, or decided she didn't want to be a hunter after all, she'd come out of this with good survival skills and a new knowledge of how to use her muteness to her advantage.

Nat gave her a reassuring smile when Anya initially shook her head, not wanting to come at her with a knife. “It's okay Anya, you won't hurt me I promise.” She spoke to her, having full faith in her own skills as well as Anya. As Anya gave a nod and squared her shoulders up, Nat gave a single nod to show she was ready whenever Anya was. Watching Anya's eyes as they scanned all over her body to find the best area to go for, before she lunged and stopped just in front of the center of her chest. Smirking, she was proud of Anya for going to the correct area on the chest. “Good! You'd be surprised how many people believe the movies and go too far left for the heart.” She complimented and explained to Anya. “I’m glad to see you know better,” she added. “Now, with the knife here, if your opponent stops you before you get the kill, I'm gonna show you a move on how to regain the advantage” she explained. Going step by step, Natalia lifted her hands up, using her own knife to knock Anya's onto the ground, acting like the enemy initially. “Okay, so the enemy has knocked your knife on the ground, this is what you're gonna do” she said, throwing her own knife on the ground for safety, the blade digging into the ground.

She spoke as she moved, making sure Anya could see every single action, swinging her right leg round and behind Anya's legs, she knocked her balance off, so she could grab a hold of Anya, and flip her onto the ground. “You're gonna want to shake your opponent’s balance, get them on the ground close to your weapon for yourself, but not them. With them pinned, grabbed your knife” she grabbed one of the knives and using the handle for safety pretended to stab Anya. “Obviously with the blade, not the handle. I'm showing for safety reasons”. She finished explaining. “So even when it looks bad, there's always an opening to regain control of the situation. It's about looking for that opening and guessing the enemy's next move before they even use it.” She explained as she stood up and held her hand out to help Anya up.

Lexi couldn't help but chuckle when Dean called the angels dicks. She may not have dealt with angels, at least, knowingly, herself but if they were as high and mighty as demons thought of themselves, then she could easily imagine angels being dicks. “Not hard to imagine” she replied, glancing at him as she inspected the blade. It truly was quite the piece of weaponry and she just knew if Owen was still alive, he'd have begged Dean for one to keep in his collection if he ever clapped eyes on it. Glancing up at Dean, she saw how he found her little random tidbit of information intrigued him. As he walked a little closer and took a blade for himself, spinning it on his palm, she couldn't help but smirk at the action. “Oh it does and I can most certainly work with one of these. Won't be my first time working with a blade. I can be quite resourceful when I need to be” she smirked.

She kept ahold of the blade she was admiring but looked at Dean and how he was watching the light reflecting off the blade as he held it up to the light. His next words caught her interest greatly, the idea of just stopping a demon dead with something that wasn't the Colt was quite the thought. It certainly made her like the angel blades more, “huh…well these just got more beautiful by the minute” she smiled, taking another look at the blade in her hand before making herself get back on track to the task at hand. Taking a look around the armory, she tried to decide what else she thought they might need. In theory if it was just a rogue demon, who thought they were higher up the food chain than they actually were, then they should be relatively easy to break into undoing the contract for Anya and giving her voice back. Which in Lexi's eyes meant, not too much fighting. But she also learned over the years not to underestimate a demon. So they truly had to prepare for every single possible outcome.

Sure the angel blades were powerful enough for them all, but could they really rely on solely that? Probably not. “See you got a good stock of holy water in here…might be worth taking that just in case.” She remarked.


Sam was honestly glad that Anna was good. That she has been doing good. It was all he wanted for her. Before he started word vomiting what he wanted to say to her, he gave her a nod to acknowledge her reply. It felt so different this time being so close to her now that he could actually speak to her.

As she replied to his first onslaught of words, he looked up at her sadly as she said nothing had been normal or even stable. It broke his heart to hear that as he had hoped leaving her with Duke and Esme, she would have had a stable life. He expected her to be upset for a while, but still had a stable life. He watched her as she sniffled and began to pace, her actions making him nervous but he knew it was inevitable so he just let her do whatever she needed to to process what he was telling her. When she finally found her voice and words, clearly angry still after all this time he flinched as she told him what Duke did for her, and what she still goes through every single night. Yet the thing that made him hurt the most? Hearing that she saw his face until her very last breath and everything faded to black when she died.

