Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Personville, Montana. Population 21,279. Not much of a town, really. The copper mine was stripped out and abandoned back in the Fifties, the big company lost interest and moved away. Personville died a slow death, up until a couple years ago.

Things started to turn around when Roman Cunningham arrived in town with a great deal of cash and declared that Personville was to be the headquarters of his trucking company. Even though it was the middle of nowhere, the transportation firm started to turn around the local economy. There was work to be had, people were actually coming to Personville instead of leaving it. Everyone seemed satisfied, even as Cunningham Transport bought up more and more property and brought in more and more roughnecks who never seemed to go near a truck. Even though Roman seemed to have way more money than a guy who ran a modest-sized trucking company really should. Even as the mayor and chief of police seemed to have more money than they really should.

The rumors started to flow. Roman Cunningham was really producing enormous quantities of crystal meth and using his trucks to ship it to Boise, Denver, Provo, Billings, Las Vegas, Salt Lake, even Phoenix and Los Angeles. The rumors said he had bribed officials to turn a blind eye, but Montana's state police and the federal government were beginning to investigate. The rumors even said that Las Vegas mafia families were getting jealous of the operation.

For once, the rumors were all true.


Roman Cunningham has built his empire. Millions of illegal dollars are coming in, and he virtually owns Personville- which the locals are starting to call Poisonville. But Roman has made his share of enemies on the way up, and it's time to consolidate.

Somehow, in some way, Roman has gotten the idea that what he needs is a personal hitman, one well-paid permanent employee to handle all of his assassination work. The local criminals are somewhat lacking, so Roman is looking beyond Montana. He has used his criminal contacts to reach out to the top hitmen in numerous American cities, inviting them to come to Poisonville for their chance to get this exclusive position.

Naturally, there is only one available job opening. An interview won't cut it- Roman needs to see these skills displayed with his own eyes. And he might as well get something out of it, right? On arrival, each assassin is given a list of ten of Roman's worst enemies- outspoken citizens, investigative journalists, law enforcement officials, anyone who might jeopardize his position.

They are also given a list of each other assassin.

After all, there's only one opening.

Let the auditions begin.


All rules of RPG apply.

Please behave in a civil and respectful manner. If something bad happens to your character, don't make baseless accusations of a "personal vendetta"- it's all in good fun and part of the story.

While there is no minimum post length, I expect all posts to be legible and of good quality.

I encourage you to PM me with any questions or concerns. Don't worry about annoying me, I'd really rather have any confusions cleared up than have people operating under incorrect assumptions.

Finally, have fun! Cut loose, relax, enjoy yourself!


Chicago- CidTheKid
Rhode Island/ Las Vegas- Emuxe
Los Angeles/ New York- MrDiadact
Cheyenne- Doctor Trapezoid
Silicon Valley- Orchestratic
Pittsburgh- GM control
Buffalo- GM control
Honolulu- GM control
Oklahoma City- GM control


1. Joel Crenshaw, alderman, City of Personville
2. Sigurd Lindquist, editor, Personville Herald
3. Joanna Carver, principal, Personville High School KILLED BY CHEYENNE
4. Elizabeth Nguyen, DEA agent, Denver Field Office
5. Harlan Kohler, rancher and entrepreneur
6. Arkady Gorschibov, teamster. Cunningham Transport
7. Samuel Twentykiller, captain, Montana Highway Patrol
8. James Bachmeier, pastor, Personville Lutheran Church KILLED BY LOS ANGELES
9. Justine Schertheim, blogger and e-journalist
10. Giacomo Salviati, "olive oil salesman", Las Vegas
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This sounds incredibly interesting. I'll make a CS!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CS coming soon. FYI, I'd like to call dibs on Cheyenne.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

hey i really dont have a ton of time so im sorry but i deleted my cs and stuff
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

reserved for portland
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CidTheKid


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Name/ City of Origin: Chicago

