Cheyenne smiled as the message came through, a simple tune ringing out from her pocket. Of course, she couldn't answer it from her motorcycle, but she was just under a mile out from Personville. She swerved back and forth slightly as she drove, fatigue almost getting the best of her. But for now, she couldn't waste time. Not when this hunt had such high stakes. As soon as she could see the welcoming sign over the horizon, she pulled over to the side of the road, grimacing as her bike bounced over the buzzer strip.
Stretching out a bit as she dismounted the motorcycle, before pulling out her phone. She quickly read over the message, lingering over the list. She frowned, before deciding to pull out a small piece of paper, upon which the names and professions were quickly scribbled. Upon memorizing the list as well as she could, she snapped the phone in half, stuffing the remnants into the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle. Taking her sweet time, she removed a rather large saddle bag, checking the contents briefly.
Satisfied with her work, Cheyenne removed a bottle of whiskey from the bag, tossing it carelessly onto the road, contents spilling across the pavement. After waiting a brief moment, Cheyenne violently struck the bike with her leg, the light craft tipping over rather easily. She took one last brief look before walking away, headed towards the city. She made some distance before hearing a loud crash behind her. Though she flinched a bit, she showed no other reaction. Surely enough, a vehicle had not noticed the motorcycle until too late, and ended up in an unfortunate wreck. Though the body of the biker wouldn't be found, the spilled beer would be proof enough to the police that this was nothing more than a drinking and driving incident.
Cheyenne took out her list once more, to take a look at the targets, Why waste time, when she could get ahead? That is, assuming no one else had gotten around to killing before her. The list showed a promising candidate- Principal of the high school? Plenty easy to track down, probably easy enough to put a hole through.
Though looking a bit out of place, Cheyenne strutted into the high school as if she belonged. She only hoped that she had made it before the principal could leave. Most of the walk over she had been rehearsing her story over and over. This mark would be easy enough to take out, as long as she played it safe. How embarrassing would it be to fail so quickly, after all. So, when she asked to speak with the principle, and entered that all too sweet smelling office, she had a gentle smile on her face, a rarely seen expression.
"Hello there, is it Joanna? Mind if I take a seat?" She asked, not really waiting for an answer to sit. "Alright, I know that it's late in the school year and all, but my family has only just moved here, and we wanted to see if we could get our sweet boy enrolled. I know, we should've called a lot earlier, but this has all been very sudden, and my sweet Giacomo insisted we wait until our arrival." She said, voice coated with honey. "Now, I'm going to leave you with my husbands number, and he will be in Friday to speak to you about this. Does 6:00 work for you?" Cheyenne asked, talking quickly, so as to not give the principal room to respond. "Anyways, I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I've got to get going. New town, new jobs, you know how it is. Oh by the way, my husband's name is Giacomo Salviati, so you know who to look for. Alright, I'll let you get back to your work now. Buh bye!"
Without another word, Cheyenne left, strutting away with a peppy confidence in her step. Yes, this would go all too well, so long as the name of Salivati went unrecognized. That had been a spotty part of her plan- she knew nothing about the man. Another target, but labeled Las Vegas? Her employer didn't drag her out to the middle of bumfuck nowhere just to send her back out somewhere even further, did he? Still, these thoughts were quickly wiped away by a swig of booze. Now, she could wait.