Then she continued on, needing to get a lot off her chest and it was the least he could give her. His heart knotted up even tighter as he listened to her words, listened as she told him how Dean promised to bring her back, that Sam himself would come round, and yet he didn't. He left her with Duke and never looked back. Just walked away, hoped she would move on from him and he got close to Anya. He broke her heart in ways he never thought he could have ever done and it made him feel sick at himself as she really drove that truth home. He stared at the ground until she squatted to gather herself and then stood up again, holding her hand out as she continued to lecture him about everything. He deserved it, he deserves every single bit of pain and anger she threw at him.

“I'm sorry…” he mumbled, forcing himself to look at her. “You're right, it wasn't me. I wasn't myself. Not in the slightest…the trials messed me up so much mentally that looking back, I don't think I even knew who I was or what I should have done” he sighed, trying not to cry himself. He toyed with the idea of standing up from her old bed and walking over to her, but he was honestly scared. As much as he felt she had every right to kick him out of the room, shout and hit him, he was scared of those actions. In the end he decided to face that possibility and stood up, stepping in front of her. “Look at me…please” he asked of her. “I know there's not much I can say to make any of this better. If hitting me will help, hit me. If screaming at me will help, scream at me…if telling me to leave will help? Tell me to leave” he said, the tears he tried to fight away, now spilling over and down his cheeks. “I don't know what to do to make any of this better” he added, reaching out and taking her hand without even thinking.


Natalia was glad that Anya didn't ask anymore questions about her family story, she felt like she had said enough. She was glad though that Anya was willing to move the conversation along and agree to being her mole in the bunker, smirking when she said about asking her own questions about Sam. “I’m sure I can accommodate that request. I can answer to the best of my ability” she agreed. She wasn't sure what Anya would want to know about Sam, but if it didn't delve too much into his history with Anna, Nat didn't see a problem in letting Anya know a few things. The last thing she would want was to scare Anya off so early before she knew how to defend herself. Lexi? Now Lexi she didn't mind scaring off in the slightest, Anya she was liking as a person.

As she moved the topic along and Anya then said her assumption about using a knife, Nat couldn't help but smirk and chuckle ever so slightly. “I mean…you're not entirely wrong. Yes, this end you use to stab” she said, pointing the blade as she walked over to Anya and handed her the knife, before then pulling out the second knife she brought. “But, you wouldn't have to hope for the best if you know where to stab and you learn how to do that without breaking your own wrist,” she explained. She gestured for Anya to watch her as she showed how to grip the knife at the handle properly, “you need to hold it like this or you run the risk of losing a grip on it” she said to her. Waiting until she was satisfied that Anya had understood what she was saying, she then moved forward with the teachings.

“Okay…so, come at me as if I'm an enemy. Just don't actually make contact with me. Show me where you think would be the take down with a knife” she instructed.

No matter what the motives were for Castiel raising Dean, Mika was still thankful because he literally brought back the light of her life and the one person she saw a reason to live in. It still scared her how badly she fell mentally when he died thanks to Lilith's hounds, how willingly she let grief just rule her life and body for those four months he was gone. Just one of the many reasons she was more determined to be there for Dean and keep him alive. It was partially selfish of her, but she never wanted to feel that lost ever again. She now knew what it must have felt like when Dean thought she was dead as teenagers.

Seeing Cas turn his eyes away from her made her wonder if he was beginning to doubt the legitimacy of this whole plan. Could she really get through to him? Make him begin to think for himself and not blindly follow orders that she had serious doubts about? She didn't know, but not seeing anyone else in the room with them to try, she figured she had to. She listened to his reasoning and she didn't buy a single word that came out of his mouth. It didn't feel like it was just that simple. Especially when he mentioned how he only knew of the orders through what Uriel told him. It all felt too suspicious to her. She watched as he looked up at the ceiling, sensing something new in the building she presumed, or more than likely Uriel's return which meant she didn't have long to try and get through to Castiel. “Cas I get it, you wanna be a good soldier but can you seriously stand there and believe what Uriel has been instructing sounds remotely believable or normal of your superiors? It's so clear to me he's going rouge on this” she practically pleaded in her frustrated state of mind.