Age: 46

Appearance: He is a man in black from head to toe, not too tall, not too wide. Unremarkably average. A perfectly tailored black suit, black tie, black dress shoes, and a fancy black hat, his white shirt being the one exception to his outfit. His eyes are hidden behind a pair of thick sunglasses, his hands are covered by gloves. The only portion of skin he shows is his face, clean-shaven and pale white, with not a single mark on it, except for wrinkles

Weapon/ Method of Choice: He is firstly a saboteur, and only second a fighter. He carries a gun, and a knife, he's practiced with both, but he's nothing special with either of them. He carries his preferred tools in a black, leather briefcase. Wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers and various vials of poison are inside, along with other odds and ends that come in handy. His victims die of accidents and suicides, whether it's simply falling down a flight of stairs, or a freak accident involving a needle, a fridge, and a leaking gas pipe. His weapon of choice is sabotage, his method is turning ordinary things into deathtraps.

Personality: He's a talker, not smooth by any means, but he runs his mouth quite a bit, quite loudly at times. He's hardly a subtle man. He's also quite the compulsive liar, who'll tell a dozen stories about him, half of which are obviously apocryphal. Like the time he went to the dark side of the moon. He enjoys his rhythm and blues. He'll make everyone else enjoy it as well, whenever he gets the chance. He's cautious, watching every step, questioning every detail around him. Which is only natural, considering his experience and his methods, though at times it crosses into the range of paranoia.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name / City of Origin:
Rhode (Island)


Weapon/ Method of Choice:
She will more often then not lure her victims in with the premise of giving them a "free massage," though the massage is less than pleasurable. She'll give a harsh massage before "deciding" that acupuncture may be best to calm her clients' muscles. But what they didn't know that the needles she uses aren't ordinary needles - but they are in fact poisoned with Aconite (Wolfsbane). She has a small stash of Aconite leaves with her at all time, and in order to discreetly poison the needles before use, she has a bottle of "water" (which is actually a poisonous extract from the Aconite leaves) which she cleans the needles from (pouring it into a small tub). About to two hours after the massage, her victim is found dead, having died from "natural causes" (they can only die by cardiac arrest or asphyxia). Also from this extract, Rhode can poison any liquid with it remaining untraceable and undetectable, in the case that a target will not come into her trap.

While she goes under the guise of being charismatic and charming, Rhode is really a dark woman at heart. She holds no remorse for her actions, only seeing them as "another job." Over the years, she has become a fair actor (making it seem like she actually cares for people, when she really just keeps them around if she finds them useful), pretending that she is genuinely surprised or hurt by the actions or circumstances of others (especially her victims' deaths). Rhode is usually seen with something in her mouth - a pen, an unlit cigarette, anything really. This can be considered as an old habit that had never died down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name/ City of Origin: Los Angeles

Age: 28

Appearance: LA is a man of average height, around 5 feet and 10 inches. He is of Hispanic extraction with tanned brown skin, brown eyes, and a completely shaved head. He is clean shaven as well and sports the muscled frame of an athlete with a variety of tattoos on his back and chest but none where they can be seen by a casual eye. They include a cross over his heart, a skull pierced by a knife on his back, and a hawk on his shoulder. He is fond of wearing suits with a pair of shades but when he's "working" he sticks to no nonsense jeans, stee-toed boots, gloves, and compression shirt. For the most dangerous assignments he'll substitute the jeans for dark fatigues and slip a balaclava over his face. He is not exactly handsome but the scars running over one eye, across his lips, and down his cheek add in a certain dangerous allure to his already hard-edged features.

Weapon/ Method of Choice: Los Angeles isn't a saboteur, a sniper, a poisoner, or a bomber. He kills up close and personal. His attacks are quick, brutal, and he shows no mercy in combat. He is a skilled martial artist who knows no honor and will result to any means to win and opts for ruthless efficiency rather than pointless flair. He likes to wield a pair of combat knives but he keeps a variety of blades on his person all hidden. He always goes for the quick and brutal kill and never leaves it to chance, able to fill someone with ten holes before they can form a sentence. He prefers to make his kill after the proper amount of preparation and away from prying eyes but he is willing to turn to violence at a moment's notice. Even without knives his body is a dangerous weapon, and he kills with as much ruthless and brutal lethality when unarmed. He prefers not to use guns but in short to mid ranges he is adept with a pistol.

Personality: Los Angeles is a mostly no-nonsense person. He talks as little as possible when on the job and always listens more than speaks. He is quiet and reserved but will try to find as much information as he can from any given situation whether through observation or even some conversation. He takes in every detail and prefers caution but is willing to act on impulse if the situation calls for it. His brutish appearance hides a sharp intellect though his cold eyes perfectly convey his ruthlessness. He is however a professional and is never cruel, only going as far as the job demands and no more. He is quick on the uptake and adaptable, thinking on his feet. And with all of his efficiency he carries a reserved but dark sense of humor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago



Cheyenne, all in all, would be described by most as 'beautiful, if she cleaned up a bit.' Her face is nicely proportioned, just a bit chubbier than most. Her forehead bears a small scar, little more than a nick, but most definitely noticeable. Her eyes bear a dull hazel color, nothing spectacular. Her red hair is often pulled back in a messy ponytail, bedraggled strands sticking out here and there. Her face is, more often than not, covered in stains and smudges of grease and oil. Rather large ears frame her face, accompanied by a plethora of wrinkles. Despite this overall innocent look, she almost always has an angry scowl marring her features. Her body is lithe, and built small. She is most commonly seen wearing a plaid button up shirt beneath a brown leather jacket. The shirt is tucked into a simple pair of old worn-out jeans, tattered from overuse. Not one for pageantry, she doesn't wear make-up or accessories, save for a bandana around her neck.

Though generally not the sneaky type, Cheyenne prefers to not have to wash blood out of her clothes. As such, she keeps distance from her targets, putting holes in them from a distance. She is a crack shot with her rifle, almost always able to put a hole through their head, not that she needs to. She wields a Winchester Model 70 rifle, most often loaded with .416 Remington Magnum rounds. This rifle, intended for dangerous game, is lethal with just about any shot she makes.

Though she primarily relies on her rifle for combat, she does carry a bowie knife hidden in her right boot. Though she is in no way proficient with knife-fighting, (rather terrible at it, in fact) it gives her a bit of an edge when things get close.

One word that would never describe Cheyenne is 'subtle'. Brash and rude in conversations, she tends to offend just about everyone she meets. One word that would describe her is 'alcoholic'. Never seen without a bottle of whiskey within five feet, the hard drink fuels her abrasive nature. She tends to have a soft spot for children and animals, but that rarely comes up in her occupation. Though not mute or antisocial, she isn't one for talking. She isn't very professional, often sloppy with her job, though she is known for getting it done quicker than most others. Though she takes quite awhile to warm up to people, she is certainly quicker to make a bond over a bottle of whiskey.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, let me go through one at a time.

CidtheKid- Chicago looks great. He'll have to be careful setting things up , but seems like he carries much less risk of getting found out. Looking forward to seeing the stuff you come up with!

Emuxe- I am a fan, definitely accepted. Very elaborate method (and very safe for you), though I'm worried that its specificity might cause you problems. It's funny you should mention Rhode Island, I remember reading something about how gangsters from Boston and New York would go to Providence either to relax or have a meeting on neutral ground. Not to mention they have a powerful Mafia family there as well. Guess that means business for her.

MrDiadact- The direct approach. I'll have to come up with a couple NPCs for you to have an awesome hand-to-hand fight with. Accepted, of course.

Doc- Cheyenne looks good. A sniper might have an edge over the other assassins I'm seeing. Accepted, unless you put something batshit insane in the personality part, but I've RPed with you enough times to know you're not going to do that.

So far I'm impressed guys, though it's a little odd only one person shoots people with a gun. Looking forward to seeing Milwaukee and Portland, as well as whoever else wants to throw in!

A couple other notes, by the way: I'm alright with people bringing out a second character if their first gets killed, I hope that softens the idea of losing a character some.