“As for if Sam is here? How am I meant to know Cas? We got no cell service down here and I'm actually keeping up my end of the bargain of not telling anyone where we are” she replied, with a sigh.

When Cason showed up a few minutes later, she wondered initially who Castiel was talking to, until Cason showed his face. She gave him a questioning look, wondering why he was here, only to have her silent question answered as he said to Castiel that he was there for him.


Cason reminding her that even on death's door, he still found his way back to her and saved her life single handedly, made Nat nod once more. He was right, and she had trust in him; he'd come back unscathed. At his words saying her staying back was the best help she could provide in keeping him alive, she gave him a small smile. “I'll stay here, for you” she replied as Sam's entrance just completely drowned out her words back to Cason. Sam's words made her go wide eyed, in disbelief that angels would burst into their motel room and kidnap Anna when they wanted Dean so much. None of this made any sense to her whatsoever.

She watched as Cason pulled away from her, her hands reaching out to try and stop him going towards Sam, but he slipped through her fingers. She didn't know what to do as she watched Cason push Sam and scream at him for letting angels take Anna. Yet it was the accusations of Sam being high on demon blood that shocked her the most. “Sam…no” she sighed, raising a hand up to her mouth. She didn't speak loud enough for anyone to really hear her, she couldn't even walk over and stop Cason from being aggressive with Sam, she was just too stunned to stop her two favorite people from going at each other verbally. Anna being hopped up on demon blood she always expected, but she didn't expect it from Sam. How could he keep such a big thing from her like this?! It felt like such a betrayal. If Sam had ANY kind of responsibility in Cason possibly dying as he said, she didn't think she could ever forgive Sam.

As Cason walked away from Sam, she looked at Sam with contempt and confusion in her eyes. She didn't know how to react to his current state of what he just declared to the room, whilst Duke and Esme had made a quick exit to the RV. “How could you Sam?” She asked him, eerily calmly, but she just watched him look away.


As Duke and Esme headed out, Sam stepped aside for them to leave, giving Esme a nod to acknowledge what she had said to him. “We have to” he simply said back as she left the room, only to have his focus rapidly go to the one person he was actually dreading seeing and hearing the news…

Cason storming over to him and shoving him was no surprise. He knew Cason would be angry at him when he said what happened, so he just took it. “It wasn't our plan okay? We didn't want to do it!” He replied to Cason about the demon blood consumption. “We couldn't get rid of Ruby no matter how hard I tried…she was forced feeding Anna and would have kept going if I didn't drink her blood, I had no choice” he explained. “Then this angel showed up after Nat called and before I could even get between him and Anna, she was gone. Said he had to get her away from me…take away my chokehold so not to distract me…” he said, trying to remember everything Uriel told them both. “That's all I remember” he finished, deciding to ignore the comments about being at fault for possibly breaking Nat's heart if Cason dies trying to fix his mess.

As Cason walked away to Bobby's desk, he looked at Natalia with apologetic eyes, but the moment he saw the way she was looking at him, he had to look away when she asked him how he could drink the demon blood. He didn't have answers for her, knowing this was her finding out what had been going on behind her back. That for the first time, he had pulled a Dean level move and kept her in the dark over something. He only looked up again when Cason walked back to him and slammed the post it note on his chest with the address of a warehouse on it. He just nodded at him, taking hold of the note and checked it over. “I'm getting them all back…I swear to you Nat…I'm ending this” he swore to her but Nat could only look away from him. “Get them back and maybe I'll talk to you again” she said coldly, walking away, into the main room and flopping herself down onto the couch, back to Sam. Sam sighed, knowing he deserved the cold shoulder treatment before exiting out the back door and decided to take Mika's impala again as Dean's was still out of action.

Getting in, he started up the engine and began the drive to the warehouse, hoping he would make it in time.
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