I'll also be making a few NPC assassins for y'all to compete with, so watch for that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, Cheyenne is as done as she's going to get. Sorry for the lackluster personality, I prefer to develop it as the RP goes on.
Also, since 'm probably going to I will die, mind if I start working on Seattle, and just throw him/her on a backburner, for when that happens?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sounds good to me!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, the other version of Rhode was going to be worse. She would've been an erotic masseuse (cause there used to be LOTS in Rhode Island before it became outlawed.) You could probably guess how she'd kill them. Gruesome.

If she had to, like if her targets wouldn't come with her, she could use her poison needles as poison darts. Yay poisons expert.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, if she still wants to break necks with her thighs, that'd probably work too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Not the worse way to go.

LA uses guns sometimes :P

Might make New York.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She'll do it to one one of you fellas. :P I should edit her killing way. Make her full on poisons expert. She can poison anythiiing. Some people say she once poisoned a whole party to kill one man. But they could never prove that she did anything cause there was no trace of poison in the wine. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You know what? Im gonna make Vegas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CidTheKid


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Oh boy. Poisons vs Deathtraps. That'll be fun.

Well, I suppose I'll call Roswell as a backup.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name / City of Origin: Vegas

Age: 37

Master of disguise, Vegas' appearance changes daily: One day she can be a young Japanese woman, and another she can be a dowy old Caucasian lady. There is one factor that shows that it's really Vegas - her split pupil in her right eye. No contact lens can hide this, not very well at least. Her height is pretty average, so all her personas can easily disappear into a crowd.

Weapon / Method of Choice: Vegas likes to take advantage of the human body and how fragile it can be. All her kills make it appear that her target had died from chronic kidney failure - when it was really her that planted the evidence. Vegas will kill behind closed doors, even if people are in the very next room and will follow these steps to kill:
Step one: Knock the target out (try not to leave any signs of trauma).
Step two: Puncture (small) hole in target's larynx to initiate blood gurgling.
Step three: Cauterize target's nose to make it bleed.
Step four: Act as if target had suffered from organ failure (act shocked and terrified).

Being a thespian, Vegas' outward personality changes with each day's character. Though this can also be related to the escapism in her mind that she has been acting on for years. Her outward personality differs from most of her outward ones, insides she's really just a regular woman, with the same wants and fears. Vegas just does what she does for the pay - not for the thrill, not for the infamy, but to... Provide.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name/ City of Origin: New York

Age: 30

Weapon/ Method of Choice: Where other assassins are a scalpel, and others are a hammer, New York is a little bit of both. He forgoes the subtleties of poisonings, back alley stabbings, or sniping, but is also adverse to inefficient drive by shootings and car bombings. New York uses overwhelming firepower in a concentrated manner. He'll meticulously plan out every detail down to the finest point before he strikes. And when he does he hits hard, fast, and mercilessly. New York has access to military grade equipment such as a full-on assault rifle, body armor, a variety of explosives, and more.

He'll do everything he can to prepare the ground in his favor and sabotage the target before he goes in with bullets flying. He is a deadly and accurate marksman with his assault rifle at medium ranges and is practically a whole fireteam composed into one man. He is not a master of any discipline but combined planning, quick thinking, efficiency, and brutality into a force to be reckoned with. With the proper equipment and planning he is as devastating to any target and their holdings as an airstrike and more surgical.

Personality: New York is a professional cool, calm, and collected at almost all times. He always keeps an eye out and never takes anything for granted, being paranoid even for a mercenary. He sees everything as a job and doesn't like to get personal but his anger is something to behold. New York never doesn't pull his punches when it comes to his targets but always tries to minimize collateral damage out of practicality. Out of any other assassin he has a very rare hint of a trace of something approaching morality or honor but shouldn't be mistaken for a lightweight. His determination is indescribable and he won't stop until the job is done. To him nothing feels quite the same as being in the line of fire and he is a monster in combat.

Because subtlety is for wusses
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